Scrapped Concepts You Want To See
posted08/30/2013 12:25 AM (UTC)by
Member Since
05/27/2008 09:03 PM (UTC)
In the Deadly Alliance strategy guide book, as well as the artwork you can purchase in the crypt in the game, there were artworks of Quan Chi's staff being an undead head, and had a different look (with him wearing red) that caught my attention. Sure that it was scrapped for Deadly Alliance, but now that he'll obviously be returning in the next game with a much greater role than being a constant annoyance in the last game, could we see him using that staff for more power or something?

How about if Moloch makes a return? He had a concept that had him with a wondering bird that carries his chain and ball around, and I believe that when the bird drops it, that's where Moloch comes (forgive me if that's wrong).

There were concepts of an ice stage with a giant worm fatality that popped up around here too. But I'm sure you guys know some concepts that never made it into any of the games and thought maybe they should make an appearance too.

Even costume designs, Reptile had some very interesting concepts in the latest game that I thought would have been a much better look for him than his penguin look. What do you guys have?
08/06/2013 09:55 PM (UTC)
Yeah, I too liked the concept of Quan Chi's Living Weapon. It suits him much better than dual Dao. It would have been interesting to see the sorceress concept. That's actually where I based my character Xiu Lan off of for the MK: Resurrection story. I also like the character concept of the guy who is in constant pain and redirects it against his opponents.
08/07/2013 02:09 AM (UTC)
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08/08/2013 02:23 AM (UTC)
Water Temple
Baphomet (would be great in MKX)
Onaga's General
08/10/2013 03:13 AM (UTC)

Rokuro MK1

female kickboxer MK2

Kassandra MK4?
08/14/2013 01:31 AM (UTC)
The Undead General concept in the MK;D Krypt stole my hearts.

I've also always been interested in Belokk from MK4's promotional leaked images.
08/15/2013 11:53 PM (UTC)
Belokk should have made it to the game... But wasn't he made from some other team? I remember reading something that he wasn't really Midway's product.

But still, he should have been in the game, that or it would be nice to see him in the future. (If he is Netherrealm Studios property, or something like Belokk)
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08/17/2013 05:14 AM (UTC)
Icebaby Wrote:
Belokk should have made it to the game... But wasn't he made from some other team? I remember reading something that he wasn't really Midway's product.

But still, he should have been in the game, that or it would be nice to see him in the future. (If he is Netherrealm Studios property, or something like Belokk)

Elder Demon Baphomet ;)
08/17/2013 10:50 PM (UTC)
Big yes on Quan Chi's living weapon.

Also I really liked Moloch and his watcher concept. It was an Owl and it would drop Moloch's ball and chain and then he would rise from the ground to grab it.

Owls are cool.
08/19/2013 07:15 AM (UTC)
I would also totally love to see Moloch's Owl and Quan Chi's locust-spitting head on a pole. I also rather liked the design for the big buff mummy general of Onaga's army.

But the scrapped concepts I want most are, if/when they ever bring these two characters back, Two-Swords-Ronin Dairou and Red Dragon Darrius. They can still be from Orderrealm, but giving them secondary things to do that actually connect them to the Earth/Outworld cast, like Dairou being the Anti-Kenshi and Darrius's rebellion secretly being a power play by Daegon/Mavado's clan, would make them not so irrelevant.
08/19/2013 01:55 PM (UTC)
Sub-Zero_7th Wrote:
Yeah, I too liked the concept of Quan Chi's Living Weapon. It suits him much better than dual Dao.

HELL yes. Wouldn't mind seeing a gruesome fatality similar to this one, especially after seeing NRS implement the technology available to them with the unreal engine for MK2011's fatalities.

08/21/2013 03:43 PM (UTC)
The above fak looks AWESOME. I only have 1 question; is Cage on his knees, or is he sinking in water? 'cause Quan Chi is on top of it, and it is a rflective surface. But, it's still a great and interesting fake.

Other scrapped concepts I like ar actually non-canon things from the movies and comics. I would love to see the hydra that Kahn had in the second movie in a game. Not as gameplay, of course, as a Fatality, or, God forbid, an Animality. Other realms like Ilkan and Hinpar I feel would fit well with the games and could introduce more characters, like Ruby, for instance.


08/21/2013 04:03 PM (UTC)
Well, with half of the roster from the previous game being "dead," this could give newer characters a chance to rise up, especially those from scrapped or comics that Netherrealm Studios own the rights to.

If not well, they could always make up their own but in a way that's similar to those characters they can't own... that doesn't cause too much of a ruckus to do. Because with the Malibu comics, I've always thought the character Siang, who's made up of two people combined together called Sing and Sang. I thought that would be a cool introduction to another character that uses two characters as one.

