scorpion or scorpions son?
posted08/29/2008 01:51 AM (UTC)by
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07/27/2007 07:37 PM (UTC)
would you rather have the origanal scorpion or his son come as the new leader of his clan and new character
08/18/2008 10:59 PM (UTC)
No son and no clan. Leave them dead.
08/18/2008 11:03 PM (UTC)
you think, well for those scorpion fans, to be hypathetic, would the long lost son return and take his spot, or the real scorpion stay. why should they stay dead. scorpions already dead, and how r we sure that his son, his family, is dead after being captured
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08/18/2008 11:13 PM (UTC)
Future MK discussion? Anyway, it would be cool if his son came back as an agent of quan chi
08/18/2008 11:49 PM (UTC)
ShadowSpectre Wrote:
you think, well for those scorpion fans, to be hypathetic, would the long lost son return and take his spot, or the real scorpion stay. why should they stay dead. scorpions already dead, and how r we sure that his son, his family, is dead after being captured

Well, it's been established in the story of the games that Scorpion's family and clan are dead. You can refer to MK Mythologies: Sub-Zero, MK4, and MKDA.

As for whether Scorpion or Scorpion's son should be in the next MK game, I definitely wouldn't want anyone from Scorpion's family or clan to be characters in any future MK games. I feel that they won't do anything positive for the story and certainly not Scorpion's. When it comes to Scorpion himself, I think there are quite a few people who know how I feel about him. Basically, if he isn't drastically improved in the next MK game, I would rather not see him again.
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08/19/2008 01:56 AM (UTC)
well at's scorpions ending in MKA he's wife & son are lived, bud i don't have to explane what will happend.

bud i rather to see scorpion,cauz he's just asome& he is one of my fav charakter.( i only got 2 fav charakter bud what ever).
bud you know what i acctuely love to see. Scoprion & sub zero working together(friends..with often fight..). cauz they are THE REAL Party starter of MK. Just 2 cool dudes.
08/19/2008 09:05 AM (UTC)
so why would scorpion or any of his clan or family have to do anything positive anyway, and refer to those 2 games, i dont think we really know, his ending in armageddon doesnt state that his family is dead, that begins his quest to search for him, and why always make him out t be the bad guy, HE IS NEUTRAL, thats great, he doesnt care for the bad guys and not so much the good but no allies, cool. and if you want scorpion to change for thosse who think he is just boring now, then whhat do u wanna do, besides throw him out, lets ee other ideas, cuz im sick of the complaining about what should be done differently. you know what, i think that would make it more interesting if scorpions not good enough for any of you.
08/19/2008 04:22 PM (UTC)
Brining back Scorpion's family and clan does NOTHING good for his storyline. It's two steps back. True, his Armageddon ending suggest his family and clan were brought back to life. It needs to be ignored and left non-canon because it's a horrible direction to take his character.

Say they bring them back and Scorpion takes command of the Shirai Ryu....hooray, we have another character running his own clan just like Sub-Zero with the Lin Kuei, Sektor with the Tekunin, Noob Saibot with the Brotherhood, and Kabal with the Black Dragon....not to mention several other clans and factions. Also, one of Scorpion's defining characteristics is he's a LONER who prefers to do things ALONE. Sticking him with a clan...kind of clashes with that.

Say they have Scorpion's wife or son get kidnapped by Quan Chi or something....hooray, MORE of Scorpion whining and bitching about his lost family. That's exactly what we need. Brining back Scorpion's family pisses over what little bit of story and character has/had. Scorpion needs to get over his family and move the fuck on.

