Reinventing a classic? *Spoilers*
posted10/20/2006 03:23 PM (UTC)by
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10/11/2002 01:28 AM (UTC)
Typically after the release of a new MK a duscussion pops up concerning what can be done to the next installment to make it live up to our expectations. I typically never participate in these, but after the travesty that is MKA I feel I have an obligation to voice my opinion on what the next step should be.

Over the next few weeks/months, I will be breaking down every element of the game and voiceing my opinions on what should be done to said area to improve it. This is an open discussion and other gamers opinions are appreciated as well.

For the first topic I think we should start right at the source. The development team and publishing house...

Midway: This company has been going down hill for years, annually reporting losses as opposed to profit. There single big name franchise is that of MK. Midway is a failing company and it's bringing the franchise down with it, as soon as the announcement for a new MK game every year I knew things were going to get dicey. I mean the MK team already seems to have a problem with time constraints, and with them being forced to put out a game every other year, I honestly cant expect a game much better than MKA. I for one would not have a problem waiting 4 years between titles if it means I get a complete game.

MK Team: I will give these guys slack due to the time constraints put on them by Midway, but I'm sick of the unkept promises. I mean if you can't get something into a game don't say that they will be in it. The storyline still needs to be saved but it isn't completely destroyed; yet. I do feel that the team still has some creative enrgy flowing but in the same respect I don't think it would neccesarily be a bad thing to get some new blood in on the situation.

Verdict: I think both the Mk team and Midway have one last final push to right their wrongs. I know that there are alot of people who have been turned off of MK due to this latest installment, and honestly one more half-assed showing and I may very well be myself. If Midway can't get their shit together I wouldn't be bothered one bit to see the franchise go to a different developer, particullarly one with fighting game experience.

Comments anyone?
About Me

Welcome to the desert...of the real.

10/20/2006 03:23 PM (UTC)
I feel the exact same way.
Pages: 1
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