Punishment for online rage quiters in mk x
posted10/16/2014 03:06 PM (UTC)by
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Kombat Returns 2015

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12/20/2006 12:55 AM (UTC)
As you all know, there is this group of players who decide to disconnect their internet cable when losing or about to lose a fight, in mk9 and other games it still counts as a loss for the rage quitter. My point is, when a person does this, the server should ban the player for say example, not being able to log in for 3 hours as a punishment for not being a good sport about it, losing points has proven not to be effective in this kind of situation, 90% of the time when playing mk9 and mk vs dc on both consoles this has happened time and time again.We are in 2014 and gaming companies do NOTHING about it. We as a community want to experience a good match in mk x, sure we can play offline but they are focusing with the online. What kind of punishment you guys suggest? Ban the player? delete their data? I say get kicked out of the game or chat room/server for 24 hours to teach them a lesson and be kind and a good sport to others.
10/15/2014 08:45 PM (UTC)
I've been seeing more and more companies punishing more users who intend on doing bad things.

I don't remember what game it was, but those who managed to hack were sent to this special server for a few minutes to continue playing their hacked character until they were finally banned, and I think permanently as well.

However, I don't think rage quitting qualifies to have that severe of a punishment. I think like they could have it where they're not allowed to play online for a few hours for a first offense. Second offense is a twenty-four hour ban. Third and after, it's like an entire week.

Yeah, it sucks when people just quit during a match because they can't take the loss, but I don't think it warrants more of a harsh punishment than a weeks worth of not playing online for a bit.
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10/15/2014 08:59 PM (UTC)
Yeah, punish them for few hours.Not being able to play for 3 hours will reduce rage quitters to below zero :D NRS should come up with idea how to determinate if it's a real disconnect or rage quit tho.

There should be bigger punishment after the first. So if the first is 3 hours, if you rage quit again you won't be able to play 10 hours. Then if you do it again 24 hours. This should go up x2 every other quit. 24h is not enough :D

If it's done like that nobody will do this shit again never. But rage quit is part of the game so I think they wont remove it because of that. Like in football game they can see with the cameras what really happened, but instead they use referees who take wrong decisions many times :D
10/15/2014 09:03 PM (UTC)
What abot the people who dont have a perfect internet connection.
It would be horribly unfair to be banned for a week just because your connection timed out.
I am againts that idea.
10/15/2014 09:04 PM (UTC)
If theirs a ranking system they can just lose some of it I always liked that idea. How did Killer Instinct punish their rage quitters?
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10/15/2014 09:05 PM (UTC)
I feel like I read in article somewhere that when it comes to rage quitters, NRS might do something about it. But I also remember them Saying having someone rage quit on you is a good thing cuz it shows you're a great player and so they might not do something as extreme as the OP posted. Most likely a slap on the wrist.

I dunno if it was NRS or another company who said that though.
10/15/2014 09:14 PM (UTC)
martin_m95 Wrote:
What abot the people who dont have a perfect internet connection.
It would be horribly unfair to be banned for a week just because your connection timed out.
I am againts that idea.

This. NRS can make a system that punishes people who quit through a menu, but for the many, many, many ragequitters that disconnect...well, you're gonna catch some people with crappy connections in that net. But then again, you really shouldn't be playing a fighting game online with a spotty connection.
10/15/2014 09:15 PM (UTC)
If players rage quit, then there has to be a reason why they do. Maybe the other player is constantly spamming the same move over and over, or they are pinning the other in the corner and won't let them out. Those are two legit reasons why people rage quit.
Spamming and cornering is not certainly fair play.
10/15/2014 09:32 PM (UTC)
ShujinkoX Wrote:
Those are two legit reasons why people rage quit

There really are no good reasons to RQ. Spamming might not be fun to play against but it certainly isn't unfair. If you can't figure out how to deal with it then that's on you. Same for cornering.

The only time I could ever see someone quitting a game prematurely is if the other playing is glitching or straight up hacking. Then and only then would that be alright.

As for punishing RQers, absolutely. Sore losers shouldn't get away with that shit.
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10/15/2014 09:36 PM (UTC)
ShujinkoX Wrote:
Maybe the other player is constantly spamming the same move over and over, or they are pinning the other in the corner and won't let them out. Those are two legit reasons why people rage quit.

Well, I guess I appreciate your honesty because not many people would defend rage-quitting, but nonetheless, the above reasons are not legit whatsoever. If a character is spamming, then use a counter-strategy. Pretty much every character in MK9 had a counter-strategy for spam.

Unless the character is actually broken (which is very rare), spamming is totally beatable. As a matter of fact, most characters who turtle/zone are BUILT for that strategy, so you're asking players to put their character at a disadvantage because (to put it bluntly) you don't want to learn how to play the game.

And corner-pressuring? Just use your invincibility frames on your specials/wake-up and get out of the corner. It's just that simple.

Rage-quitting is the worst thing you can do because if you don't put up with spamming, you'll never learn how to beat spamming. That's precisely why players don't grow in terms of skill.

ShujinkoX Wrote:
Spamming and cornering is not certainly fair play.