What Scorpion should do is settle his vendetta with Quan Chi, accept that his family and clan are gone and he can't get them back, and find a new purpose for his existence. I would like to see him try to regain his honor, but at this point, just about anything not involving crying about his family & clan will do.
08/19/2008 09:11 PM (UTC)
you guys turn this into a over dramatic situation,he bitches and cries, yeah right. through out the whole mk stories, if he still believes his family is alive then why is it wrong to search for them, and why do you think that if someone from his clan or family takes after him, that it will continue to make him look bad. and you know what, he also states in deception looking for his clan, so i dont think its bad to put him back into the clan he wants back and leads and is loyal to, he a loner now because supposivly there dead for good and now looking for the one who killed him so his soul can rest. id be lonely to after losing all those people who were family to me, and im sure he doesnt care for anyone else if he just want to kill quan chi and rest his soul.
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08/20/2008 02:14 PM (UTC)
ShadowSpectre Wrote:
you guys turn this into a over dramatic situation,he bitches and cries, yeah right. through out the whole mk stories, if he still believes his family is alive then why is it wrong to search for them, and why do you think that if someone from his clan or family takes after him, that it will continue to make him look bad. and you know what, he also states in deception looking for his clan, so i dont think its bad to put him back into the clan he wants back and leads and is loyal to, he a loner now because supposivly there dead for good and now looking for the one who killed him so his soul can rest. id be lonely to after losing all those people who were family to me, and im sure he doesnt care for anyone else if he just want to kill quan chi and rest his soul.

i tottaly agree with you.
08/20/2008 05:02 PM (UTC)
ShadowSpectre Wrote:
you guys turn this into a over dramatic situation,he bitches and cries, yeah right. through out the whole mk stories, if he still believes his family is alive then why is it wrong to search for them, and why do you think that if someone from his clan or family takes after him, that it will continue to make him look bad. and you know what, he also states in deception looking for his clan, so i dont think its bad to put him back into the clan he wants back and leads and is loyal to, he a loner now because supposivly there dead for good and now looking for the one who killed him so his soul can rest. id be lonely to after losing all those people who were family to me, and im sure he doesnt care for anyone else if he just want to kill quan chi and rest his soul.

Both you and FireQueen completely ignored what I had said earlier. It is already established in the games that Scorpion's family and clan are dead. Look at the stories in MK Mythologies: Sub-Zero, MK4/MKG, and MK: Deadly Alliance.

Scorpion doesn't believe that his family is still alive, and he's not looking for his clan. I don't know where you got those ideas from, but you're mistaken. He was deceived into believing that Sub-Zero was the one who killed his family and clan.

Why should Scorpion become the new leader of the Shirai Ryu? He doesn't act like a ninja, not even a stereotypical one. You have to consider the Soke (Grandmaster) who would have likely been brought back as a specter as well. Technically, the Soke is supposed to give the Menkyo Kaiden (instructing license) to his successor. We don't know what Scorpion's rank was in the Shirai Ryu. In addition, there have already been a few other characters whose stories have involved them taking control of their own clans. Why do we need yet ANOTHER character to do this, especially someone like Scorpion?

What XiahouDun84 was trying to say was that Scorpion should get his revenge on Quan Chi finished with already so that he can go in a new story direction.

One of the big problems here is that you haven't versed yourself in the stories that well. If you want to understand where we're coming from, I suggest you do that.
08/20/2008 09:44 PM (UTC)
ok your right and i forgot to mention that in the last post, i totally forgot aout his ending in deadly alliance,but still imsaying now that hes on his quest to kill quan chi and rest his soul. because really thats all he wants. but yes your right sub-zero, my bad on that. and i do agree also that his stoy needs to get more exciting but being a huge fan of scorpion, i just dont like seeing people over dramatize his character. all im saying now is that hes on one quest to kill his family's murderer, and then wants to rest his soul. thats all im gettig at, and i appreiciate you guys helping me with the other inf iv forgotten or didnt know. and the clan thing, if he led it, im saying he would want to ressurect his clan and lad it again, same with the family, idk.
08/20/2008 10:27 PM (UTC)
For what reason would they have a purpose to be in this game? Even though, we already know that they are both dead, what purpose would they serve in this game? Nothing. Plus, it would be even a dumber idea to bring them back to life somehow and avenge their death. We have too many of those characters popping up like that.
08/20/2008 11:03 PM (UTC)
ShadowSpectre Wrote:
ok your right and i forgot to mention that in the last post, i totally forgot aout his ending in deadly alliance,but still imsaying now that hes on his quest to kill quan chi and rest his soul. because really thats all he wants. but yes your right sub-zero, my bad on that. and i do agree also that his stoy needs to get more exciting but being a huge fan of scorpion, i just dont like seeing people over dramatize his character. all im saying now is that hes on one quest to kill his family's murderer, and then wants to rest his soul. thats all im gettig at, and i appreiciate you guys helping me with the other inf iv forgotten or didnt know. and the clan thing, if he led it, im saying he would want to ressurect his clan and lad it again, same with the family, idk.

