Shaolin Monks Sequel
posted11/13/2010 01:18 PM (UTC)by
Member Since
12/15/2009 06:55 AM (UTC)
The Shaolin Monks sequel would follow the true canon time-line of Mortal Kombat and take place in MK Trilogy (to include more characters). Liu Kang and Kung Lao would return, as well as playable versions of Sonya Blade and Jax. Raiden summons his warriors to Nightwolf's sacred land which would serve as the hub (similar to the Portal in Shaolin Monks). The players would traverse the realms from this location and visit places such as a Metropolis, the Wastelands, the Lin Kuei Fortress, Jade's Desert, Kahn's Tower and the Netherrealm. Players would have the option to change their character and pick an ally to join them during the course of the game. Sub-Zero, Kitana and Smoke could be unlocked later in the game and characters like Stryker, Kabal and Nightwolf would serve as allies to your character.

Liu Kang (playable)
Kung Lao (playable)
Sonya Blade (playable)
Jax (playable)
Sub-Zero (playable)
Kitana (playable)
Smoke (playable) – is also a sub boss
Raiden (multiplayer only)
Nightwolf (multiplayer only) – serves as a guide and an ally
Kabal (multiplayer only) – a sub boss and an ally
Stryker (multiplayer only) – an ally

Kabal – a sub-boss who becomes an ally
Sektor & Cyrax – fought on two separate occasions
Reptile & Jade – you fight them in Jade's Desert to rescue Kitana
Scorpion – fought on two separate occasions
Sheeva – she is Sindel's bodyguard
Rain – replaces Sheeva and is confronted in the Church to free Sindel
Smoke – a sub-boss
Shang Tsung – confronted in the Soul Chamber
Motaro – appears in Kahn's Tower as the final obstacle before you face Shao Kahn
Shao Kahn – final boss
Noob Saibot (optional) – “Noob Missions” instead of Smoke Missions. The final mission would be to face him, unlike in Shaolin Monks

Villain Skins
*These special skins could be unlocked so you can play as certain bosses (with moves, fatalities etc) during Story Mode
10/10/2010 04:23 PM (UTC)
a Shaolin Monks sequel is really all I want from the MK franchise. Whether it's a game that follows Scorpion or Subzero like the idea for Fire and Ice, or something that follows Liu and Kung Lao through MK 3, I think it's a great idea.

In fact, to combine the both, I think it would be a good idea to focus on two or three storylines during the MK3 time.

1. Of course the Liu Kang and Kung Lao storyline would be necessary, travelling through an outworld torn Earth in a format like MKSM following the main MK3 storyline.

2. Instead of Scorpion and Subzero, it'd make more sense to have a pairing of Human Smoke and Subzero in an alternate storyline that involved different levels, enemies and bosses- perhaps dealing mostly with the Lin Kuei and Quan Chi.

3. A third storyline could possibly follow Jax and Sonya's storyline, or maybe Kabal and Nightwolf somehow?

4. But there should be a bonus storyline after you've completed everything involving Lin Kuei destruction missions where you play as Sektor and Cyrax, or even Robo Smoke against the MK heroes

10/10/2010 07:46 PM (UTC)
If you want to do an adventure game on MK3 that is somewhat accurate to the canon, I see it going like this. Four separate story modes...based on the leading sub-plots on the time; each on broken into five stages.


Stage 1
Outworld is invading the Earth and the Shaolin monks are the primary targets.
Boss- Extermination Squad

Stage 2
Guided by Raiden, Liu Kang & Kung Lao have to make their way to Nightwolf who's magic is shielding his reservation. There, the Earth fighters can gather together and regroup.
Boss- Rain

Stage 3
Making their way to Nightwolf's, the monks are confronted by Baraka, and finally given a chance to avenge the assault on the Shaolin Temple.
Boss- Baraka

Stage 4
The final assault on Shao Kahn's fortress is about to begin. So the Emperor sends his most powerful enforcer to eliminate the Shaolin monks.
Boss- Ermac

Stage 5
Liu & Lao are fighting their way through Kahn's fortress to defeat him and save the Earth.
Boss- Shao Kahn
Kung Lao is seemingly killed during the fight and the game ends with Kahn defeated and Earth returned to normal.


