Shang Tsung on Shinnoks side, anyone?
posted12/09/2011 07:41 PM (UTC)by
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07/05/2007 10:03 PM (UTC)
I wanted to hear your thoughts on the idea because, you know, I kinda irrationally reject the very thought of Tsung being definitely excluded from MK10, and now that Kahn won't hold as a boss either for good or for an assload of time, the somehow resurrected Shang Tsung would need to start from zero, by forming a new type of alliance/ servitude.
12/06/2011 03:12 PM (UTC)
I do see Shang Tsung being Shinnok's big fuck you to Quan Chi's inevitable back stab.
12/06/2011 04:28 PM (UTC)
shaggysorceror Wrote:
blah blah blah... by forming a new type of alliance/ servitude.

Fuck that. Shang Tsung needs to stop being some one's bitch. He's been one long enough. Ever since he started working for Kahn.

If I were a sorcerer who could shape-shift, I wouldn't go LOOKING for a master. I'd find a partner (if I needed one) and dispose of them until I met my own personal agenda(s).

Sure, Quan Chi has more of a "bad ass" to him... but we can't keep giving Tsung the shaft. Shang can sit this one [MK10] out. Let Shinnok and Quan Chi have their little MK4 moment. But like they did in Deadly Alliance, our first favorite sorcerer should get his spotlight back. He has potential. NRS needs to explore it more. I'm sure he has more talents than stealing souls and impersonating people. Creativity is what I'm looking for.
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"Never Stay Down"- Steve Rogers

12/07/2011 12:40 AM (UTC)
I sort of have a feeling that Shang is going to stay dead for a while. I think that NRS wants to give some of the other villains a chance to shine.
12/07/2011 02:45 PM (UTC)
To be honest, I would rather see him not return for the next game, and find some mystical way for him to come back after this next game.

Because, whatever is Sindel's fate, is his fate too. But, I'm sure they'll probably think of something that will piss off all these story lovers if something doesn't make sense.
12/07/2011 08:51 PM (UTC)
Yeah Shang should sit this one out. Give Shinnok his well deserved second chance. He would come back for MK11 and steal the show.
12/07/2011 11:18 PM (UTC)
KungLaodoesntsuck Wrote:
Yeah Shang should sit this one out. Give Shinnok his well deserved second chance. He would come back for MK11 and steal the show.

Hopefuly he's not a big pussy like he was in MK4 (as in he had NONE of his moves from MKM:SZ). They did a so-so job with him in Armageddon (granted it was a rushed game).
12/08/2011 04:07 AM (UTC)
blacksaibot Wrote:
KungLaodoesntsuck Wrote:
Yeah Shang should sit this one out. Give Shinnok his well deserved second chance. He would come back for MK11 and steal the show.

Hopefuly he's not a big pussy like he was in MK4 (as in he had NONE of his moves from MKM:SZ). They did a so-so job with him in Armageddon (granted it was a rushed game).

12/08/2011 06:39 AM (UTC)
I actually was thinking about another character, one that previously was not evil. I was thinking of Shujinko. Provided that Raiden doesn't kill him off perhaps early on. I wasn''t clear about this ability. Does he actually transform to a certain character as we saw in Konquest, or just the ability to use their power? Regardless, IMO, this power generally belonged to evil character: Shang Tsung and Shinnok. Damashi/Onaga give this power to Shujinko, so could this power corrupt him/
12/08/2011 06:18 PM (UTC)
Seasrmar Wrote:
I actually was thinking about another character, one that previously was not evil. I was thinking of Shujinko. Provided that Raiden doesn't kill him off perhaps early on. I wasn''t clear about this ability. Does he actually transform to a certain character as we saw in Konquest, or just the ability to use their power? Regardless, IMO, this power generally belonged to evil character: Shang Tsung and Shinnok. Damashi/Onaga give this power to Shujinko, so could this power corrupt him/

*Ability to use their powers.

In Konquest they had you morph into the actual character so your brain could make the connection "OH I AM LEARNING SUB-ZERO"

If you select Shujinko in normal kombat, he borrows moves from various characters (Scorpion, Sub-Zero, Sindel, Li Mei, Liu Kang, Ermac, Raiden).

If Shujinko returns he will not have the ability to absorb the fighting skills of warriors he combats due to the fact that this power was given to him by Onaga (in the disguise of Damashi).
12/09/2011 06:35 AM (UTC)
blacksaibot Wrote:
Seasrmar Wrote:
I actually was thinking about another character, one that previously was not evil. I was thinking of Shujinko. Provided that Raiden doesn't kill him off perhaps early on. I wasn''t clear about this ability. Does he actually transform to a certain character as we saw in Konquest, or just the ability to use their power? Regardless, IMO, this power generally belonged to evil character: Shang Tsung and Shinnok. Damashi/Onaga give this power to Shujinko, so could this power corrupt him/

*Ability to use their powers.

In Konquest they had you morph into the actual character so your brain could make the connection "OH I AM LEARNING SUB-ZERO"

If you select Shujinko in normal kombat, he borrows moves from various characters (Scorpion, Sub-Zero, Sindel, Li Mei, Liu Kang, Ermac, Raiden).

If Shujinko returns he will not have the ability to absorb the fighting skills of warriors he combats due to the fact that this power was given to him by Onaga (in the disguise of Damashi).

About how he used the power, that makes sense. Been awhile since I played Deception, forgot.

Why couldn't Damashi/Onaga used Shujino again, and therefore again giving him this ability.
12/09/2011 07:41 PM (UTC)
Seasrmar Wrote:
blacksaibot Wrote:
Seasrmar Wrote:
I actually was thinking about another character, one that previously was not evil. I was thinking of Shujinko. Provided that Raiden doesn't kill him off perhaps early on. I wasn''t clear about this ability. Does he actually transform to a certain character as we saw in Konquest, or just the ability to use their power? Regardless, IMO, this power generally belonged to evil character: Shang Tsung and Shinnok. Damashi/Onaga give this power to Shujinko, so could this power corrupt him/

*Ability to use their powers.

In Konquest they had you morph into the actual character so your brain could make the connection "OH I AM LEARNING SUB-ZERO"

If you select Shujinko in normal kombat, he borrows moves from various characters (Scorpion, Sub-Zero, Sindel, Li Mei, Liu Kang, Ermac, Raiden).

If Shujinko returns he will not have the ability to absorb the fighting skills of warriors he combats due to the fact that this power was given to him by Onaga (in the disguise of Damashi).

About how he used the power, that makes sense. Been awhile since I played Deception, forgot.

Why couldn't Damashi/Onaga used Shujino again, and therefore again giving him this ability.

Because Deception's story sucked balls. That's why.
We don't need a retelling of old tales. We need new shit. MK needs to move on not keep stepping backwards.

If NRS ruined MK1, MK2, and MK3's awesomeness (storywise) with MK2011, just imagine how terrible their retelling of Deadly Alliance and Deception would turn out. NRS needs to just take the story in a new direction.
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