Sektor human
posted11/26/2005 07:56 PM (UTC)by
Member Since
10/14/2005 06:48 PM (UTC)
We had Smoke human in MK3 and we had Cyrax human as an alternative costume in MK:DA.

So my idea is to have Sektor as a human in his alt. costume as well in MK 7 (or Armageddon)

This is my idea for it

Place of origin:Earthrealm
Allginament(did i spell this correctly):Neutral
Foes:Noob Saibot,Sub Zero,Shao Kahn

"After the fight Sub Zero left me there to die.He has shown no mercy to me and left me on the 5th plane to die.Almost destroyed i crawled around the Netherrealm searching for help.Then i saw someone i havent seen in a long time.I saw Smoke and Noob Saibot.They offered me help only if i serve Noob.I accsepted it and became Noobs second servant.I grew more and more impatient and one night i made an alliance with smoke.Our first
assingment was to was to kill Saibot.We ambushed him and fought him in kombat.He was defeated and we left him to die.When i looked and is dying eyes i felt a strange felling.Now i know what fell of power Sub Zero felt when he defeated me.Me and Smoke made a new deal .We had two more tasks.The first one was to defeat our common enemy Sub Zero and the second was to defeat Shao Kahn and become the rulers of Outworld.We will be unstopable"

Now another bio


Place of origin:Edenia
Allies:Sindel,Kitana,Jade,Liu Kang,Kung Lao,Raiden
Foes:Shao Kahn,Reptile,Nitara

"Once i served Shao Kahn alongside Sindel.But once I realised that when Kahn rules over he will destroy us both.So i joined Sindel when she turned against Kahn.We fled to Outworld during the fight with the deadly alliance and we met there Reptile my old ally and Nitara the deceptive vampire.She ordered Reptile to atack us.He was no match for me and Sindel.He also reallised that and ran away with Nitara.We then traveled to Edenia where we met Kitana and Jade and formed the Edenian resistance fighters..Soon we started battleing alongside the shaolin monks Liu Kang and Kung Lao.When we defeated Onaga Shao Kahn retuned with a great army.We saw that we dont have much of a chance sepperated so Raiden forged a group of fighters.I felt honored i could fight alongside Liu Kang Kung Lao Kitana Jade Sub Zero Scorpion Cyrax Jax and the other great fighters.Shao Kahn doesnt have a chance"

More coming soon
11/21/2005 07:38 PM (UTC)
I really dont want Sektor to be human again, nor do I want to see him form an alliance with anyone. He must stay 100% crayzed and evil. His MKTE has so much potential, I hope they use it. Sektor and the Tekunin would rock! By far, he is the only evil ciber assasin left.

As for Rain, your story is Ok but I dont want him to be good, nor to be deeply involved with kitana or Sindel. He has to stay evil. We have too many bad to good characters already.

Your bios are ok though. smile
11/21/2005 09:53 PM (UTC)
I like the Rain idea it's nice..but as for Sektor I think he should remain evil grin
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Sektor?? Ermac??

11/21/2005 11:54 PM (UTC)
aleksa Wrote:
We had Smoke human in MK3 and we had Cyrax human as an alternative costume in MK:DA.

So my idea is to have Sektor as a human in his alt. costume as well in MK 7 (or Armageddon)

This is my idea for it

Place of origin:Earthrealm
Allginament(did i spell this correctly):Neutral
Foes:Noob Saibot,Sub Zero,Shao Kahn

"After the fight Sub Zero left me there to die.He has shown no mercy to me and left me on the 5th plane to die.Almost destroyed i crawled around the Netherrealm searching for help.Then i saw someone i havent seen in a long time.I saw Smoke and Noob Saibot.They offered me help only if i serve Noob.I accsepted it and became Noobs second servant.I grew more and more impatient and one night i made an alliance with smoke.Our first
assingment was to was to kill Saibot.We ambushed him and fought him in kombat.He was defeated and we left him to die.When i looked and is dying eyes i felt a strange felling.Now i know what fell of power Sub Zero felt when he defeated me.Me and Smoke made a new deal .We had two more tasks.The first one was to defeat our common enemy Sub Zero and the second was to defeat Shao Kahn and become the rulers of Outworld.We will be unstopable"

