Scorpion vs Sub-Zero
posted12/29/2008 05:30 AM (UTC)by
Member Since
12/23/2008 04:42 AM (UTC)
I know Sub-Zero was the one who killed Scorpion and seperated him from his family when he came back, which gives Scorpion evey reason to hate Sub-Zero's guts, but does anyone think that maybe sometime in the future they might form an alliance and maybe even conquer all the realms together, i don't think so, but i most certainly hope so
12/24/2008 02:38 AM (UTC)
are you saying another deadly alliance like them taking over the realms or saving them add a little detail


~Go easy on the emoticons please~

12/24/2008 06:06 AM (UTC)
Okay, first off, the title of this thread is Scorpion VS Sub-Zero, yet you talk about the possibility of them teaming up together. Kind of contradictory.

Secondly, the current Sub-Zero is not the one who killed Scorpion, nor did he kill the man's family, if that's what you mean by "Separated him from them". The one who killed Scorpion is the wraith now known as Noob Saibot and I think it was Quan Chi that killed his family and clan, though, at this point, no one's really sure if Scorpion knows that anymore.

Alright, now that I've gone through the canonical problems with your idea, let's go through the logistical problems.

Even if Scorpion and Sub-Zero were to team up, neither of them have dreams of global or dimensional conquest. Scorpions goals have always been about revenge (regretably) while Sub-Zero has always in some sense been directed toward fighting a greater evil. In none of their stories will you see them attempt to conquer something.

So, no, I don't think it's going to happen.
12/24/2008 01:52 PM (UTC)
If scorpion and sub-zero became an team then they would just being up the past.Then they might destory the entire mortal kombat rase! >wowwowfurioussmile
12/26/2008 07:59 AM (UTC)
I feel that Sub-Zero and Scorpion should be at each other's throats again over the fate of Noob Saibot.

I feel this would really deepen up many possibilities to Scorp and Sub's plot and could end up being explosive resulting in one of the three dying.

I would set the plot with Noob Saibot become hell bent on getting his new clan up and running. Noob Saibot being an independent party should strike a deal with the main villain to give him complete rule over the Netherealm to basically be the new Shinnok. Noob Saibot will be granted all of this IF he wins the next Mortal Kombat tournament. The main villain knowing that the Netherealm is a very undesirable place to rule his empire would strike a deal with Noob Saibot and insure Noob Saibot the ownership of the souls that are trapped into that realm. With Noob Saibot as the victor he knows that his empire would not be challenged. Noob Saibot would get out of hand in turning mortals into twisted wraiths like himself and would become an issue that cannot be ignored by Earth's warriors.

This is where Sub-Zero and Scorpion come into play

In Scorpion's eyes I feel that he no longer seeks vengeance on the man who killed him but instead must put an end to the creature he created. Scorpion's native realm now is the Netherealm and Noob Saibot intends to pervert it and shape it very differently from its original state. Scorpion feels it is his sworn duty to correct his creation, and this plot can make the Specter question his entire purpose in existence. I'd love to see Scorpion with a conscience and him questioning the entire concept of revenge and the cost of actually getting the revenge he was so bent on getting in the first Mortal Kombat, Scorpion realizes though, Noob Saibot is a threat to the natural order of things and must be eliminated at all costs, even at his own existence. Scorpion is not an entrant in the tournament, his only mission is to kill Noob Saibot and eliminate the wraith who stand in his way.

Sub-Zero on the other hand would have the knowledge of Noob Saibot being his older brother and he has hope that his brother is still alive deep down inside of the wraith he has become. While using the Lin Kuei to help the Earth Warriors ensure a victory in the next tournament Sub-Zero himself participates knowing that Noob Saibot is a contestant and by facing him he could convert his brother before it is too late.

I think it would be really cool if Scorpion makes an attempt at Noob Saibot's life early in the tournament and is distracted by Sub-Zero. Scorpion warns Sub-Zero to stay out of his way or he too will be his enemy. Sub-Zero could try and reason with Scorpion in giving him the opportunity to face Noob Saibot in Mortal Kombat, but Scorpion could turn around and say that his attempts would be in vain, the man who was once Lin Kuei no longer exists, what remains is a beast that must be slayed. This confrontation of ideals would stack Sub-Zero and Scorpion against each other yet again in a fresh and new direction for the series that already builds off of previous titles.
12/27/2008 04:18 PM (UTC)
assassinLM Wrote:
I know Sub-Zero was the one who killed Scorpion and seperated him from his family when he came back, which gives Scorpion evey reason to hate Sub-Zero's guts, but does anyone think that maybe sometime in the future they might form an alliance and maybe even conquer all the realms together, i don't think so, but i most certainly hope so

I seriously doubt the two will somehow join forces together and try to rule the realms. Sub-Zero is not a realm conquering character, and he wouldn't just somehow change alignments to rule realms. Even in a good guy state, the heroes don't rule realms unless they're an actual king or an Elder God.

Scorpion has no motives for taking over realms nor partnering up with his enemy/ enemy's younger brother even though Scorpion vowed to protect the younger one for quite some time during the series when he found out that the Sub-Zero at that time was not his killer. Scorpion does not want to take over realms, he is simply out for revenge of the death of his family as well as his clan.

Teaming the two together would be an interesting twist, but I can never imagine any one of them trying to go and take over a realm. It's been done before and I highly doubt that there's going to be another team who wants to take over the entire 11 realms that exists... even though it's 10 not counting Zattera or whatever.

But change your title's name. Why would you name it Scorpion vs. Sub-Zero if you're talking about them teaming up with each other? It's misleading.

RoninDrake Wrote:
Secondly, the current Sub-Zero is not the one who killed Scorpion, nor did he kill the man's family, if that's what you mean by "Separated him from them". The one who killed Scorpion is the wraith now known as Noob Saibot and I think it was Quan Chi that killed his family and clan, though, at this point, no one's really sure if Scorpion knows that anymore.

Quan Chi originally killed his family and his clan. It was mentioned I beleive in the fourth game, if not Mythologies.
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PSN - TrueKage

12/27/2008 09:19 PM (UTC)
Grizzle, I gotta say that is a very interesting way to refresh all three of them. I agree 100% on that
12/29/2008 01:10 AM (UTC)
[Quote]Okay, first off, the title of this thread is Scorpion VS Sub-Zero, yet you talk about the possibility of them teaming up together. Kind of contradictory. [Quote]

u have a good point, the vs doesn't really make sense
12/29/2008 05:30 AM (UTC)
What's with all of the new little kids who are fuckin retarded?
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