Raiden as an evil boss
posted06/02/2007 05:54 PM (UTC)by
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11/23/2006 09:27 AM (UTC)
I think that there should be a very evil, powered up raiden as the boss in mk8. This powerful evil raiden will have extreme attitude (like shao kahn did with the laughing and the "you will never win") ,and he will never be playable.

He should be a little taller than the normal characters, and he should be arrogant and make you really want to kill him.

When fighting him he should walk around perhaps a little slow, but should be able to attack very fast with speedy punch and kick combinations that are surging with electricity and are all extremely powerful. Each time he kicks an opponent they should be sent flying back as if being hit with a massive electric shock.

Visually there should be electricity surging through his body and he should have dark clothing and red eyes. Hmmm his electricity could be blue or red or another colour im undecided on that...

Hes special moves should consist of being able to teleport very quickly, send out quick but powerful thunder shocks form his fingertips, calling thunder down upon the player from the sky, and of course some sort of move where he grabs and electrifies the opponent causing major damage. Any others you guys can think of?

In other words, I want the badass feeling that shao kahn gave to mortal kombat to be back, but bigger and better!

What do you think? Comments are welcome
05/29/2007 11:18 AM (UTC)
Raiden an evil boss?

This doesn't make sense for several reasons:

Raiden is not evil though he's much darker. His suicide didn't make him evil. It just made him more ruthless to keep the peace. Ok, it's strange he makes deals with several evil chracters but it's just to trick or eventually kill them. Read his bio and you'll understand. He just wants to protect the earth without the heroes he had always protected but it's Shujinko's fault.

I totally don't agree with your idea.

05/29/2007 02:00 PM (UTC)
Yes. It makes enough sense. And it would be kind of cool seeing the once Protector of Earthrealm going completely nuts. His sense of judgement will have gone out the window, and now he sees everything as a threat. Or something.

Fujin could take over his old position, though he doesn't necessarily need to fight. Sort of like Raiden in MK3.

He needs a cooler 'dark' look, though.
05/29/2007 07:53 PM (UTC)
I dont think so like he said Raiden is not evil he's just darker because he lost the trust of mortal protecting their own realm.
05/29/2007 08:41 PM (UTC)
Ninja_Mime Wrote:
Yes. It makes enough sense. And it would be kind of cool seeing the once Protector of Earthrealm going completely nuts. His sense of judgement will have gone out the window, and now he sees everything as a threat. Or something.

Fujin could take over his old position, though he doesn't necessarily need to fight. Sort of like Raiden in MK3.

He needs a cooler 'dark' look, though.

raiden is fine looking the way he is. and no, it doesn't make sense at all. Raiden is not evil, i'm don't really care about armageddon konquest as him siding with the evil side. clean the slate, it's a brand new story, therefore none of this could be existing right now.

and no, raiden no matter how many times you want it will be a boss. unless there is a game where you're playing as only evil characters then that is an exception. other than that... NO
05/29/2007 08:55 PM (UTC)
Sub-Frost055 Wrote:
Ninja_Mime Wrote:
Yes. It makes enough sense. And it would be kind of cool seeing the once Protector of Earthrealm going completely nuts. His sense of judgement will have gone out the window, and now he sees everything as a threat. Or something.

Fujin could take over his old position, though he doesn't necessarily need to fight. Sort of like Raiden in MK3.

He needs a cooler 'dark' look, though.

raiden is fine looking the way he is. and no, it doesn't make sense at all. Raiden is not evil, i'm don't really care about armageddon konquest as him siding with the evil side. clean the slate, it's a brand new story, therefore none of this could be existing right now.

and no, raiden no matter how many times you want it will be a boss. unless there is a game where you're playing as only evil characters then that is an exception. other than that... NO

If you really want another game where Raiden is the good guy, who leads the other good guys, keep thinking that way. He needs something else. And the way his story is now, its leading to something big.
05/29/2007 09:05 PM (UTC)
I don't exactly want to use the term "evil" for him as he seems to be in the same grey area that characters like Hotaru are in. Like Hotaru, Raiden believes that the ends justify the means of obtaining peace and order. I can kind of see Raiden being somewhat like Magneto in that sense.

