Rain a good guy now ?, Ermac Did it and can Rain? Kitanas Influence? Or is he neutral or unknown?
posted02/15/2009 10:30 PM (UTC)by
Member Since
10/18/2006 06:19 PM (UTC)
Rain should be a good guy because it is not his fault Edenia was invaded. It almost seems that he was almost forced to be evil. Like he had no choice. Although he chose the to serve Shao Kahn. He shouldn't be on Shao Kahn's side. He should realize what Shao has done and chose to be good. Besides the main reason I say this is what happened to Ermac. For many years he served at the side of Shao Kahn, and now freed himself from the emperor's influence. he was a force of evil but now controls his own desitny. Why has Ermac turned away from Shao Kahn's influence and Rain hasn't. Shao Kahn has messed up Rain's life. Rain should be better than that, and not fall under Shao Kahn's influence. The same could happen to Rain!! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MOtHBiMwehA&feature;=related He is no longer under Shao Kahn's influence. He still chooses to fight on the evil side to win the Ultimate prize from Blaze, but now Armageddon is over and why does he still choose to be evil? "His Mortal Kombat Trilogy ending stated that Kitana confronted Rain and was able to turn him against the Emperor by informing Rain of his father, an Edenian general's stand against Shao Kahn leading to his subsequent death. After learning this, Rain was furious, and embarked on a one-way suicide mission to stop Kahn. " http://mortalkombat.wikia.com/wiki/Rain I know they list Rain as evil. Why does Rain choose to be evil? Is Rain neutral or unknown? Why isn't Rain more Popular?
12/25/2008 03:34 PM (UTC)
951009 Wrote:
Rain should be a good guy because it is not his fault Edenia was invaded. It almost seems that he was almost forced to be evil. Like he had no choice. He shouldn't be on Shao Kahn's side. He should realize what Shao has done and chose to be good.

Rain chose to be on Shao Kahn's side instead of choosing to oppose him so that he could live. He now wants full god-hood and is intent on destroying his half-brothers, Taven and Daegon.
12/25/2008 05:33 PM (UTC)
i know that he chose Shoa Khan's side but now he can choose to be goodsmile
12/26/2008 03:07 AM (UTC)
951009 Wrote:
i know that he chose Shoa Khan's side but now he can choose to be goodsmile

With the way his story is now, I don't think so. And besides, it's good to have some more evil Edenian characters. Btw, it's Shao Kahn, not "Shoa Khan".
12/26/2008 04:39 AM (UTC)
951009 Wrote:
i know that he chose Shoa Khan's side but now he can choose to be goodsmile

He can't just choose to be on a different alignment all of a sudden. Besides, with the way that they've made him, it wouldn't make sense for him to all of a sudden turn to the good side just becuase he chooses to do so. Besides, Rain should be a very evil character if they continue to bring him along in the future MK games. It would be nice if all of a sudden Rain turns into this hardcore villain instead of just a shadowy character that only made like what, two apperances in the entire MK series?
12/26/2008 07:22 AM (UTC)
This idea might have worked before Armaggedon came out, but after seeing how he was displayed I don't think that is an approach his character would go.

Rain is in a sense a selfish coward who sold out his world to spare his life and his vain attempt to attain total power. I would love to see a bitter rivalry between Rain and Jade in the future games.

I'd think it would be cool if Rain faked his alliance with Edenia while serving the main villain of the next game. Rain's purpose would be for him to be an inside man on opening an inter-dimensional portal to allow the main villain's forces to control wage war in the beautiful realm.

To gain the trust of the Edenian Kingdom, Rain would capture the well guarded heart of Jade and have a romantic interest with her. When the damage is done, Rain would switch sides but Edenia would fight off the invading forces back into their own realm. The game can start off from there with Jade holding a grudge against Rain who broke her heart and caused her closest allies to question what side she is playing on as well. .
12/27/2008 04:39 AM (UTC)
i agree Rain should be in more mortal kombat games. Isn't he really popular?
12/29/2008 01:57 AM (UTC)
im sorry to say, but no, Rain isn't that popular
12/29/2008 02:19 AM (UTC)
assassinLM Wrote:
im sorry to say, but no, Rain isn't that popular

Are you kidding me? There are a lot of Rain fans here, he is too a popular character. Yeah he may not have that many appearances, but that doesn't mean he's not a popular character.

