Raidens Fate?
posted03/26/2012 07:17 PM (UTC)by
Member Since
02/21/2012 12:22 AM (UTC)
So I guess one of the big questions for the next Mortal Kombat is Raiden's fate in regards to the WANTON mess he created. Do you believe Raiden should or WILL have to face consequences for his obvious abuse of power? Do you think the Elder Gods will let it slide, demote or fire him from his position or will he face serious consequences such as execution or something...I dunno would they have a prison for gods?Or do you think that NRS will just pretend like it never happened?
03/24/2012 02:32 PM (UTC)
I believe Raiden screwed up. Call me crazy but i wonder where ppl saw him abuse his powers though. I know he kind of took matters in his own hands at the end and the alliance with Quan Chi, sort of?

He's a question mark to me but at least he still has the chance to join a group of younger/new characters to try and help his dead comrades and i wish it'll turn well. But hey, since DA? Nothing has gone right for the good guys and Raiden is becoming a real asshole.

I wish he'll turn into that ol'good and strong Raiden that defied 2 sorcerers at the time once again but i also am aware that things might have been rebooted only so that they can kill off more chars in the sequel and make Raiden deserve to have his head chopped off. I'm not scared, he'll keep returning though. Unlike many chars that weren't developped yet and will most likely die if introduced.

Whatever happens to Raiden, i think he'll be standing at the end of the next game and ready to destroy the next threat, at all cost.
03/24/2012 03:55 PM (UTC)
BeautifulPrincessKitana Wrote:
So I guess one of the big questions for the next Mortal Kombat is Raiden's fate in regards to the WANTON mess he created. Do you believe Raiden should or WILL have to face consequences for his obvious abuse of power? Do you think the Elder Gods will let it slide, demote or fire him from his position or will he face serious consequences such as execution or something...I dunno would they have a prison for gods?Or do you think that NRS will just pretend like it never happened?

The developers are not that stupid in changing a crucial part of this story and make something pretend it didn't happen.

He's probably going to have a lot of people hate him, but he's most likely not going to have any kind of consequence coming from the other Gods. They did help him in the end of the story anyways, fighting against Kahn, so I doubt that he's going to have something serious coming from them. If they weren't going to help him, then that would be punishment.

If Kang is alive in the next game, I would like to see a fight between them, have Kang turn on his master and never forgive what happened, but not in a way where it leads to Raiden's death.
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03/24/2012 04:38 PM (UTC)
I can see this happening. Raiden ends up surprised when Liu Kang isn't dead after he heals his wounds. Liu Kang then forgives Raiden and begins to become the hero we know him to
03/25/2012 02:00 AM (UTC)
Mark my words now, by the end of the next game we are going to see the rise of Dark Raiden and possibly see him become the boss of MK11.

Raiden just fits as the bumbling a-hole to me now. I suspect we will see fujin in the next game and everyone will start to turn from Raiden because he has lost his mind.

Personally, and I've said this before, I loved Deadly Alliance. Since Shang and Quan most likely won't be around, not Quan anyway. I believe a new deadly alliance of Raiden and Shinnok would be amazing. Two former gods rising up to take down Earth. It would make sense too, since everyone on Earth turns against Raiden, he then turns on them and decides to destroy Earth.
03/25/2012 03:52 AM (UTC)
I see Raiden punished by the Elder gods and his powers & god status are stripped away. He'll be mortal.
03/25/2012 11:43 AM (UTC)

Serious? No offence but when Raiden wants to destroy Earthrealm then i guess i know the franchise has been killed off.
You know after further thought on this matter this could be a way to divert attention from Liu Kang as many people seem to want. What if Raiden is indeed stripped of his godly powers, and The Elder Gods give him a trial by fire as both penance and to prove he is worthy. Fujin of course could act as his replacement or maybe a guide in Raiden's quest to atone, and reclaim his status and in that time it gives Shinnok the diversion he needs to take power. Thus The Elder Gods tell Raiden that if he wants to be a god again his task is simple...prove his worth by defeating Shinnok. What ya'll think of that idea?

And by the by Raiden absolutely abused his power. He took advantage of people's faith in him, sent other people to do his dirty work and die(that "Unless directly challenged" baloney was priceless) even though he must've figured out early on that he goofed up somewhere(you think that his idea was to kill everybody who knows instead of admit he was wrong?), and even made that promise to Scorpion about his family and clan and we ALL know that Raiden couldn't do what he said he could do for Scorpion.Raiden doesn't have that kind of power, he's the god of static cling for Chrissake! I mean look at how hard Liu Kang tried to give Raiden the benefit of the doubt up until Kitana died...and look what that faith got poor Liu. The strength of will and character that it took Liu not to tell Raiden to piss off the second Kung Lao was murdered is stunning.
03/26/2012 07:17 PM (UTC)
How do we know that Raiden couldn't be able to grant Scorpion's wish? How do we know Raiden couldn't be able to resurrect people? He's healed wounds, that doesn't mean that he couldn't be able to have the ability to resurrect. Remember, he has Liu's body right now. I doubt they would create some random god/goddess just to help him resurrect Liu Kang.

And I strongly doubt that the Elder Gods would give him that kind of a punishment to Raiden. They helped him out during his battle against Kahn, if they wanted to punish him for what he "did" during the MK tournament and the events afterwards, they could have just let Raiden fight Kahn alone on the rooftop, despite that Raiden hardly has any help to begin with. They didn't have to infused themselves into his body to make him even a greater god than what he was without them for a punishment, but they helped him.

And it's not like he caused that much. The only issues that he really did was:

Failed to convince Scorpion to NOT kill Sub-Zero
Failed to save Sub-Zero from the Automation Program
Failed to receive help from the Elder Gods during their first confrontation
Asked for Quan Chi's help in the Netherrealm
"Killed" Liu Kang after he tried to interfere between him and Kahn

To be honest, that's not a lot as many were claiming he did. The last two only happened because he saw that Kahn was the person that the amulet continued to say, "He must win." Raiden didn't do that much damage. If Sindel were to have been convinced that Kahn killed her husband and such, she would have resorted back to her good self but unfortunately she wasn't convinced, hence, she destroyed nearly everyone.

I doubt Raiden is going to get severely punished for the fates of the other warriors because they died under Sindel's power, not anything that was Raiden's fault. He, along with Cage and Sonya are going to try to reconstruct Earthrealm after the damage that came along with Kahn and his demons. The only thing I can actually see happen that could be seen as some sort of punishment is if Kang is to come back, by the power of being resurrected, and is truly in distraught over what Raiden came about back on the rooftops and what Raiden did to him, the two probably could either be fighting or Liu just backs out in Raiden's help and goes away.

That's really the only thing I can actually see happen.
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