Queen Kitana??
posted12/05/2005 01:38 AM (UTC)by
Member Since
09/15/2003 03:46 AM (UTC)
There are rumors going around that in the next game, Queen Sindel will forfeit her longheld position as the head of Edenia, and make her daughter Queen. I think that would be a good idea...its time for Kitana to be one of the most powerful and main characters in MK.

What do you think???Good/bad idea???
11/30/2005 10:37 PM (UTC)
................................................... you wanna die?
11/30/2005 11:04 PM (UTC)
MyQueenSindel Wrote:
................................................... you wanna die?


I wanted to say that....


But seriously, I feel Sindel has only just got her chance to prove how interesting she can be, let her status of Queen play out. Kitana's always had power anyway, for years in MK (even after Sindel was freed) they acted as if she was Queen.
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11/30/2005 11:10 PM (UTC)
MyQueenSindel Wrote:
................................................... you wanna die?


Anyway, i would like to see Kitana take up the responsibilities of Edenia. No matter what, but she hasn't taken anything valuable from being a princess other than her being held in high esteem...

11/30/2005 11:44 PM (UTC)
Chrome Wrote:
MyQueenSindel Wrote:
................................................... you wanna die?


Anyway, i would like to see Kitana take up the responsibilities of Edenia. No matter what, but she hasn't taken anything valuable from being a princess other than her being held in high esteem...


Anyway, where did you hear such rumors, outworld222? I'd like to know. tongue

As for the idea itself, eh, I don't know....I think that should probably be for much later on in the storyline.
11/30/2005 11:45 PM (UTC)

I wanted to say that too. anyway.....

Man, I can't beleive that someone actually thinks its a good idea. Oh yeah! just wait til... Danabab, or Queve get in here. They'll show you!! EDIT: Well I guess it would be fine it Sindel were to die LET ME FINISH with honor, like sacraficing herlef for Kitana and Edenia. But to do that, she would have to appear in MK7.
12/01/2005 12:01 AM (UTC)
Sub-Zero_7th Wrote:
Chrome Wrote:
MyQueenSindel Wrote:
................................................... you wanna die?


Anyway, i would like to see Kitana take up the responsibilities of Edenia. No matter what, but she hasn't taken anything valuable from being a princess other than her being held in high esteem...


Anyway, where did you hear such rumors, outworld222? I'd like to know. tongue

As for the idea itself, eh, I don't know....I think that should probably be for much later on in the storyline.

I heard it on Daves Mortal kombat forumfurious
I could see such a thing signaling the end to Kitana's story. Although if you ask me, I would like for Liu Kang to finally be allowed to rule by her side and marry her. That could signafly the ending to MK, Liu Kang and Kitana finally being allowed to be together. But I suppose we'll see... besides Sindel's only been in 2 games, maybe they should let her stay around for a few more.
12/01/2005 02:21 PM (UTC)
MyQueenSindel Wrote:
Man, I can't beleive that someone actually thinks its a good idea. Oh yeah! just wait til... Danabab, or Queve get in here. They'll show you!!

Im here. wink

There is only one queen in Mk, and thats Sindel, however, what Chrome said is true; Kitana has been acting as if she was the queen in past games when we didnt know or have anything about Sindel, so would there really be a difference? Queen or princess she is still doing the same thing game after game.

Sindel being or not being the Queen is the same thing. Both need to story-evolve. I really see no importance on who gets to keep the CROWN between this two, they are in for the same goals...ever since they debuted in Mk...now, if Mileena were to keep the crown, there could be an interesting twist.

In conclusion, Kitana should and could be the new Queen, I think its about time they give her that title, but I honestly dont see anything interesting, so she is the queen, now what? Keep doing the same she kept doing in the past games? Sindel should NOT die or disappear...again. Do something new for a change, to both of them.
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It's offical. you Suck!

12/01/2005 03:35 PM (UTC)
I don't see Kitana becoming Queen unless Sindel dies. But I do think that She deserves to be queen.
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Project MKK: Coming soon...

Currently working on: MKD & MKA - The One Ring Theory
12/01/2005 07:28 PM (UTC)
No, no, no! Kitana should not be Queen any time soon at all. I'm a big Kitana fan but she must stay as a Princess. Becoming Queen would mean a change in how she is personality wise and even how she acts and even looks etc. She's an assassin. She's a Princess. She's an Earth warrior. Sure, Sindel does fight, but Kitana has much more to her to have exposed rather than let the status of Queen pull her down. Sindel has only recently gotten interesting, but there's not much to her and Kitana has much more that can be explored.

I'll have to write up her bio soon. Hopefully I can work some magic with her. Her true potential needs to shine through. I can hopefully discover it.
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12/02/2005 12:34 AM (UTC)
Princesses are hotter than queens. Queens get fat and ugly, that's the future for Sindel. tongue grin

Seriously, though. I think Kitana should stay as a Princess, I don't think she should be a queen yet.
12/02/2005 01:15 AM (UTC)
Toxik Wrote:
Princesses are hotter than queens. Queens get fat and ugly, that's the future for Sindel. tongue grin

About Me
Project MKK: Coming soon...

