Response to Mkpodcast 2. We want shaolin monks 2!
posted05/13/2009 08:15 AM (UTC)by
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"I will not hide my tastes or aversions...If you are true, but not in the same truth with me, cleave to your companions; I will seek my own." - Ralph Waldo Emerson

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03/14/2004 06:05 PM (UTC)
i hope they see this.
07/12/2008 12:32 AM (UTC)
insidious_t Wrote:
i hope they see this.

Hopes who sees what?
07/12/2008 01:01 AM (UTC)
If they make a new adventure games like Shaolin Monks, I'd rather it be about other characters.

And with a decent story this time.
07/12/2008 01:52 AM (UTC)
XiahouDun84 Wrote:
If they make a new adventure games like Shaolin Monks, I'd rather it be about other characters.

And with a decent story this time.

07/12/2008 09:49 AM (UTC)
i really don't see why people complaints about MK shaolin Monks's a remake.
look at RE:Rebirth for have different scenes and slightly different storyline,but nobody complaints about this.
The MK shaolin MOnks it's a remake of the first two games,and they totally REWRITE the storyline,if this is canon or not it's still to see.
MK shaolin Monks 2 should make clear some aspect ignored or not clear of the MK storyline(Johnny Cage death:he was really killed,or as said John Vogel he never died before meeting the Deadly Alliance?How Shao Kahn manages to survive against Liu Kang in MK2 and start conqueirng earthrealm in MK3?what's Stryker background and storyline?and what about Sindel?the role of kano?How subby managed tos urive the attack of cyrax,sektor and smoke?)

so i really hope for a Shaolin Monks 2 with a clear storyline,a lot of fatalities and the chance to control and use more characters(look at Marvel ultimate alliance or Clive barker's Jericho,where you fight as a team controlling 4 or 6 characters at once and fighting enemies togheter;n some special situations,instead a hero MUST fight alone and survive coutning only on his skills).

and also id' like some kind of arcade mode,based on the versus mode of shaolin monks 1 but with the chance to go against the CPU and controlling more characters,
I'd like to see also a special version of Mk trilogy(also for PAL territories) with high resolutions sprites and the same gameplay as UMK3.
and also a good co-op online mode for adventure mod,or a VS On line mode for the Versus mode.
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07/12/2008 12:34 PM (UTC)
There would more likely have to be a thread or so made on the Midway forums. So like me, if you're a user over there as well, you can post your concerns there as well.


Good Story telling is key. YES make them go back, and...hell, just have them read through XD84's thread. That's the one stop shop around here, and there's nothing else like it that I've seen. link in my sig space below.

My recommendations?

1. Book of Raiden
2. Edenia
3. Something Surrounding an evil character that we get to play through their life. Shao Kahn, Shang Tsung or even Quan Chi would be interesting.
4. A game about the hatred between the Shirai Ryu and the Lin Kuei
5. Different warriors perspectives that all end up being souls used to create Ermac.

You know really, as long as the focus characters in the game make sense to interact with a large enough group of the rest of the MKA roster, a second MKSM-type game would be something I'd run out and get. I loved the last one. Even though the story was messed up and the characters were a bit mis-represented. I didn't even acknowledge such until MKA was already Too busy having just fun playing the game.

But to clarify a little...

::Raiden's been around everyone, good and bad. Could explain the beginning of Mortal Kombat, the first contest more in depth, and maybe we'd get elder Kung Lao in the mix.

:::Edenia is certainly a story fruitful place, and has many of the MK cast involved.

::::Evil characters effect everything.

::::The two most known clans' story still needs to be fleshed out, and they have their own characters that would be cool to pic frome.

:::Idk what I was thinking about the Ermac idea...just popped into my head, but I think it's an interesting concept.

