09/09/2014 03:11 AM (UTC)
I think Shinnok is going to be the main villain of the first act of Story Mode... whatever comes next is beyond me. But I don't think Shinnok will be the main villain all the way through.
09/09/2014 03:58 AM (UTC)
CassiesPatentedNutBuster Wrote:
I'd be dumb to not have him IN SOME WAY after MK9's ending.

This. If Shinnok isn't in that will be a pretty dumb move by NRS. That being said, I do love Shinnok. He's such a badass character, and if he isn't in I will be pretty disappointed.
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09/09/2014 04:01 AM (UTC)
Icebaby Wrote:
The problem with Shinnok is that we have Kotal Khan taking control of Outworld, and we are going to see the rise and his fall. So, where is Shinnok to play in this? Is it mostly that Quan Chi and Shinnok are going to somewhat team up with Kotal and whatever army he packs and try to fend off Earthrealm?

I also did state this that, despite that it's not a credible source, IMDB did say that the plot of this game was that Outworld AND Netherrealm are going after Earthrealm. So it could be a joint thing. But I don't necessarily see Shinnok be apart of this war.

Put him in as a playable character!

Gameplay aside, after MK2011 the NetherRealm forces were at full strength. It was capable of taking on both Outworld and EarthRealm, so I don't see why Shinnok needs Kotal when he already has Quan Chi and his own clone. He said he would be freed soon so why ally with a ravaged Outworld when Shinnok viewed EarthRealm and Raiden's survival as insignificant?

Not all the characters have been revealed yet but Cassie is the only new addition to Raiden's heroes since MK2011 so far. Every other new character comes from Outworld so it is not like EarthRealm is that big of a threat in terms of numbers. I can see Kotal extending a truce to save his own throne but I don't think the fallen elder god or Quan Chi would accept it.
09/09/2014 05:29 AM (UTC)
I think Shinnok will be present in story mode one way or the other. I am not sure will he become playable character (it would have been awesome) or not. As long as his absence or little presence is justified I am OK with this.
09/09/2014 05:37 AM (UTC)
he should be in and playable. because of one huge reason: we have so many physical fighters and he would be at least one with magical powers.
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09/09/2014 04:06 PM (UTC)
I've always been baffled by the paradoxical concept of Shinnok: he is apparently one of the most essential if not the most essential villain storywise (the very first, original agressor in the history of universe, as well as belonging to the most powerful race of creatures (an Elder God)), yet also one of the least promoted, used and favorised MK bosses, as well as characters in general. I never dug his MK4 appearance (even though I found his 'Shang Tsung-esque' impersonation ability amusing to perform), but I've still hoped he would one day receive the upgrade he deserves.

I think I would like a more brutal and dark version of MKA Shinnok. His design there was close to the genuine "boss" adaptation, but the lack of gory moves/ throws and unique fatalities made him the same mediocre quasi-villain he was in MK4. Now should be his chance to redeem.
09/09/2014 04:54 PM (UTC)
shaggysorceror Wrote:
I've always been baffled by the paradoxical concept of Shinnok: he is apparently one of the most essential if not the most essential villain storywise (the very first, original agressor in the history of universe, as well as belonging to the most powerful race of creatures (an Elder God)), yet also one of the least promoted, used and favorised MK bosses, as well as characters in general. I never dug his MK4 appearance (even though I found his 'Shang Tsung-esque' impersonation ability amusing to perform), but I've still hoped he would one day receive the upgrade he deserves.

I think I would like a more brutal and dark version of MKA Shinnok. His design there was close to the genuine "boss" adaptation, but the lack of gory moves/ throws and unique fatalities made him the same mediocre quasi-villain he was in MK4. Now should be his chance to redeem.


I think NRS can overhaul Shinnok to be extremely dark and sinister in MKX.. Judging by what we have seen so far.
09/10/2014 05:08 PM (UTC)
Shinnok is a MUST
He is evil, has a kool design, plays important role in the story..
HUGE mistake if the NRS team don't add him as a PLAYABLE character.
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09/10/2014 05:46 PM (UTC)
DigitalAssassin Wrote:
Shinnok! Is MKM: Sub-Zero still canon?

Yes, Raiden mentioned what SubZ (Bi-Han) did after Scorpion killed him.

I don't know why anyone would assume Shinnok & Netherrealm would team up with Kotal & Outworld. I thinnk the descrip meant both realms would be going after Earth, but not necessarily team up to do so.

Annyway, Shinnok wit MKA style powers is a must. Playable bosses FTW!
09/10/2014 08:56 PM (UTC)
Shinnok is one of my favourite characters, and has a lot of untapped potential.