Look at Tremor, only made one appearance as a boss in Special Forces, and there are hundreds of people who are his fans. Rain is a popular character.
01/04/2009 01:13 AM (UTC)
Coming to think of it Taven is even popular and he has only been in MKA. He has alot of fans and they want him to become protector of Earthrealm.

I don't really see anything in Taven and how he became somewhat of importance in MKA.

Rain should stay as that evilish character that he always was. Eventhough his appearance in MKA was kinda looking for him to be on the good side, he wasn't. He is a great assassin, and he is Prince Rain!

Ermac should revert back to his evilish side. He was alot better evil in story and character. Him being good, is not that great.
01/04/2009 03:42 AM (UTC)
Regardless of whether a character was "better" with a certain alignment, there has to be some kind of logical reasoning behind any change to someone's status as good, evil, or otherwise.

I mean, it's one thing to say that Rain should be a good guy, but you have to present a good reason WITHIN the story for that to happen. You can't just say "I like him as a good guy, so let's make him a good guy." You have to create a series of events within the story that would make him decide to do that.

I would say the same thing about Green_Lantern's statement on Ermac. You may think that Ermac was better off when he was a villain, and that his run as a protaganist hasn't been all that good, but you can't just say he should go back to being evil. You have to have a reason within the story for that to happen, which would be hard to do after he helped Liu Kang rescue all the earthrealm heroes in Deception.
01/06/2009 05:13 AM (UTC)
How does nobody see that. Ermac turned away from Shao Kahns influence, and so can Rain. They might not even do that but it's just an idea.
01/06/2009 05:30 AM (UTC)
The difference is that Ermac was created by the magics of Shao Khan fusing the souls of many warriors, and part of that magic placed him directly under Khan's beck and call. Ermac didn't have a choice until Kenshi found him and released him from his binds that tied him to Shao Khan. Once Ermac had a choice in the matter, he became a force for the side of light.

Rain, on the other hand, CHOSE to fight under Shao Khan. All the evil he commited was a personal choice. Thus, the comparison to Ermac in this respect is unfounded.

01/06/2009 08:54 PM (UTC)
01/08/2009 08:31 AM (UTC)
Yeah, Ermac never "chose" to serve Shao Kahn. Personally, I like Rain as the machiavellian type, sneaking around with the dark metaphorical robe over his hunched figure, playing with his exaggerated mustache. Maybe I'm wrong, but I can't really think of another character just like him. Maybe Tanya, as a female equivalent.

Rain is one of the characters that I would probably trim, to keep the next game as streamlined as possible, but the whole "third of Argus' kids" thing may him very interesting, I have to admit. Well, potentially interesting.

If he came back, I'd like to see Daegon imprisoned, Taven as Edenia's protector, and Rain behind the scenes, as a secret character, or something. Taven is actually guilt-ridden over Daegon's imprisonment, believing it to be unfair for an immortal to have to suffer that, and he chooses to look for ways to ease Daegon's suffering. Daegon, however, breaks loose without knowing of Taven's intent, and wages another war against him. Meanwhile, Argus is disappointed in both his sons now, and actually takes a look at that Rain kid...
01/11/2009 01:13 AM (UTC)
Sub-Zero_7th Wrote:
951009 Wrote:
i know that he chose Shoa Khan's side but now he can choose to be goodsmile

With the way his story is now, I don't think so. And besides, it's good to have some more evil Edenian characters.

And male? lol.
01/11/2009 04:45 PM (UTC)
GraveDigger Wrote:
Sub-Zero_7th Wrote:
951009 Wrote:
i know that he chose Shoa Khan's side but now he can choose to be goodsmile

With the way his story is now, I don't think so. And besides, it's good to have some more evil Edenian characters.

