(secrets in the next mk)???)
posted11/12/2011 07:09 PM (UTC)by
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08/05/2007 05:54 PM (UTC)
i don't know whats hidden in the current mk game because i have not played it so i couldn't really know what kinds of secrets there are but in the next mk game here's some secrets i would like in the next mk game.

if they bring back the challenge tower have were if you compleated it in a pretty fast time have it jumble up the challenges.

hidden specials/fatality's/xray's/friendships/animality's/brutality's/babality's.have it different per character and have very specific regulations. here are a few examples.

have scorpion spear hit an enviorment 5 times. what i mean is that the opponet jumps over the spear, or ducks, or sidesteps and the move hits the wall or some part of the stage. the next time the opponet performs the spear tracks and is unblockable.

perform 3 fatalitys in character specific arenas, like scorpion lair/reptiles lair/shao kahn throne room,lin kui temple and etc. you can now enter hari kari's durin a match.

perform an xray when you have a sliver of health. has to connect. if connects you unlock brutalitys.

perform a babality after you have already recieved 3-5 fatalitys done to you. you now can perform friendships.

perform liu kangs dragon fatality, press start before you hear finish him an enter up, up, up,square, x,circle. you will hear kahn laugh if entered correctly. then just finish putting the inputs of liu dragon fatal and you will have unlocked animalitys.

do 35 special in arcade mode and the next time you go through arcade mode you will have various ladders and difficultys.

unlock all achievements and you can play classic/returning modes like konquest,test your might,test your sight,chess kombat,puzzle kombat,motor kombat and etc.

unlock all attires now you can use create a fighter.

unlock all arenas now you can customize existing mk characters. just like how it is in the tekken games.

unlock all fatalitys now you can change the settings for the arenas like morning,noon,night.

unlock everything the game has to offere and you now can create fatalitys.

this is the secrets i'd like. please give me your thoughts and opinions on the subject of secrets in the next mk.smile
10/24/2011 12:37 AM (UTC)
I've got to be frank. I seriously do not understand the point of most of these. These just sound like bizarre obstacle courses to unlock mundane (and basic) things. Obviously, secrets are supposed to be 'secretive' but....
acidslayer Wrote:
have scorpion spear hit an enviorment 5 times. what i mean is that the opponet jumps over the spear, or ducks, or sidesteps and the move hits the wall or some part of the stage. the next time the opponet performs the spear tracks and is unblockable.

Why? How would this even be considered a secret?

perform a babality after you have already recieved 3-5 fatalitys done to you. you now can perform friendships.

So, you have to lose 3-5 times in arcade, have a fatality done to you each time, and then rematch and do a babality, just to unlock friendships?
I'd rather you had to unlock (and perform) everyone's babality (which should be hidden), and then perform a babality on the bosses/sub-bosses to unlock friendships (if it needed some sequence of events to enable)

do 35 special in arcade mode and the next time you go through arcade mode you will have various ladders and difficultys.

Why not just have Choose Your Destiny..?

unlock all achievements and you can play classic/returning modes like konquest,test your might,test your sight,chess kombat,puzzle kombat,motor kombat and etc.

What if people don't have online and can't get online trophies (as I'm sure they'll be more online trophies)? Are they permanently excluded from these bonuses?

unlock all attires now you can use create a fighter.

We could just have Create-A-Fighter available from the get-go, and you can use your koins to unlock extra clothes and such.

unlock all fatalitys now you can change the settings for the arenas like morning,noon,night.

Why not have separate arenas like the Pit (Day/Night) or the Rooftop (Dusk, Dawn, Day)?

unlock everything the game has to offere and you now can create fatalitys.

Just, no. Create-a-fatalities were horrible. No personality or thought put into them.

I hope this doesn't come off as rude, but I just don't see the point of most of these.
Secret fights are always fun, hidden (and/or unlockable) fighters, Easter eggs, alternate (or hidden) stage fatalities and the like would be lovely. I don't mind if finishers are hidden or difficult to perform, but the stipulations listed above just don't add up.
That whole idea of a secret bell tower stage fatality was pretty interesting. Too bad it wasn't true...I want a hidden stage fatality. (i.e. defeat your opponent on this very specific part of the stage, input the code, and watch the sparks fly)
11/12/2011 07:09 PM (UTC)

I really like the idea of having a Challenge Tower gaming mode. I think it presents more variations to the gaming format that could engage old and new video game players alike. I think some ways that Challenge Tower can be improved upon is that they present the Challenges in a more realistic way or presentation. This could be achieved by disabling special moves or handicapped matches that would only allow kicks, zombie combat or something to that effect and have them displayed more realistically such as having the characters blindfolded or their limbs tied behind their backs. That way it would look more realistic than to have exploding heads and cut off arms. I also think they should come up with more difficult challenges in a one on one gaming format. I also don’t think they should be able to jump the challenges. If you don’t want to go through the challenges then don’t play challenge tower.


Scorpion’s Harpoon move should never be unblockable. It would give him an unfair advantage and change up his dynamic of his signature move. This would be the case especially when this move has been blockable in the past games.