Now another bio


Place of origin:Edenia
Allies:Sindel,Kitana,Jade,Liu Kang,Kung Lao,Raiden
Foes:Shao Kahn,Reptile,Nitara

"Once i served Shao Kahn alongside Sindel.But once I realised that when Kahn rules over he will destroy us both.So i joined Sindel when she turned against Kahn.We fled to Outworld during the fight with the deadly alliance and we met there Reptile my old ally and Nitara the deceptive vampire.She ordered Reptile to atack us.He was no match for me and Sindel.He also reallised that and ran away with Nitara.We then traveled to Edenia where we met Kitana and Jade and formed the Edenian resistance fighters..Soon we started battleing alongside the shaolin monks Liu Kang and Kung Lao.When we defeated Onaga Shao Kahn retuned with a great army.We saw that we dont have much of a chance sepperated so Raiden forged a group of fighters.I felt honored i could fight alongside Liu Kang Kung Lao Kitana Jade Sub Zero Scorpion Cyrax Jax and the other great fighters.Shao Kahn doesnt have a chance"

More coming soon

I like the whole damn thing, show him when he was a human and when rain was good but then turend bad it will make sense. Just dont let it be in MK7. Do it like, if they do remake the MK1 to UMK3, more or less it should be on MK2 to show you what had happend to Cyrax, Sektor, and Somke.
11/22/2005 04:51 AM (UTC)
how about MK1 reptile?
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11/22/2005 05:33 AM (UTC)
Sektor should be a cyborg, not a human. I think it fits him more to be a cyborg, rather than a human.
11/22/2005 10:38 PM (UTC)
Sektor has no soul so he can't ever be human and hes a killing machine! i would like to have seen what he was like before but in kombat he should always be a cyborg!
About Me

Sektor?? Ermac??

11/23/2005 04:00 PM (UTC)
No Cyrax, Somke, and Sektor still have souls, SeKtor thoght Shao Kan was going to take his soul so he whent some wheres to be come a Cybrog
but Craz, Somke was ambush by someone and they where force to become a Cybrog.
11/23/2005 05:14 PM (UTC)
cyrax24 Wrote:
No Cyrax, Somke, and Sektor still have souls, SeKtor thoght Shao Kan was going to take his soul so he whent some wheres to be come a Cybrog but Craz, Somke was ambush by someone and they where force to become a Cybrog.

The Lin Kuei wanted to turn its fighters into soulless cyborgs to make them more efficient killing machines. Sektor was the most loyal to the clan and was the first to volunteer. Cyrax also agreed to become a cyborg. Smoke didn't want to become one and tried to escape with Sub-Zero, but was captured.
Sektor doesn't have his soul. Cyrax got his soul back with the help of Sonya and Jax. And Smoke still has his soul because Shao Kahn's invasion interfered with his automation.

Anyway, I don't want Sektor to ever be human again. Since he's the only true cyborg left and the only one that's proud of what he is, he should remain that way.
And I also think Sektor should remain the "bad" one. Cyrax turned good. Smoke is sort of stuck in the middle. Sektor should be bad.

Regarding the story, I think if/when Sektor comes back it should be with his Tekunin. I loike where they're going with him as the nutty cyborg with a superiority complex. Also if he meets up with Noob Saibot and they ally with each other, I hope it's as equals and Sektor doesn't just become his servant like Smoke.
Rain's is okay. A little simplistic though, IMO. It just has him come back and be a good guy. I think you should give him more purpose or conflict than that.
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Sektor?? Ermac??

11/23/2005 08:34 PM (UTC)
OK OKK OKKKKK heres the thing we should just see if they do make Sektor into a human then lets just dont say nothing cuz if they do mabey he will become more bad ass or something but if not then they should only make him in one game.
11/23/2005 09:10 PM (UTC)
I honestly see no problems with having human Sektor as an alternate costume if he's in MK7 (like the topic creator said). It's not like alternate costumes really have any bearing on the story, anyway so it'd just be a kind of neat extra or something.
11/23/2005 09:20 PM (UTC)
Smoke i can accept being Human again.

