Shao Kahn: Its time to shine a light on MKs most mysterious character.
posted12/10/2005 11:50 AM (UTC)by
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12/22/2003 05:23 PM (UTC)

This may come as a surprise to you; "Shao Kahn, MK's most mysterious character?" But think about it; we know NOTHING about his race or origins, the source of his power. He can't be a God, yet he's as powerful as one.

Perhaps the next Mythologies/action game could be the rise of Shao Kahn, staring the emperor himself. It could go from his origins (oni, outworld mortal, demi-god, whatever they maybe) and follow him upto his overthrow of the Edenian sovereign Jarod. It would show insight into Kahn's relationships with Shinnok, Onaga, Shang Tsung,Quan Chi, The Edenians, The Shokan, The Centaurs, the Raptors, the Tarkatan.

I really think it would be cool to take a character who's basically a flat one dimensional bad guy and develope him; what do you think?
12/07/2005 02:25 AM (UTC)
I agree. We really don't know a lot about him.

Where did he come from and what exactly is he? Why is he the way he is? In Deception they claim he was once like Raiden. Well how much like Raiden? Was he once a good man who was corrupted by something? How did he come into Onaga's service and what made him decide to overthrow him? Why his apparent sympathy for Kitana?

That's one of the reason why I want Kahn to stay playable and not just become the boss again. I'm hoping we'll find out more about his past and see him develope more in the future.
12/07/2005 01:19 PM (UTC)
Well, he is apparently from Outworld, but we are still not told of what race he is. Yeah, he seems to match the powers of a god, but how? How did he learn to take souls? How old is he?

Apparently, Kahn not only cared for Kitana, but he also loved Sindel and was not pleased by her death. I'd like to know his relationship with Reiko though due to Vogel not liking Reiko, I doubt we'll see something like that. Given Ermac's MKD bios, it seems that Shao Kahn is subconsciously manipulated by the One Being thus why he wants to conquer other realms and merge them with Outworld which is much different from how the One Being controls Onaga. Does Shao Kahn know of the Kamidogu and/or Shinnok's amulet and their powers?

I don't think he's quite so 1-dimensional. I think there is a bit of depth to him. It's just that it needs to be brought out and truly developed and hopefully done in a much better way than the crap that was MK: Shaolin Monks' storyline.
12/07/2005 05:16 PM (UTC)
For race, I think he may be part Tarkatan. The old comics show metal spikes coming out of the top of his head like a tarkatan's, and I'm sure it's still there when he fights you unmasked in MK:SM. That's always been my theory. Yeah, he could be like you said. Once good, and then gradually corrupted by power and greed and turned evil.
12/07/2005 06:20 PM (UTC)
Great thread!

I have never thought about Kahn much, but I agree, some old secrets/facts must be revealed. I personally never cared because all I saw was -the boss- of mk. I got bored with him after MKU, seeing him so much as the boss (even though MKT was just an upgrade) got boring, but yes, now that we know he is still alive we should learn more about his past.

I only hope HE WAS NOT a good ruler/person/tarkatan/whatever...we have seen that already, keep his evil till he dies (for real this time).

As for his tarkatan features, it was revealed in a very old interview that all the new Mk2 characters were originally supposed to be Tartatans, like Baraka, different looks but with his race features:

I also hope they don’t make Kahn like Shinnok. We already have the elder god who became evil and all that, exploit Shinnok with that story (for it has potential), but please, I hope they think something very creative for Kahn...I actually liked the whole brother thing with Rayden in the movies, but...who knows.
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12/07/2005 07:11 PM (UTC)
Great idea.

It would be great to find out the origins of Shao Kahn, his race and why he is even on this power conquest to rule all realms and amke his own.

He's an interesting character as we know he's cpaable of love, despite his own evil. He did love Sindel. He loved her enough to take her from Jerrod and enough to bring her back from the dead. This act opening a portal to Earthrealm was an added bonus for him.

His features in the comic do look somewhat Tarkatan, but I don't think he is Tarkata. Then again, you have Mileena whose only Tarkata feature are her teeth. So it could be possible that features change for Tarkatas if they're mixed race. We know he is no ordinary mortal as he himself has lived for so long and retained his youth.

If he was once like Raiden, in what way was this? He could have been good and turned back through greed and lust for power. I'd like to know how he actually learnt he dark arts and the ability to steal souls. I'd also like to know how he got the immense power he had in order to merge realms and create his own world. How'd he get so damn powerful and why did the Elder gods and whoever else not stop him from the beginning? Come to think of it, he probably learnt from Onaga and his his true abilities from him.

I wanted them to make a huge history of MK that would detail everyones story, past and present. If they ever were to do it, hopefully we could get detailed background on Kahn. If he's to remain in the games, hopefully more about his past will be presented to us.
12/08/2005 12:08 PM (UTC)
I completely agree! I'm surprised I didn't come up with this subject, since I'm Kahn's number 1 fan!
12/09/2005 01:07 AM (UTC)
dragonj87 Wrote:
For race, I think he may be part Tarkatan. The old comics show metal spikes coming out of the top of his head like a tarkatan's, and I'm sure it's still there when he fights you unmasked in MK:SM. That's always been my theory.

That's a good point, I always just pictured him as being a human that had a tangable source of power like Quan Chi's amulet, but not explained.
12/09/2005 04:06 AM (UTC)
Sounds good! They should build on the characters they have instead of tossing generic newcomers.I hope midway expands on him.
12/09/2005 04:08 AM (UTC)

Maybe ...Onaga had an amulet as well. That was the one Quan Chi picked up from Kahn's body? That would explain how all the outworlders could die; Kahn could bring himself and them back with Onaga's powers.
12/09/2005 12:18 PM (UTC)

I really hope they dont involve the amulet that much with Kahn. They seemed to hint something with MKSM ending, but still, the whole amulet thing has been used too much: with Shinnok, Quan Chi, Shang Tsung and Onaga, not Kahn too.... make something different.-
12/09/2005 10:17 PM (UTC)
ErmacMk5 Wrote:

Maybe ...Onaga had an amulet as well. That was the one Quan Chi picked up from Kahn's body? That would explain how all the outworlders could die; Kahn could bring himself and them back with Onaga's powers.


Onaga's resurrection powers are due to his heart. That's why his army was undefeatable.

I know you tried to make sense of MKSM's story, but at the end of the day, you really can't. It's just a bunch of crap that should be ignored.

12/10/2005 11:50 AM (UTC)
Kingdragon2001 Wrote:
I completely agree! I'm surprised I didn't come up with this subject, since I'm Kahn's number 1 fan!

you and me too kid. Shao Khan Rules!
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