question about sonyas secret brutality
posted06/13/2015 04:00 PM (UTC)by
Royal Assassin
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"You Totally Slept With Him Didn't Ya"

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05/05/2011 03:08 AM (UTC)
hey to anyone to reads this

for a while before i found out about the secret brutality of sonya's which i have done a couple of times when i can

but lately when i try it it doesnt work and it automatically goes to the finish him/her thing am i doing something wrong? or has it been like removed?

i use the covert ops variation do what i have read have more then 50% life blah blah but her x-ray ive noticed i have to hit forward for her to grip on the person and in the descrptions it says do her x-ray and press forward during it or last hit i do it and it never works like i said above

anyone willing to help ?
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"Life, for all it's anguish, is ours Miss Ives. It belongs to no other." - Ferdinand Lyle

06/08/2015 10:23 PM (UTC)
I did it for the first time last week (I rarely use Sonya).

Only thing out of the ordinary that I did was use a couple of interactables (3 to be safe) and held R2.

If that's not it, then I have no effing clue how I did it.
06/09/2015 05:51 AM (UTC)
The descriptions online are incorrect, nobody has yet discovered how to pull it off.

I've been experimenting and It could be a combination of a number of things, your life has nothing to do with it, I'm kind of blank at the moment. I've tried so many times I even started documenting things I did whilst watching saved replays, it's driving me insane!
06/09/2015 10:20 AM (UTC)
Sometimes it doesn't work for me either.


I can tell you... all the times it did work, I used the x-ray when the opponent's life bar was low. And I ALWAYS hold down on the d-pad.

It works that way for me more often than not.

I am a frequent user of stage interactions, I use special moves, and I try to pull off as many combos as I can.

ALWAYS use Covert Ops.

Sorry I can't be of more help, but I figured my input may help somewhat.

But I am also very curious to know the exact requirements to pull it off.

Anyone have any idea how it was even found in the first place? Or if any other characters have a secret brutality?

About Me

"Life, for all it's anguish, is ours Miss Ives. It belongs to no other." - Ferdinand Lyle

06/09/2015 11:41 AM (UTC)
ActingArtist Wrote:
Or if any other characters have a secret brutality?

I've heard both Liu Kang and Jax have hidden X-ray brutalities but haven't pulled off either myself.

Some suggestions for Sonya - try losing 1 round, try to garrote parry at least 3 attacks during the match, and/or landing 10 special moves during the match.
Royal Assassin
About Me

"You Totally Slept With Him Didn't Ya"

06/09/2015 03:17 PM (UTC)
geez i remember some person either on this forum or TYM one saying he or she found them and had videos so i followed what he/she did and it worked a few times

but it gets annoying when you want to do them and can't i've waited till the other player's life bar was low, or enough so at the end of her xray they die. nothing

it's so weird that it works and does not work just like kitana's back that up brutality i follow what it says to do and nothing.

Sonya since 92
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Bladdy lovely Sig by Minion. PSN -rlg24 LIVE -WestcountryBlud

06/09/2015 03:21 PM (UTC)
Lol this was the first Brutality I pulled off in the game and I have no idea how to do it. Seems to happen at random ( I know that's not the case) and annoys the hell out of me!
About Me

"Life, for all it's anguish, is ours Miss Ives. It belongs to no other." - Ferdinand Lyle

06/09/2015 08:18 PM (UTC)
Kitana147 Wrote:
does not work just like kitana's back that up brutality i follow what it says to do and nothing.

That one I have no problems with. Especially against heavy projectile players like Reptile, Kitana, Liu Kang, or Mileena.

Just make sure you're airborne when you execute the Square Boost after bouncing back a projectile. (At any point in the match)
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06/10/2015 01:09 PM (UTC)
Sonya's X-Ray brutality is cool but i do not know the requirements. They need to patch in her X-ray brutality and all of the secret brutalities everyone has. If it is in the game it shouldn't be hidden like that. They need to add it in the Krypt or something for a little extra replay value. Also they could add a new location with all new jump scares that goes along with the secret brutalities that will be pretty dang cool but I know it would take them a while to do it.
Royal Assassin
About Me

"You Totally Slept With Him Didn't Ya"

06/10/2015 01:53 PM (UTC)
well yesterday i played as her a couple of times and tried the brutality

the whole her life has to be more then 50% is bs, i did not use any of the background stuff and i waited till the other players life was enough where when i end it with the x-ray it would work and you know what it freakng did

what i did was hold L2+R2+forward+down as she was doing it and it worked
i even tried it a few more times

so try that guys and let me know

also thanks for responding to this post i appreciate it

and yes they should fix alot of the issues on the inputs in the game like Tanya's drill fatalitiy it only works for me when i hold block and ermac's they should input the alternatives

i guess they can add the 'secret' brutalities but then they won't be secret as much and i liked doing it on my friends and seeing their reactions all WTF THAT WAS COOL
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06/10/2015 05:26 PM (UTC)
You don't have to hold any buttons, as I never have. At the moment, I believe you have to miss an X-Ray earlier in the match, judging by a comment at the Combo Breaker tournament. Can anyone prove/disprove this?
06/11/2015 05:50 AM (UTC)
I've been analyzing all my saved replays where the Xray worked,

I did not press any buttons unless it measures how hard you press the L2+R2, a common theme I noted in the matches it worked

1) usage of bar moves ie ex moves I've done many ex arc kicks
2) special moves lots of them

I think it's got something to do with ex meter usage because it happened sometimes when a combo breaker is deployed.