And male? lol.

Nah, I don't think there should be more Edenian characters, Taven and Rain are fine... if they decide to keep Taven that is. We got enough Edenian characters already.
01/12/2009 02:48 AM (UTC)
RoninDrake does have a good point there, which is a good reason.

Jade could easily betray Kitana and side with Rain. They then could rule Edenia together. I'm sure there could be way to fit this into the story. Although, it might not work or ....could it?
01/12/2009 02:51 AM (UTC)
Green_Lantern Wrote:
RoninDrake does have a good point there, which is a good reason.

Jade could easily betray Kitana and side with Rain. They then could rule Edenia together. I'm sure there could be way to fit this into the story. Although, it might not work or ....could it?

Why would Jade betray Kitana? For what reason and what good would it do?
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01/12/2009 03:51 PM (UTC)
Green_Lantern Wrote:
Jade could easily betray Kitana and side with Rain. They then could rule Edenia together. I'm sure there could be way to fit this into the story. Although, it might not work or ....could it?

Jade had the choice of betraying Kitana before, in MK3 when she and Reptile were sent to find Kitana for killing Mileena. Instead of capturing/killing Kitana, Jade helped her fight off Reptile instead. If Jade was going to betray Kitana at this point in the story, it'd make no sense. Jade is not only Kitana's bodyguard, she's also her closest friend, so if she really wanted to get Kitana out of the picture, it would have already happened by now.
01/12/2009 04:26 PM (UTC)
Jade has been proven to be one of the true blue good guys. Loyal to Kitana and Queen Sindel.

I like Rain as a good guy in his mkt ending, but after mka his characterization as a bad guy is good for me.

The mka take on him as a cowardly, vain, selfish, essentially rich brat with a incredible sense of entltlement. He believes the throne of Edenia is his by birthright and that instantly makes for some potentially interesting rivalries with SIndel, Kitana, and Jade.

He will sacrifice anybody or anything, loyalties and even integrity to save his own skin or achieve his own gaols. With his background that is a unique story at the moment.

I can imagine him and Tanya having an alliance or even some sort of relationship. They both are ambitious traitors who are out for themselves and are enemies of Kitana, Jade, and Sindel and chose Shao Kahn over death.

Add to the fact that Rain is a competent and deadly fighter and he has a lot of potential. Not to mention one of the coolest redesigns in mk history.

He has so much more potential than Taven. Scrap him altogether. We have enough virtuous edenians with Kitana, Jade, and Sindel all of whom I like better than Taven. Taven was essentially the edenian version of Liu Kang.
01/12/2009 08:35 PM (UTC)
Technically, Taven's supposed to be the Edenian version of Raiden...or maybe Fujin since there's a "one god replacing the other who's getting promoted" thing there.
Either way, my point is there's room in the MK universe for each realm to have at least one god. They don't necessarily need to be playable, but they certainly can and even should be explored when appropriate.
The religious mythology is one of the best parts of MK and the main thing that separates it's story from the shallow, pointless ones of every other fighting franchise.
01/12/2009 09:04 PM (UTC)
Oh yeah. I remember now that you mention it RazorsEdge701. I haven't played mka konquest since last year. He was getting promoted to god protector status wasn't he?

Anyway if he is going to be the protector or whatever that would be fine, I just don't want him to tie up a playable slot. I didn't find him or his brother to be very interesting or endearing characters.

Same with Shujinnko. Not very interested in him either. I would rather a character that hasn't been explored much get the slot like Rain or Sareena, both of whom I love very much.

01/12/2009 10:08 PM (UTC)
Maybe Jade would want to rule Edenia, and that is why she could turn on Kitana and Sindel. Along with Rain, she can finally accomplish what she wants. Idk, it's just a thought.

* I just like the "Evil/Villians stories alot better. I find that the "Good" kombatants stories are so boring.*
01/12/2009 10:34 PM (UTC)
But what they are saying is, Jade already had the perfect chance to turn on Kitana, but she didnt.
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