Shinnok Or No Shinnok
posted09/13/2014 01:44 AM (UTC)by
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05/27/2008 09:03 PM (UTC)
I have been mentioning this every now and then that the more I think about it, we might not see Shinnok in this game. Hear me out:

At the end of 2011, we see Quan Chi talking to a holographic-like Shinnok. We clearly know that they have big plans to do something destructive here, especially since the heroes of Earthrealm are under their control. (Or more so Quan Chi's.)

The problem with Shinnok is that we have Kotal Khan taking control of Outworld, and we are going to see the rise and his fall. So, where is Shinnok to play in this? Is it mostly that Quan Chi and Shinnok are going to somewhat team up with Kotal and whatever army he packs and try to fend off Earthrealm?

I also did state this that, despite that it's not a credible source, IMDB did say that the plot of this game was that Outworld AND Netherrealm are going after Earthrealm. So it could be a joint thing. But I don't necessarily see Shinnok be apart of this war.

I see more of Quan Chi doing things. Shinnok would obviously still be sending out that little clone of his or whatever and stay behind while he creates something even more deadly than what he and Quan Chi cooped up together. Thus, having Shinnok be the main villain of the next game and could potentially be the threat he was supposed to be. (Because let's be honest, he wasn't really that much of an evil threat in the fourth, seeing how a fallen god just so happened to get defeated so easily.)

I do hope that if Quan Chi does die and this whole suggestion is somewhat true, that Shinnok at least thinks less of Quan Chi, saying stuff like, "He was just a mere pawn in a much bigger plan of mine," or something similar.

So what do you guys think? Do you see Shinnok being in this game? Because as much as I hate to say it, he's not really that much of a fun character, in my opinion that is. So I really don't think he's the "fun" character we're supposed to get as an end boss.

Would you want to see Shinnok come into this game or wait for the next one?
I'd be dumb to not have him IN SOME WAY after MK9's ending.
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09/08/2014 08:53 PM (UTC)
Fully agreed on most parts. Unfortunately, I don't think we'll ever see Shinnok be the big bad again or get the revamp I'd love to see him get. Shinnok could be amazing: if they made Kano from what he was into what he is now, they could make the Space Clown Pope from MK4 awesome.

But for all the reasons you listed, I don't see it. I want Shinnok as a playable boss and I want him to be awesome. I want to love the guy and I want to see him given some fucked up necromancy.

But I think it'll go one of two ways: my old prediction was that Shinnok is the opening act, to facilitate our transition into the new era properly, pay a bit of homage to MK4, let us see Sonya and Cage fall in love and see Cage become a legitimate, serious hero. I'd love it. But, I'm now thinking he gets done by Quan Chi offscreen or worse, just ignored. Putting him off til the next game seems viable, but presumably MK11 won't be til around 2020. They'd have been teasing Shinnok as a big bad for a decade, which just seems absurd.

Plus, I genuinely think NRS and Boon are in a quandry as to where to go from here. I think a lot of the ideas originally meant for post-MKA are being used (Kotal, D'Vorah and the new Sub Zero (convinced he's new) all seem to be perfect in the revamp we were promised all those years ago) in this game and I'm not sure they have a concrete direction for where they want to go after MKX. Which is fine, its the biggest departure from the traditional series we've ever seen, with variations introduced while being balanced for competitive play and the story is FINALLY moving in an original direction, not just a glorified greatest-hits.

I do think we'll get MK11, its a cash cow at this point, but I think Shinnok might be far from NRS' minds. I have no idea what MK11 will be so I'm not sure I can even predict Shinnok to be in.

I still think the boss will be Liu Kang. He betrays Earth in Story, blaming Raiden for Kitana's death (not unjustly) driven mad by seeing Kitana as an undead (setting up Kitana DLC). Boon loved Superman being a playable boss in Injustice and the buffs they gave boss Supes showed it can be done while maintaining a viable boss challenge.

That little smirk when Boon delivers the line "fun returning character" just screams "Legacy Kang" to me.
09/08/2014 08:55 PM (UTC)
He should be in this game confused He is long overdue as a lot of other characters are. He can come in while Kotal is falling and Quan Chi fucks up and dies somehow. Shinnok rises and takes the throne.
09/08/2014 09:14 PM (UTC)
The only way I can see him NOT being in is if he is killed off before story mode begins. And I'd be pretty pissed if they did that.

