Recurring Characters Speculation
posted09/08/2014 12:11 AM (UTC)by
Member Since
05/27/2008 09:03 PM (UTC)
Despite that I know many aren't too excited to see many of the 2011's roster come back, I kinda am. Hear me out now, and this might be long, so I'll have a "tl:dr" part at the end if you're that lazy not to read the entire thread.

Okay, this is how I see why there might be a good chance a good chunk of that roster is coming back, and I'm fairly certain I may not be the only person here who thinks this way.

Do you think that the reason they're bringing these characters back is that this might be their very last game for a while? I mean Boon did mention in an interview that they would definitely like to continue with the new generation (despite that they're kind of like, in a funk as to how to take it). These characters might be having their last appearance for a good duration.

I'm not saying that this will be their last appearance ever, I'm fairly certain they might make an appearance every now and then just to please the fans, most likely as DLC.

We're having characters that aged in this game, they're going to be old, I doubt they will continue making more appearances after this game after going into this direction. Do I expect some of these characters getting killed? Absolutely. Do I know who I want to be killed yet? Not really. I'm not putting in my two cents on who I want to see get killed yet until more characters get confirmed. However, I do expect to see some get killed.

Another reason is, why have characters who are still alive in the previous game just not make an appearance in this game? I really don't want to see some of them be non-playable because many have an issue with recurring characters coming around. However, I'd like to personally play their story til' we meet their end. It just wouldn't be satisfying enough to see some character's story be playable in one game, and then not finish their adventure in the next despite they have an appearance in that game. It just kinda doesn't seem really fair for us to play through Johnny and Sonya's story and then not finish it in this game. (Of course, I am not looking for another fucking debate about them, so please don't start) There are some characters who's story should end in this game and we should be the ones playing it rather than just seeing it.

Does at least anyone kinda understand where I'm going with this part?

Of course, there's those characters who died in the previous game and their fates have ended right there. Would I like to see them come back, such as Sindel? Not really, no. There are some characters I would most definitely appreciate staying out of this game as a playable character, even if they are a favorite of mine. Do I want to still see them in this game? As a non-playable character, yes, so that they at least have some purpose left seeing how we saw majority of the cast undead. I know that this game has it where death has no meaning, can we kinda start here? Kitana, Jade, Sindel, Nightwolf, etc. can they stay dead? Sure, they can be undead in the army, but that's all I can see happening. I don't see them getting resurrected so that we have another war raging on with them.

Of course, your opinions matter on this part as well, so I'd definitely appreciate hearing you out.

What about the characters who's fates are left unknown? You know, I really don't know what I want with those characters. Reptile, Mileena, Baraka, Sheeva to name a few. (Of course, many would definitely appreciate not seeing Sheeva again, so I say curse you. tongue ) There are some of those characters who I'd like to see again, but storywise, what would they do? Reptile could be by himself for once, trying to restore his race, or they could once again make him become a little lap dog for the main villain and have him become an absolute waste. Mileena, well, with Kotal being emperor, did she die trying to obtain the throne or is she still alive but missing? Do they have more of a chance to continue being around for the series? Absolutely.

Where do you think most of these characters are at?

So really, I do feel that this makes a lot of sense as to why we're seeing these guys again. Many of you might not like it, but I do, and it's only to finally see their end of the road with them in the series for a while. I'm not expecting to never see them, as stated before, I'm sure we'll see them again in the future as maybe a DLC character or whatever. But I do feel that this game will end majority of these characters and make way for these new characters. I do feel it's time to somewhat retire the twenty year old characters to make way for the newer characters, and I do believe that those from the Mortal Kombat 4-Armageddon should also be given another chance, so I do expect to see some of them any time soon. I just truly feel that we're going to be saying good-bye to our favorites, even if we don't like it.

Tl:dr - This might be the very last game for the recurring characters for a very long time.
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Lazio? La prima squadra della Capitale.

09/07/2014 05:47 PM (UTC)
All I want from the characters is closure to their arcs if they are going to die or for any characters not returning. The characters should not just be twiddling their thumbs while the game's story plays out. For example if Mileena is not in the game then I would like to know why.

Ed Boon said that there will be cameos in the story mode and I think this is good for closing out characters. An example of this would be Sub-Zero taking the Lin Kuei from Sektor or Sheeva dying in Deadly Alliance. Instead of writing it down we could see it. That is just an example, I am not saying that will happen.