Stage 1
Kitana has been put on trial for treason for killing Mileena. Having been found guilty and learning of Sindel's resurrection, she has no choice but to escape on her own and fight her way to a portal that leads to Earth.
Boss- Outworld Guard

Stage 2
Having escaped Outworld, Kitana is now wandering the Earth, hoping to find the other good guys and align with them. Along the way, she has to contend with assassins sent by Shao Kahn.
Boss- Reptile
During/after the fight, we get cut scene showing Jade join Kitana.

Stage 3
Joined up with the Earth warriors, Kitana & Jade now have to earn everyone's trust as they prepare for the assault on Shao Kahn.
Boss- Mileena & Rain
Somewhere around here, we get a cut-scene showing Kitana trying to turn Rain against Kahn.

Stage 4
The big final battle commenced, Kitana & Jade are fighting their way through Shao Kahn's fortress to find Sindel and free her.
Boss- Sheeva

Stage 5
Last level; now they just need to reach Sindel.
Boss- Sindel
Ends with Sindel free, which delivers a crippling blow to Shao Kahn hold on Earth, weakening him thereby helping Liu Kang & Kung Lao defeat him.


Stage 1
Wanting nothing to do with the Lin Kuei's automation plan, Sub-Zero & Smoke make their escape from the clan.
Boss- Lin Kuei Elite
Last thing standing between Subz & Smoke's escape are some of the clan's elite fighters. During the course of the battle, Sub-Zero is scarred and Smoke is captured.

Stage 2
With Shao Kahn's invasion under way, Sub-Zero is fighting for survival. Along the way, he's confronted by the three cyborg assassins out to kill him.
Boss- Sektor & Cyrax
During/after the fight, we get a cut-scene of Smoke resisting his programming and joining Sub-Zero. After the fight, we also see Subz & Smoke reprgramming Cyrax to be against Kahn.

Stage 3
Deciding to join up with the other Earth fighters, Sub-Zero and Smoke make their way to Nightwolf's reservation.
Boss- Scorpion
Along the way, they have a confrontation with Scorpion. This leads to a cut-scene where Sub-Zero tries to convince Scorpion to join the fight against Kahn.

Stage 4
The final assault under way, Sub-Zero and Smoke fight their way through Kahn's fortress.
Boss- Noob Saibot
Along the way, the bump into Noob Saibot who's serving Kahn at this time. Sub-Zero's senses something unusual about Noob he can't put his finger on.

Stage 5
During the fighting, Sub-Zero & Smoke come across Shang Tsung who's up to no good with his own ambitions to take control of Earth.
Boss- Shang Tsung
Ends with Shang defeated, but Smoke is captured and seemingly killed (he gets de-activated and locked in Kahn's dungeon as we know) and Sub-Zero moves on, taken more steps towards becoming the hero he is now.


Stage 1
The Outworld invasion under way, the military base Sonya & Jax were stationed at is under attack.
Boss- Extermination Squad
During the fight, we get a cut-scene where Johnny Cage dies.

Stage 2
Regrouping from the invasion, Sonya & Jax make their through the ruins of Earth to meet up with the other good guys. Along the way they bump into Cyrax who's seaching for Sub-Zero.
Boss- Cyrax

Stage 3
They make their way to Nightwolf's reservation to meet the others, when they encounter a rogue Black Dragon member named Kabal.
Boss- Kabal
After the fight, they realize they're all against Shao Kahn and form an uneasy alliance.

Stage 4
Final assault on Kahn's forces under way, Sonya faces Kano on a nearby explained in MK:DA's Konquest.
Boss- Kano

Stage 5
Kano defeated, Sonya & Jax continue fighting Kahn's forces...confronting Kahn's general Motaro.
Boss- Motaro
Ends with Outworld's armies forced into disarray due to Motaro's defeat; enabling their assault on the fortress easier.

Beating each story mode unlocks two bonus story mode characters. These guys' story modes will only be three stages:


Stage 1
Reptile is paried with Jade to hunt down and find Kitana, but he will be betrayed.
Boss- Jade
After the fight, we get a cut-scene where he meets Khameleon who tries to turn him against Kahn.

Stage 2
Upset over his failure to kill Kitana, and confused about Khameleon's revelations, Reptile stumbles across Rain who's loyalty to Kahn is questionable.
Boss- Rain
Cut-scene showing Reptile seemingly joining Khameleon against Shao Kahn.