I don't think Raiden should be the boss in MK8, but I do think he should be set up as a/the final boss in the last installment of that generation.
05/29/2007 11:18 PM (UTC)
that would be cool, and maybe Fujin as sub-boss
05/30/2007 01:40 AM (UTC)
Sub-Zero_7th Wrote:
I don't exactly want to use the term "evil" for him as he seems to be in the same grey area that characters like Hotaru are in. Like Hotaru, Raiden believes that the ends justify the means of obtaining peace and order. I can kind of see Raiden being somewhat like Magneto in that sense.

I don't think Raiden should be the boss in MK8, but I do think he should be set up as a/the final boss in the last installment of that generation.

What I picture in my mind is Raiden going completely mad with power, the same way Shao Kahn did. But yeah, it might be better if it built up over the next few games.

DairouRulez Wrote:
that would be cool, and maybe Fujin as sub-boss

Er, no.
05/30/2007 03:35 AM (UTC)
Hell No....
05/30/2007 03:46 AM (UTC)
ii think they should start off new. im sick of old characters who were weak coming back to be a boss [cough] blaze [cough]
05/30/2007 04:14 AM (UTC)
Shinnok should be the next boss, they pretty much set it up for him.
05/30/2007 05:02 AM (UTC)
Only way I can see Raiden as an "Evil Boss" is to have it that once he his defeated what ever that is causing him to be "Evil" is somehow exorcised from him.
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05/30/2007 11:30 AM (UTC)
Ninja_Mime Wrote:
Yes. It makes enough sense. And it would be kind of cool seeing the once Protector of Earthrealm going completely nuts. His sense of judgement will have gone out the window, and now he sees everything as a threat. Or something.

Fujin could take over his old position, though he doesn't necessarily need to fight. Sort of like Raiden in MK3.

He needs a cooler 'dark' look, though.

That doesn't make any sense at all. I say that because it's not a streaming course of events...given the personality traits he has. Really because he knows exactly what he's doing. So he's not crazy. What would happen? He'd just pop up, go crazy out of the blue, and try to defend earth against the people he's trying to protect? The White Lotus Society, the Shaolin Monks, and the remaining Gods/Elder Gods?....the rest of human civilization? What the hell'd be protect? That's really what's being said with an idea like that. And I'm even considering MkAs' information about Raiden. It just sounds ridiculous of the character to me.

He's motivated to defend earth against real threats. It's a tough conversion for him to go from his current state,(actively pursuing real threats to earth) to a psycho evil Boss?...ridiculous transition.

The people who would likely confront him about his problem first are Fujin and Kung Lao....maybe Kai or Liu Kangs spirit if they happend to be with them. Individuals already aligned with Raidens main objective and the only real examples of people who could talk sense to a now ruthless protector.

The way I see it, Raiden is being too selective, and he's already playing this "puppet master" role with the actual evil individuals on the roster. Clearly distinguishing himself from a "bad guy role". Plainly, he doesn't have enough taint to represent evil...or even be perceived that way once individuals like The Elder Gods, Fujin, and Kung Lao understand what happened to him. Doesn't say they shouldn't go stop him, just saying that he should be held accountable for his course of action. Because what he's doing is "un-godly".

Now as stated, Raiden is not evil. Since this is so, I have an idea that would even allow Fujin to assume the role of the protector of earth.

Listen, Raiden ressurected the corpse of Kang to kill right? So if I'm getting this right Raiden is in violation of his Gods-manship some how here. My opinion is that he should stand a trial of sorts before the elder gods. Maybe Fujin and Kung Lao successfully bring him to this "trail". At which point he could be relieved of his taint if it's still there.....and his duties as a God. Same concept has already been used to make Shinnok a fallen god. Though not exactly the same idea here, this would be an oportunity to expose how that process works(character depth), keep the character aligned as a "good-guy", and let Fujin take over the role as protector of EarthRealm all at the same time. Everybody moves up the latter.

I think they should make Raiden human.

