Quantity isnt Quality: my thoughts on the next MK
posted10/02/2005 07:31 PM (UTC)by
i dont think i want another goddamn super ultra kombatant roster in the next installment of MK. they need to spend more time fine tuning a perfect and diverse fighter rather than adding ever character with a couple moves and a huge selection of overrated fighting styles and useless attacks. more innovation- as in change everything. SM was a nice step towards a more open arena fighter. the next MK should be more innovative, less "trilogy"-esque. add parries, blocks, areana weapons, free range running, air combos, hopjumps, fewer rehashed attacks, more diverse feel, less of everyone has the same moves wiht different animations, and more of each character has a limited but unique outlook on move sets.

for example, the roster should include something of the folloing: notice how the list contains like 15 fighters. it should stay lowish. maybe add 5 new and innovative characters, possibly to expand the orderrealm /choasrealm conflict, but not those sorry sons of bitches you had before.
Kung Lao and Bo Rai Cho- keep em as champs. bring back the hat!
Kenshi- more unique and cooler version of Ermac, plus hes special forces
Baraka- always a unique fighter, good story
subzero, scorpion, noob saibot- should have huge develpoed story
Ashrah- hmmm.. maybe wiht the cool new noob?
sareena-a return to a real fighter could be cool- more chicks on the roster
kira- make kira unique and maybe i can deal with her
jax or sonya, not both
kano or kabal, not both
kitana- do some crazy revenge story or she goes insane or something
JC- hes always fun, but not a must.
hotaru and havik- keep em both and make some good story or bye bye

shang and chi- freaking dead as burnt toast
frost- stay dead and frozen
tanya- not dead yet?
Lui Kang- stay dead. he made zombies overrated.
Raiden- maybe be a Dark Raiden Boss? otherwise stay dead.
Reptile- stay dead
Ermac- Die
Mileena- dies to baraka
Jade- either way...
Dairou, darrius- freaking die!
sekto, cyrax, smoke- die die die. smoke has the story of both of them, so hes the best option, plus hes got invisibility! secret or nothing.
sindel- die for the thousandth time
and i would prefer a return to a more classic bosses, ala kahn or a new improved version of shinnok. or a dark raiden. im tired of MK playing out like a dragonballz series, where each new enemy is 20000000000 times more powerful than the last. get over it. DA was cool, but htey are dead and should stay so.

argue or agree, but this is how i feel about the recent mortal kombats. i thought trilogy was boring after a week. i thought D was boring after a day. the trend sucks. like i said, quantity isnt quality. and thanks for reading the post.
09/27/2005 01:04 AM (UTC)
Dude, seriously, do you hate MK or something???

Thank god Boon sais "fuck what gameinformer or what the fans want, Im gonna it my way"

Shang tsung dead?



Not very good my friend.

Anyways, Boon will and always does the right thing. Thats why most of you here play every fighting game!!!furiousfuriousfurious
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10/02/2005 03:50 AM (UTC)
wow.....lets just hope they make a good MK game.
10/02/2005 05:02 AM (UTC)
i dont think there is one thing about mortal kombat i hate , i mean sure some of the fight engines werent the best , some storylines arent that good , but overall the games , the story , the characters OWN any other games in the world , i mean sure its had its ups and downs but overall its a great series , i love every character and believe tehy should all get second chances
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You work with what you got...not what you hope for.

10/02/2005 05:04 AM (UTC)
honestly now, when has m.k. ever been that deep. am i the only one who remembers high punch, low punch, high kick, low kick, block, and lets not forget the ever important "jump". mortal kombat is not a tekken, and it's not a soul caliber, and quite frankly will never be either. while i do agree that quantity isn't quality, let's be realistic...the only realistic change we could see is graphics considering next gen...maybe fixing some collision detection issues, but beyond that, don't expect it.... once again, it's not tekken or soul caliber, and honestly, that's why i love it...
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10/02/2005 10:41 AM (UTC)
MK: DA and MK:D were fighting games, and "standing out from the competition" is no excuse for being a broken piece of infinate 50/50 crap.
10/02/2005 12:03 PM (UTC)
The problem is that they HAVE to stand out from the competition. If MK7 is a competant game which takes alot from Tekken, SC and DOA, it will not sell. Why? Because they are GREAT games, and people buy the great over the competant. Midway cannot make a game at this level, they just dont have the skill, the expertise, they have proven that. So instead of trying to live up to something they cannot do, they HAVE to be creative and original to survive.
10/02/2005 03:16 PM (UTC)
Yup. The second a functional fighter comes along that has gore in it, MK as a fighting game franchise is going to get buried because it won't have a leg to stand on.

I hope for your sake that you're working on that deep system of play for MK7, Midway.
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10/02/2005 06:44 PM (UTC)
you either like tekken or Mk who cares which is better because if you like MK that means you think MK is better. Neither is better. So worry about what one you like best and dont worry about some thumb sucker playin' tekken. I like mk so I don't give a rats ass about tekken therefore there is no competition cuz i don't care about what other people want. It is what it is.
LK, thats a horrible response. if MK doesnt create a good fighting engine, im not going to keep playing it becasue its neat but tekken is far more deep and i shouldnt play it becasue its different. MK needs to step it up or they will fall behind, as they already have in my eyes.

i dont much care for tekken becasue i like the characters in MK. the specials have a lot of variety in MK, if they made the punch/kick/whatever system more deep and less girly, then id keep playing it. right now, i dont play much MK. hell, i dont even have D or DA, but ive got guilty gear x.

wahtever it is, i dont want to see a deception type game with trilogy and some number of characters. make somehting good midway. dont bother making 50 characters, make 20 really involved and good ones.
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