Stage 3
The final battle against Shao Kahn under way, Reptile ultimately betrays Khameleon and chooses to stay on Kahn's side.
Boss- Khameleon
Ends with Kahn defeated and Reptile fleeing into Outworld...angry, outraged, and swearing all humans are his enemy.


Stage 1
Shao Kahn makes a failed attempt to steal the souls of Hell. In the confusion, Scorpion makes makes his attempt to escape. Along the way, he's confronted by a member of the Brotherhood of the Shadow.
Boss- Noob Saibot

Stage 2
Free to roam Earth, Scorpion takes allegience with no one. However, he's approached by Shao Kahn who wants Scorpion to join him.
Boss- Sub-Zero
After the fight, Sub-Zero tries to convince Scorpion to side with the Earth fighters.

Stage 3
Ultimately, Scorpion chooses to join the Earth fighters and participates on the assault on Kahn's fortress. Along the way, he faces one of Kahn's deadliest enforcers.
Boss- Ermac
Ends with Scorpion being summoned back to Hell after Kahn's defeated. There, he is approached by Quan Chi who has an offer he can't refuse...
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no one will ever be immortal

10/11/2010 01:35 AM (UTC)
XiahouDun84 Wrote:
If you want to do an adventure game on MK3 that is somewhat accurate to the canon, I see it going like this. Four separate story modes...based on the leading sub-plots on the time; each on broken into five stages.


Stage 1
Outworld is invading the Earth and the Shaolin monks are the primary targets.
Boss- Extermination Squad

Stage 2
Guided by Raiden, Liu Kang & Kung Lao have to make their way to Nightwolf who's magic is shielding his reservation. There, the Earth fighters can gather together and regroup.
Boss- Rain

Stage 3
Making their way to Nightwolf's, the monks are confronted by Baraka, and finally given a chance to avenge the assault on the Shaolin Temple.
Boss- Baraka

Stage 4
The final assault on Shao Kahn's fortress is about to begin. So the Emperor sends his most powerful enforcer to eliminate the Shaolin monks.
Boss- Ermac

Stage 5
Liu & Lao are fighting their way through Kahn's fortress to defeat him and save the Earth.
Boss- Shao Kahn
Kung Lao is seemingly killed during the fight and the game ends with Kahn defeated and Earth returned to normal.


Stage 1
Kitana has been put on trial for treason for killing Mileena. Having been found guilty and learning of Sindel's resurrection, she has no choice but to escape on her own and fight her way to a portal that leads to Earth.
Boss- Outworld Guard

Stage 2
Having escaped Outworld, Kitana is now wandering the Earth, hoping to find the other good guys and align with them. Along the way, she has to contend with assassins sent by Shao Kahn.
Boss- Reptile
During/after the fight, we get cut scene showing Jade join Kitana.

Stage 3
Joined up with the Earth warriors, Kitana & Jade now have to earn everyone's trust as they prepare for the assault on Shao Kahn.
Boss- Mileena & Rain
Somewhere around here, we get a cut-scene showing Kitana trying to turn Rain against Kahn.

Stage 4
The big final battle commenced, Kitana & Jade are fighting their way through Shao Kahn's fortress to find Sindel and free her.
Boss- Sheeva

Stage 5
Last level; now they just need to reach Sindel.
Boss- Sindel
Ends with Sindel free, which delivers a crippling blow to Shao Kahn hold on Earth, weakening him thereby helping Liu Kang & Kung Lao defeat him.


Stage 1
Wanting nothing to do with the Lin Kuei's automation plan, Sub-Zero & Smoke make their escape from the clan.
Boss- Lin Kuei Elite
Last thing standing between Subz & Smoke's escape are some of the clan's elite fighters. During the course of the battle, Sub-Zero is scarred and Smoke is captured.

Stage 2
With Shao Kahn's invasion under way, Sub-Zero is fighting for survival. Along the way, he's confronted by the three cyborg assassins out to kill him.
Boss- Sektor & Cyrax
During/after the fight, we get a cut-scene of Smoke resisting his programming and joining Sub-Zero. After the fight, we also see Subz & Smoke reprgramming Cyrax to be against Kahn.

Stage 3
Deciding to join up with the other Earth fighters, Sub-Zero and Smoke make their way to Nightwolf's reservation.
Boss- Scorpion
Along the way, they have a confrontation with Scorpion. This leads to a cut-scene where Sub-Zero tries to convince Scorpion to join the fight against Kahn.