I do not care which characters come back and from what era they are from because in my opinion that is just an arbitary judgement. I judge the characters on their merits so it does not matter if they are from MK1 through to MKD.
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-sig by MINION

09/07/2014 06:10 PM (UTC)
I mentioned a few months ago that this game would probably be the last hurrah for more than a few old favorites. It's just the perfect time to do it with such a drastic time skip that we'll actually get to witness. I felt that even more after seeing Kano and how little he's aged. I'm willing to bet he doesn't make it to 25 years in the future.

Icebaby Wrote:
I do feel it's time to somewhat retire the twenty year old characters to make way for the newer characters, and I do believe that those from the Mortal Kombat 4-Armageddon should also be given another chance, so I do expect to see some of them any time soon. I just truly feel that we're going to be saying good-bye to our favorites, even if we don't like it.
I'm not so crazy about this tbh. We already know that Quan Chi and Shinnok will play some kind of part in MKX but beyond that I think they should focus on the new and not try to salvage those characters. Not that they were awful but most of those characters stories ended with some decent closure; Nitara succeed so we really didn't need to see her again. Mavado and Hsu Hao died etc etc. Their stories just ran their course. I think it's a good thing tbh. I think they should continue to focus on the new character they're introducing in this game.
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"Pray for the Kahn's Mercy"

09/07/2014 06:36 PM (UTC)
GREAT post Icebaby, sums up exactly how I feel on the situation. I think part of the reason I'm so hyped about this is that I suspect, Scorpion-Sub-Raiden aside, this might be goodbye for a lot of characters
09/07/2014 06:51 PM (UTC)
I'm not a fan of killing off alot of the roster and start over. It just leaves alot of people disappointed and might even lose part of the fanbase because of it. I welcome new additions, new characters etc, but not at the expense of losing half the roster.

I don't mind that only some characters make it to one game, and then the other characters are in the next game, kinda like MKDA and MKD, as long it doesn't mean that fan favourites have been completely cut off and will never return again. Clash games, like MKT and MKA, will hopefully stay within the franchise so people can see their favourites with the new technology and new gameplay that has come with the new generation.

Mortal Kombat is a game. It's a source of entertainment. And said entertainment is first priority, and if it isn't, it should be. The only reason a character needs to return to a new game is that NRS wants him/her in the game. Then the story of that character will be written to fit the decision... Not the other way around. A character shouldn't be excluded, just because it doesn't fit his/her story in the past game.

That's what the whole "No one really dies in MK" means! It means that every character can at any time return to a new game whenever NRS sees it fit, no matter if said character has been killed in a previous game. And that is how it should be.

Alot of fan favourites might not make it to MKX. It is understandable, NRS are trying out new things... This isn't new, they did the same with MK4 and MKDA when they took the game into 3D. But then they eventually made MKD and later MKA where those who didn't make it to the previous games become playable.

NRS might try something new after MKX, maybe putting the MK franchise on the shelf for some time, but as long it is a popular franchise, I'm sure it will return and I'm sure we will see our favourite characters again. ^^
09/07/2014 09:42 PM (UTC)
Jaded-Raven Wrote:
That's what the whole "No one really dies in MK" means! It means that every character can at any time return to a new game whenever NRS sees it fit, no matter if said character has been killed in a previous game. And that is how it should be.

Here's the problem that I have with this entire paragraph. You're okay sitting here saying that any character, whether they're alive or not, should be able to come back to any new game, then why are people complaining about wasted roster space?

Basically, if anyone agrees that they should be able to return to a game no matter what and then immediately complains that a recurring character is wasting a space for someone else, you're basically contradicting yourself. That's why I really have a problem with so many people having an issue with characters and them thinking they're wasting precious space. If any character can come back no matter what, then no one should sit here still and complain nonstop that so-and-so shouldn't be in, no matter what their reason is for complaining.

This is just speaking out of general, not really directed to you.

And remember, I didn't necessarily said they'd be removed completely once this game is done. They can come back whenever the developers see it fit. However, I just truly believe this might be the end for several characters for a while and only comeback as occasional guests.
09/08/2014 12:11 AM (UTC)
Icebaby Wrote:
then why are people complaining about wasted roster space?

Sheer fear, I'd guess.
People are afraid that when characters they don't like are being announced, there is a lesser chance for the characters they do like to be in. It's not irrational fear, because there are just going to be so many characters in the game, some characters are bound to be left out, and it could easliy be someone's favourite character.

So whenever a character that is on the bottom of someone's list of favourites is announced to be in MKX, it feels like a wasted roster slot.
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