Reigniting the Kitana/Mileena rivalry?
posted03/07/2015 07:51 PM (UTC)by
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Second fan of "The Lady in Green...err Turquoise, no Gold?"

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07/08/2011 08:27 PM (UTC)
I've posted this in some threads, but I really kind of want to hear MKOs opinion on it.

So as we all know, in this new timeline Kitana and Mileena did not grow up together therefore the rivalry that was in the old timeline never came to be. Kitana and Mileena interacted only maybe once in the MK9 story and so far from what we've seen, they don't seem to interact much in MKX. Mileena is obsessed with reclaiming the Outworld throne and Kitana doesn't want anything to do with it, according to the Kitana/Reptile intro. Kitana seems to be doing her own thing, while Mileena does the same. So how do you think NRS will reignite their iconic rivalry or do you think they're rivalry is as forgotten as the fact that Mileena is supposed to be Kitanas Clone?

Personally, maybe Mileena killed Kitana, Jade, and Sindel, but Kitana came back resurrected for vengeance by Quan Chi to seek revenge on Mileena. And after she found out it was actually Quan Chi, she seeks a vendetta against him to restore her home and her family. tongue

Nah, I'm just joking. I see Kitana siding with Kotal or something. But it's also interesting to note that in the story trailer, she was still a revenant when fighting Cassie and Co. So idk maybe the Kitana/Mileena rivalry is finally done. sad
03/07/2015 05:56 AM (UTC)
Id like to see NRS revisit it or at least nod to it once in this new timeline. It may sound cliché but its already established that Mileena is the less attractive evil clone, doing nothing with that would be kind of silly.

At least for the fans, I think they should have them interact at least once in MKX's story but make it more or less a draw. Even as a Mileena fan I wouldn't want one to win over the other, just a fight that makes it unclear as to who is truly the superior of the "sisters" is. The Mileena X Kitana debate must continue!!! lol
03/07/2015 06:10 AM (UTC)
It could be that a piece of the land that Mileena's faction is currently occupying is a piece of Edenia, and Kitana wants to demerge it. Mileena probably would not be down.
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03/07/2015 07:47 AM (UTC)
I would personally rather they not revive it.

Part of what's kept Sonya down story-wise is her incessant Black Dragon rivalry, and the same applies here. As interesting as it is at first, it becomes trite after a while. They--especially Mileena--have obvious better things to be doing than hating each other.
03/07/2015 08:05 AM (UTC)

Blade4693 Wrote:
Id like to see NRS revisit it or at least nod to it once in this new timeline. It may sound cliché but its already established that Mileena is the less attractive evil clone, doing nothing with that would be kind of silly.

At least for the fans, I think they should have them interact at least once in MKX's story but make it more or less a draw. Even as a Mileena fan I wouldn't want one to win over the other, just a fight that makes it unclear as to who is truly the superior of the "sisters" is. The Mileena X Kitana debate must continue!!! lol

This sounds appropriate to me. I am curious to see what's going to happen between these two, or if anything happens at all. I wonder what their banter will be when they fight each other. I'm surprised NRS hasn't released a Kitana/Mileena video. The very first glimpse of this game that we got was Sub Zero and Scorpion fighting.

I have said this countless times, I really dislike the MK9 retcon of Kitana and Mileena. It still boggles my mind that NRS thought that was a good idea. Legacy has the best version of their story.

03/07/2015 10:16 AM (UTC)
wdm6789 Wrote:
Blade4693 Wrote:
Id like to see NRS revisit it or at least nod to it once in this new timeline. It may sound cliché but its already established that Mileena is the less attractive evil clone, doing nothing with that would be kind of silly.

At least for the fans, I think they should have them interact at least once in MKX's story but make it more or less a draw. Even as a Mileena fan I wouldn't want one to win over the other, just a fight that makes it unclear as to who is truly the superior of the "sisters" is. The Mileena X Kitana debate must continue!!! lol

This sounds appropriate to me. I am curious to see what's going to happen between these two, or if anything happens at all. I wonder what their banter will be when they fight each other. I'm surprised NRS hasn't released a Kitana/Mileena video. The very first glimpse of this game that we got was Sub Zero and Scorpion fighting.

