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01/30/2015 08:20 PM (UTC)
Dervis Wrote:
Just thought, but the Ermac VS Kitana intros are going to be very interesting....

Yes, indeed.

I like the idea of Jerrod and Shao Kahn fighting for control of Ermac during this game's story, thus giving Ermac sort of a split personality between good and evil.
01/30/2015 08:21 PM (UTC)
T-rex Wrote:
Well, if you specifically define "Armageddon" as the instance of Kahn obtaining Blaze's power and using it to fuck up the entire multiverse, then yes, Armageddon was most certainly prevented.

Shujinko and Blaze are still out there, though, and they better address that somehow. My brain is still blocking certain aspects of MKA out of my memory, but as I vaguely recall, relatively few of the endings resulted in the world getting fucked up. The characters usually just use the power for their own selfish means, on a much less global scale and sometimes, in fairly beneficial ways.

So I guess what I'm trying to say is that Blaze's power per se doesn't have to directly result in Armageddon. Maybe it'll go to someone worthy of it this time. Someone who could replace Argus as the god-protector of Edenia.

...How about Kitana? Wouldn't that be some shit?

Sockie Wrote:

Scorpion says he can sense Shao Kahn inside of Ermac (and also says he'll remove him after Ermac says "our creator is part of us"). With at least two characters talking about this, and Sub-Zero also saying something about Shao Kahn's death not being the end in the one intro they spoke over, I don't think it's meant to be metaphorical!

You know what?

You're probably right.


Well hey, at least they're not saying the Shao Kahn from the previous game was a clone ;)
01/30/2015 08:25 PM (UTC)
They can have Art Lean and Hornbuckle in there for all I care, as long as Ermac remains Ermac with no one soul permanently in control lol

I don't mind the souls fighting for dominance causing some split personality/wild card stuff but I don't want one in particular to win and take control, then it would pretty much just be Jerrod or Shao in Ermac's body, id hate that.
Mileena Stan
01/30/2015 08:36 PM (UTC)
So I just listened to Ermac vs. Scorpion's intro and...

Scorpion: I sense Shao Khan in you.
Ermac: Our creator is part of us.
Scorpion: I will remove him.

Whether that means he's inside Ermac or he's 'part' of him in some other way, it is interesting. Ish.
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01/30/2015 09:01 PM (UTC)
I think it's a safe bet he means his soul.
01/30/2015 09:05 PM (UTC)
Either Kahn found a way to cheat death

Or the Elder Gods' idea of a suitable punishment is incredibly moronic
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01/30/2015 09:09 PM (UTC)
Denizen Wrote:
I think it's a safe bet he means his soul.

No. After Raiden beat him, Shao Kahn's body was actually teleported to Ermac's freezer.

Ermac ate Shao Kahn. With some fava beans and a nice chianti.
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01/30/2015 11:00 PM (UTC)
Spider804 Wrote:
Either Kahn found a way to cheat death

Or the Elder Gods' idea of a suitable punishment is incredibly moronic

Moronic or ironic?

This is their style.

Quan Chi's MKA ending had him become the amulet.

Scorpion wanted his clan back from the dead, then the Elder gods made them undead.

01/30/2015 11:05 PM (UTC)
Good point. Their methods are pretty Mironic. tongue
01/30/2015 11:07 PM (UTC)
SaurienDeity Wrote:
Maybe Kahn infused a part of his soul in Ermac when he created him? As a failsafe in case he was killed?

So Ermac is now basically a Horcrux? I can live with that.
However, keep in mind that he (like everyone else in the game) has no storyline so far. I trust that his having a part of Kahn in him, if that's the case, isn't going to be as black-and-white as it seems right now.
01/30/2015 11:18 PM (UTC)
It could be that Ermac was somewhat infused with Shao Kahn's essence, being the end result of Kahn's sorcery. Scorpion would deduce the hand of Shao Kahn when he looks at a flying mystic made entirely of enslaved souls.

Really hoping Shao Kahn isn't possessing anyone or guiding the events of this game in any way. I want to see him stay dead for a while, and this is a better time than any for him to step out of the limelight and let other characters show their chops.
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01/30/2015 11:28 PM (UTC)
I guess I'm going to have to Google "horcrux".
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Props to MINION
01/30/2015 11:38 PM (UTC)
FerraTorr Wrote:
I guess I'm going to have to Google "horcrux".

