Sub-Zero says chill out a bit brah
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04/13/2015 07:18 AM (UTC)
Watching Fatal 8 I did notice a lot of repeat combos, but also plenty of defense strategy. Having a system that prevented using the same combo more than once would have more of a negative effect on gameplay than positive.

I myself suck at competitive Mortal Kombat and hope to change this during my time with MKX, I doubt I will be button bashing or repeating the same combo over and over, but the frustration of someone hitting you with the same move over and over again in the corner is just part of the game. Wouldn't change it!
04/13/2015 10:42 AM (UTC)
I am not a combo player. I played mk9 with reptile and did a lot of dashes, low kicks etc. I would beat the low tier players and get a lot of hate mail. Learn a combo they would say.

04/13/2015 10:58 AM (UTC)
There is a great game called Killer Instinct where combos always are different ;)
04/13/2015 03:22 PM (UTC)
PenguinIceNinja Wrote:
I am not a combo player. I played mk9 with reptile and did a lot of dashes, low kicks etc. I would beat the low tier players and get a lot of hate mail. Learn a combo they would say.

I don't blame them, and I don't blame you either. Just don't expect to beat anyone higher than "low-tier" and don't expect the game to change to your opinion of how it should be.

By the sounds of it, most of us (for the most part) like the way combos work.
04/13/2015 03:28 PM (UTC)
Damn dude lol relax, it aint that serious.

04/13/2015 06:03 PM (UTC)
PenguinIceNinja Wrote:
I am not a combo player.

Then stop playing fighters
04/13/2015 06:41 PM (UTC)
mkwhopper Wrote:
PenguinIceNinja Wrote:
I am not a combo player.

Then stop playing fighters

You are joking right?
04/13/2015 06:44 PM (UTC)
newt27 Wrote:
PenguinIceNinja Wrote:
I am not a combo player. I played mk9 with reptile and did a lot of dashes, low kicks etc. I would beat the low tier players and get a lot of hate mail. Learn a combo they would say.

I don't blame them, and I don't blame you either.

I would like to understand the mentality here - are you saying you would also send hate mail to a person that beats you in MK who doesn't use combos? Or, at least, you understand why they do it?
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04/13/2015 06:57 PM (UTC)
Spaceman Wrote:
This is quite possibly the dumbest thread I have ever seen in relation to game play on MKO. OP's argument is so incredibly backwards and retarded I don't know where to begin. There is like a million things wrong with the way you are looking at things OP. I'll list some off the top of my head:

-You do not always go for the highest damaging combo over and over. You go into set ups, or focus on getting your opponent to the corner, you sacrifice damage to leave your opponent standing to go into block pressure, etc etc the list goes on and on. If you are doing the exact same combo over and over again you will lose against a player who changes things up. And high level players are CONSTANTLY ending their combo's differently but there are only so many options available to a character. An example would be Sonic Fox ending Erron Black combo's with ground spikes, breaking off his sword in the opponent, command grab, or slide, each option served a different purpose.

-If things went OP's way he would make a thread about how he is tired of seeing the same 5 string combos over and over again. Characters only have so many strings and normals, you are guaranteed to see the same combination of moves over and over again.

-A combo does not win a match, opening up your opponent with mix ups or footsies or set ups does. Combo's just enable a player to get the most out of opening their opponent up.

-Combo's in no way, shape, or form hurt the improvisation of a match.

-Consistency in landing a combo absolutely takes skill, much more skill than just mashing random buttons to do slightly different 5 hit combos like OP is talking about.

-OP should stick to the mobile MKX game (which seems to have much more in common with what he is talking about) if he can't handle the depth of the actual fucking game.

To people who get turned off of fighting games due to combo's and execution and stuff like that I recommend you play a character that doesn't rely on combo's to win, or generally has really short/quick combos, or just do small/easy combo's you are comfortable with. But you OP are a lost cause. Hoping a game massively dumbs down its own mechanics because you can't handle them is beyond retarded. I recommend you stop playing fighting games.

Holy shit.... ouch
Seriously, walls of text aren't needed. Ees only game

why you heff to be mad
Found an infinite string, irl: right, left, right, left, right, left...

