Remake MK1 or MK2
posted12/07/2008 11:48 PM (UTC)by
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01/28/2004 01:37 AM (UTC)
Just like Street Fighter HD Remix they could bring the old MK's back to life. I think they could even do a 3D MK1 or MK2 or both in succession.
11/23/2008 10:21 PM (UTC)
WingsOfRedemption Wrote:
Just like Street Fighter HD Remix they could bring the old MK's back to life. I think they could even do a 3D MK1 or MK2 or both in succession.

I've actually thought about this, and I do not think it is a bad idea. You'd update the costumes, feature some more characters (Ermac would indeed be somewhere there, Chameleon has apparently been watching since the first tournament, etc.). Remaking the "Shao Kahn trilogy" would be pretty good, and a way for the MK Team to cash in on some of the characters they are apparently going to leave behind with the next true sequel.
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11/23/2008 11:27 PM (UTC)
Seriously, for MK1, they could throw in Ermac, a playable Reptile, make Noob an alternate Sub-Zero costume (like in MKSM), Jade and Smoke (in MK2 it said they were hidden in MK1). For MK2, make all the secret characters playable, or make an MK 7.5 with all the characters that are being killed off. just think. CMON! We'll kill things, BLOW THINGS UP, oh it'll be fun!
11/24/2008 05:41 AM (UTC)
If I were working at Midway, a remake of MK1 with up to date 3D graphics and gameplay and the story and roster fully fleshed out to include all of what we know now, would be my dream project.
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11/24/2008 11:56 AM (UTC)
Vash_15 Wrote:
Seriously, for MK1, they could throw in Ermac, a playable Reptile, make Noob an alternate Sub-Zero costume (like in MKSM), Jade and Smoke (in MK2 it said they were hidden in MK1). For MK2, make all the secret characters playable, or make an MK 7.5 with all the characters that are being killed off. just think. CMON! We'll kill things, BLOW THINGS UP, oh it'll be fun!


Make the first MK: Ninja Gayden?
11/25/2008 02:16 AM (UTC)
Wow... I had this idea months ago, and it got shot down. Basically, I had an idea for a Mortal Kombat II HD Remix. I thought they could go "old school" and bring in actors/martial artists to be digitized in high definition. Like Super Street Fighter II Turbo HD Remix (which FINALLY comes out tomorrow), it could offer the option of the "classic" gameplay as well as any rebalancing that could be done (although I was happy with MKII's gameplay as is).
11/25/2008 02:23 AM (UTC)
Vash_15 Wrote:
Seriously, for MK1, they could throw in Ermac, a playable Reptile, make Noob an alternate Sub-Zero costume (like in MKSM), Jade and Smoke (in MK2 it said they were hidden in MK1). For MK2, make all the secret characters playable, or make an MK 7.5 with all the characters that are being killed off. just think. CMON! We'll kill things, BLOW THINGS UP, oh it'll be fun!

Remakes don't have new characters in it. That would be stupid to add Ermac out of nowhere when he wasn't involved with MK during the first MK game. Sub-Zero IS Noob in the first game, and I never heard anywhere that Jade and Smoke were hidden in MK1, unless you're talking about the Malibu comic series, I've heard nothing about them anywhere in the first game.

What's the point on having secret characters playable all of a sudden? That ruins the fun out of everything.

MK 7.5 with killed of characters? Then who would play it? Obviously we know who'll all be killed off. Why play Darrius? Havik? Or even Kobra?
11/25/2008 02:53 AM (UTC)
Ermac's story in MK3 stated that he was present in hiding during the first tournament, a reference to the fact that that's where the rumor first originated.

And when you reach the fight with a hidden character in MK2, it displays a message on the screen that reads, and I quote, "Congratulations, you have found the passage from the Outworld to the Earth Realm. Now you must battle with an undiscovered warrior from Mortal Kombat One." You then fight Smoke or Jade in Goro's Lair.