Yes, we know that he's on a quest to kill Quan Chi. There's no problem with that in itself. However, the problems have to do with how he goes about it as well as his story not having much else to it. Yes, he became the Champion of the Elder Gods in MKD, but that's all done away with now and Scorpion is trying to kill Taven and Daegon to get back at the Elder Gods. What we're saying is that Scorpion should finally kill Quan Chi and move on, no longer having a revenge-based story and not having anything to do with his family and clan.

About the clan thing, as I said before, this is a bad idea. We've already had characters who have formed their own clans or taken control of already established clans. Considering that and the way Scorpion's character is now, what makes him worthy of becoming the next leader of the Shirai Ryu clan? As for the resurrection of his clan, that was what Scorpion wanted in exchange for his services to the Elder Gods. Since Scorpion did not do his job properly, the Elder Gods brought back his clan as specters like him. Whether this also includes his wife and son is something I'm not sure about.
08/20/2008 11:50 PM (UTC)
hey i said my own piece and i never brung up being champion of he eldergods and all i said is that he is trying to kill quan chi, to sum it up i dont care abut the other details, thats the main point of his story, nd whats the purpose of him coming back, well idk maybe its because hes a character and hes popular and people still like him, oh and its ed boons favorite character. so im sure he will expand on him, and the clan thing and ressurection, im just laying out a fact that he wanted to ressurect his clan, not saying he will, and thats where the clan thing came into play, to have it back. but that wont happen probably, and yeah his story isnt exciting anymore, and he's wanting to kill one person, so...dont play him anymore then, and just let the creators do their job and work on his story b/c i dont doubt scorpions story is like this for a reason, maybe theres supposed to be a big suprise, do you think so? just maybe, so here's my piece, he wants to kill one man, doesnt care for anyone else and doesnt want anybody in his way of quan chi. plain and simple. thats why he tries to fight them, so he can continue, if he loses, he wont die but he will continue to search.
08/21/2008 12:25 AM (UTC)
If all you're trying to say is that he's trying to kill Quan Chi and that he doesn't want anybody in his way, then why bother making a thread? I don't understand....You're basically saying something that I already know. It's like there isn't a real point to anything you're saying.

As for the purpose of him coming back, the things you said about him being a popular character and Ed Boon's favorite are also things that I already know. But what you don't seem to understand is that therein lies one of the big problems with Scorpion, the fact that his gimmicks, his popularity, and Boon's favoritism towards him are the only determining factors that are the means for his constant returns.

In terms of his story and character the way they are now, they have little to no value. Why should we continue to be fed with this crap? You also ignored what I had said in regards to Scorpion getting his revenge on Quan Chi. To reiterate, one of the issues I have is how Scorpion goes about getting his revenge. If you want me to elaborate on that, fine.

You said you don't doubt that Scorpion's story is the way it is for a reason. You brought up the possibility of there supposed to being a big surprise. What big surprise? His story is crap now and his character is a joke. The real surprise would be if his story and character were to turn around and change for the better. However, I doubt that'll happen, at least anytime soon.