I have said this countless times, I really dislike the MK9 retcon of Kitana and Mileena. It still boggles my mind that NRS thought that was a good idea. Legacy has the best version of their story.

I felt the same way after MK9. Kitana and Mileena had such a deep and powerful story in the old timeline. Not sure what the hell NRS was thinking. Legacy did a phenomenal job telling the incredible story of these two sisters. Besides Kitana's death, this was actually my biggest issue with MK9. Moving forward, I hope they redeem themselves in MKX, although its almost impossible.

Anyways back to the question:

Maybe Kitana sides with Kotal Kahn and Mileena turns to Quan Chi when everything looks lost. That would be a great way for these two assassins to square off one more time.

Not sure how it will happen, but I am positive that Kahn's "daughters" will go one on one in MKX. Which will most likely result in Kitana defeating her evil clone.
LeoBrZ81 Wrote:
I would personally rather they not revive it.

Part of what's kept Sonya down story-wise is her incessant Black Dragon rivalry, and the same applies here. As interesting as it is at first, it becomes trite after a while. They--especially Mileena--have obvious better things to be doing than hating each other.

I agree with this 100% regarding the Sonya vs Kano rivalry. I feel as if nothing has really happened between them since MK1. I have a feeling this rivalry ends in MKX, which will benefit both characters. Sonya has so much potential and unfortunately has been chasing Kano for most of time.

However, the feud between Kahn's daughters is IMO far more interesting and has more potential than most rivalries. For that reason, I definitely want and hope that Kitana vs Mileena continues.
03/07/2015 11:26 AM (UTC)
Hell no. I really wouldn't want that. That rivalry had become as stale as Scorpion's vendetta. Nothing new was ever introduced to it. Kitana was the pretty one, Mileena the ugly one who was jealous of her sister and always got her ass handed to her by Kitana. Rinse and repeat. THANK GOD they decided to do something new with Mileena.
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03/07/2015 11:48 AM (UTC)
WhaT burned me about the mk9 retcon is that we have NEVER actually SEEN the mileena / Kitana rivalry... Certainly never in the story mode that NRS has been doing since mkvsdc.

All we've ever gotten is bios and endings - and even then they made it compelling. Imagine if we had seen that actually shown onscreen.

I appreciate the need for mileena and Kitana to evolve beyond that rivalry. I totally agree.

But to remove it completely from the canon? Erase the fantastic foundation that they should have ?

It's a travesty, frankly. If anythings fills me with true fury about MK9 it's that decision. It's made both characters infinitely less interesting.

At least mileenas story seems interesting in X, but without the tragic backstory she once had, I'm not emotionally invested at all.
03/07/2015 12:37 PM (UTC)
samuhai Wrote:
WhaT burned me about the mk9 retcon is that we have NEVER actually SEEN the mileena / Kitana rivalry... Certainly never in the story mode that NRS has been doing since mkvsdc.

All we've ever gotten is bios and endings - and even then they made it compelling. Imagine if we had seen that actually shown onscreen.

I appreciate the need for mileena and Kitana to evolve beyond that rivalry. I totally agree.

But to remove it completely from the canon? Erase the fantastic foundation that they should have ?

It's a travesty, frankly. If anythings fills me with true fury about MK9 it's that decision. It's made both characters infinitely less interesting.

At least mileenas story seems interesting in X, but without the tragic backstory she once had, I'm not emotionally invested at all.

IMO, Mileena shouldn't really even have much of a claim to Outworld because she is only 25 years old, at some points in the story she is probably even younger. Shao Kahn died shortly after she awoke or was born or whatever you call it. So she probably barely even knew him. Hell I think Jade would have a more legitimate claim to Outworld, if she was alive.

About Me

-sig by MINION

03/07/2015 12:40 PM (UTC)
Leave it completely in the old timeline. Kitana doesn't seem interested in Outworld and Mileena doesn't seen interested in Kitana. And thank god for that. In MK9 Kahn called Mileena his true daughter and didn't see her as a failed experiment, there's no reason for her to even be jealous of Kitana now so there's no reason for a rivalry.

Any nods to their rivalry should be kept to badass pre fight dialogues.
About Me

Second fan of "The Lady in Green...err Turquoise, no Gold?"