I've disqualified
1) health requirement (except for the opponent)
2) stage interactions
3) combo hits
4) three rounds
5) xray frame timing
6) flawless victories

It could be a combination or completely random

About Me

Well, you all got your Tremor now. Can we finally move on?

06/11/2015 03:30 PM (UTC)
As far as everyone wondering about secret XRay Brutalities, Sonya's, I believe is listed in her Brutality move list. Anyone with a sixth/secret Brutality typically has it listed on their movelist, and like all brutalities, it would need to be unlocked before it can be used. i don't remember where I picked up Sonya's, but I know I found it in the Krypt - maybe the gambling game. I've never had any problem whatsoever pulling it off - works every single time.

That said, if its not listed in a character's movelist as ?????????? don't expect them to have a secret brutality. Besides, any "secret" brutalities would've been found a LONG time ago - the game has already been out for about 2 months.
06/11/2015 03:41 PM (UTC)
You haven't found Sonya's X-Ray Brutality in the krypt. Many people have cleared the krypt and we wouldn't be having this conversation about how to pull it off if it was simply there in the movelist.
Royal Assassin
About Me

"You Totally Slept With Him Didn't Ya"

06/12/2015 11:38 AM (UTC)
um that is wrong

i haven't unlocked many of the brutalities nor fatatlities cause i ran of coins.

but on my movelist the fatatlities have been unlocked but for example i only have 2 or 3 of sonya's brutalities the first 2 and the one i assume if her leg grab one. and my last post said i did her x-ray one a few times so you saying you have to unlock is not correct
About Me

Well, you all got your Tremor now. Can we finally move on?

06/12/2015 07:00 PM (UTC)
The_TooCool_Master Wrote:
You haven't found Sonya's X-Ray Brutality in the krypt. Many people have cleared the krypt and we wouldn't be having this conversation about how to pull it off if it was simply there in the movelist.

Is it really that hard to believe a topic would be created for something because people would be stumped on something so easily accessible? Especially in the Mortal Kombat community?

Regardless, I apologize for the clearly tremendous offense I committed against you, as I remembered incorrectly. I then confess that I do not remember where I saw it, but I know that any time I have attempted it, I have performed Sonya's X-Ray brutality.

Considering the fact that the numbers shown on items to find in the Krypt aren't accurate on the counter (for example 119/118 items?), it's plausible to assume it may yet be something to find in the gambling game.

Whatever. The input will be found eventually. I'll figure out what it is that i'm doing to always pull it off and let you know.

06/12/2015 07:26 PM (UTC)
frabn Wrote:
Regardless, I apologize for the clearly tremendous offense I committed against you, as I remembered incorrectly.

Don't get all salty. You said you unlocked the move somehow, that it's now in Sonya's movelist and that you have no problem pulling it off whenever you want.

But the fact that this thread exists, and that google returns no results, means that you indeed cannot unlock it and that it is definitely not in Sonya's movelist..... which you admit is right, since you said you will need to find the correct requirement, something that you could just find in said movelist if it was there.
Royal Assassin
About Me

"You Totally Slept With Him Didn't Ya"

06/12/2015 10:48 PM (UTC)
hey i just had a simple question

and i didnt expect it to have this many responds

but i know the secret brutalities for some of the fighters they are not listed in the movelist its why they are secret.

and everyone is saying or doing different inputs to do it, so i wanted to know what one works the one i posted before that i have tried it worked everytime i input the one i mentioned

06/13/2015 08:24 AM (UTC)
frabn Wrote:
As far as everyone wondering about secret XRay Brutalities, Sonya's, I believe is listed in her Brutality move list. Anyone with a sixth/secret Brutality typically has it listed on their movelist, and like all brutalities, it would need to be unlocked before it can be used. i don't remember where I picked up Sonya's, but I know I found it in the Krypt - maybe the gambling game. I've never had any problem whatsoever pulling it off - works every single time.

That said, if its not listed in a character's movelist as ?????????? don't expect them to have a secret brutality. Besides, any "secret" brutalities would've been found a LONG time ago - the game has already been out for about 2 months.

You are mistaken the brutality is a "Secret" it is not accessible in Sonya's move list neither is it capable of being unlocked in the Krypt. I have cleared the entire Krypt, that is why the original poster asked the question so as we may pool what knowledge we've been able to gather over this "Secret" brutality.

Sonya since 92
About Me

Bladdy lovely Sig by Minion. PSN -rlg24 LIVE -WestcountryBlud

06/13/2015 04:00 PM (UTC)
Pulled it off online against someone today. Can't recall doing anything out of the ordinary except holding forwards as my opponents neck cracked.
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