Same combos over and over
posted04/14/2015 10:44 AM (UTC)by
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04/03/2006 09:13 PM (UTC)

Once you figure out a good combo, your goal will probably be to execute that same combo over and over, right? Becuase you would want the highest-damage combo.

Do you think NRS will eventually in a future game make it so that you cannot use the same combo twice in a match?

It just seems like it takes away the improvisation of the game if all your goal is to do the same thing over and over. At the very least you would have to find new combos or at least new endings to your combos.

Does anyone agree?
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04/12/2015 11:05 PM (UTC)
They use damage scaling for that so if you use the same moves more then once in a single combo it reduces the hit % I think it's fine as long as it isn't an Infinite and damage scales like mkas. I think resets in combos should be excluded though.
04/12/2015 11:07 PM (UTC)
wtf, no?
04/12/2015 11:11 PM (UTC)
Eh your looking at fighting games wrong..That would be the worse idea ever..Yes, combo may be boring over and over..But it about the set up to that combo and ppl will have to constantly adapt/change too..
04/12/2015 11:14 PM (UTC)
I know my position won't be popular. I'm just saying that is it really skill to do the same thing over and over?

I'm not talking about the same move in a combo, but the entire combo.

Like for example, you figure out that a specific 10 hit combo for a certain character does say 45% and that is the max that anyone has found so far.

All a person has to do is catch the person off guard twice (or 3 with breaker) and the match is theirs.

What Im saying is add some layer of skill where a combo cannot repeated so that it increases variety, improvisation (like a real fight), and skill needed.
04/12/2015 11:16 PM (UTC)
You know it's not exactly like figuring out the more damaging combo means you go with that one right?

That's only true for youtube showcases AND characters that can stun (and they have to figure out first how to get that stun). I'm a Sub-Zero player and I know I have my main combo for after freeze and after air freeze and I chose the more damaging ones because I execute them against helpless opponents, but that's just an exception to gameplay.

If you repeat the same exact string all the time, they're going to block it just by memorizing the height of that string hits.

That's why characters got different damage moves that get different frame data (so they hit earlier, or are safer after a block), different range to play footsies or allow them to mixup the height of their strikes so opponents have to either get their chances or have reaaaaaally good reflexes in adition to memorize all character's combos in the game. There are also moves that you want to meter burn in certain situations to get armor and go through your opponent's strike... A lot of stuff in the equation.

Just to give an example, the "Fatal 8" tournament (spoilers from that tournament here) featured a player with almost none big stage experience but that is known to be awesome at combos and achieving an over 1 minute combo... well, that guy got his ass handled to him because he was backing out all the time, was really nervous and except for a few times at the end, didn't really have the opportunity to show his combo potential because he didn't know how to create a situation for that.

So, in short, yes, there are strings better than others and you will try to start things with them more times than with others, but to truly master a character you need multiple ways to start a combo on different situations and learn which move is better to react to what you have in front of you. If you plan to repeat the same stuff all the time, I recommend you pick a character with a stun and a multi-height starter so at least you can beat your friends if they don't realize you always start with the same string.
04/12/2015 11:21 PM (UTC)
^ Tony-T's controller also wasn't working correctly he said. Apparently it had something to do with the controller configurations, but I just wanted to point that out.

In order to execute combos you need to open your opponent up. Combos aren't everything, and as you can see dmg % has been toned down quite a bit in MKX.
04/12/2015 11:27 PM (UTC)
Lokheit Wrote:
You know it's not exactly like figuring out the more damaging combo means you go with that one right?

That's only true for youtube showcases AND characters that can stun (and they have to figure out first how to get that stun). I'm a Sub-Zero player and I know I have my main combo for after freeze and after air freeze and I chose the more damaging ones because I execute them against helpless opponents, but that's just an exception to gameplay.

If you repeat the same exact string all the time, they're going to block it just by memorizing the height of that string hits.