07/12/2008 02:06 PM (UTC)
ok,i don't want to be a pain in the ass,i'm open-minded and i accept constructive criticsm,but i totally dislike/oppose/disagree with the "specific unclear" parts of the storyline(book of rayden,background of some evil badass like Tsung or Quan Chi) and now i'll explain why:
OK we want a good with a very good,and possibly not messed up,storyline.
Basically the storyline of MK shaolin Monks is pretty much the same with some differences caused by the different team that developed in very far lapse of time(about 13 years) MK2 and MkSM.
Fo example Liu wasn't present during tarkatans attack at WuSh accademy,as well Kung Lao wasn't during the first Tournament,and i can continue citing that the opening sequence,even tough was pretty good,was just a huge brawl and not a tournament,and Johnny Cage didn't killed Goro.
we can find thousand of istakes,error,doubtful retcons,etc.
But the point is still the same:the storyline,the role of every character didn't change.
I've played Mk2 since day one in the arcade and i haven't any single problem playing MKSM and i can swear to you the first thing i see i a MK game is the storyline.and luckly MKSM's one was messed up,ut pretty enjoyable like an adventure game should have.

If you make a game based on not so popular/iconic character or if you make the gam on a very very very very specific part of the storyline the game could be possibly a flop.
Who is really interested to know the Shao Kahn background,when he was a minion of onaga?Only a MK fan.
But we know that MK SM was a huge succes because,in some way,attracted also non MK fanboys and the old nostalgic fan of the 2D era.

I have a friedn that played MK 2 back in 1993 and left the saga after Mk3.
He never played a MK game since then.But he bought the Shaolin Monks game in the day one,in the NTSC USA version(he is a european),for then PS2 and he was FULLY SATISFIED of the game,full of fatals,gore,etc.
The storyline was simple but in some way....COMPLETE.

Look at MK Deadly Alliance storyline..maybe it's the best of the entire saga...the bad guys continues without any lapse of time in MK deception...Liu Kang died ....and the idea to team up the two most badass sorcerers of the MK franchise is still great and awesome.
But can you consider MKDA really a succes?
The same goes fro MK deception...Onaga is the BEST bad guy ever,mk deception managed to give some dignity to some chaacters like Nightwolf and kabal forgotten by time and by players...but a silly main hero(shujinko) and a "not so enjoyable2 konquest mode kinda dissapinted the fans.

Look at Shaolin Monks storyline now....EVERY CHARACTER(except for kabal) have a role.Even Johnny cage is sueful in that game!
But everyone have a role...ermac,kano,millena,jade,reptile,baraka...all characters without a huge storyline..good sidekicks to the main bad guy/hero,but nobody of them had his own identity before shaolin monks.
In shaolin monks we heard for the first time the voice of certain characters...we understood thei attitude,their ego,their way to a Movie or MK conquest.
Why a lot of people around here loathes Johnny cage in the games,but loved him in the first movie?
'cause in the game we have no idea of who he is the game we just know he is a actor,and MAYBE vane,cocky and a bit arrogant,but the movie explained this better...he falls in love with Sonya,he have a strong friendship with Liu kang without competition(instead of Kung lao),he is kind hearted,he is gentle and always ready to reply back after a provocation.
In shaolin Monks ,even tough ina stereotypical way(and this is lame unluckly),we have a personality of every chaacter.
Didi anyone knew that Kung lao,even tough he friendly loved Liu kang,was jaelous of him?

so yes,i still prfer a less strong stroyline,full of plotholes and continuity errors but with well explained characters and happenings,instead of a very good fantasy-horror storyline but with lacking character development.

does the medium mk fan or the non mk fan care about Quan Chi past,if he didn't know anything about the main characters like Liu kang,Rayden,shao kahn,etc?

so please be realistical:it's better a simple and easy to follow storyline but with a in depth look at EVERY character(also the most useness like Cage,Stryker and Nightwolf...BTW Cage is not useness,but a lot of eople thinks so) instead of a indepth look of a single character or a very specific storyline part.

it would be nice,if midway expains possibles plotholes with some Movies hiring back actor like Rich Divizio and make something funny like Sub Zero Mythologies FMV explaining in a canonical way all the events unclear of the mk storyline.
but i find exxagerate make a game only on a very specific aspect of the saga that might be uninteresting fro someone.

i think also that a lot of poeple that right now is complaing enjoyed MK Sholin Monks
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07/12/2008 02:29 PM (UTC)
lastfighter89 Wrote:

Look at Shaolin Monks storyline now....EVERY CHARACTER(except for kabal) have a role.Even Johnny cage is sueful in that game!
But everyone have a role...ermac,kano,millena,jade,reptile,baraka...all characters without a huge storyline..good sidekicks to the main bad guy/hero,but nobody of them had his own identity before shaolin monks.
In shaolin monks we heard for the first time the voice of certain characters...we understood thei attitude,their ego,their way to a Movie or MK conquest.