I don't think it does that when you get the Noob fight though, just those two.
By the way, MK7 was Armageddon. So a 7.5 with more characters brought back is impossible.
11/25/2008 04:17 AM (UTC)
RazorsEdge701 Wrote:
Ermac's story in MK3 stated that he was present in hiding during the first tournament, a reference to the fact that that's where the rumor first originated.

Which is why he's pointless to be added if he was nowhere to be found due to hiding. Yes, I know the facts, I'm just making a point that you CAN'T add new/old characters in a remake if it's a remake.

You don't do that. Because it's not a remake anymore, it's just... something that's on the tip of my tongue. But still, adding Ermac would not make Mortal Kombat 1 a remake if they remade the game and added two characters in it that was never selectable in the first place. Such as Reptile. Of course he was present in the game, but not at as a selectable character unless cheats were used.

Remakes are just fine the way they are meant to be created, you add someone in that didn't existed in the game, yet in this case it did only as a mere glitch and was not created until the 3rd (actually Ultimate Mortal Kombat 3), then it's no longer a remake. Unless he's in as a mere gltich. That's it. EDIT Not to mention, you also stated about Jade and Smoke being hidden in MK2... dir, I know that. Trying to answer my questions with answer I've known isn't helping me with my questions that I'm asking Vash. Yes, I know that thw two were hidden in the second game, and yes I know how to meet them in the game itself. You have my question totally wrong, I asked "Where in MK1 did it say that Jade and Smoke were hidden that's not coming off from the comic book series?" And MK7 was Armageddon... wow I KNOW THAT! OMG please, read what I wrote then reply back to me. Because you're obviously making me sound like I have no fucking clue what Mortal Kombat is, when I've been playing it since the very first game came out. Please, read my first comment again, then reply back, because you didn't obviously.
11/25/2008 04:37 AM (UTC)
Icebaby Wrote:
Vash_15 Wrote:
Seriously, for MK1, they could throw in Ermac, a playable Reptile, make Noob an alternate Sub-Zero costume (like in MKSM), Jade and Smoke (in MK2 it said they were hidden in MK1). For MK2, make all the secret characters playable, or make an MK 7.5 with all the characters that are being killed off. just think. CMON! We'll kill things, BLOW THINGS UP, oh it'll be fun!

Remakes don't have new characters in it. That would be stupid to add Ermac out of nowhere when he wasn't involved with MK during the first MK game. Sub-Zero IS Noob in the first game, and I never heard anywhere that Jade and Smoke were hidden in MK1, unless you're talking about the Malibu comic series, I've heard nothing about them anywhere in the first game.

What's the point on having secret characters playable all of a sudden? That ruins the fun out of everything.

MK 7.5 with killed of characters? Then who would play it? Obviously we know who'll all be killed off. Why play Darrius? Havik? Or even Kobra?

??? It's suppose to be fun man. Who cares if so and so was in hiding or if so and so didn't partake in the tournement. Just chuck them in there for fun. If their really popular characters like Reptile, the please the fans and let them play as him.

Hell, if your afraid of breaking lore than never pull off a fatality, because technically most characters didn't really die in the first MK's.

I mean, I'll be happy cause Kano would obviously be in... but fans of other popular characters should have their slice of cake too.

Fun always comes first in a videogame. Story 2nd, ESPECIALLY in a fighting game.
11/25/2008 10:20 PM (UTC)
Captbigbeard Wrote:
Icebaby Wrote:
Vash_15 Wrote:
Seriously, for MK1, they could throw in Ermac, a playable Reptile, make Noob an alternate Sub-Zero costume (like in MKSM), Jade and Smoke (in MK2 it said they were hidden in MK1). For MK2, make all the secret characters playable, or make an MK 7.5 with all the characters that are being killed off. just think. CMON! We'll kill things, BLOW THINGS UP, oh it'll be fun!