Currently working on: MKD & MKA - The One Ring Theory
12/02/2005 07:21 AM (UTC)
MyQueenSindel Wrote:
Toxik Wrote:
Princesses are hotter than queens. Queens get fat and ugly, that's the future for Sindel. tongue grin


About Me
12/02/2005 01:43 PM (UTC)
MyQueenSindel Wrote:
Toxik Wrote:
Princesses are hotter than queens. Queens get fat and ugly, that's the future for Sindel. tongue grin


lol; I love you too. tongue
About Me

Go ahead, make my day. R.I.P Trevor Goddard

12/02/2005 04:14 PM (UTC)
Toxik Wrote:
MyQueenSindel Wrote:
Toxik Wrote:
Princesses are hotter than queens. Queens get fat and ugly, that's the future for Sindel. tongue grin


lol; I love you too. tongue

I agree with Sindel who's saying "Fuck you" Sindel will be queen for a long time, come on people she's only 20,000! She has a long time left.
12/02/2005 10:18 PM (UTC)
MyQueenSindel Wrote:
Toxik Wrote:
Princesses are hotter than queens. Queens get fat and ugly, that's the future for Sindel. tongue grin


LMAO!!!! grin

Long Live Queen Sindel.
12/02/2005 11:23 PM (UTC)
grin I'm keepin that one forever!
12/03/2005 12:09 PM (UTC)
Im not sure if Kitana should become Queen of Edenia just yet.

If its just for like one game or something, for example if Sindel leaves her in charge to go off on a mission on her own, thats ok. IMO Sinel NEEDS to do something like this.....as her story needsa major boost, so far her entire reason for being there is Kitana's mother. Give her some other stuff to do.

As for it ruining Kitana, I dont really think it will. I think there will always be lots for Kitana to do. If she was Queen, I think she would send her armies to overthrow whoever the main tyrant was. Sindel seems to kinda just have been letting others do it. It could open up som posibilites for Kitana, But she doesnt need that yet. She has so much else to explore first.
12/05/2005 01:31 AM (UTC)
If Kitana were to become the ruler of Edenia, I would want her to obtain the crown in a tragic way.

I would have Kitana be forced to become Queen because of the damage Mileena is capable of doing to that kingdom. I'd have Mileena's identity be discovered by Sindel during Kitana's absence from Edenia.

Sindel would try to expose Mileena as a fraud to the people of Edenia but before she could do so, Mileena would assasinate Sindel for many reasons. I believe in Mortal Kombat Deception she was aware that Kitana was brought back from her battle with the Deadly Alliance by Onaga and she could provoke Kitana by killing her mother. Also, Mileena would still pose as Kitana and in Sindel's death she would become a tyrant of Edenia and would have an overwhelming lust for the power that she obtains for being Queen.

Another thing I would like Mileena to do is to blame the death of Sindel on Jade and present it to all the people of Edenia that Sindel was murdered by Jade who she would fraud her of being payed off by an enemy of Edenia's kingdom, that being Baraka who would also be killed by Mileena who had knew of her ultimate deception.

Jade would be a fugitive from the law of Edenia and Mileena would give a reward to any who brings forth the head of Jade to her throne. In these events Mileena could have total power over the kingdom of Edenia while under the guise of Kitana.

What a perfect way to present a conflict for Kitana, who after her experience with death would only wish to see her mother and return home because she knew what she had left behind while leading the army of Edenia in battle against Shao Kahn.

Kitana would return home to discover that her mother was murdered, Jade had gone missing, and that Edenia is in chaos. Kitana in the aftermath of all these events would take the throne in the blood of her own sister. She would claim her title as Queen but she would always mourn the death of her mother and live with the destruction Mileena had caused on her mind and heart.
12/05/2005 01:38 AM (UTC)
Grizzle Wrote:
If Kitana were to become the ruler of Edenia, I would want her to obtain the crown in a tragic way.

I would have Kitana be forced to become Queen because of the damage Mileena is capable of doing to that kingdom. I'd have Mileena's identity be discovered by Sindel during Kitana's absence from Edenia.

Sindel would try to expose Mileena as a fraud to the people of Edenia but before she could do so, Mileena would assasinate Sindel for many reasons. I believe in Mortal Kombat Deception she was aware that Kitana was brought back from her battle with the Deadly Alliance by Onaga and she could provoke Kitana by killing her mother. Also, Mileena would still pose as Kitana and in Sindel's death she would become a tyrant of Edenia and would have an overwhelming lust for the power that she obtains for being Queen.

Another thing I would like Mileena to do is to blame the death of Sindel on Jade and present it to all the people of Edenia that Sindel was murdered by Jade who she would fraud her of being payed off by an enemy of Edenia's kingdom, that being Baraka who would also be killed by Mileena who had knew of her ultimate deception.

Jade would be a fugitive from the law of Edenia and Mileena would give a reward to any who brings forth the head of Jade to her throne. In these events Mileena could have total power over the kingdom of Edenia while under the guise of Kitana.

What a perfect way to present a conflict for Kitana, who after her experience with death would only wish to see her mother and return home because she knew what she had left behind while leading the army of Edenia in battle against Shao Kahn.

Kitana would return home to discover that her mother was murdered, Jade had gone missing, and that Edenia is in chaos. Kitana in the aftermath of all these events would take the throne in the blood of her own sister. She would claim her title as Queen but she would always mourn the death of her mother and live with the destruction Mileena had caused on her mind and heart.

Well, that's one direction, but I personally wouldn't go with that, because I like Sindel enough to want her to return. I guess Kitana trying to reclaim Edenia would be something that can be seen. Perhaps Mileena will make the Edenians think that Kitana is really Mileena so Kitana's people will turn against her.
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