03/07/2015 12:55 PM (UTC)
wdm6789 Wrote:
Blade4693 Wrote:
Id like to see NRS revisit it or at least nod to it once in this new timeline. It may sound cliché but its already established that Mileena is the less attractive evil clone, doing nothing with that would be kind of silly.

At least for the fans, I think they should have them interact at least once in MKX's story but make it more or less a draw. Even as a Mileena fan I wouldn't want one to win over the other, just a fight that makes it unclear as to who is truly the superior of the "sisters" is. The Mileena X Kitana debate must continue!!! lol

This sounds appropriate to me. I am curious to see what's going to happen between these two, or if anything happens at all. I wonder what their banter will be when they fight each other. I'm surprised NRS hasn't released a Kitana/Mileena video. The very first glimpse of this game that we got was Sub Zero and Scorpion fighting.

I have said this countless times, I really dislike the MK9 retcon of Kitana and Mileena. It still boggles my mind that NRS thought that was a good idea. Legacy has the best version of their story.

I agree, out of all the things Legacy got wrong, the feud between the sisters was probably one of the only things they got right. Probably the only episodes I really enjoyed.
I also don't understand why NRS changed that whole thing. It still baffles me tho this day. It's probably one of the BIGGEST changes they did to the old timeline and for me personally, I feel as if it didn't contribute much to the new timeline, except woman child Mileena, which everyone, including me, seemed to despise immensely.
IMO, they should've kept the old Kitana/Mileena. The ones who grew up together. But maybe instead of Kitana killing Mileena, she spares her cuz even though she's a clone. She's still her sister. And you know, maybe she suffers the consequences for that. Sindel kills Kitana. Khan dies, and Mileena becomes empress. And here we are in MKX, without needing to change their previous relationship they had.
I do believe that was probably a big mistake NRS did, but who knows, maybe they have something up their sleeves.
03/07/2015 01:11 PM (UTC)
Eh, I'd rather they not. Like others have said, they both seem to have bigger issues in this story.

Regarding Mileena, though. After this arc is over, I'd like for the story to explore her relationship with Shang Tsung and Shao Kahn. Her creator and her "father." Now there's some potential family drama...
03/07/2015 02:14 PM (UTC)
Sure Kitana's disgusted, but Jade also hating Mileena was just random. Jade just met Kitana and says that she's more of a sister to Kitana and has that overdramatic line meeting Mileena (By the gods!)
03/07/2015 02:36 PM (UTC)
No. Don't rekindle their rivalry. It's more original for Mileena, imo, not to be jealous of Kitana, and to be completely confortable with her appearance.

Kitana's also already got a little going for her that doesn't have to directly involve Mileena, like her remaining a revenant for decades, and how it could affect her when she is restored to her living self.

However, I do like this idea another poster suggested about Kitana wanting to free Edenia from Outworld, and Mileena not allowing it. So basically, if their feud is rekindled, don't make it a beauty contest, which is in large part what their rivalry was about.
03/07/2015 07:26 PM (UTC)
samuhai Wrote:
WhaT burned me about the mk9 retcon is that we have NEVER actually SEEN the mileena / Kitana rivalry... Certainly never in the story mode that NRS has been doing since mkvsdc.

All we've ever gotten is bios and endings - and even then they made it compelling. Imagine if we had seen that actually shown onscreen.

I appreciate the need for mileena and Kitana to evolve beyond that rivalry. I totally agree.

But to remove it completely from the canon? Erase the fantastic foundation that they should have ?

It's a travesty, frankly. If anythings fills me with true fury about MK9 it's that decision. It's made both characters infinitely less interesting.

At least mileenas story seems interesting in X, but without the tragic backstory she once had, I'm not emotionally invested at all.

Now that I think about it, I agree. We never really witnessed the Kitana vs Mileena feud. wow. That is why we were so disappointed after MK9 as Kitana & Mileena fans.

I can't think of a way that NRS can fix this mess and give us the classic rivalry back. Any ideas?

I'm not sure how they will reignite this rivalry, but I am confident that NRS will.
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03/07/2015 07:51 PM (UTC)
Well... Maybe it can be out of topic a little bit but when we will see The Empress Mileena's gameplay? furious
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