07/03/2014 04:40 AM (UTC)
Mojo6 Wrote:
Why when it's not even canonically appropriate anymore

To be quite honest with you it's because we currently don't know what Noob's fate is. I've never really liked Noob or Smoke more than the other so I would be perfectly okay to see them as a duo once again. i think i'm one of the few people that enjoyed them both more together than as separate characters. Though Smokes primary costume in MKD was god awful ( don't bring that look back). I wouldn't want my favorite character left out so I wouldn't want that fate to fall on anyone that happens to be a fan of either character. I'm mostly making this suggestion for efficiency's sake. Combine them and that's one extra character slot to introduce someone new or old.
07/03/2014 04:46 AM (UTC)
I'd say shared variation sounds weird mostly because if there were two characters together like Noob-Smoke, or maybe even two characters fused into one, it'd be cooler to see those characters use their powers combined instead of isolated.

I mean I guess it makes sense since Cassie has two variations inspired by one parent specifically but having too many characters utilizing past characters will get old really quick. And in her defense she at least has moves from both of them that are independent of her variation.

Ferra/Torr already have the tag thing going on and Cassie has the fusion thing so honestly it sounds like MKX already has the shared variation theory.
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