Remakes don't have new characters in it. That would be stupid to add Ermac out of nowhere when he wasn't involved with MK during the first MK game. Sub-Zero IS Noob in the first game, and I never heard anywhere that Jade and Smoke were hidden in MK1, unless you're talking about the Malibu comic series, I've heard nothing about them anywhere in the first game.

What's the point on having secret characters playable all of a sudden? That ruins the fun out of everything.

MK 7.5 with killed of characters? Then who would play it? Obviously we know who'll all be killed off. Why play Darrius? Havik? Or even Kobra?

??? It's suppose to be fun man. Who cares if so and so was in hiding or if so and so didn't partake in the tournement. Just chuck them in there for fun. If their really popular characters like Reptile, the please the fans and let them play as him.

Hell, if your afraid of breaking lore than never pull off a fatality, because technically most characters didn't really die in the first MK's.

I mean, I'll be happy cause Kano would obviously be in... but fans of other popular characters should have their slice of cake too.

Fun always comes first in a videogame. Story 2nd, ESPECIALLY in a fighting game.

Yeah no shit it's supposed to be fun. But remakes are not remakes if there's something in there that wasn't there in the first place. God, do you all not know what a remake is? Apparently you all don't, because if you did, you wouldn't be arguing with me right now, about the fact that remakes don't have elements in the game that weren't there before.
11/26/2008 03:45 AM (UTC)
Ermac as a hidden character isn't going to make it not MK1 anymore, looney tunes.

What's the point of remaking something if you don't make any improvements at all? That's not remaking, that's just re-releasing the orignal.
11/26/2008 04:15 AM (UTC)
RazorsEdge701 Wrote:
Ermac as a hidden character isn't going to make it not MK1 anymore, looney tunes.

What's the point of remaking something if you don't make any improvements at all? That's not remaking, that's just re-releasing the orignal.

Looney tunes? Please. Why put Ermac as a hidden character in the game? He was hidden during then, as you stated, am I not right? So, why should he be in the game if he was "hiding" during the first Mortal Kombat?
11/26/2008 06:26 PM (UTC)
Because Reptile was hiding too. Same as Smoke, Jade, and Noob hiding in MK2. That's what a hidden character does. They hide. And then you find them. You're supposed to discover hidden characters through some elaborate secret process and get to fight against or play as them. It's a god damned MK game tradition.

This is common fucking sense, man. The canon told us Ermac was hidden in MK1, so if they remake MK1, they would add fucking Ermac, to keep true to the canon that was established in later games.

Didn't you play Shaolin Monks? Did you not understand why you could fight him in the Warrior Shrine, an arena that came from MK1? SAME DAMN REASON.

Again, if you remake something, but don't add anything new or extra or make any improvements at all, it's NOT A REMAKE, it's a RE-RELEASE.
11/26/2008 09:34 PM (UTC)
RazorsEdge701 Wrote:
Because Reptile was hiding too. Same as Smoke, Jade, and Noob hiding in MK2. That's what a hidden character does. They hide. And then you find them. You're supposed to discover hidden characters through some elaborate secret process and get to fight against or play as them. It's a god damned MK game tradition.

This is common fucking sense, man. The canon told us Ermac was hidden in MK1, so if they remake MK1, they would add fucking Ermac, to keep true to the canon that was established in later games.

Didn't you play Shaolin Monks? Did you not understand why you could fight him in the Warrior Shrine, an arena that came from MK1? SAME DAMN REASON.

Again, if you remake something, but don't add anything new or extra or make any improvements at all, it's NOT A REMAKE, it's a RE-RELEASE.

Shaolin Monks and Mortal Kombat 1 are two different games based off of the same series. What happens in that game never existed in Mortal Kombat 1.

You're making me sound like I haven't played Mortal Kombat 1 and 2, I've been playing them since they first came out, Razors. I'm not a retard, but keep it up. Keep it up.

Why would you add something new to MK 1? It's like asking for Midway to have them put in retarded brutalities and new levels. Why would you want to add new things in it? That's stupid. If you want to create original, you just remake the game as it was back on the Genesis.