That's why characters got different damage moves that get different frame data (so they hit earlier, or are safer after a block), different range to play footsies or allow them to mixup the height of their strikes so opponents have to either get their chances or have reaaaaaally good reflexes in adition to memorize all character's combos in the game. There are also moves that you want to meter burn in certain situations to get armor and go through your opponent's strike... A lot of stuff in the equation.

Just to give an example, the "Fatal 8" tournament (spoilers from that tournament here) featured a player with almost none big stage experience but that is known to be awesome at combos and achieving an over 1 minute combo... well, that guy got his ass handled to him because he was backing out all the time, was really nervous and except for a few times at the end, didn't really have the opportunity to show his combo potential because he didn't know how to create a situation for that.

So, in short, yes, there are strings better than others and you will try to start things with them more times than with others, but to truly master a character you need multiple ways to start a combo on different situations and learn which move is better to react to what you have in front of you. If you plan to repeat the same stuff all the time, I recommend you pick a character with a stun and a multi-height starter so at least you can beat your friends if they don't realize you always start with the same string.

This. I wish I could upvote you.
04/12/2015 11:32 PM (UTC)
I do like the idea but wouldnt fit MK and be hard to implement...Really would have to build the game from the ground up with that type of extreme play..Even still..It would do X combo twice, than Y combo twice=Win..So you are still doing the same combo over and over but now it is in a sequence..
04/12/2015 11:47 PM (UTC)
Yeah Lokheit nailed it.

The thing is, a good (or experienced) player isn't going to let you get off that same combo every single time once they realize how you set up for it and pull it off. i

Id say look at SonicFox and MIT's matches in the Fatal 8 finals (Spoilers for that by the way) If you watch MIT's matches, he had his one or two huge damaging combos with Scorpion on lock and they worked well, but Fox wasn't having it, he pretty much knew what MIT was going for and acted accordingly, and he ended up winning, hell I don't think MIT even won a single match, maybe a round or two at the most.

Now for me, ill get my combos on lock, and ill throw them out as much as I can and if the person im playing cant find a way to counter them, then im going to keep doing it, no need to mix it up and show my whole hand when what I am doing is working fine.

04/12/2015 11:49 PM (UTC)
I would eventually like to see more downtime in matches. What I mean by downtime is a place in the match that both characters are free to move and attack.

I think of a combo as "may as well drop your controller until it's over because there is no way of getting out of it."

This would be accomplished by shorter combos. As in, the game wouldn't allow more than say 5 hits before freeing up the characters. To me, there would be more skill in repeatedly catching your opponent off guard than just catch them off guard once and memorize a sequence of buttons for maximum damage.

Does anyone at least see where I'm coming from?
04/12/2015 11:56 PM (UTC)
I totally see where you are coming from, and they have/had something like this, for example if I use Scoprion in Injustice and bounce the opponent off the wall, air attack, teleport punch, uppercut catch with spear, then try to bounce off the wall again, it wont work, that second launch will send the opponent to the ground to prevent infinites.
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04/13/2015 12:07 AM (UTC)
Maybe you want breakers to be 1 bar or maybe have their own meter?

Combos are there but not all of them a 'good' in real life situations. Frame trap combos and the like are tough to deal with online but over all you need to be able to learn and block.

it's up to the comboed player to be innovative.
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MENTHOL:I hope the super unlockable is a video of Boon fucking Playboy models on a bed full of money in his mansion.


04/13/2015 12:09 AM (UTC)
PenguinIceNinja Wrote:
I would eventually like to see more downtime in matches. What I mean by downtime is a place in the match that both characters are free to move and attack.

I think of a combo as "may as well drop your controller until it's over because there is no way of getting out of it."

This would be accomplished by shorter combos. As in, the game wouldn't allow more than say 5 hits before freeing up the characters. To me, there would be more skill in repeatedly catching your opponent off guard than just catch them off guard once and memorize a sequence of buttons for maximum damage.

Does anyone at least see where I'm coming from?