The point I'm making here is that he made more than a few wrong decisions already and he should be punished//demoted for it. For "Un-God-Like Behavior"...or something.

It just oozes irony. To take that a little further, I think that without taint a factor, and since he did re-animate Kangs corpse in particular, he should be given the oportunity to redeem god-hood by proving it. He might even have a challenge from the elder gods to become the very thing he violated....the champion of mortal kombat. Trials and tribulations a-foot.

This way too, there's ample opportunity for them to kill him if they really needed to in order to "Start a-new" like they've been talking. As much as i would HATE that, this is because he would then be human, and reasonably seceptable to death.

That makes more sense to me because Gods have rules they have to abide by, and if they violate them....they are held accountable.

Judging by Shinnoks fall from the Pantheon there is a stucture there to deal with matters of this nature. You see, you can follow a concept like that.

"Raiden was once a God for millenia and even accomplished Elder God status at one point.....which he relinquished willingly shortly after. He battled the fallen elder god Shinnok at another point dubbed "the war of the gods", fought for his humans sometime before armegeddon to defend earth in Mortal Kombat and was beaten. He was tainted in the process after perfoming a sacrfice. The taint made him ruthless enough to re-animate a dead champions' corpes, a violation of his rules as a god. From that infraction and the havok the corpse reeked on any possible threat to EarthRealm, Raiden was demoted to his human form by the elder gods. Now, his objective as a human is to become the champion of mortal kombat and redeem himself in hopes of once again becoming the god of thunder and lightning."


Not: "Hey, let's make him evil because he's wearing black and has red eyes".

That's fuckin stupid.
05/30/2007 01:11 PM (UTC)
You guys don't seem to realize that he's losing his mind.
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05/30/2007 04:28 PM (UTC)
Ninja_Mime Wrote:
You guys don't seem to realize that he's losing his mind.

I beg to differ. Changing his stand based on an epiphany is hardly loosing your mind.
05/30/2007 05:08 PM (UTC)
Chrome Wrote:
Ninja_Mime Wrote:
You guys don't seem to realize that he's losing his mind.

I beg to differ. Changing his stand based on an epiphany is hardly loosing your mind.

Either way, he's endangering Earthrealm.
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05/30/2007 08:26 PM (UTC)
Ninja_Mime Wrote:
You guys don't seem to realize that he's losing his mind.

Ninja_Mime Wrote:
Either way, he's endangering Earthrealm.

By my understanding, he's sick of Earth being endangered by others and finaly..FINALY made the decision to go get the threats himself. Even though it took him being tainted to trigger the decision.

"If you want the job done right, you gotta go do it yourself."

You're gonna have to clarify any indication that he's loosing his mind....cuz everything he's doing is thought out with the intent to benifit Earth.

05/30/2007 08:28 PM (UTC)
Iori9 Wrote:
Shinnok should be the next boss, they pretty much set it up for him.

05/31/2007 02:59 AM (UTC)
Ninja_Mime Wrote:
You guys don't seem to realize that he's losing his mind.

Ninja_Mime Wrote:
Either way, he's endangering Earthrealm.

ThePredator151 Wrote:
By my understanding, he's sick of Earth being endangered by others and finaly..FINALY made the decision to go get the threats himself. Even though it took him being tainted to trigger the decision.

"If you want the job done right, you gotta go do it yourself."

You're gonna have to clarify any indication that he's loosing his mind....cuz everything he's doing is thought out with the intent to benifit Earth.

Like I said he's not depending on mortal to protect their own realm. But my question is, why? It's Shujinko fault that Onaga was free why blame mortals.
05/31/2007 03:51 PM (UTC)
The way Raiden is now(keep in mind I've not played MKA, but I've played up to MKD) is that he just got fed up with all this crap.. Kind of like " I put my neck out for you all these times and then some stupid human brings back Onaga?! NO, screw this, you humans can't be trusted no more, so sit back and let me do it, the RIGHT way! Get in my way mortals and you'll die like everyone else who harms the realm!"

That's the way I see him as of now..
06/02/2007 05:54 PM (UTC)
nah i just think they should have all new original characters and new bosses.
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