Otherwise, Shinnok should definitely be in. He is primed to be one of the bad guys for this game. It just makes sense for him to be a part of the roster.
09/08/2014 09:18 PM (UTC)
I'd be so stoked wow if Shinnok is to be on the main roster.
09/08/2014 09:25 PM (UTC)
Well, I certainly hope he makes the cut, and if he does, I'd love if he were like Emperor Palpatine in terms of basic constume design. Like an anti-Raiden.

Will he be in? I think so. Teasing him at the end of MK9 and then not capitalizing on that doesn't make sense. Now, that being said, I could definitely see Shinnok playing a lesser role (maybe in the background) for most of MKX, and then revealing himself near the end.

Or maybe he just cuts a devil-like deal with Kotal and has the outworlder ally his newly acquired empire with the Netherrealm.

Who knows?
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09/08/2014 09:28 PM (UTC)
I think Shinnok is in the game whether he is playable or not, I am not sure. In MK9 it is revealed that it was Shinnok who orchestrated the events of the story so in my opinion should be in the game to attempt to finish what he started. I can not see for any reason why Shinnok would not be in the game. It would be really annoying to see what was hinted in MK9 to be thrown by the wayside.
09/08/2014 09:30 PM (UTC)
I would be very surprised if Shinnok was not play be in this game. I see him as having a large role to play in the direction of mkx.

I really want to see what NRS can do with him on next gen, something that rivals how good raiden looks. I also hope Fujii is in the game too.

Elder gods for dayyyss
09/08/2014 09:33 PM (UTC)
Yeah like him or not, he will be in MKX.
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09/08/2014 09:51 PM (UTC)
Shinnok, please.

I always loved Shinnok from MK4's launch. Loved him in MKA and enjoyed him in MKM.

I'll put it this way. I am almost wanting to main Shinnok on my anticipation alone. If he isn't playable in MKX, I will be crushed. Far more crushed than if Sektor doesn't make it. Yea... That much.

The war with Lucifer, the amulet, being a fallen Elder God and his association with Quan are all things that I feel haven't played out their appeal.

09/08/2014 10:08 PM (UTC)
Really want both Shinnok and Quan Chi.
09/08/2014 10:10 PM (UTC)
I think Shinnok has a TON of potential as far as game play design, look, and even story line go. He just has such a unique, brightly colored evil look to him and not to mention he is a fallen God who's so badass he told the devil to fuck off and now runs shit in hell. He is the recipe for an awesome villain, despite his tiny splash in MK4. And lol @ calling him the "space clown pope" that will be my new name for him.

That said, NRS doesn't at all seem to be going in the direction of giving previous ill received characters bad ass make overs. From what we've seen so far this game is all about new direction with a few classic well known MK characters in tow. I highly, highly doubt they would spend two games to radically build up Shinnok as some mega threat, even though doing so would be awesome. This game has a ton of all new characters effecting the story in all new ways and jumps to 25 years later in the future. Hell we don't even have a stage that relates in any way to the Neatherrealm. They're goin for unknown territory here, not to rehash MK4. Thats the feeling I get at least. Which is lame because I liked the plot of MK4 and think the Earthrealm vs Neatherrealm battle royal that MK9 hinted at would be ballin.

And I've said this before and I'll say it again, but I am worried that the events of MK4 will be a mere footnote in the opening cinematic, similar to MKA's ending being the very beginning of MK9's story mode. Until we get an MK4 or later character released this is my dreaded nervous fanboy fear. Shinnok and even Quan Chi are just showed via story mode and not playable, while other lesser known MK4 or later characters get Motaro level cameos at best. At least thats the worst case scenario. Best case scenario is Kotal Kahn's rise and fall happen BEFORE Shinnok's invasion, giving more focus to Shinnok's stuff. But as OP stated, I really don't understand how Kotal and Shinnok and Quan would fit together. I still don't think Shinnok will be the final boss or anything (I'd much rather him be playable), just really hoping he has a significant role in the game.
09/08/2014 10:26 PM (UTC)
Of course I have a few thoughts being Chi n Shinny are two of my favs.If you ask me,Chi came out on top last game.He took an ass whoppin from Kung Lao,but had everyone's souls and no worse for wear.I don't know what they are cooking up,but I don't think Shinny will ever get over on Chi,he is always one step ahead.I have said Chi needs to die for what he's done,but now I'm having a change of heart right at the moment I started reading this thread.I hope Chi pulls strings the ENTIRE 25,and in the end,WINS THIS MF TOO!!Its hot in the NR,he needs vacation realms,ALL OF THEM.Calling it,Shinny F**** over Kotal,then tries to F***Chi,but gets reamed instead.The bad guys wins MKX too.I don't think this will be a cinematic,I think a lot of MK 4 characters make it in,they will be all throughout the rise and fall of Kotal.All opinions of course.In fact,IF,Chi gets reamed,I don't think it's Scorpion,I think it comes from somewhere he doesn't see coming,maybe Tanya or D'vorah,or one of his new henchmen,and yes,I think he will have one(like he needs anymore I know)
09/08/2014 10:40 PM (UTC)
Of course...maybe as one of the bosses you or the big boss...but yes Shinnok needs to be in the game
09/08/2014 10:43 PM (UTC)
Absolutely Shinnok should be in.