I do hope that if they bring him in, they somewhat restore the arrogant and booming tone of his voice from MK4 but with a better voice actor. I doubt they will, but I found that more appropriate for a fallen Elder God who sets himself as being above the other Gods while being confined to a realm beneath them all. The decrepit, blatantly evil voice makes him sound like a typical aged villain.

I agree they should also take a few design cues from the boss battle in MKM: Sub-Zero. He should have a demonic form to reveal the true depths of his corruption and affiliation to the Netherrealm.
He should be a less physical combatant - perhaps one of his variations can consist of the use of his staff and some more hand-to-hand moves - with most of his moves consisting of using his powers to keep opponents at a distance. An Elder God shouldn't be required to close distance to hurt someone - he should be able to remain a safe distance away while summoning skeletal hands from the Netherrealm to throw, hold, and brutalize his opponent.

He should primarily serve as a boss character for this reason, though I think he could be interesting to play, as your primary movement is centered at keeping your opponent from being able to close in on you. A return of the massive demonic form would be quite awesome for a boss fight, too.
09/12/2014 12:07 AM (UTC)

Shinnok is awesome I have always liked him. He's a good villain, I mean he's the ruler of the Netherrealm, and he looks badass. I would like to see him with a robe costume. Shinnok needs a big robe. For some reason the wizard from Conan the Destroyer pops in my head whenever I think of Shinnok. The wizard that Conan fights in the room with all the mirrors.

As far as Shinnok in MKX, I could go either way. If he is in the game his appearance should be meaningful, playable or unplayable.

I would kinda like the idea of Shinnok's cameo in the last game being a little joke or an homage from NRS. I always kinda get that feeling when I watch the ending of MK2011. In which case, I would not mind Shinnok's absence from this game. He does potentially have a couple or a few of the important members of the cast working for him now though. I think NRS knows how pissed the fans would be if they don't get closure for that situation. Unless NRS is saving that for the next game, who the fuck knows?

09/12/2014 12:19 AM (UTC)
After reading a lot of your posts, as much as I like seeing your reasons, I dunno, I still feel that he's going to be more saved for the next game. But I'm sure he'll have appearances in this.

I really hope that they play his demonic stuff for the next game. Have this game just build and build and build. I mean, he's a fallen god, I never got the impression of him being such a threat when he debuted, despite that the way he's portrayed, he should be. I mean, you go from this guy who managed to invade an entire realm to two sorcerers managing to find a way to control an ancient army.

Didn't really feel like I was supposed to be intimidated by this threat.

So, I hope that they finally build him to be this great threat for the series and not a joke like he was before.
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09/12/2014 01:06 AM (UTC)
Icebaby Wrote:
After reading a lot of your posts, as much as I like seeing your reasons, I dunno, I still feel that he's going to be more saved for the next game. But I'm sure he'll have appearances in this.

I really hope that they play his demonic stuff for the next game. Have this game just build and build and build. I mean, he's a fallen god, I never got the impression of him being such a threat when he debuted, despite that the way he's portrayed, he should be. I mean, you go from this guy who managed to invade an entire realm to two sorcerers managing to find a way to control an ancient army.

Didn't really feel like I was supposed to be intimidated by this threat.

So, I hope that they finally build him to be this great threat for the series and not a joke like he was before.

No offence but reading your posts makes it seem like to me that you do not want Shinnok in the game or as the main threat.

I do not see this game as being about building anything since NRS said they have not thought about the next game, the fact that arguably MK9 was about building up to this point since we by and large knew that MK9 would be retelling MK1, MK2 and MK3. Lastly it would be a major let down if we are still building towards anything considering the ending of MK9 when Shinnok and Quan Chi are priming their plans to take over Outworld and Earthrealm.

The impression I have got from Shinnok is that he is patient and scheming. He likes to plot things from the shadows and let others do his work for him. This goes completely against Shao Kahn and Onaga who are more direct and have more agency. I see similarities in Shinnok and Palpatine from Star Wars.
09/12/2014 01:29 AM (UTC)
xysion Wrote:
No offence but reading your posts makes it seem like to me that you do not want Shinnok in the game or as the main threat

None taken. I don't see him be a playable character, but I do see him be in this game.