Sounds like you want to play MK4. MAXIMUM DAMAGE! *Explosion*
04/13/2015 12:20 AM (UTC)
this isn't Tony Hawk's Pro Skater,you know? sorry,but it's not a good idea. maybe for a tower modifier,but not actual gameplay.
04/13/2015 01:35 AM (UTC)
Leave that problem to those with poor skill. I try to learn all the combos I can. You gotta be unpredictable, if the other person only uses one combo, learn their opener and punish.

In short, I don't really agree, if someone wants to be bored let them. When you learn their combo opener and use it to your advantage, they'll be stuck to failing the match.

In REALLY short, their problem, don't control it.
04/13/2015 04:16 AM (UTC)
I watched the Evo guys b4... turned out they play every game the same.
04/13/2015 04:16 AM (UTC)
Ya, if you just used one combo over and over, there is no skill in that. Different combos are used in different scenarios. High to lows, lows to highs, overhead enders.. Some are faster for pressure, some are slower for more damage.
First thing I do is learn ALL my moves in practice mode. What's fast, what's slow. I don't see the point in not learning the character you're playing.. That separates the casuals from the serious I guess.
04/13/2015 04:40 AM (UTC)
PenguinIceNinja Wrote:

Once you figure out a good combo, your goal will probably be to execute that same combo over and over, right? Becuase you would want the highest-damage combo.

Do you think NRS will eventually in a future game make it so that you cannot use the same combo twice in a match?

It just seems like it takes away the improvisation of the game if all your goal is to do the same thing over and over. At the very least you would have to find new combos or at least new endings to your combos.

Does anyone agree?

You see that combo is referred to as your BNB Combo, y'know your Bread & Butter Combo

It's your default go to but that doesn't necessarily mean it's your only combo you're going to be utilizing.

That's why Footsies & Mix-ups are so damn important.

Your opponent can't adapt to your tactics? that's his problem not yours.
04/13/2015 04:56 AM (UTC)
Yeah I agree with what Lokheit says, but in support of the OP's point and related to the person above...

I would like to see those bread'n'butter's mixed up too, it looks fancy. Sometimes they are, but at a high skill tournament level, people are going to do what works and you have to at least be able to combat that.

Once someone gets a good enough juggle hit of course they are going to do something similar every time if they can get much more damage. However, sometime you even see some of these high level players cut their combos short in order to get another combo started when the opponent is off guard (because they are used to his bread'n'butter combo.

And even with that we get to see some of the bread'n'butter combos a little different depending on how much meter the person doing the combo has.
04/13/2015 05:02 AM (UTC)
I don't want to sound like a jerk, not in the least, but as some have already stated bnb combos will always be performed the most for so many reasons. For one they are often the tool that makes that character viable. Just like a professional athelete. If a pitchers best pitch is a knuckle ball (rare these days) then by god thats what your mostly going to see. But, just like in a fighting game he's got to mix it up and find the perfect opportunity. He can't just willy-nilly throw it every pitch or else the batter would catch on and expect it. So with certain combos you have to find the set up and then just like baseball you get your delivery.
04/13/2015 05:14 AM (UTC)
Vigoruler Wrote:
I don't want to sound like a jerk, not in the least, but as some have already stated bnb combos will always be performed the most for so many reasons. For one they are often the tool that makes that character viable. Just like a professional athelete. If a pitchers best pitch is a knuckle ball (rare these days) then by god thats what your mostly going to see. But, just like in a fighting game he's got to mix it up and find the perfect opportunity. He can't just willy-nilly throw it every pitch or else the batter would catch on and expect it. So with certain combos you have to find the set up and then just like baseball you get your delivery.

Not to derail this thread but...

Wait you mean to tell me Tim Wakefield doesn't pitch anymore?!

/end sarcasam

Atleast we still have R.A Dickey...

Good Baseball analogy Vigo.

You all have to take into consideration aswell that this top level MKX players admitted themselves that they only had two days with the game before the tourney.

They have limited knowledge of the game and how it works so they simply went with what the could discover in that period of time. It was a level playing field. Some just pick up on mechanics quicker than others and know what works and what doesn't. (Sonic Fox alluded to this during his intro).

I just hope the characters that were used doesn't mean that those are the only viable characters.

No Ermac, Reptile or Sub Zero?