Sektor on the other hand volinteered
I'm all for a human costume for Sektor, but not story wise.
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Save a life; Kill a necromorph

11/23/2005 10:02 PM (UTC)
they all have souls.........Due do being cyborgs they can go places where normals cant
11/24/2005 02:17 PM (UTC)
Sektor is the evil cyborg out of all of the other three. Cyrax is the good character out of all of the three, and Smoke is a wild card kind of character when it comes to his affiliation.

I say that Sektor should be the strongest cyborg out of all of them. If Sektor had started the Tekunin clan, then I think he should upgrade his armor to be prepared to fight warriors like Sub-Zero.

Sektor should be a machine that believes all organic life is obsolete. Sektor would be on a mission to turn all of Earthrealms warriors into cybernetic assasions or exterminate them.

Ever since Mortal Kombat: Deception, I envision each character in Mortal Kombat as pawns in a chess game. Sektor would be part of the One Being's awakening if he accomplishes his task.
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11/24/2005 02:22 PM (UTC)
Sektor dhouldn't equal the Borg, it's already a cliche ever since Space Odyssey, Tron and The Terminator ...
11/24/2005 03:41 PM (UTC)
I don't necessarily get the "organic life is inferior" deal coming from a CYBORG. Did the writers forget what a cyborg is or something? Logically, he'd have to kill himself, too.
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Sektor?? Ermac??

11/24/2005 05:30 PM (UTC)
Pretentious Wrote:
I don't necessarily get the "organic life is inferior" deal coming from a CYBORG. Did the writers forget what a cyborg is or something? Logically, he'd have to kill himself, too.

Will i think now that Sektor gave up hes soul to be a killer robot so that why he said that and now talks wired, Erro Erro, You are inferior to me. lol.

PS. I dont know why they had to put Lei Mei in MKD, shes sucks.
11/24/2005 07:25 PM (UTC)
Pretentious Wrote:
I don't necessarily get the "organic life is inferior" deal coming from a CYBORG. Did the writers forget what a cyborg is or something? Logically, he'd have to kill himself, too.

I don't think it's a matter of killing or he's against "organic life." He feels that as a cyborg he is better than normal humans and they need to either convert to being cyborgs as well or die. Like he sees himself as the next phase of evolution. Sort of like Agent Smith.
In MK:TE it says Sektor took it upon himself to deem the human leaders of the Lin Kuei unfit to run the clan and killed them. He's become so fanatical about his loyalty that he sees himself as the only "true" Lin Kuei now. His Tekunin is probably how he feels the Lin Kuei should have been.
11/24/2005 08:16 PM (UTC)
I prefer Sektor as a soulless machine without emotion. Not being evil but only trying to following his program. Serving and keeping the Lin Kieu ( Or however you spell it. ) like the masters who made him wanted it. No concept of good or evil. Just his goal and how to accomplish it.
11/24/2005 11:02 PM (UTC)
He just need to return! the pik in MK:D in concept art of him looked real kool i don't know why they didn't put him in Deception! but hopefully he'l def be in MK:A and he will take over and prob become the end boss lol!!
11/25/2005 04:14 AM (UTC)
The middle part of the torso needs work, The arms need to match, The collar thing thing needs to go, the shoulders need to be revamped.

The legs are alright.

I don't want Sektor to look exactly like that concept. But its no bad, just needs more work.
11/26/2005 04:32 AM (UTC)
yeah sektor human whould be a hole lot cooler for a human like cyrax turned human in mkda and it whould be cool for sektor to be a human twofuriouswow
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"A man with no sense of history is like a man with no eyes or ears"
11/26/2005 04:32 PM (UTC)
But if Sektor was Human what the hell could be his special attacks. No missiles, unless he carries around a RPG lanucher or a Panzerfaust haha!!!
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"A man with no sense of history is like a man with no eyes or ears"
11/26/2005 07:54 PM (UTC)
haha like this EXCEPT it would be human sektor:

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"A man with no sense of history is like a man with no eyes or ears"
11/26/2005 07:56 PM (UTC)
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