It'd be stupid to have Shinnok as the looming threat in MK9, then not even have him in MKX. Or worse, have him be a footnote in the overall story. Shinnok is long overdue for some shine.

As for that whole Ed Boon quote about the big bad being a fun returning character. I think that can be taken 2 different ways. Fun to play? Fun to see return? And fun to play could vary from person to person. Like I loved playing Shinnok in Armageddon but others didn't.
09/08/2014 10:46 PM (UTC)
SithmasterB Wrote:Shinny F**** over Kotal,then tries to F***Chi,but gets reamed instead.

Hey maybe lets save that for MKXXX


I kid, I kid
09/08/2014 11:10 PM (UTC)
I think he should be in, but not as the big bad boss. He has the history/backstory to be a perfect villain but I have a hard time picturing him being a good final boss in terms of actual gameplay unless they go above and beyond with him, which I would welcome with open arms. IMO he absolutely sucked in MK4, he was better in MKA as a regular playable character. To me he seems like more of the "sit back and pull the strings while these morons slaughter each other" type of character, not really one to directly fight.

I wonder if we will ever see his demon form from Mythologies ever again? confused
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09/08/2014 11:15 PM (UTC)
titanwarrior Wrote:
Really want both Shinnok and Quan Chi.

This guy...this guy wins this thread.
09/09/2014 12:06 AM (UTC)
Well I wonder if this was possible..... we all know that there will be charcters as dlc and since the story will take place 25 years after mk9 while covering everything in between we can expect a long story to be told, well what if NRS decided to release a second part to the story as dlc also so they could include the dlc characters within it and be able to show and explain the shinnok situation... will that be asking for too much or could it work out fine?
09/09/2014 12:47 AM (UTC)
I hope the DLC characters take part in the initial story. No need for a second part story for DLC.

*At the end of MK 2011 story mode, while Shinnok's mirage is talking, he says and I quote " I will be free". Does anyone know what that actually means?
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You work with what you got...not what you hope for.

09/09/2014 01:47 AM (UTC)
DarkenedSoul Wrote:
I hope the DLC characters take part in the initial story. No need for a second part story for DLC.

*At the end of MK 2011 story mode, while Shinnok's mirage is talking, he says and I quote " I will be free". Does anyone know what that actually means?

He's actually bound to the Neatherrealm, which is why Quan Chi is doing a lot of the heavy lifting.
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09/09/2014 01:50 AM (UTC)
I want him in this game and playable more then anyone else. If he was the only one i got to play as I'd be satisfied.
09/09/2014 02:02 AM (UTC)
Shinnok! Is MKM: Sub-Zero still canon? If so, i'd love to see Noob play a major role in this whether he's with or against Shinnok. He did beat him once as the original Sub-Zero, so there's definitely some history there...
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09/09/2014 03:05 AM (UTC)
Icebaby Wrote:
The problem with Shinnok is that we have Kotal Khan taking control of Outworld, and we are going to see the rise and his fall. So, where is Shinnok to play in this? never occur to you that maybe before his rise? During his rise which he beats Shinnok? or Shinnok causing his fall?

Icebaby Wrote:
I also did state this that, despite that it's not a credible source, IMDB did say that the plot of this game was that Outworld AND Netherrealm are going after Earthrealm. So it could be a joint thing. But I don't necessarily see Shinnok be apart of this war.

Quan Chi/ Shinnok = NetherRealm
Kotal Kahn = Outworld.

"W-WAIT A MINUTE!? I want EarthRealm!"
"No I want EarthRealm!"

*war happens*
*Raiden eats popcorn on the side*

Icebaby Wrote:
So what do you guys think? Do you see Shinnok being in this game?

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