Stage 4
The final assault under way, Sub-Zero and Smoke fight their way through Kahn's fortress.
Boss- Noob Saibot
Along the way, the bump into Noob Saibot who's serving Kahn at this time. Sub-Zero's senses something unusual about Noob he can't put his finger on.

Stage 5
During the fighting, Sub-Zero & Smoke come across Shang Tsung who's up to no good with his own ambitions to take control of Earth.
Boss- Shang Tsung
Ends with Shang defeated, but Smoke is captured and seemingly killed (he gets de-activated and locked in Kahn's dungeon as we know) and Sub-Zero moves on, taken more steps towards becoming the hero he is now.


Stage 1
The Outworld invasion under way, the military base Sonya & Jax were stationed at is under attack.
Boss- Extermination Squad
During the fight, we get a cut-scene where Johnny Cage dies.

Stage 2
Regrouping from the invasion, Sonya & Jax make their through the ruins of Earth to meet up with the other good guys. Along the way they bump into Cyrax who's seaching for Sub-Zero.
Boss- Cyrax

Stage 3
They make their way to Nightwolf's reservation to meet the others, when they encounter a rogue Black Dragon member named Kabal.
Boss- Kabal
After the fight, they realize they're all against Shao Kahn and form an uneasy alliance.

Stage 4
Final assault on Kahn's forces under way, Sonya faces Kano on a nearby explained in MK:DA's Konquest.
Boss- Kano

Stage 5
Kano defeated, Sonya & Jax continue fighting Kahn's forces...confronting Kahn's general Motaro.
Boss- Motaro
Ends with Outworld's armies forced into disarray due to Motaro's defeat; enabling their assault on the fortress easier.

Beating each story mode unlocks two bonus story mode characters. These guys' story modes will only be three stages:


Stage 1
Reptile is paried with Jade to hunt down and find Kitana, but he will be betrayed.
Boss- Jade
After the fight, we get a cut-scene where he meets Khameleon who tries to turn him against Kahn.

Stage 2
Upset over his failure to kill Kitana, and confused about Khameleon's revelations, Reptile stumbles across Rain who's loyalty to Kahn is questionable.
Boss- Rain
Cut-scene showing Reptile seemingly joining Khameleon against Shao Kahn.

Stage 3
The final battle against Shao Kahn under way, Reptile ultimately betrays Khameleon and chooses to stay on Kahn's side.
Boss- Khameleon
Ends with Kahn defeated and Reptile fleeing into Outworld...angry, outraged, and swearing all humans are his enemy.


Stage 1
Shao Kahn makes a failed attempt to steal the souls of Hell. In the confusion, Scorpion makes makes his attempt to escape. Along the way, he's confronted by a member of the Brotherhood of the Shadow.
Boss- Noob Saibot

Stage 2
Free to roam Earth, Scorpion takes allegience with no one. However, he's approached by Shao Kahn who wants Scorpion to join him.
Boss- Sub-Zero
After the fight, Sub-Zero tries to convince Scorpion to side with the Earth fighters.

Stage 3
Ultimately, Scorpion chooses to join the Earth fighters and participates on the assault on Kahn's fortress. Along the way, he faces one of Kahn's deadliest enforcers.
Boss- Ermac
Ends with Scorpion being summoned back to Hell after Kahn's defeated. There, he is approached by Quan Chi who has an offer he can't refuse...

Basically that and nice way of keeping everything canon
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10/11/2010 04:26 AM (UTC)
I'd be curious to see what type of game would be made if they did a Shaolin Monks 2. Somehow I imagine the words "God of War clone" getting thrown around in the reviews. Hopefully that wouldn't be the case. Regardless, as far as stage ideas and what not, I think that Xiahoudun pretty much nailed everything that I'd like to see, but I like the general ideas by the original poster as well. Good job!
11/13/2010 05:18 AM (UTC)
hey i don't mean to advertise my thread but please read and give feedback
11/13/2010 01:18 PM (UTC)
humansmoke44 Wrote:
a Shaolin Monks sequel is really all I want from the MK franchise.

Same here. I'm really annoyed Shaolin Monks was never made backwards-compatible on the 360. It's pretty much the only reason I still have my original XBox hooked up.
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