Rain & Sheeva must be in MK7
posted10/30/2005 05:07 PM (UTC)by
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06/16/2004 12:01 AM (UTC)
Rain was my favorite ninja in MKT and he needs to finally be put into 3D kombat. His moves were awesome in MKT. Although Nightwolf borrowed his lightning bolt in MKD. I think great things could be done with Rain just like Ermac in MKD.

Sheeva was crazy in MK3. That stomping move she had was amusing to do over and over to intentionally piss over your best friend you're playing against. Anyways, is anyone with me on bringing this hideous female back to MK7? I want to see her 3D as well.

Those are my top picks for returning characters in MK7. Sheeva doesn't seem to be a favorite in this forum, what do you guys think about her?
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10/19/2005 06:27 AM (UTC)
I don't like Rain or Sheeva. Both are poor characters with poor stories, moves and involvement.

Regardless of this, I'd like to see Rain back for another chance. With a makeover like the one Ermac, Scorpion, Sub-Zero and Nooob Saibot received to make them more individual, he should look pretty decent. Given the MKD story he should hopefully be able to come back into the game with a decent story too.

As for Sheeva, she's dead. She should stay that way. I'm not a fan of resurrections and even though a second chance could be given to her, I'd prefer them not to go the route of resurrection just to give it to another character. However, if they managed to pull if off them that'd be fine with me I guess. All of the Shokan in MK were poorly developed and Sheeva was probably the worst of the lot. To many she is iredeemable.
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10/19/2005 09:57 AM (UTC)
Rain: unispired moves, dum fatalities, story holds no replay value... worst character in MKT, Strzker made a lot more sense in the storyline than this abomination.

Sheeva: nothing original, just a bit different and more flashy moves than the male Shokans. Storyline has ended with her dying, Midway doesnt really wants to get her back again it seems.
10/19/2005 03:39 PM (UTC)
I think Rain is pretty cool even if we already have Raiden. If they can give him a good makeover like they did to Ermac and Noob in MKD, I think it could work well. But they def have to flesh out his story.

MK7 needs a playable Shokan, but I'd prefer to see a new one like Gorbak.
10/19/2005 04:17 PM (UTC)
tgrant Wrote:
As for Sheeva, she's dead. She should stay that way. I'm not a fan of resurrections and even though a second chance could be given to her, I'd prefer them not to go the route of resurrection just to give it to another character. However, if they managed to pull if off them that'd be fine with me I guess. All of the Shokan in MK were poorly developed and Sheeva was probably the worst of the lot. To many she is iredeemable.

No character dies in the MK games. Everybody knows that. If they do die, they'll be back within a few games.

And of course she was poorly developed. She was in one game (essentially). You can't really do much with that. Though to say she was the worst developed out of the three is ridiculous, what with Kintaro.
10/19/2005 05:20 PM (UTC)
I agree that Sheeva was far better developed than Kintaro, and personally, I wouldn't mind seeing her given another chance. The playable could badly use a powerhouse, and Sheeva could fit this quite well. Maybe make her a grappler, imagine the possibilities there with her four arms. Not sure what they'd do for her story if she did return, but I'd rather see Sheeva get another shot than generic nobodies like Reiko, Kobra or Dairou. Why does Goro always have to be the token Shokan character, he's become so stale?

As for Rain, I just see him as a ninja too many, who didn't really add anything, and his time in MK is done. Unless they can do give him a truly amazing revamp, then I think he should be left dead.
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Project MKK: Coming soon...

Currently working on: MKD & MKA - The One Ring Theory
10/19/2005 05:21 PM (UTC)
Pretentious Wrote:
tgrant Wrote:
As for Sheeva, she's dead. She should stay that way. I'm not a fan of resurrections and even though a second chance could be given to her, I'd prefer them not to go the route of resurrection just to give it to another character. However, if they managed to pull if off them that'd be fine with me I guess. All of the Shokan in MK were poorly developed and Sheeva was probably the worst of the lot. To many she is iredeemable.

No character dies in the MK games. Everybody knows that. If they do die, they'll be back within a few games.

And of course she was poorly developed. She was in one game (essentially). You can't really do much with that. Though to say she was the worst developed out of the three is ridiculous, what with Kintaro.

True, but they could've developed Sheeva in Trilogy along with Rain and others. They just went for the cash in though.

The concept of no death in MK is stupid. I hate the resurrection nonsense as it spoils the story. I suppose we will see Sheeva again. If we do, they had best make sure they do a good job with her.
10/19/2005 07:53 PM (UTC)
Rain- I dont think they thought hard enough for Rain in UMK3. They were in a hurry and they wanted to get more characters in the machine. So they need to give him a much better story. Just look at Ermac, he sucked ass in UMK3, but he was a huge success in Deception with a cool voice. They need to give rain his own unique attire, and new and improved moves.

Sheeva- no
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10/20/2005 12:56 AM (UTC)
Sometimes I feel like I'm the most open minded person on this site when it comes to this subject. Bring em both back. The more the marrier. More people to learn to fight with and play as. = more fun for me tongue
10/20/2005 03:02 AM (UTC)
Well, neither character had much of a story in the games they were in, but between the two of them, I feel that Rain has potential while Sheeva doesn't. Sheeva should just stay dead. Yes, John Vogel said that "no one really dies in MK" in Shao Kahn's bio video, but Sheeva doesn't seem to be popular enough to bring back anyway. And to be honest, it should stay that way.

