Returning Character Speculation: Ashrah
posted06/17/2005 10:05 PM (UTC)by
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02/21/2004 03:23 PM (UTC)
Do you think Ashrah will be in the next game? I don't think she'll make the cut, as her part in the storyline was very small. I do think her ending happened. So if she escaped from the Netherrealm what will she do now? Is she still after demons? If so, will she go after Noob Saibot or Sareena still? What do you think?
06/17/2005 10:00 PM (UTC)
Ashrah returning would kick ass. I liked her, but she was to much of a loner in this game. Maybe if she teamed up with Nightwolf. Anyway, if I am right, she may not return.

In her ending we see Smoke as cyborg with Noob just as a Ninja with glowing eyes and dark skin. Looking at Noob's ending we see Smoke looking more demonic as is Noob. So This may point out that Noob defeated Ashrah and killed his brother and became the Ruler of the Netherealm.

But what if the next game just uses some of these elements. Like Noob defeating Ashrah but she survived. Noob tries to kill his brother but escapes. Or Midway might just do a plot twist like they did in MKD. Who would have thought that that Deadly Alliance would have won? wowgrin
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06/17/2005 10:05 PM (UTC)
I'm looking forwad to her return. She is my favourite of the new characters. She needs more story and more involvement with the other characters for her to become more integrated into the story. Whilst her own quest obviously needs to be seen to, more involvement with others is a must.

In terms of her being defeated by Noob, I do hope she survives if this does happen. Or if she defeats him, I hope her ascension from the Netherealm leads her to a place where he story can continue into something great.
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