And by the way, the swearing isn't neccessay, and quit calling me "man" becuase you're confusing the gender with me. I'm not a "man" man, I'm a "woman." Thank you very much.

I know the "fucking" tradtion of Mortal Kombat where there's hidden characters that you can play as. But unortuantely in MK1's case, the only hidden character was Reptile, which you COULD NOT play as unless you had some cheat that made you play as him. You fought him in the secret Pit area, yeah no shit.

Of course same in MK2, Jade, Noob and Smoke were hidden, no duh. Why make them playable when they should be how they were from the Gensis. Keeping the originality. That's what I've been trying to say, but you're making me sound like I've never even touched the game when it was out of this world back in the 90s. Please, this argument has grown so boring, I don't understand why you need to keep making me sound like I have no idea what I'm talking about.

I know what I am talking about, and I'm ending this stupid fued before you start saying something you'll regret. And not to mention, if you try to continue arguing back to me, I'll just not repsond because I've proven my point, and I know I'm right. So, yeah, I'm ending this now before something bad happens.
11/26/2008 09:35 PM (UTC)
Good lord, all you do is repeat yourself. It's like talking to a brick wall. Except, if the brick wall were to run away at the end.
Fact is, a remake, by it's very definition, introduces new additions to improve on what it's remaking. That's how they work, that's why they're made, and you have no way to dispute that.
11/26/2008 09:36 PM (UTC)
Icebaby Wrote:
RazorsEdge701 Wrote:
Because Reptile was hiding too. Same as Smoke, Jade, and Noob hiding in MK2. That's what a hidden character does. They hide. And then you find them. You're supposed to discover hidden characters through some elaborate secret process and get to fight against or play as them. It's a god damned MK game tradition.

This is common fucking sense, man. The canon told us Ermac was hidden in MK1, so if they remake MK1, they would add fucking Ermac, to keep true to the canon that was established in later games.

Didn't you play Shaolin Monks? Did you not understand why you could fight him in the Warrior Shrine, an arena that came from MK1? SAME DAMN REASON.

Again, if you remake something, but don't add anything new or extra or make any improvements at all, it's NOT A REMAKE, it's a RE-RELEASE.

Shaolin Monks and Mortal Kombat 1 are two different games based off of the same series. What happens in that game never existed in Mortal Kombat 1.

I take that back, yes, what happened in Shalin Monks is cannon, but unortuantely that game came out years later and we found out more info. But still, the two games are differnet in ways we both know.
11/27/2008 02:25 AM (UTC)
Only certain ideas in Shaolin Monks was canon. such as what characters were in the first tournament and how the Tarkatans invaded the Wu Shi Academy. But the game in its entirety was non-canon.

But if they did remake MK1, they should be able to add certain things to it. Maybe extra Fatalities, levels, and things to unlock, but I'm not so sure if adding Ermac would particularly be something that would matter. I think that he shouldn't be included, personally, at least as a playable character, because so far we know that he was hidden, and thats the end of it. He didnt really do anything during that tournament, so if he were to be included in a remake, I can see him being someone secret to fight, but not someone who is playable or part of anyone's storyline or ending in the game.

I could see them adding Reptile as a secret playable character, but I think they would mess him up by giving him moves like the acid spit and all that. Remember, this is an MK1 remake that I speak of, and not an MK2 remake. Reptile would be a hardass combo of Scorp and Sub like he was back then, with the spear and freeze and all.

So I don't think they should change what is already there or what was there, but I don't think making certain elements better would hurt anything.
11/27/2008 02:37 AM (UTC)
Reptile having Scorpion and Sub-Zero's moves doesn't make any sense though. He doesn't actually have those powers. One of the functions of a remake should be to fix the mistakes the original made, and make it better fit a canon that's changed and been added to over time.
I mean, would you have Raiden's storyline say the same thing it did in the original? That he's some moody, neutral character just looking to prove no mortal can beat him in a fight, and not the Protector of Earthrealm? Even though that contradicts the actual canon? Of course not. The only reason to EVER go back to MK1 and do it over is to fix stuff like that and make everything fit the way it's supposed to.
11/27/2008 06:39 AM (UTC)
Sorry, IceBaby.