Going back to Rain, I think his storyline should be one of redemption to make up for the many years he has served Shao Kahn. His storyline should mention from where they left off with his ending in which he planned to find and destroy Shao Kahn on his own to avenge his father's death as well as to show his loyalty to Kitana and the Earthrealm heroes.

I hope they can give a good backstory as to what happened to him after Shao Kahn's defeat to the time prior to whatever his current storyline would be. The timespan must've been several years or so and I would like to see some good development there. I think it can work. I think that Rain should have a bit of a romantic interest in Kitana and depending on the fate of Kitana and the other heroes under Onaga's control, well, things can go in different directions.

Maybe they could do what they did in MK: DOTR in which Kitana and Rain were like an item a long time ago and in MK7, Rain could learn about what's going on with Kitana and such and could try to save her from Onaga's control out of love for her. Maybe if Rain does free Kitana, certain feelings that Kitana had for Rain may resurface which could create some conflict with Liu Kang since he loves Kitana.

With Liu Kang still being without his body, there wouldn't be much of a future Kitana could have with him. Maybe Liu Kang and Ermac won't be successful with getting to Kitana and the others and may be distracted by Liu Kang's corporal form.

Anyway, I'm just throwing out a bunch of ideas here and my point being that he has potential and quite a bit of it. I like him and I would like to see him back with a great revamped look, maybe a couple new special moves, some fitting fighting styles, and most of all, a good, fitting storyline. I personally felt that he could've fit nicely into MKD. It would be really cool if he were in MKD: Unchained with a storyline relating to Kitana and such.
10/20/2005 05:07 AM (UTC)
People are saying that Rain's story was poor, But I see huge possibilities for his story to expand to great hights, Especially now more than ever.

Sheeva... I love her, She has to return. She was stabbed, But did they say she died from it? Besides, Goro magically went from having one pair of pecs in MK1 & MK4 to having 4 pecs in MK:D. I think Sheeva could magically go from having 2 breasts in MK3 to having four breasts in MK7... And better hair! She'd be a bombshell!!!
10/20/2005 11:56 PM (UTC)
Sheeva with 4 breasts? LOL! I'd like to see that.

10/21/2005 02:21 AM (UTC)
RoKKer-Of-The-RoKs Wrote:
Sheeva with 4 breasts? LOL! I'd like to see that.

10/27/2005 04:15 AM (UTC)

Don't act like you're not interested.
10/27/2005 08:30 AM (UTC)

I'm not really a Rain fan or a Rain hater so it really doesn't matter to me personally. But his ever-increasing cult fanbase alone warrents another appearance.

Prediction wise I'm quite sure Rain will be popping up again in the very near future. His fans will get Midway to breathe new life into him just as with Smoke, Noob, and Ermac.


At this point another female Shokan could easily replace her. She's dead and now that Shao Kahn favors the Shokan her plot has nowhere to go but be reinvented. Would make much more sense than another ressurrection and Sheeva was basicly "Goro with a sex-change" appearance wise. Her or a successor are going to need a much different look to stand out.

Prediction wise, now that Goro is back and has a playable form, I don't think we'll be seeing any other Shokans anytime soon. Its also pretty clear Boon has no love for Sheeva or Kintaro. Sheeva's MKD conquest appearance was as a lifeless corpse and Kintaro's MKSM treatment just screamed Boon's dislike of him.
10/27/2005 07:49 PM (UTC)
Obreck, I never remember seeing Sheeva dead or alive for that matter in konquest. Which realm is she in, and where is she?
10/27/2005 11:41 PM (UTC)
RoKKer-Of-The-RoKs Wrote:
Obreck, I never remember seeing Sheeva dead or alive for that matter in konquest. Which realm is she in, and where is she?

Her body is in a small building in the netherrealm. It's at a bad camera angle and hard to tell its her, so you could see it and not even know it. It's so hard to tell that the only reason it can even be proved that its her is that a side quest in the game involves finding her there.

I actually thought is was the corpse of a male shokan till hearing the side quest.

Sad story really. Poor girl kills Motaro, then saves Kano's life only to be stabbed in the back by both him and quite literally by Shao Khan. Then on top of it all apparently was denied even a decent resting place. How did she end up in Netherrealm anyways? She seemed fully good and on the side of light at the time of her death. Kahn probably just had her corpse dumped there.
10/28/2005 12:48 AM (UTC)
dont u think rains a bit much? i mean everyone says he has potential, but if they put him in there theyll screw his story. plus there would b too many ninjas.As for sheeva... i wouldnt mind but id rather see kintaro. ( but if they pulled an "ermac" on rain that would b pretty kool)
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Sektor?? Ermac??

10/30/2005 05:07 PM (UTC)
I think ever one sould be in this MK game, It will be batter if ever one was on a MK game ag, choose the people you always wanted to be in 3-D. and areas.
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