Regarding Kotal Kahn (possible spoilers)
posted04/15/2015 01:30 PM (UTC)by
Member Since
03/08/2011 04:23 PM (UTC)
Is anyone else really disappointed he ended up being such a douche in story mode?

After reading the comics, I was really expecting to love the guy, he seemed like a great ruler for Outworld, a strong leader who wasn't power-hungry like Shao Kahn and genuinely wanted what was best for Outworld.

Seeing how he acted in story mode really disappointed me though. Executing people for thievery, trying multiple times to kill Cassie's team, taking them hostage, and showing extreme cowardice when his help was needed against Shinnok? I expected more from him.
Kotal was like every other asshole leader in history.

The only people who liked him at first were just caught up in his charisma and didn't see his shitty qualities at first because of it. Just like the people who defend guys like Big Boss or Solidus Snake even though they bred and killed child soldiers.
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Props to MINION
04/15/2015 06:18 AM (UTC)
a lot can happen in 10 years
04/15/2015 06:48 AM (UTC)
War changes a man...
Darkhound74 Wrote:
War changes a man...

Only a weak one.
04/15/2015 06:55 AM (UTC)
SaurienDeity Wrote:
Is anyone else really disappointed he ended up being such a douche in story mode?

After reading the comics, I was really expecting to love the guy, he seemed like a great ruler for Outworld, a strong leader who wasn't power-hungry like Shao Kahn and genuinely wanted what was best for Outworld.

Seeing how he acted in story mode really disappointed me though. Executing people for thievery, trying multiple times to kill Cassie's team, taking them hostage, and showing extreme cowardice when his help was needed against Shinnok? I expected more from him.

Wasn't just him, pretty much all the characters (and storyline for that matter) were more well written in the comics compared to the game.
04/15/2015 07:03 AM (UTC)
Something I found odd about Kotal as well, I thought he helped during the netherrealm war? Doesn't it say that in the comics? but he was never there in game so it doesnt make any sense

fuck kotal though, he was such an asshole in story. I still like his character design, but they completely fucked him up.
I don't think they fucked him up so much as people just talked about him so much based on a couple of comic issues and assumed to know what he would be like in game. Same with the other characters.

Some people assumed Jacqui would be boring but were pleasantly surprised, some people assumed Erron/Kotal would be great but were underwhelmed.
04/15/2015 07:08 AM (UTC)
I still loved Erron, I thought he was great but underutilized. He could have been used way better but oh well
04/15/2015 07:11 AM (UTC)
And Sonya being a bitch to him in the comic isn't taken into account?


>Petty thievery / execution

That seems about right to be honest. If you start jailing every criminal in Outworld just like Israel does and not set an example to be feared then other realms/states will see you as a weak sauce.

>Imprisoning Casssie and co

I'm sorry but Kotal also got imprisoned by his OWN will in Earthrealm and he still got an attitude that not even Shao Kahn deserves. Imprisoning them may not have been the best choice, but would you expect? giving them suits and candy?

>appeasing Shinnok

Kotal saw what benefits him more, either teaming up with a bunch of kids and taking on Shinnok which might result in his death and heavily weaken his army, OR not get in the conflict and walk away OR be on good terms. Every state does it all the time. Every nation/leader cares for her own self interest.

I think people here are really tough on Kotal. He's not that different than his comic version tbh.

04/15/2015 07:15 AM (UTC)
Basically all of Kotal's Posse could have used more screen/play time. I just hope the comics will explain more about Ferra/Torr's origin since the story mode ONLY mentioned them as symbiotes.
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... here's your Subzero, now plain zero.

04/15/2015 07:33 AM (UTC)
InfestedArtanis Wrote:
And Sonya being a bitch to him in the comic isn't taken into account?


>Petty thievery / execution

That seems about right to be honest. If you start jailing every criminal in Outworld just like Israel does and not set an example to be feared then other realms/states will see you as a weak sauce.

>Imprisoning Casssie and co

I'm sorry but Kotal also got imprisoned by his OWN will in Earthrealm and he still got an attitude that not even Shao Kahn deserves. Imprisoning them may not have been the best choice, but would you expect? giving them suits and candy?

>appeasing Shinnok

Kotal saw what benefits him more, either teaming up with a bunch of kids and taking on Shinnok which might result in his death and heavily weaken his army, OR not get in the conflict and walk away OR be on good terms. Every state does it all the time. Every nation/leader cares for her own self interest.

I think people here are really tough on Kotal. He's not that different than his comic version tbh.

You have not addressed the issue of Kotal's stupidity when he took on the task of guarding the stolen amulet. Are 2 guards and D'Vorah more skilled then Cassie's team? He is clearly not a leader in that cutscene.
04/15/2015 07:46 AM (UTC)
Pretty sure D'vorah is more capable than all of them combined, but you're right, he should have sent Reptile and Ermac as well.
04/15/2015 08:52 AM (UTC)

wasn't Cassie's team locked up during that time. So there was no threat to the amulet ?
About Me

... here's your Subzero, now plain zero.

04/15/2015 09:07 AM (UTC)
canikeyc Wrote:

wasn't Cassie's team locked up during that time. So there was no threat to the amulet ?

Other threats like revenants where still out and about. Not to mention Rain and Tanya could swipe it. Even Raiden could take it who is deemed a threat to Outworld and Kotal's rule.
04/15/2015 09:14 AM (UTC)
TigerStyle Wrote:
Kotal was like every other asshole leader in history.

The only people who liked him at first were just caught up in his charisma and didn't see his shitty qualities at first because of it. Just like the people who defend guys like Big Boss or Solidus Snake even though they bred and killed child soldiers.

Do not talk about Big Boss like this... We still have not got The Phantom Pain
To have the theme of working together set in place in the first part during KJ/D'vorah sections and then have Jacqui/Takeda repeat over and over "Join us, together we can stop Shinnok" to Kotal.

And even Kotal wanted to work together for both realms sake before Mileena's rebellion. But to ignore all of that so Sub-Zero and The Lin Kuei (Absent Frost sucked too no character development for her.) can run in and make the save?

If you needed something for Outworld and Earthrealm to fight you could have brought in the rest of the revenants like Stryker, Nightwolf and Kabal, Throw a bone to Jade fans and give her that one quick cameo alongside them, Bring in the Orochi, The Oni, The Winged Demons and maybe even Kia and Jataaka for a big United Realms vs Netherrealm forces showdown while Cassie and her team head for the temple.

Just a huge missed oppurtunity.
04/15/2015 10:55 AM (UTC)
Can someone explain to me why was Kotal Kahn brown in the flashback when D'Vorah joins his side? Was it just make up to disguise himself? Kinda moot since Mileena calls him an Oshtek... Didn't understand that.
04/15/2015 11:01 AM (UTC)
Swarm Wrote:
Can someone explain to me why was Kotal Kahn brown in the flashback when D'Vorah joins his side? Was it just make up to disguise himself? Kinda moot since Mileena calls him an Oshtek... Didn't understand that.

I didn't even recognise that that was kotal

At first I thought it was a shokan and I just couldn't see his second set of arms

Speaking if the kitana....where the fuck were they?
04/15/2015 01:30 PM (UTC)
Kotal Kahn will become worse when Dark Raiden attacks Outworld.
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