RazorsEdge701 Wrote:

Fact is, a remake, by it's very definition, introduces new additions to improve on what it's remaking. That's how they work, that's why they're made, and you have no way to dispute that.
11/27/2008 07:35 AM (UTC)
Thank god someone here has seen a remake before and knows what they are...
11/27/2008 02:20 PM (UTC)
...The only thing I have been arguing about with you, is that why would you put new characters in that game. But now you're making me sound like a retard because I said "Let's not add Ermac and Repitle because of this. Let's not add Noob, Smoke and Jade because of this.

Fact is, I know what the term "remake" is, but why add two new characters in the game that were never playable to begin with. BUT NOW.... because you had to go full out with insults, (pethetic ones I might add) and try your hardest to sound like I have no clue what I'm talking about and the reason FOR the repeats is to get a fucking image through your easybake oven head of yours that I DO play video games and KNOW what I'm talking about.

But you're making this an issue when there shouldn't be. I'm laughing at the fact that the guy who made the thread hasn't respond to it anymore probably because he sees nothing but a lame-ass flame war that shouldn't have occured if someone would have just let me write my own opinion about what Vash said and just to have let it go.

But no.... no, no, no, no, we had to outshine her, we had to outsmart her, we had to dumb her down. Wow, I can't beleive this is still going on, and I can't believe I wrote back, I only did to get the last laugh. Ha!
11/27/2008 05:36 PM (UTC)
In UMK3, they changed the continuity to say that Ermac was there during MK1. A remake should fit the CURRENT continuity, not the OLD continuity.
I can't say it any more simply than that! How else can I make you understand?
11/27/2008 06:16 PM (UTC)
The only appearance he made during MK1 before UMK3, I must admit UMK3 was when he debuted, was when the gltch came out when Scorpion's name was changed to ERror MACross. Only appearance. Before UMK3, you had no clue that Ermac was an actual character that existed in Mortal Kombat.

Then, afer that game released and you read Ermac's bio ending story or whatever it tells you that he was hidden. But, never in MK1 did it stated that Ermac was actually in Mortal Kombat, only hiding, yes I get it, I get it. But as I ask you again and again, why will you add characters to the game that weren't ever in it? Not incuding Reptile, Ermac never existed during the first game only when UMK3 said so that he was technically there. But you can't always expect that other games are going to tell you that, let's say, Oh Kintaro was actually hidden in MK1, he was just waiting for the fall of Goro to actually make an appearance.

Fact is, characters who are revealed as hidden characters that were never found in an actual game until later on when another game told us so, you can't always expect that to happen. The only reason probably why they said that Ermac was hidden was becuase of that stupid glitch that made Scorpion red. That's it! That's the only reason why he was there. God, I feel like I had ADD or something.

And then when MKSM came along, Ermac was somewhat hidden at the Warriror Shrine, yes majority of the events that happened in the game are cannon, but you can't expect the Ermac secret at the Shrine is really what happened. So, yeah, this is getting tiring. Don't you ever give up or something?
11/27/2008 06:25 PM (UTC)

(shortened form of RETroactive CONtinuity; first made popular in the comic book world)

1. (original meaning) Adding information to the back story of a fictional character or world, without invalidating that which had gone before.

2. (more common usage) Adding or altering information regarding the back story of a fictional character or world, regardless of whether the change contradicts what was said before.

There. Now I've quoted a god damned dictionary to try and make you understand this simple concept. I hope you're proud of yourself.
The bottom line is that the history of older games is changed and added to by sequels. Ermac was in MK1, we just didn't know about it until UMK3. If they make a new version of MK1, Ermac will be there this time, because that fits the MODERN version of events. Deal with it.
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