Hari Kari’s moves I think should be performed like fatalities towards the conclusion of a match. I think the requirements of performing a Hari Kari move would be that you would be required to achieve a flawless victory in at least one round against your opponent in a 2-rounded match. If it’s a multiple round match then you would have to get multiple flawless victories in order to perform the move. I also think this should be an unlockable feature to the game. I think the purpose of Hari Kari moves were to remove disgraceful members from a unit in terms of combat, so I think that this maneuver should only performed if you’ve completely dominated your opponent in a match up. And as the victor, you would have the option of performing a fatality or having your defeated opponent performing a Hari Kari on themselves in disgrace. I think a Hari Kari could be performed by the opponent breaking their own neck in a kneeling position on both knees or stabbing themselves with both hands with their weapon if the character totes weapons in ceremonial fashion.


Don’t see the point in having a brutality. I think they should be excluded from the game. What’s the point? I think those maneuvers would take away from the relevance of a fatality, babality, hari kari or anything else. Also it would present a difficult challenge from a creative perspective to come up with varying brutalities for each character of the roster and I’m afraid that creative apathy would creep in the game. This would certainly cause for corny looking brutalities to ruin the serious tone of the game. So I say no.


Although I do see the purpose behind having friendships, during the course of a fight you earn some one’s admiration or respect and become friends, I think it should presented in a more realistic manner. So for example I am 100% against when barely winning a fight, the victor of the fight show his respect and wishes of being friends by doing some corny looking dance or hosting up a collectible doll. That would be completely corny and cartoonish. I think you could show mercy by waving off the “Finish Him/Her” command from the announcer could be a mature way of showing respect to an adversary and the announcer could state that your character, chooses to "Show Mercy" and have it displayed across the screen or simply bowing to your defeated opponent after the match has concluded would be a way of showing a mutual respect for them and the announcer could state that your character chooses to "Show Respect" instead of putting on some corny display. I also think that this should not be an unlockable or hidden feature of the game, but be a regular mode and feature to the competition of one on one/tag team match ups/”Vs.” match-ups.


Don’t see the point in having an animality. I think they should be excluded from the game. What’s the point? I think those maneuever would also take away from the relevance of a fatality, babality, hari kari or anything else. Also it would be a difficult challenge from a creative standpoint to come up with varying animalities for each character of the roster and I’m afraid that creative apathy would creep in the game in this mode also. This would certainly cause for some corny looking animalities. So I say with a complete confidence absolutely no.


I think should be a part of the regular gaming format. I don’t think they should be unlockable or hidden. If a novice or beginner wants to have a whirl at an advanced fighting ladder format. I think they should have the ability to do so only after unlocking the Training Mode format of the game with one’s perspective characters. I also think the more difficult the ladder the more fighters you should have to face such as the endurance matches, Shang Tsung’s legion of assassins, sub-boss characters and survival matches. I also think that there should be some form of reward with the completion of the more difficult and upper echelon levels of the ladders such as a movie reel animation of your character’s end story or hidden prizes, characters or something to that effect. Also I think that in tag team ladder that the sub-bosses should tag team also so they’re won’t be such an advantage placed to the challengers i.e. Shang Tsung/Quan Chi, or Goro/Kintaro, Shao Kahn/Shinnok.


The Puzzle Mode, Chess Mode, Motor Combat I don’t think should make a return in Mortal Kombat. I don’t see the relevance of the modes in this type of format although chess could be included if it were just a regular chess board and chess pieces in marble, see-through glass, or a semi-precious stone. But the other mini-game portions such as “Test Your Might”, “Test Your Sight”, “Test Your Strike”, “Test Your Luck” should remain. I think they could also add another special twist to the “Test Your Strike” mini-game, by having the game test the accuracy and precision of your hits. An example of this would be hitting a "specific area" or object on a moving conveyer belt at various speeds in order to test the accuracy of your strikes and feet hitting a rapidly moving target. There could also be a “Test Your Speed” where you have a time limit to defeat an opponent or breaking down an object on varying difficulty levels. So for example, you could have an opponent that you would have to defeat in twenty seconds with them fighting you back in different levels of difficulty such as Medium, Hard, Very Hard, Veteran, Expert, Mogul and Master. This could require you to fight with utilizing the hand to hand combos in Training Mode or the entry mode of the game as well as utilizing specialty move sets in order to complete the mini-game. There could also be a large inanimate object you would be required to break down in a specific time limit and it would be on the video game player to break down the object such as a human sized diamond brick, marble brick, a metal safe, punching bag, tackle dummy, a human sized rock, a wooden box and so on, etc. It could be material just like in “Test You Might” except it would be different material that you would be required to break down.


I think create a fighter is a void feature to Mortal Kombat. I don’t see the point of having such a feature to the game because in creating a fighter, you most likely would have to use palette swaps of the move sets of already established characters in the game. I think that would ruin the unique flair of the characters already in the game and the hidden characters as well. So I’m absolutely against this idea.


I don’t think this would be translatable to the gaming format. You look at the fatalities that characters perform now, I think they potency of the moves would be ruined or degraded if Mortal Kombat introduced “Create-A-Fatality”. How would this feature be translated into a gaming format? I didn’t think the venture was particularly successful in the Mortal Kombat Armageddon.
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