Triumvirate of theatric errors:

-you assume that the greater amount of paralel running characters is quality, and that theese characters had no fanbase, or even better relevance to the overall Mortal Kombat storyline.

-most of the characters were acted out of their role. Kung Lao is not an egotistical asshole, Scorpion is not a steroid raging idiot who rushes in to save the bad guys and FOR NO APPARENT REASON want to kill the monk duo.

-bother to use grammar, not all of us is capable to unconciously tolerate quite a few spelling and semantical errors.
07/12/2008 05:58 PM (UTC)
Chrome Wrote:
lastfighter89 Wrote:

Look at Shaolin Monks storyline now....EVERY CHARACTER(except for kabal) have a role.Even Johnny cage is sueful in that game!
But everyone have a role...ermac,kano,millena,jade,reptile,baraka...all characters without a huge storyline..good sidekicks to the main bad guy/hero,but nobody of them had his own identity before shaolin monks.
In shaolin monks we heard for the first time the voice of certain characters...we understood thei attitude,their ego,their way to a Movie or MK conquest.

Triumvirate of theatric errors:

-you assume that the greater amount of paralel running characters is quality, and that theese characters had no fanbase, or even better relevance to the overall Mortal Kombat storyline.

-most of the characters were acted out of their role. Kung Lao is not an egotistical asshole, Scorpion is not a steroid raging idiot who rushes in to save the bad guys and FOR NO APPARENT REASON want to kill the monk duo.

-bother to use grammar, not all of us is capable to unconciously tolerate quite a few spelling and semantical errors.

1)i'm not talking about roster dimension..but about roster roles...there's a difference between MK annihiliation(where couples,if not more,of characters appeared on screen without a role) and MK shoalin Monks,where everyone have is own story and interaction with others and storyline
2)not true.have you ever meet with Kung lao to know that he isn't jaelous of Liu Kang?MK never give any detail on the personality of the fighter.In their bio are stated only their purposes and the reasons why they fight(maybe Kenshi is some kind of exception,because we know he WAS arrogant,confident,etc,but we don't know if his unlucky experience with Shang tsng changed him or not).we don't know if there is some solar guy,smart guy,nerd guy,yellow guy,etc
all the personalities we know are assumed from NOn MK canon media like Movies,malibù comics,etc.
Mk shaolin MOnks tries to change the thing showing us a more human side of every hero and villain,with his own weakness and strengh
you can like it or not,but at least is a step forward.and agian,of the non MK fan or medium mk fans,who really cares about the bok of rayden,where Sonya and Johnny cage appears only for 5 minutes?
Does the non mk fan really cares about the great kung Lao?
Instead with a simple storyline Shaolin Monks attracted alto the non MK-addicted fans.

3)My english is not perfect,but it's not dangerous for your it's not so hard try to read and interpretate it.
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"I will not hide my tastes or aversions...If you are true, but not in the same truth with me, cleave to your companions; I will seek my own." - Ralph Waldo Emerson

07/12/2008 06:25 PM (UTC)
they said in the podcast that they check other forums as well, so i'm assuming this one is included. but any sort of sequel to shaolin monks would be great, whether it's an adventure take on the mk3 storyline, or some other game with other characters. personally, i'd like to see a game set in the era of onaga's rule.
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07/12/2008 09:10 PM (UTC)
lastfighter89 Wrote:
ok,i don't want to be a pain in the ass,i'm open-minded and i accept constructive criticsm,but i totally dislike/oppose/disagree with the "specific unclear" parts of the storyline(book of rayden,background of some evil badass like Tsung or Quan Chi) and now i'll explain why:
OK we want a good with a very good,and possibly not messed up,storyline.