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04/13/2015 11:02 PM (UTC)
Watched Fatal 8, same shit over and over. NOn-stop.
BORING as shit!!! No skill required. Just bash the same combo non stop and you can be a evo winner. This gamers who played are fucking overrated and I'll cut their throats if I have the chance to see them online or if go crazy I may come to america and kick your arses. You're OVER RATED, GET THAT. You're not good, you're average. grin
04/13/2015 11:29 PM (UTC)
PenguinIceNinja Wrote:
I would like to understand the mentality here - are you saying you would also send hate mail to a person that beats you in MK who doesn't use combos? Or, at least, you understand why they do it?

Lol no it's a fair strategy and I am not the greatest player so I have been beaten before a few times by people that are no good at combos but use the really quick character (like smoke and his teleport) and I don't resort to hate mail (unless I get a message from them gloating, then I might tell em to fuck off and learn a combo lol). Hate mail sounds like a strong word, more of trash talk.

Because of what I said above and the overall maturity of the average person who plays MK online (lol) I can very easily understand both sides. That said, MK has always been very combo based as far as I remember.... why the problem with it this time around?
Historical Favorite
04/14/2015 09:29 AM (UTC)
PenguinIceNinja Wrote:

It just seems like it takes away the improvisation of the game if all your goal is to do the same thing over and over. At the very least you would have to find new combos or at least new endings to your combos.

Does anyone agree?

No, but then I only ever spam jump kicks and special moves.
04/14/2015 10:12 AM (UTC)
newt27 Wrote:
Because of what I said above and the overall maturity of the average person who plays MK online (lol) I can very easily understand both sides. That said, MK has always been very combo based as far as I remember.... why the problem with it this time around?

Not really. Combo's were introduced in MK3, probably as a reaction to Killer Instinct heavy combo gameplay. And those in MK3/UMK3/MKT were predefined combo's. Those in MK4/MK Gold aswell, I think.
With the MKDA and MKD it became a game more focused on combo's. Also because of the 3D gameplay.
With MK9, the 2D gameplay was back and special moves meant something again.

Now the problem is that we have players from the 2D era and from the 3D era. So the old school'ers who mostly use special moves and the 3D eras who mostly use combo's.
I still play MK like the old 2D versions. Heavily with the special moves and just tiny combo's.
But I think this pissing contest needs to end between the two. Everyone has their style of gameplay to it and should not be forced to do either.
The only gamers I'm not impressed with, are the ones who spam the same special move or combo, over and over and over... . To me, that indicates you don't want to play the game, you only interested in winning, at any cost.
04/14/2015 10:25 AM (UTC)
If you spam moves and you win, what is the problem with that?

If I trap someone in a corner and repeat a low kick and they can't figure a way out, should I feel like I didn't deserve that win?
04/14/2015 10:30 AM (UTC)
PenguinIceNinja Wrote:
If you spam the same combo and you win, what is the problem with that?

If I trap someone in a corner and repeat a combo and they can't figure a way out, should I feel like I didn't deserve that win?

How is that even an argument? I just replaced a few words with combo and it's literally the same thing what are you even complaining about now?
04/14/2015 10:41 AM (UTC)
That is my point. The mk community thinks spamming moves is unacceptable but spamming combos is perfectly fine.

But ultimately it doesn't matter. We each have our play styles and that's fine. It's just silly that people send vent mail because they lost to someone who chooses not to use a combo.
04/14/2015 10:44 AM (UTC)
Spirit_Wolf Wrote:

Not really. Combo's were introduced in MK3, probably as a reaction to Killer Instinct heavy combo gameplay. And those in MK3/UMK3/MKT were predefined combo's. Those in MK4/MK Gold aswell, I think.
With the MKDA and MKD it became a game more focused on combo's. Also because of the 3D gameplay.
With MK9, the 2D gameplay was back and special moves meant something again.

Now the problem is that we have players from the 2D era and from the 3D era. So the old school'ers who mostly use special moves and the 3D eras who mostly use combo's.
I still play MK like the old 2D versions. Heavily with the special moves and just tiny combo's.
But I think this pissing contest needs to end between the two. Everyone has their style of gameplay to it and should not be forced to do either.
The only gamers I'm not impressed with, are the ones who spam the same special move or combo, over and over and over... . To me, that indicates you don't want to play the game, you only interested in winning, at any cost.

Completely agree with last paragraph.

It has been a long time since I've played the old MK's and didn't play them very much, but it's hard to forget dial-a-combo! Great post though gives me some perspective.

EDIT: to above post, there is always gonna be hate mail floating around no matter how you play!
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