The topic you made was to ask others if we would rather have Scorpion or his son be in the next game as the new leader of the Shirai Ryu. XiahouDun84 and I already expressed our views on the matter.
08/21/2008 01:01 PM (UTC)
I think it'll be good to bring Scorpion's son back to life. Scorpion's son's real name would be Hanzo Ichigo a.k.a. Wasp. Its a good idea... his face hidden in his mask would be almost flesh-like and a skull mouth. Okay how about just a full human face with undead eyes instead.
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08/22/2008 03:28 PM (UTC)
HenshinSlayer000 Wrote:
I think it'll be good to bring Scorpion's son back to life. Scorpion's son's real name would be Hanzo Ichigo a.k.a. Wasp. Its a good idea... his face hidden in his mask would be almost flesh-like and a skull mouth.

Okay how about just a full human face with undead eyes instead.

Sounds uninspired, lame, stereotypical, and reeks of copycat motives.
08/25/2008 09:32 AM (UTC)
well that was the point of it. but it turns more into a hate thing against scorpion, thats why it got off topic, although everbody just hates scorpion now for all the same reasons, give me something new besides the story technique or the revenge, revenge, revenge. and im pointing out simple facts here. and the suprise that i spoke of, dont act like i know there is, i said maybe there will be and it could be good. so im done with this thread, and again, refer to the hope of a ressurection for his family and clan, i refered to the mythologies, but also ressurecting them, so then his son could hypathetcally replace scorpion, kill the one responsible, rest soul, possibly scorpions son comes in. thats all it was for me.furiouswink Thanks
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08/25/2008 11:01 PM (UTC)
ShadowSpectre Wrote:
well that was the point of it. but it turns more into a hate thing against scorpion, thats why it got off topic, although everbody just hates scorpion now for all the same reasons, give me something new besides the story technique or the revenge, revenge, revenge. and im pointing out simple facts here. and the suprise that i spoke of, dont act like i know there is, i said maybe there will be and it could be good. so im done with this thread, and again, refer to the hope of a ressurection for his family and clan, i refered to the mythologies, but also ressurecting them, so then his son could hypathetcally replace scorpion, kill the one responsible, rest soul, possibly scorpions son comes in. thats all it was for me.furiouswink

You wrote a hundred words, yet said nothing.
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08/26/2008 06:51 PM (UTC)
I agree with NOT bringing those individuals (and clan)back for whatever reason. I want these characters to finish with the missions that they're on, and start new, completely different ones if they are to stick around and be relevant.

However, I would be interested in a retro game that has these entities as guests. Maybe explains in detail some personality trait that bends him on revenge for so long, but that also commits him so well to his clan and family.

I'd also like to see what Hanzo's talent was before he was murdered. For instance, the original Sub-Zero was a Cryomancer, and after as Noob Saibot, he is a Necromancer//Wraith....well, what was Hanzo?

Game could start into how the Lin Kuei and Shirai Ryu broke up between Takeda, Hanzo, and the Lin Kuei Grandmasters. Probably ends with the death, and resurrection of Hanzo to Scorpion, or with the first Sub-Zero to Noob Saibot. Bringing us to MK1 - 2's storylines for those characters. I think that way, it'd look like it were going to be a continuation at the end of that game. But really, it'd just bring to a close the back story of MK's two most iconic characters.

All they'd have to do then, is close this revenge thing for Scorpion, and begin some other mission for him.

That's my take on it. But nothing current for the appearance of family and clan. It'd be a waste of an avenue to explore for him iMo.
08/27/2008 12:51 PM (UTC)
Bringing back Scorpion's family would be absolute crap, in my opinion. It's just a childish thought to assume that because Scorpion is an un-dead ninja specter, his son would have to be too. Even if you did go with the Armageddon ending, and Scorpion's son was alive, what would his motivation for fighting be? Why is he the only character that has aged? It'd be a gimmick, and nothing more.