NRS we have a problem...THis could just be a time thing in the end or maybe they were mandated by NRS to only showcase those characters.
04/13/2015 05:19 AM (UTC)
Reptile_896 Wrote:
Vigoruler Wrote:
I don't want to sound like a jerk, not in the least, but as some have already stated bnb combos will always be performed the most for so many reasons. For one they are often the tool that makes that character viable. Just like a professional athelete. If a pitchers best pitch is a knuckle ball (rare these days) then by god thats what your mostly going to see. But, just like in a fighting game he's got to mix it up and find the perfect opportunity. He can't just willy-nilly throw it every pitch or else the batter would catch on and expect it. So with certain combos you have to find the set up and then just like baseball you get your delivery.

Not to derail this thread but...

Wait you mean to tell me Tim Wakefield doesn't pitch anymore?!

/end sarcasam

Atleast we still have R.A Dickey...

Good Baseball analogy Vigo.

You all have to take into consideration aswell that this top level MKX players admitted themselves that they only had two days with the game before the tourney.

They have limited knowledge of the game and how it works so they simply went with what the could discover in that period of time. It was a level playing field. Some just pick up on mechanics quicker than others and know what works and what doesn't. (Sonic Fox alluded to this during his intro).

I just hope the characters that were used doesn't mean that those are the only viable characters.

No Ermac, Reptile or Sub Zero?

NRS we have a problem...THis could just be a time thing in the end or maybe they were mandated by NRS to only showcase those characters.

I said that about the showcasing, and someone told me to fuck off on this site. I truely think that's what it was.
04/13/2015 05:34 AM (UTC)
EcstasyTuesday Wrote:
Reptile_896 Wrote:
Vigoruler Wrote:

I said that about the showcasing, and someone told me to fuck off on this site. I truely think that's what it was.

It could be one of two things.

1. They were playing an earlier build of the game. If I recall correctly they never showed the character select process on screen. So for this reason NRS told players to focus on select characters to practice with.

2. Top level players found that those are the only viable characters out of the whole roster. This better not be the actual reasoning or I will flip shit and just not even waste my time with MKX. I really doubt this though NRS seems to have put alot of care and effort into the balance and gameplay. So i'm confident it was just an early build or mandated by NRS.

04/13/2015 07:03 AM (UTC)
This is quite possibly the dumbest thread I have ever seen in relation to game play on MKO. OP's argument is so incredibly backwards and retarded I don't know where to begin. There is like a million things wrong with the way you are looking at things OP. I'll list some off the top of my head:

-You do not always go for the highest damaging combo over and over. You go into set ups, or focus on getting your opponent to the corner, you sacrifice damage to leave your opponent standing to go into block pressure, etc etc the list goes on and on. If you are doing the exact same combo over and over again you will lose against a player who changes things up. And high level players are CONSTANTLY ending their combo's differently but there are only so many options available to a character. An example would be Sonic Fox ending Erron Black combo's with ground spikes, breaking off his sword in the opponent, command grab, or slide, each option served a different purpose.

-If things went OP's way he would make a thread about how he is tired of seeing the same 5 string combos over and over again. Characters only have so many strings and normals, you are guaranteed to see the same combination of moves over and over again.

-A combo does not win a match, opening up your opponent with mix ups or footsies or set ups does. Combo's just enable a player to get the most out of opening their opponent up.

-Combo's in no way, shape, or form hurt the improvisation of a match.

-Consistency in landing a combo absolutely takes skill, much more skill than just mashing random buttons to do slightly different 5 hit combos like OP is talking about.

-OP should stick to the mobile MKX game (which seems to have much more in common with what he is talking about) if he can't handle the depth of the actual fucking game.

To people who get turned off of fighting games due to combo's and execution and stuff like that I recommend you play a character that doesn't rely on combo's to win, or generally has really short/quick combos, or just do small/easy combo's you are comfortable with. But you OP are a lost cause. Hoping a game massively dumbs down its own mechanics because you can't handle them is beyond retarded. I recommend you stop playing fighting games.
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