I don't see him as a main threat, at least not yet, only because of the whole news about Kotal taking control of Outworld. Until we find out what he's up to and how Shinnok is going to play, my mind really isn't gonna change that he may not be a huge concern until the very end part of this game's story.

xysion Wrote:
I do not see this game as being about building anything since NRS said they have not thought about the next game, the fact that arguably MK9 was about building up to this point since we by and large knew that MK9 would be retelling MK1, MK2 and MK3. Lastly it would be a major let down if we are still building towards anything considering the ending of MK9 when Shinnok and Quan Chi are priming their plans to take over Outworld and Earthrealm.

Granted that they haven't thought about the next game, in fact I clearly remember how Boon said he's a bit scared about continuing after this game because of what's gonna be happening with this game. However, I still see Quan Chi and Shinnok's plan still happening, but I see Quan Chi taking more control of it with Shinnok still holographic and talking through to Quan Chi on what to do next. Shinnok giving more threats to Raiden and such, warning him that something much bigger is going to happen, yadda yadda yadda.

xysion Wrote:
The impression I have got from Shinnok is that he is patient and scheming. He likes to plot things from the shadows and let others do his work for him. This goes completely against Shao Kahn and Onaga who are more direct and have more agency. I see similarities in Shinnok and Palpatine from Star Wars.

That is exactly how I see Shinnok, planning things from the shadows. I feel like this undead army thing is setting up something even more powerful... Heck, even if Kotal is apart of Shinnok's plan, that would be interesting. However, I just really don't see him coming out until the very end.

But of course, this is all speculation. I fully respect those who do want him in this game, and part of me wants him too because I really want this character to have a redemption. I really thought he was a horrible character to be brought into this series, but he was somewhat cool in Mythologies. He was a major letdown, especially after seeing what played next. We go from a fallen god to two sorcerers. What was supposed to come about that? I just hope that they take their time in creating this character to be awesome. That's really why I don't want to see him, even though a little part of me wants to.
09/12/2014 01:34 AM (UTC)
Shinnok's time is now, MKX! He waited to rise again since the ending of MK4, taking that MKA is non-canon of course.
Then at the end of MK9's story mode, Shinnok's mirage is visible talking to Quan Chi.

So look forward to be seeing him in MKX as the main boss around the ending and as a playable character.

All Hail SHINNOK!!! confused
09/12/2014 02:09 AM (UTC)
Shinnok so far was presented as nearly powerless (without amulet) mastermind. It's good change from powerhouses like Shao Kahn and Onaga, but it's hard to properly realize such character as an actual fighter.

If you truly make into powerhouse, he is supposed to be, then how can you make such powerful being into balanced fighter or a vulnerable boss without resorting to the gimmicks like in MKM or in MKD?

I believe, that NRS can do such thing, but I don't see so far how it could be accomplished.

Storywise, I think he can be presented as hologram through most of the story mode.
09/12/2014 04:44 AM (UTC)
Well, we all know now that the events of MK9 altered the MK Universe's history. But back in the old canon when Shinnok revealed himself to the Earth defenders it was during the Netherealm's invasion of Edenia which was pretty much a prologue to the events of MK4.

Remember, after Shao Kahn merged Outworld with Earth and was defeated not only did he lose control over Earth but also the other realms he conquered. In the original storyline that's when Shinnok struck. However, this Kotal Kahn character is a new addition and I feel that if there is a 25 year span his actions will interfere with Shinnok's agenda.

I believe we're not necessarily going to look at characters like D'vorrah or Kotal Kahn necessarily as evil characters, while they most likely are enemies to our favorite Earth warriors, I don't think they would align with the likes of Shinnok.

My prediction is that Shinnok would be considered a main threat in the first act of the new storyline of MKX, and the Earth warriors would unite with Outworld warriors such as Kotal Kahn to take on the same threat of Shinnok and Quan Chi. Raiden needs to live with the repercussions of his time paradoxical actions and these new characters are products of his interference with the future.
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09/13/2014 01:24 AM (UTC)
To me, it wouldn't make sense to tease him and hype him up at the end of MK9 only to make way for yet another one of Quan Chi's schemes.
09/13/2014 01:44 AM (UTC)
Grizzle Wrote:
My prediction is that Shinnok would be considered a main threat in the first act of the new storyline of MKX, and the Earth warriors would unite with Outworld warriors such as Kotal Kahn to take on the same threat of Shinnok and Quan Chi. Raiden needs to live with the repercussions of his time paradoxical actions and these new characters are products of his interference with the future.

It was already mention that Outworld and Netherrealm will be working together to take on Earthrealm.
So, Kotal was ruler of Outworld for a short period of time, then Shinnok emerged and dethroned Kotal to take over as ruler of both, Netherrealm and Outworld. That would lead to the brigade on Earthrealm.
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