01/12/2009 11:17 PM (UTC)
Jade's loyalty to her best friend and her queen is beyond question. She proved that in umk3 and again in mkd by freeing Queen Sindel.

One of the best developments to come out of mkd was the, in my opinion, awesome rivalry between Tanya and Jade. It seemed to be really personal. I got the impression that they had never liked each other even all the thousands of years they served Shao Kahn.

I would love to have that fleshed out in another mk game. Cat fight!!
01/13/2009 01:25 AM (UTC)
Green_Lantern Wrote:
Maybe Jade would want to rule Edenia, and that is why she could turn on Kitana and Sindel. Along with Rain, she can finally accomplish what she wants. Idk, it's just a thought.

* I just like the "Evil/Villians stories alot better. I find that the "Good" kombatants stories are so boring.*

Jade will not turn on Edenia, she's done too much for both of them, as well as you missing the point that everyone has been telling you. Jade HAD the chance to turn evil, but unfortunately she didn't. She helped Sindel and Kitana out A LOT and there will be no point for Jade to take over a realm.

What is with you guys and realm conquering? Jade? Come on.
01/20/2009 10:28 AM (UTC)
Rain has always reminded me of a wise-intelligent evil-vegeta-type Ermac who will only side with the good guys if it helps himself. A cocky arrogant selfish cowardly prince that is fighting for independence in Edenia to give himself freedom with his own corrupted wishes. I've always felt that even if Rain is never pure evil or good, he's always in the twist of neutral or unknown. He should always be a wild card that's more deceptive than Tanya and darker than Shao Khan.

I agree with Grizzle and alot others that view Rain in the selfish-cowardly way. Not necessarily pure evil, but in no way a good guy at any costs. I think him being the third son of Argus actually beefs up his story alot more and gives him massive unlimited potential. I personally would never want Rain to be a good guy.

Rain = Evil Vegeta
02/15/2009 04:51 PM (UTC)
Watch defenders of the relm it will explain it all idiot.furious
02/15/2009 04:55 PM (UTC)
Watch annihilation or some thing to find out about jade SHES EVIL! furious
About Me

02/15/2009 05:37 PM (UTC)
cheeze001 Wrote:
Watch annihilation or some thing to find out about jade SHES EVIL! furious

You all laugh now, but if we let cretins like theese roam about, MKO will give the word idiocracy a new meaning...
About Me

Save a life; Kill a necromorph

02/15/2009 07:30 PM (UTC)
when n00b tells the truth about a movie, it still makes him an idiot.

MKA the movie has no bearing on the games.
02/15/2009 10:30 PM (UTC)
cheeze001 Wrote:
Watch defenders of the relm it will explain it all idiot.furious

First off, DOTR was a cartoon series that didn't even last two seasons, it showed a lot of unmasked ninjas, and it wasn't even that good to begin with anyways, at least from my perspective... Calling someone an idiot when you're one yourself isn't right because...

cheeze001 Wrote:
Watch annihilation or some thing to find out about jade SHES EVIL! furious

^This... right here... even a 6 year old could tell you that Annihilation is nowhere near MK's story line. I can't believe that you actually believe that this movie shows all of us that Jade is truly evil. Guess what, she's not. If you have played the game a lot more, Deception would help a lot, it would show you that Jade is nowhere near evil, and is a loyal companion to Sindel and Kitana.

Therefore, you can't possibly know your stuff to actually call us idiots when you have no knowledge yourself about Jade. Because if you did, you wouldn't be telling us that Jade is purely evil. I'm sorry, but this must be said.
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