It's from Harry Potter, Vuldamore( the big bad) put his soul in like 7 htings or something and he could live on as long as those things didnt get destroyed or soemthing lol
01/30/2015 11:40 PM (UTC)
What Cages Shades said
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01/30/2015 11:41 PM (UTC)
Cages_Shades Wrote:
FerraTorr Wrote:
I guess I'm going to have to Google "horcrux".

It's from Harry Potter, Vuldamore( the big bad) put his soul in like 7 htings or something and he could live on as long as those things didnt get destroyed or soemthing lol


Sometimes I feel like I'm the only Millenial alive who never gave a shit about Harry Potter.
01/30/2015 11:44 PM (UTC)
Stahlgeist Wrote:
It could be that Ermac was somewhat infused with Shao Kahn's essence, being the end result of Kahn's sorcery. Scorpion would deduce the hand of Shao Kahn when he looks at a flying mystic made entirely of enslaved souls.

Really hoping Shao Kahn isn't possessing anyone or guiding the events of this game in any way. I want to see him stay dead for a while, and this is a better time than any for him to step out of the limelight and let other characters show their chops.

Scorpion said he could sense Shao himself in Ermac and then talked about removing him. He wasn't just going "I can tell you're the result of Shao's sorcery" at all, especially when combined with Ermac's comments.
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01/30/2015 11:51 PM (UTC)
If Nightwolf is in the game, or at least in the STORY even if he's not a playable character, he may be tasked with exercising the souls of both Jerrod and Shao Kahn from Ermac in order to give the character the chance to gain firm control over himself and prevent Kahn from taking complete control of him.
01/30/2015 11:57 PM (UTC)
HiddenCharacter Wrote:
Ive never liked the idea of any soul being dominant with Ermac. Ermac is his own "person,"that carries or "harbors" all these souls. The souls fuel and strengthen him, and he can likely commune with them in some way, but his mind/heart is his own.

But what do I know? Haha

Totally with you. It's what makes his character interesting and different. I was never on board with the Jerrod idea.

Personally, I have a different interpretation of his dialogue exchange between Scorp. Lots of people here think the mention of Shoa Kahn was a hint of him coming back. That honestly didn't cross my mind until I came here today. I thought it was just good dialogue that defines his character. Best bit of writing I've seen from MKX yet.

He's basically saying "and?..." Great observation Scorpion, they sky is also blue. You get a great sense or both responsibility and freedom from Ermac. I doubt he's gonna be a goon this time around. He recognized Kahn is evil but Kahn created him. It was just the card he/she/them/it was dealt. He's not going to purify himself or feel ashamed. He's made up of dead warriors not dead monks. Ermac is gonna get shit done! He doesn't have time to waste on the past. Like Jax for example?I don't think he's gonna apologize. Edit: Just heard the "come feel his presence" bit. Well that changes up my theory a little lol. To me this means one of two things. He's either Devout to Kahn or this it's just some clever trash talk. "Come feel his presence" = You're going to meet Shao Kahn once this fight is over.
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01/31/2015 01:00 AM (UTC)
If Shao Khan is with him he definitely isn't "possessing" Ermac, he's just part of the ocean of souls within him.
01/31/2015 01:13 AM (UTC)
FerraTorr Wrote:
If Nightwolf is in the game, or at least in the STORY even if he's not a playable character, he may be tasked with exercising the souls of both Jerrod and Shao Kahn from Ermac in order to give the character the chance to gain firm control over himself and prevent Kahn from taking complete control of him.

Oh, boy. Nothing against the poster but the LAST thing I want is for Nightwolf to get involved in Ermac's storyline.

No, thank you.
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Props to MINION for making this sig.

01/31/2015 01:20 AM (UTC)
SwingBatta Wrote:
FerraTorr Wrote:
If Nightwolf is in the game, or at least in the STORY even if he's not a playable character, he may be tasked with exercising the souls of both Jerrod and Shao Kahn from Ermac in order to give the character the chance to gain firm control over himself and prevent Kahn from taking complete control of him.

Oh, boy. Nothing against the poster but the LAST thing I want is for Nightwolf to get involved in Ermac's storyline.

No, thank you.

Can you elaborate on why? It makes perfect sense for Nightwolf to become involved in Ermac's story because he is a shaman. He deals in spiritual things like souls.
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