But of course, it's just a matter of rights and ownerships as well as whether or not they want to do that. Probably not but... hey, it's a thread that asks for concepts you want to see... even though this isn't necessarily a "scrapped" concept.
08/23/2013 12:17 AM (UTC)
legoslayer10 Wrote:
like Ruby, for instance.

Ruby was Jade. No one knows why they changed her name and color but the character was Jade in every other possible recognizeable way. Drk skinned ninja girl, friend of Kitana, loyal to Kahn, has a change of heart and takes Kitana's side in the end. Why do you need two of the same person?
08/24/2013 11:06 AM (UTC)
RazorsEdge701 Wrote:
legoslayer10 Wrote:
like Ruby, for instance.

Ruby was Jade. No one knows why they changed her name and color but the character was Jade in every other possible recognizeable way. Drk skinned ninja girl, friend of Kitana, loyal to Kahn, has a change of heart and takes Kitana's side in the end. Why do you need two of the same person?
Ruby is not Jade. Yes, she is a ninja, with dark skin, whobefriended Kitana. BUT, she's from the realm of Hinpar, which Kahn took over, and is also notably treacherous, albeit not on Tanya's scale.
08/24/2013 07:26 PM (UTC)
legoslayer10 Wrote:
BUT, she's from the realm of Hinpar, which Kahn took over

A place Kahn took over? Gee, that sounds completely different from Edenia!

I'm sorry, but unless you can tell me something unique about Hinpar culture and how that applies to Ruby's character and makes her different from Jade, then this point is meaningless.

legoslayer10 Wrote:
and is also notably treacherous, albeit not on Tanya's scale.

At the end of the episode, she has second thoughts about the betrayal and picks Kitana's side over Kahn's.

Just like who? Hmm, maybe Jade in UMK3? Gee Razor, you're absolutely right! Jade DID do exactly that in UMK3! What a crazy coincidence!
08/24/2013 10:57 PM (UTC)
Right... I'm going to ask this:

Is the Ruby that people are talking about at the moment the one from Defenders of the Realm?

BECAUSE we really need a chapter where we play as young fat kid Jax smacking around his bullies.

No not really.

We got Skarlet. We got Tanya. We got Jatakka. We got Kia. I will scour the names of other precious gems for you if you want, but we really dont need Defenders of the Realm stuff in.

Dont get me wrong. FUCKING LOVED IT. But no.
08/24/2013 11:11 PM (UTC)
JohnBoyAdvance Wrote:
Right... I'm going to ask this:

Is the Ruby that people are talking about at the moment the one from Defenders of the Realm?

BECAUSE we really need a chapter where we play as young fat kid Jax smacking around his bullies.

No not really.

We got Skarlet. We got Tanya. We got Jatakka. We got Kia. I will scour the names of other precious gems for you if you want, but we really dont need Defenders of the Realm stuff in.

Dont get me wrong. FUCKING LOVED IT. But no.

That's the only Ruby I know of.
08/25/2013 03:13 AM (UTC)
I'll start by stating that Ruby was just but one example of a character I personally would be interested in- the point of this thread.

Just for the heck of it, I guess it's worth noting the most obvious piece of Hinpar; it's a world of endless night. Edenia has a basic Earth rotation from what we have been given, and would naturally have a sunrise-sunset cycle.

Admittedly, that really is the only notable feature of Hinpar in the sense, since it was only a small part in a non canon TV show.

On this topic, the non-canon and minor characters I would love to see include Hydro, Sing/ Sang/ Siang, and a playable variation of the Great Kung Lao.
08/26/2013 07:07 AM (UTC)
legoslayer10 Wrote:
Just for the heck of it, I guess it's worth noting the most obvious piece of Hinpar; it's a world of endless night.

If that's the only interesting thing about Hinpar, you could just transpose that one little fact onto Vaeternus, the vampire homerealm, which already exists in canon, albeit is currently merged with Outworld since Nitara hasn't freed it yet in the rebootverse. It would certainly fit thematically for it to always be night on Vampire-world.

On the other hand, I'm recalling that in canon, Vampires are only harmed by Earthrealm's sun and can walk in the daylight just fine on other realms, so maybe theirs had a perfectly normal solar cycle, as boring as that case would be...
Also, I find the scientist in me wondering how the hell a planet that gets no sunlight wouldn't be a frozen wasteland and could possibly support life.
08/27/2013 01:54 AM (UTC)

RazorsEdge701 Wrote:
Also, I find the scientist in me wondering how the hell a planet that gets no sunlight wouldn't be a frozen wasteland and could possibly support life.

I think I did something on this once for school. Really, I'm gonna chek my old school stuff and se what I can find.

(After some rustling around through my old papers, I actually found it, crumpled in a manilla folder)

See, there's various ways that we could survive.