You've got a good point from what I can understand. Having a more general storyline that involves recognizable characters from MK's past is definitely important. But I don't mean to ignore that fact.

The selections that I mentioned consider everything you mentioned. Particularly, with the characters that would sell those games. Like,

Let's take the "Raiden" idea since that's the first one I mentioned. A game that let's Raiden narrate alot of the game and eventually become a character on the roster, could explain everything that brings us to MK1's storyline. Everything that makes up the characters on the roster of MK1-2 and their pasts, and then pick from things that happened between MK:Mythologies(Sub-Zeros mission, and the death of the gods -- which, involves Quan Chi and the Lin Kuei Grand Masters). MK4//G, and even some things happening that are not so prevalent, but relevant concerning MKDA-A. Like whatever it was that made Raiden come back from Elder God-hood to defend earth again. Which, then you get Fujin, and more of the Shaolin Monks involved. Giving an opportunity to explain more about Liu Kang Kung Lao & even Kai.

We could get the war on the heavens in a game like this, involving Shinnok(what a spectacle that would be), and how Raiden and the elder gods banished him. We could get alot more from Raiden simply by recognizing that Raiden has been around everything in MK.

From his vantage point, you have an excellent source of information to form the exact storyline that you speak of. A really well told, but general storyline that includes almost all of the other characters in MK's history. And I didn't even mention things that involves Raidens understanding of the threats to earth. And what makes him eventually sacrifice himself. See? It's much more general than I merely mentioned. Raiden's just a selling point for a large portion of the MK fan base.


Let's go with an example of playing a game from the perspective of one of our bad guys. Saay Shang Tsung.

Everybody knows what that guy is now about. What would be interesting, is the content that was covered in MKC(t.v. show) where, we got some insight as to why he's like he is. Taking cues from MKD's Konquest mode(which I liked alot btw) Any time a game let's me grow up with the character of interest, I appreciate it. There's so much untold that could be exploited through a character that gradually grows into the role that they currently play. And really, imagine what turns Shang Tsung into a constantly failing evil sorcerer.

Oh, also has a backdrop that is akin to how Darth Vader becomes Darth Vader. Now, I can't stand Star Wars, but THAT...was cool. They'd just have to do it in a way that wasn't a rip off of SW.


The idea of the two most iconic Ninja clans in MK, the Shirai Ryu and the Lin Kuei. The whole Asian back drop in a game like that, and what sparks the divide between them is excellent MK material. Not to mention "Fire vs Ice".

Introduce and explain Takeda to the casual fan finally, and Scorpions trips to hell. Go into detail about Sub-Zero killing Scorpion, Scorpions guardianship over younger Sub-Zero, and the re-emergence of the older Sub-Zero -- Noob Saibot.

With a game like this, they could go into detail about how Smoke, Sektor, and Cyrax become who they are. Finally answer where Frost came from, The death of Scorpions family...ect.

There's an enormous potential for a game just with those two characters and their histories.

And again, I didn't mention any of the gods, or bad guys that they both come in contact with.


If they focused on Edenia for a while, you'd definitely get Shao Kahn, Zaterra, OutWorld, Rain, Kitana, Mileena, Jade, Reptile, Taven, Daegon, Raiden, Liu Kang = EarthRealm, Shinnok, and a whole slew of others that would make that game both an enjoyable game to play, AND a great story.

Just saying, I didn't not consider what you mentioned, but I definitely understand where you're coming from.
07/12/2008 09:33 PM (UTC)
No one else misses the canon games? To this day we never have gotten a good continuation of what MKD left off with. I say we should worry about MK VS DC, then worry about that, THEN make a second MKSM. Let's cross our bridges when we come to them.

To better answer this I agree. I defenetly want to see a second MKSM. But let's just get through MK VS DC first.

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"I will not hide my tastes or aversions...If you are true, but not in the same truth with me, cleave to your companions; I will seek my own." - Ralph Waldo Emerson

07/12/2008 09:38 PM (UTC)
skorptile Wrote:
No one else misses the canon games? To this day we never have gotten a good continuation of what MKD left off with. I say we should worry about MK VS DC, then worry about that, THEN make a second MKSM. Let's cross our bridges when we come to them.

