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Counting bodies like sheep to the rhythm of a war drum

12/23/2014 03:55 PM (UTC)
I've always been a fan of Sheeva and she is a prime example of a character not getting deserving treatment in terms of almost everything........story, costumes, moveset, ect.

Whoever designed that, it's the best she has ever looked. If she comes back and looks anything remotely close to that, and actually has a purpose, I would be very happy~
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Twilight Muthafuckin' Sparkle

Sig by TheCypher
12/24/2014 06:50 PM (UTC)
OttoVonRuthless Wrote:
I'd like to see Sheeva return, still bums me out she played so horribly in MK9. I tried so hard to get good with her.

Am I the only person here who knows Sheeva's potential in MK9?
12/25/2014 03:26 AM (UTC)
J-spit Wrote:
OttoVonRuthless Wrote:
I'd like to see Sheeva return, still bums me out she played so horribly in MK9. I tried so hard to get good with her.

Am I the only person here who knows Sheeva's potential in MK9?

That stomp move had something going for her.
12/25/2014 03:47 AM (UTC)
J-spit Wrote:
OttoVonRuthless Wrote:
I'd like to see Sheeva return, still bums me out she played so horribly in MK9. I tried so hard to get good with her.

Am I the only person here who knows Sheeva's potential in MK9?

Nope! Her short, high-damage combos are nothing to laugh about. A personal favorite of mine: chaining low grab into anti-air grab and seeing the enemy's lifebar nearly halved because they didn't think Sheeva had any quick overhead options. grin
12/26/2014 07:31 PM (UTC)
Sheeva has always been my favorite character. I wanted to grow up to be a terrifying ass kicking chick when I was a little girl. (I became an ass kicking gothic academic instead, who'd have guessed?)
12/26/2014 07:39 PM (UTC)
This is probably going to be a long post, so here it goes.

I'm a Sheeva fan. I have always been one since her debut. I thought she was mighty interesting to be plopped in the roster of the third game when everyone else is clearly human. Sure her voice was weird when she gets hit and I thought it was kinda cool to see that she had green blood. I wanted to see more of her, but of course that wasn't going to happen.

I waited and waited and waited until I realized that she isn't that well liked. She had only one game before Armageddon and that was it. Her return didn't satisfy me because that game was trash from the start.

So she gets another try in 2011 and of course they make her the way I wanted her to be... but no one really likes her. She's not that big of a favorite amongst the fans. I could never understand that. Yeah, I will agree, I didn't like that she was a punching bag in the story. I really didn't like that they did that at all with her character. It basically shows me that they might not care that much about this character, but because she was around during this time, might as well give her something to do in the story that isn't significant enough to care.

Why isn't she that well liked?

I remember a long time ago I had an argument about this character with a user who's main reason why he hated her was that "she was ugly." And he mocked and insulted anyone who liked her. (Differences of opinions yes, but when you start insulting someone for liking something you don't, it becomes personal) Every reason he gave was downright dumb. She's hideous, Netherrealm Studios should be ashamed for making an ugly woman. I really thought he was trolling but he really wasn't.

I like that she isn't attractive in this series because she doesn't need to be. I'm glad that she's giant, I'm glad she's not extremely skinny, I'm glad they didn't put high heels on her feet.

But I still don't get why she is hated amongst a lot of people. Is it because people couldn't understand how to play as her in 2011? She's not that hard to break down at all. Is it because she's slower than anyone else? Is it because she's not that pretty?

I doubt she'll be in this game due to the fact that we have Goro and she's not a popular character. But I still want to see her in the future. I really hope they don't ditch her, she's really not that bad of character when people actually get the time to play as her. Of course I'm asking too much there.
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12/26/2014 07:46 PM (UTC)
Yeah my heart sank a little with the Goro reveal as it pretty much all but rules out Sheeva's inclusion. It's a shame though I always liked Sheeva and wanted to see her expanded upon.
12/29/2014 01:41 PM (UTC)
I also really like Sheeva and thought her (alongside Sindel) were the most interesting additions to MK lore in MK3

She almost looked alien and spider-like in MK3

I thought she looked awful in MKA but I think her alt in MK9 was amazing, and I also think she is way underestimated in terms of tier.
I reckon I could give anyone a challenge playing her

I also really liked the story we were drip fed although it was only ever interesting in her endings as she was just a lacky in the story mode.

She isn;t actually evil, not at all. She is just loyal to her race which is tied with Shao Khan

It is such a pity Motaro wasn't in MK9 properly as she is so closely linked to him that his departure from the game meant her story was shoved aside.

She is similar to Cyrax in this way in that she finds herself on the wrong side of the fight for the right reasons. How interesting would it have been to have a chapter with her where she questions Shao Khans loyalty to her race and toys switching sides. I would have loved to see her interact with Goro and Kintaro and see them debate the future of their race.

I am almost 100% sure she won't be in MKX but if by some reason they decided to slip her in as a underdog I think she has plenty of potential to be a really rich character
12/29/2014 07:08 PM (UTC)
For the record, I also think Sheeva should be the girl with the nude costume in MKX
12/30/2014 02:50 AM (UTC)
looks like Sheeva's had it rough ever since MK9 lol.
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"Life, for all it's anguish, is ours Miss Ives. It belongs to no other." - Ferdinand Lyle

12/30/2014 02:51 AM (UTC)
Shesgotclaws Wrote:
For the record, I also think Sheeva should be the girl with the nude costume in MKX

Good gawd, just as long as it's not a prize...for anything. Not a big Sheeva fan (although her MK9 ending earned some points from me) so if that was an alt, I wouldn't really care.
12/30/2014 08:37 AM (UTC)
Reminder that Sheeva is still the baddest bitch in Mortal Kombat.
01/01/2015 08:06 PM (UTC)
Thanks for the help and yes, she really looks good here :) I hope NRS has seen this pic... And I hope they read my thread about keeping her face more monstrous.
01/05/2015 12:14 AM (UTC)
Anyway, I want her AND Motaro BACK!!!!!! If not in this, but in the next game. furious
01/06/2015 11:56 PM (UTC)
Throw idea.
Grab the opponents legs with lower arms, locks the legs in place. Then start to spin the opponent (maybe 2 or 3 360's). While spinning, she hammers on the opponent with her upper arms like beating a bongodrum with closed fists.
Finish off by slamming the opponent hard and face first into the ground(no bounce).

Is it too much? Too long?

Also if she makes her comeback, how cool would it not be if all her punches were 2 -hits. a 4 hit combo would be 8 hits.

Her kicks should remain strong.
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Props to MINION for making this sig.

01/07/2015 12:32 AM (UTC)
I actually like Sheeva a lot. She is one of the most unappreciated Trilogy characters for sure.

I'd love to see her in MKX.

Honestly, there's almost no character I wouldn't love to see in MKX because of the variations and incredible designs they are giving returning characters so far. Even characters like Sheeva who normally produce a "meh" reaction from MK fans can be freaking awesome in this game, the way I see it. I mean, look at how blown away people were by Kano's variations/gameplay trailer.
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