I'll begin by pointing out geothermal warming, as crazy as it sounds. Geothermal warming is, as it sounds, the warming of the planet by it's core. See, magma is much stronger than most people think when this comes up. Though, it wouldn't just be as natural as it would be with a star to orbit, it would be pretty easy to adjust to the climate. It couldn't be worse than winter in most places, and various hotspots would heat up the place fairly for probably, say, a max of 5 years. And naturally, people living there would continue to adjust to the climate as it lowered, possibly even evolving/mutating to adjust better to the climate. With that said...

The plants would have an interesting time with darkness. They would be the biggest thing to survival. But, against popular thoughts, the biggest provider of oxygen is NOT a land-dweller, but a bacteria (or a protist, something along those lines. It's not clearly defined in my work.) These little critters provide well over 90% of our oxygen. And with little light reaching most parts of the seabottom, oxygen would be of no issue to survival. And these creatures are closer to the planet's core, meaning they get heat, too, though I'm pretty sure it's robably freesing down there, anyway. But, though we would be safe oxygen-wise, how would we get energy without sunlight...

Well, plants need 3 basic things to provide food for themselves; water, natural gases (carbon and oxygen), and sunlight. We already covered oxygen, and we'll be exhaling carbon naturally.

Then comes the issue of sunlight. Well, this is where things get a bit strange. See, assuming we're talking about a planet, it's going to have plenty of stars around it. And since we have no star this planet is orbitting, it's satellites (moons and such) will NOT be visible, as they aren't reflecting enough starlight to be visible from the planet.. So no moonlight. Whilst this will not be enough to provide for all plants on Earth, there will be 3 kinds of plants that will survive; weeds, small grasses, and plants that are "fit, or in other worrds, plants that can overshadow the little ones. That leaves us with weeds, grass, and some other plants along the lines of trees and vines. This leaves us with 2 things, small amounts of energy in mass amounts, and habitats. Many tertiary consumers will not survive this, but that means that we will have more small things to eat, not like squirells, more like foxes. Foxes are not on scale with tigers, and not as weak as little animals like rabbits. So, you would be eating low-level tertiary consumers as main courses. We'll get more into this later. Right now, we've gotta move on to water.

Here, things are going to blow your mind.
See, the biggest fear with water is that it will all freeze over, leaving us to try to melt it to survive. Well, with the previously mentioned geothermal warming, we will continue to have water. Now, granted, yes, things will be cooler, and in the places similar to the Arctic and Antarctic regions, things may easily expand, as there aren't many volcanos or heat sources, otherwise they wouldn't be like that. Otherwise those regions wouldn't be there. But, that's not to say that plants will get water. Yeah, rain will be less prominent. In winter, they'll get ravaged by snow and extremely cold weather, possibly reaching temperatures in the depths of -20(F) in some regions. But they will survive like how they do now, as they have less competition, and are more of the plants that are prone to survive or breed easily and fast. With little water reaching them via rainfall, plants will leave themselves to die. Or will they? See, with no sunlight, it gets cold enough for oxygen to actually turn to liquid, and this IS able to take the place of water. So though the cold actually will prevent the plants from obtaining water, it WILL give them a great substitute.

Now, I want to end on food sources and energy pyramids. Since it's always implied that the Sun is always the beginninng of every food chain or web, we do lose plenty of our energy sources. But with grasses and weeds still alive, we can still get up to some low-level tertiary consumers, and can still keep farm animals. Considering that cow, pig, and chicken live on seeds, grasses, and scraps, they WILL have plenty of things to eat, and can easily do as they do in childhood- nurse. Young animals can just feed off of mothers. And with this, we get pork, beef, and chicken as food sources. So we will have food, water, and oxygen. What are the basic needs of life? Food, water, and oxygen.

So, with this said, it is not hard to live in the cold darkness. This DOES NOT mean things won't be different, but will be survivable.

Please, if anyody has anything to add, please do. I can almost guarantee I missed something. Please point it out, and please try to disprove me.

08/27/2013 10:03 PM (UTC)
The planet would be so large as well.

But in fact the concept would fit well Vaeternus not need new realm.

Vaeternus yes would have worked well as Great Kingdom and not CaosRealm that could very well be part of Outworld.
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08/29/2013 09:41 PM (UTC)
What if Demon Baphomet concept was used for Sareena's non-human appearance (since we know she has one it just hasn't been seen). Just a thought that sprang to mind.

NRS really need to go over their previous concepts because there's good stuff there to "resurrect".
08/30/2013 12:25 AM (UTC)
PickleMendip Wrote:
What if Demon Baphomet concept was used for Sareena's non-human appearance (since we know she has one it just hasn't been seen). Just a thought that sprang to mind.

I've always thought the same thing for Ashrah (before she obtained the Kriss.)
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