Scorpion... Most stupid character in MKX *SPOILER*
posted04/14/2015 08:48 PM (UTC)by
Member Since
06/29/2011 06:32 PM (UTC)
While this was Raiden's part in MK9 for simply being stupid this time Scorpion is the one fucking it up. And that's while being human... I thought he became smarter but in the end it doesn't matter... Blind rage as always

Whoever has seen it... Do you agree? I hope this will have some role in the next game for Scorpion...
04/12/2015 12:51 PM (UTC)
Nah ... he has done what I have always wanted to see. I loved Scorpion and I loved him more for this. That guy was going to escape the SF's hands any minute anyway
04/12/2015 01:04 PM (UTC)
I agree, if he had not invanded the base, Johnny, Kenshi and Sonya should be able to stop D'Vorah, if she throwed the amulet Kenshi could get it through his powers. Also D'Vorah is kinda stupid too, she teleports right in the center of the base, everybody would see her.

And then there is also the fact that Scorpion is a dick, Sonya said they could free the revenants with Quan Chi, and he doesn't give a damn.
Scorpion's always been a piece of shit. He willingly joined a clan of assassins for fast money.

That's the difference between him and Kuai Liang or Tomas Vrbada who never had a choice and were kidnapped into that lifestyle before they were strong enough to escape it.

You could say the same for Bi-Han but he was also an asshole intensely loyal to his clan and disregarded his evil actions even after going to hell and back.
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04/12/2015 01:42 PM (UTC)
Scorpion is a dick, bit I can easily sacrifice Sindel, Kabal, Stryker and the others for the satisfaction of seeing

Spoilers: (Highlight to reveal)
Quan Chi's head being cut off.
swerzy Wrote:
Scorpion is a dick, bit I can easily sacrifice Sindel, Kabal, Stryker and the others for the satisfaction of seeing

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Quan Chi's head being cut off.

I would too, but only because we'd see them again sooner than
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Quan Chi because they already sat a game out.
04/12/2015 01:56 PM (UTC)
If I remember correctly he did not just join for fast money, his father was a member of the clan and didn't even want him to join but he did to be able to provide his wife and child with a comfortable life, that obviously didn't work out as planned but he didn't join out of selfish greed, at least I don't remember reading/seeing/hearing that anywhere.
Doing it for the wife and child or not, killing people for money makes him an asshole.
04/12/2015 02:05 PM (UTC)
Actually I would rather kill Quan and get rid of his presence than trust the epic fail that's Raiden and the SF. I mean they had 25 years to track him down and bring back their fallen people but nah..
04/12/2015 03:11 PM (UTC)
I actually thought the stupidest character was Kotal Kahn.

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After Cassie and Co. help him snuff out Mileena's rebellion, he pulls a total dick move by fucking them over. Even after Dvoarh betrays him and frees Shinnok, he's too dense to see that they're just trying to protect their realm rather than invade his. Its kind of funny that the whole reason he overthrew Mileena was because she refused to help Eathrealm in the Nether Realm war, and yet when Earthrealm is in the react same position under his rule, not only is he not helping, but he's unknowingly helping Shinnok!
Honestly Kotal was the dumbass in story this time. Scorpion pretty much did what we all wanted him to do for years and finally kill Quan Chi. Radian and SF had 25 years to get Quan Chi and save their friend but nope the blame falls squarely on their shoulders for that. Kotal had the chance to join Earthrealm and defeat Shinnok alongside of them but instead attack them and trusts someone who would had outworld ruled by a fallen Elder God.Yeah Kotal's the dumbass here not Scorpion.
Honestly Kotal was the dumbass in story this time. Scorpion pretty much did what we all wanted him to do for years and finally kill Quan Chi. Raiden and SF had 25 years to get Quan Chi and save their friend but nope the blame falls squarely on their shoulders for that. Kotal had the chance to join Earthrealm and defeat Shinnok alongside of them but instead attack them and trusts someone who would had outworld ruled by a fallen Elder God.Yeah Kotal's the dumbass here not Scorpion.

Shame, since the comics made him seem relatively intelligent.
04/12/2015 03:55 PM (UTC)
TigerStyle Wrote:
Scorpion's always been a piece of shit. He willingly joined a clan of assassins for fast money.

That's the difference between him and Kuai Liang or Tomas Vrbada who never had a choice and were kidnapped into that lifestyle before they were strong enough to escape it.

You could say the same for Bi-Han but he was also an asshole intensely loyal to his clan and disregarded his evil actions even after going to hell and back.

THIS THIS. Well said.
04/12/2015 03:56 PM (UTC)
Depends on ones perspective I guess lol
04/12/2015 04:12 PM (UTC)
also,as much as Scorpion was being selfish,he did try to stop D'Vorah from giving the amulet to Quan Chi,which he nearly succeeded at. He also tried to attack Shinnok,but we all know how well that went.
btw,Raiden does have a dumb moment: when he sees Shinnok in the Jinsei Chamber,why doesn't he try to use his lightning,or teleport behind him? why does he blindly run towards Shinnok like an idiot?
04/12/2015 04:20 PM (UTC)
Because plot and writing lol its like characters forget what powers they have when they would actually be useful outside of a fight.
04/12/2015 04:27 PM (UTC)
Blade4693 Wrote:
Because plot and writing lol its like characters forget what powers they have when they would actually be useful outside of a fight.