The only way I think I'd be able to remotely get into Scorpion's son coming back, is if some kind of new sorcerer created some kind of demonic beast warped from the bodies of Scorpion's wife and child, to destroy him. It wouldn't have its own thoughts, or its own soul, but would just be a grotesque attempt at a mind-fuck for Scorpion. The former Hanzo Hasashi slices it down the middle, and fully embraces his new nature, which is not human. But then you've gone and created a mindless and complex character (model-wise) for the sole purpose of providing a one-game obstacle for Scorpion, which is sort of a waste. Better to use the amalgamation of dead bodies for a character with a future.

I think what should happen with Scorpion, is this: He fucks up Quan Chi in Armageddon. He doesn't just kill that guy, he makes hell seem like the best fuck Quan Chi has ever had. Scorpion then believes he can rest, but he finds he cannot, because Noob Saibot is still at large. Scorpion, in the story, is responsible for the creation of Noob Saibot, so if we're looking for reasons Scorpion should not be able to rest, that seems like a pretty good one to me.

Scorpion believes that if he can kill Saibot, he will finally be able to just go back to fucking sleeping in the Netherealm. Unfortunately, whoever else is trying to kill Saibot (whether it be Sub-Zero VI, Sareena, or whoever) gets there first at the end of the next game, and Scorpion is forever doomed to walk the realms, as he never righted the wrong he is responsible for.

This, of course, pisses Scorpion off, and gives him a reason to be in every Mortal Kombat game from now until the end of time (whether or not he will or should be out of the question), and it does something. As much as a lot of people with taste are over the whole Sub-Zero vs. Scorpion thing, it is something many people associate with Mortal Kombat. It would put a bad-ass Scorpion always over Sub-Zero's shoulder, and always trying to kill the more pure ninja.
08/28/2008 12:32 AM (UTC)
hey you guys can go anywhere with this, i just asked who...i accept when im wrong so maybe i missed somethings so please all of you, forgive me and ill look more into the stories, i must say though i learn also from this. thank you all.
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08/28/2008 07:13 AM (UTC)
You-Know-Who Wrote:

Sounds pretty good to me. I like pretty much everything there.

The way that plays to me, is as an everlasting -- underlying reason, and as a base for the character to logically remain in any future MK's without real question about it. One event serves as the purpose for the mere presence of the character. Explains the "why" for him always being in a game beyond the mere fandom of the character.

I think it'd also make the game that clarified that for him, more desirable to new fans that come along and want to investigate something worthwhile in Scorpions history.

Gets a thumbs up from me on those fronts.

Also, another way I can see that plays, is because it allows him to get into more situations// have other good story archs//ect...with or without other characters, and stays his relevance to the Mortal Kombat contest without jeopardizing him as a neutral character at any time.

Allows the writers to play with a hypothetical "good" Scorpion, as well as a hypothetical "bad" Scorpion at any time, and it never really matters for him because he's always going to go with what works for whatever goal he's trying to accomplish.

Always temporary though, because he doesn't have time as an issue...although I do see that time restraints of others could provide that for him.


I agree that from MKA the likely -- most worthy and just candidate for the demise of Quan Chi in any form, would//should be Scorpion. There's nothing like finally getting to kick the ass of the person who did you an eternal injustice.

I say let him have the revenge already and let's move on.

ShadowSpectre Wrote:
hey you guys can go anywhere with this, i just asked who...i accept when im wrong so maybe i missed somethings so please all of you, forgive me and ill look more into the stories, i must say though i learn also from this. thank you all.

You're not wrong for having an idea and expressing it. This is how you tell if what you came up with, looks at an efficient amount of the angles about the character, and allows you to understand the development of future ideas for the story of a character you like. Keep going..

Do note though, that this one idea you had, we shared to a lessor degree in the past for me. And guess what? These same guys provoked me to read more about Scorpion, a character that is nowhere near a favorite of mine. But at the same time, if you wanna like MK, Scorpion is a character that is kind of an "issue" to deal with since he will no doubt be sticking around.

Here's a pretty good source for "MK character stuff" to bookmark. Unless you already knew about that site.
08/28/2008 11:47 PM (UTC)
thank you predator
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