Return of Mavado and the Red Dragon
posted10/02/2011 06:28 PM (UTC)by
Member Since
07/25/2011 07:12 AM (UTC)
I think Mavado is a really cool character, as is the whole rivalry between the Red and Black Dragon clans. I'm just worried about the "Blaze/Daegon implications" that come with their return (I hate Armageddon). Also, Hsu Hao sucks ass.

So, whadya think? Should the Red Dragon make a comeback? Should Mavado? I think we're all in agreement that Hsu Hao should never, ever, ever return (the male exotic dancer that he is).

P.S. I know there are other threads on this topic, but they're old as fuck, so... yeah. glasses
09/25/2011 04:00 AM (UTC)
As bland as I thought Mavado was, I certainly would not mind seeing him make a major comeback (much like Kabal and Nightwolf, in my eyes) and showing off his bad-assery. Unlike Kano, he's not a brute, but rather a collected and cunning criminal.

The guy must be one hell of a fighter. Not only is he essentially the VP of the Red Dragon, but he has beaten the shit out of both Kabal and Kenshi.
(However, one thing that's always amused me is that he seems to suck majorly at actually killing his opponents.
Seriously. How stupid are both he and Kabal to have "killed" each other, stolen each others' hookswords, and not have made sure the other was 100% dead?! In fact, why didn't he make sure Kenshi was dead? Was he in that much of a rush?)

I'd be very interested to see how they'd re-incorporate his grappling hooks without making them look as ridiculous as they did in MK:DA/MK:A.

As for the whole Daegon-Armageddon crap, I really couldn't care less. I'm looking forward to seeing how they reinvent the MK4+ characters.
09/25/2011 06:10 AM (UTC)
Yeah, it's not really his established story that I'm interested in, but rather his appearance and personality. I think he, along with the likes of Kai, Drahmin, (*ahem* Tremor), and Reiko have great potential to be "reborn" as ultimate badasses. smile
09/25/2011 08:18 AM (UTC)
I am all for Mavado and Red Dragon to return,but with one condition.PLEASE,NRS,FORGET ARMAGEDDON! No Daegon being the leader of Red Dragon,no searching for Blaze and quest, and no fucking Orin,Caro and half-dragons half-humans. Just a powerful organization that wants to eliminate their rivals for starters(in this case,Black Dragon).

Hell,I even support to bring back Hsu Hao as Mavado's right hand,but he needs TOTAL redesign and new moves if he wants to be Jax's nemesis(originally,he was designed this way,but of course he SUCKED BALLS). But that's about it.Forget Daegon,retcon him and his lame brother out of existence with their lame quest and lame Blaze.

As for Mavado,I am not worried,because he was even more interesting for me than Nightwolf and Stryker in MKA and MKDA,so he doesn't even need so much work.Just don't make those grapple hooks look funny,NRS!
09/25/2011 02:42 PM (UTC)
I like Daegon. His baldness and voice actor reminded me of Lex Luthor and I really dig the idea of getting to know the godly pantheons of other realms like Edenia better. And since he was revealed to be a major ally of Shinnok's, I could see him and the Red Dragons having a place in a story that retells some of the events of MK4, as the end of 9 hinted the next one will do. He wouldn't even have to be about finding Blaze or stuff involving his brother yet, since neither one is awake and Armageddon is still a ways off from any risk of happening a second time. So there's no reason to hate his character just because you hated the plot of Armageddon, since he CAN do other things. He's had hundreds of years to pass the time doing other things, like running the ordinary day-to-day business of his criminal clan, while he waits for Armageddon to start.

As for Mavado, he always bored the fuck out of me, his design is too featureless and plain and he wasn't really given a personality. But I could see the IDEA of a guy who fights by shooting grappling lines at people and to move around the arena like Batman/Spider-Man being really cool.
09/25/2011 03:39 PM (UTC)
^Lol, I just like the black leather coat. grin
09/25/2011 08:44 PM (UTC)
Mavado: In
Hsu Hao: GTFO herefurious
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Thanks to xB$INx for the Kick-Ass Sig.

09/26/2011 03:09 AM (UTC)
Hell yea!! i like Mavado.
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09/28/2011 06:42 AM (UTC)
Maybe it was just his select screen picture, but Mavado seemed like one of the coolest looking characters to ever come out of the 3D era to me. He didn't look like a cartoon character or something that couldn't exist, and to me, that kinda harkened back to the MK1 days for some reason (yes, I know that game had a four armed monster).

I'd personally love it if they brought back Mavado, but changed up his storyline completely. No fight with Kabal, no hookswords and no Red Dragon. Sure, they could allude to what his past could've been, but I'd rather they make him more of a loner, perhaps with a personal vendetta against Kano for something that happens in this alternate timeline.

I only say that because I never really dug the Red Dragon. I didn't like it's members, and in a game with multiple dimensions, multiple species, multiple ninja clans, etc, it just seemed unnecessary, especially given that Kano and the Black Dragon had been feuding with Sonya and the Special Forces for so long.

Still though, as a character, I completely dig his potential. I could only imagine what they could do with his grappling hooks on a 2D plane. I could see him as being sort of like an Omega Red type of character from the VS games, only way more badass. Add a projectile, maybe a new weapon to use for moves and again, I think he has a ton of potential.

DEFINITELY want this guy to return!
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10/02/2011 06:28 PM (UTC)
Mavado's always struck me as a character with a lot of potential. I've never cared for Kano, his character, methods, and story, always struck me as boring. But Mavado seems like he could be fleshed out into a pretty good fan favorite. It seems like a lot fo other people feel this way too, so I know I'm not in the minority here.
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