That's true too, at least Raiden wasn't the last fight, was getting tired of him always fighting the big bads.
04/12/2015 04:33 PM (UTC)
yeah. definitely.
I just wish they found a way to make it less obvious it's due to plot reasons they can't use their powers. Maybe,as soon Raiden spotted Shinnok he got trapped,that would make sense,given Shinnok was powered by both his amulet,and the Jinsei.
I also find it incredibly dumb how sometimes wounds are realistic(JC getting stabbed by Jax) and other times do nothing at all(Takeda getting stabbed,for example) That was also my one main complaint regarding deaths in MK9,and while deaths here at least,do resemble fatalities,there are still stupid moments here and there.
04/12/2015 05:27 PM (UTC)
Dervis Wrote:
I actually thought the stupidest character was Kotal Kahn.

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After Cassie and Co. help him snuff out Mileena's rebellion, he pulls a total dick move by fucking them over. Even after Dvoarh betrays him and frees Shinnok, he's too dense to see that they're just trying to protect their realm rather than invade his. Its kind of funny that the whole reason he overthrew Mileena was because she refused to help Eathrealm in the Nether Realm war, and yet when Earthrealm is in the react same position under his rule, not only is he not helping, but he's unknowingly helping Shinnok!

Shao Kahn > Kotal Kahn

04/12/2015 05:43 PM (UTC)
TigerStyle Wrote:
Scorpion's always been a piece of shit. He willingly joined a clan of assassins for fast money.

That's the difference between him and Kuai Liang or Tomas Vrbada who never had a choice and were kidnapped into that lifestyle before they were strong enough to escape it.

You could say the same for Bi-Han but he was also an asshole intensely loyal to his clan and disregarded his evil actions even after going to hell and back.

So true
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04/13/2015 06:44 AM (UTC)
It seems that everybody on this site is kissing Kuai Liang's ass.

FROID Wrote:
It seems that everybody on this site is kissing Kuai Liang's ass.


I guess our form isn't good enough? Show us how you do it.
04/13/2015 07:38 AM (UTC)
Someone have murdered Scorpions family, and he is filled with rage, what is this bullshit. I wish he was a cold emotionless cardboard cutout character.
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... here's your Subzero, now plain zero.

04/13/2015 08:11 AM (UTC)
Dervis Wrote:
I actually thought the stupidest character was Kotal Kahn.

Spoilers: (Highlight to reveal)
After Cassie and Co. help him snuff out Mileena's rebellion, he pulls a total dick move by fucking them over. Even after Dvoarh betrays him and frees Shinnok, he's too dense to see that they're just trying to protect their realm rather than invade his. Its kind of funny that the whole reason he overthrew Mileena was because she refused to help Eathrealm in the Nether Realm war, and yet when Earthrealm is in the react same position under his rule, not only is he not helping, but he's unknowingly helping Shinnok!

It is the way he does it that is truly stupid, as I have said before. Poorly thought out story telling tarnished an otherwise perfect character.

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After taunting the Earthrealmers about security, he loses all his common sense. Ordering two messily guards to carry an ordinary, not to mention unlocked chest with his second in command in charge in broad daylight? Brilliant! What could possibly go wrong? I get it, Kotal trusts his most loyal underling to be able to cope with any incoming threat or deadly army but why send two goons carrying/parading a decorative box instead of a magical safe? Does he trust those two as much as D'Vorah? He has experienced the amulet's power first hand, which is all the more the reason for him to escort it personally or keep it on his persons at all time instead of hiding it away. At least send in Erron Black or let an invisible Reptile scout ahead if you want to send in a small specialized force to a undisclosed location. If I was Kotal, I would have sent everyone under his disposal to guard/escort it constantly; it was not like Ermac or Ferra Torr had other places to be.
04/13/2015 09:18 AM (UTC)
Kotal Kahn was definitely a screw-up, which was kind of unfortunate because he was built up to be so cool and they did so good with him until he finally beat Mileena. The moment he decided to take Cassie's team hostage was the moment he jumped the shark in my book. And there was really no reason for him to jump to conclusion that Eathrealm was doomed and decided he'd be better off trying to appease Shinnok. I'm gonna blame it on the writing rather than his actual character this time around, because I really like him.

Scorpion probably didn't make the smartest decisions, given the fact that he pretty much took away what was apparently the only chance the good guys had to bring back the rest of the fallen heroes. Not only was that bad because Scorpion was portrayed as very understanding to the suffering of the Netherrealm now that his humanity is back, but also because leaving the likes of Liu Kang and Kung Lao with corrupted souls make them a huge risk to the safety of the realm. The NetherRealm is still a wild card with a dark Liu Kang and Kitana in charge. They might take Raiden throwing Shinnok's severed head in front of them as a challenge.

A much simpler explanation would have been that he knew Quan Chi planned to get captured and free Shinnok in EarthRealm, and that that Quan just managed to utter the last chant before Scorpion could bring his sword down. Simply throwing that little exposition into the mix would have made Scorpion make much more sense. Without it, this is something Scorp would have done while still in specter mode.
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