To better answer this I agree. I defenetly want to see a second MKSM. But let's just get through MK VS DC first.

i agree, but in the podcast they said they were waiting to see what fans would say if they were going to make another adventure game. i'm just putting my vote out there. you never know, the real mk8 may be an adventure game. they never said any followups would be an actual tourney fighter... just a thought.
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07/13/2008 11:19 AM (UTC)
If any one see it,I made a futer MK idea game.
07/13/2008 02:52 PM (UTC)
to ThePredator151:
you had also great points,and in case is not clear i LIKE the idea of explaining the plotholes of the MK storyline,there's the risk however that the final result may not be so interesting and won't attract non MK fan.
The whole idea of rayden is JUST perfect:he will interact with a lot of characters....but again i'm afraid that the team will Focus entirely on the characters of Rayden excluding all the rest of the cast.

I suggest to kee the storyline of rayden and go on this way,but with a slghtly difference:look at Clive Barker's Jericho,,it was a horror FPS.
It have a lot of characters,everyone of them was fully explained in their personality,special skills,past,etc and you can control EVERYONE of them,not just to or three of them,and the JERICHO team was of 6-7 soldiers,everyone with his own specific skills,useful in certain parst of the storyline.
i'd wish to see something similar based on the events of the earthrealm invasion by Shao Kahn..try to image how cool wold become ignored characters such like Stryker and Nightwolf if you explain their background,and put them ina team with popular characters like Sonya,Kabal and Kung Lao.

the book of rayden idea,however,is still valid.
not so good are the other ideas:MK is somewhat famous for having such noumerous and different universes,species,sidestories,etc...why put lmits on this on a very specific part of the storyline(the edenian reign o show the past of the bad guys such Shang tsung)?

in the end,i like everything that have the words MORTAL and KOMBAT in it(except for MK vs DCU),so everything is fine for me,but with a specific part of storyline are we really sure to sell again over a million of copies like SM did back in 2005?

07/14/2008 07:36 AM (UTC)
I was thinking that this game would just be to MK3 what SM was to MK2,

but instead of selecting between Liu Kang and Kung Lao, you'd select between the 8 chosen warriors who have there souls protected from Shao Kahns magic, Liu Kang, Kung Lao, Sonya Blade, Jax, Stryker, Kabal, Nightwolf, and Sub-Zero
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07/14/2008 07:57 AM (UTC)
I don't know about another MKSM, but I've been harping on for an MKSM-esque MKSF sequel for years now. It could be fantastic!
07/14/2008 11:42 AM (UTC)
how about mk: Lin kuei? Control sub zero and human smoke maybe even human sektor and cyrax explain why they signed up to become cyborgs also would be good to explore the whole Lin kuei vs shirai ryu and even the sub/noob story, there is so much untapped potential there!

Wat yas think?
07/14/2008 01:49 PM (UTC)
lastfighter89 Wrote:
in the end,i like everything that have the words MORTAL and KOMBAT in it

That is why you fail.
07/14/2008 01:51 PM (UTC)
immortalkombat, I totally agree with you.glasses
07/14/2008 03:12 PM (UTC)
Ninja_Mime Wrote:
lastfighter89 Wrote:
in the end,i like everything that have the words MORTAL and KOMBAT in it

That is why you fail.

and why i should fail if i like MK?please explain me...
07/14/2008 03:24 PM (UTC)
spineripper Wrote:
immortalkombat, I totally agree with you.glasses

Thanks, Ive been thinking this since MK:SM
i would want to see Shang Tsung's past, perhaps MK: )whatever shang tsung is before sucucbbing to outworld)

or MK: Shrai Ryu(scorpion didn't get his game yet, and i want him to have it)

or MK: Princess(Kitana's past is quite mysterious as well, would this be a topic)

yea, go ahead with an adventure game, but don't let it be for these stupid monks
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05/13/2009 08:15 AM (UTC)
nightmare-vs-scorpion Wrote:

You are now formally warned.
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