To say something is unfair is to say that one player is disadvantaged over the other. This just isn't true. The vast majority of characters in modern fighting games have answers to spamming (often extremely effective answers). Unless the character is built for zoning, spamming is often incredibly unsafe against an opponent who knows what they're doing.

10/15/2014 09:58 PM (UTC)
Eh, like others have pointed out, the problem with OP's idea is when the game disconnects or one player gets booted they then run the risk of a 24 hour ban which would suck. Like how would the game know when somebody is purposely disconnecting and when they're not?

Rant time, while normally I'm of the mind that a rage quit is kinda satisfying in itself because you know the player is a butthurt douche, it does get really annoying after awhile. Like for me I still play Injustice online quite a bit and there's this one player called No Smile i come across in ranked all the time, he's your typical deathstroke troll, hangs back and fires guns and sends little hate mail when he wins or calls you a spammer when he loses (go figure, troll nonsense). I always use to beat this guy with Doomsday or Shazam but now when we play he just sits at the select screen until the timer runs out, lets the game load, lets the character intro's play unless I skip them, and then quits out the second the match starts. He does this EVERY. SINGLE. TIME. Like I can only play the game on my days off, so sometimes 4 to 5 days will have passed and he STILL remembers me and still does the same thing. I've never responded to his hate mail to egg him on or anything, our games were never close but I didn't just run him over either. Its fucking crazy that this dude spent money and God knows how much of his life just to be a dick and waste minuscule amounts of other peoples time. And while he is the worst I've come across there are plenty of players just like him where it seems like their motive isn't to play the game but just to strictly troll people who are. Like they find that one special character with that special move set that lends itself well under online lag and then just repeat the same shit over and over and over and troll everybody they come into contact with and rage quit when they lose.

I don't think MKX will do anything to punish these people nor do I think they'd be able to even if they wanted. Its just the nature of online gaming and NRS fighters seem to attract some particularly rotten people. The only solace I find in beating or losing to them is that they seem like truely miserable people.
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10/15/2014 10:16 PM (UTC)
At the very least, don't make it as easy as it was in MK9 where all you had to do was press start and quit, no consequences. That shit was retarded. Get rid of the start, quit option.
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10/15/2014 10:23 PM (UTC)
Demon_0 Wrote:
At the very least, don't make it as easy as it was in MK9 where all you had to do was press start and quit, no consequences. That shit was retarded. Get rid of the start, quit option.

Not only will I second this, but NRS needs to make it where the win registers at "Finish Him!" and not AFTER the fatality. Rage-quitting is bad enough. We don't need to give quitters a 15 second window to decide if they want to rage-quit or not.

I'm not a programmer, but this option has to be in the realm of possibility.
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10/15/2014 10:27 PM (UTC)
^ Even better
10/15/2014 10:48 PM (UTC)
I'd definitely be all for some sort of treatment for ragequitters, but it's true that there are cases, such as internet drops, that aren't exactly worthy of being "boxed" for a period of time.

I'd actually be happy if the player that quit just instantly exploded. I'd actually laugh my ass off at that. Or they did some sort of other demeaning thing to that character. It's effectively harmless, but at least the other player would get a chuckle to help with their frustration. haha

And "spamming and cornering" are NOT unfair. Those are strategies that you have to overcome. It can be cheap, but cheap does not mean broken. Level up.
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10/16/2014 12:55 AM (UTC)
DjangoDrag Wrote:
I'd definitely be all for some sort of treatment for ragequitters, but it's true that there are cases, such as internet drops, that aren't exactly worthy of being "boxed" for a period of time.

I'd actually be happy if the player that quit just instantly exploded. I'd actually laugh my ass off at that. Or they did some sort of other demeaning thing to that character. It's effectively harmless, but at least the other player would get a chuckle to help with their frustration. haha

And "spamming and cornering" are NOT unfair. Those are strategies that you have to overcome. It can be cheap, but cheap does not mean broken. Level up.

Agreed, let us promote the idea of extravagant explosions exclusively for online matches.
10/16/2014 01:41 AM (UTC)
Yeah im all for punishing rage quitters but im not down with people who don't have perfect internet connections getting punished for a disconnect they had nothing do to with.

If there is a way to distinguish the two than I am all for it.
10/16/2014 01:58 PM (UTC)
As others have pointed out, the fact that it's hard to differentiate between rage quitters and true disconnects would make imposing a temporary ban impractical and unfair.

Another approach: Track disconnects for a player and temporarily try to match them with other players that also have a similar number of disconnects. You rage quit 3 times in the last hour? Guess what, now you're going to be matched against other rage quitters for a few hours. The flaw with this is those with bad internet connections that tend to drop could get matched against rage quitters making their already subpar experience even worse.
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10/16/2014 02:40 PM (UTC)
Why is this an issue?

I mean all you have is a meaningless statistic that plays no part in your life whatsoever.

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10/16/2014 03:06 PM (UTC)
Chrome Wrote:
Why is this an issue?

I mean all you have is a meaningless statistic that plays no part in your life whatsoever.

This guy.

If they ragequit. Do what I do and yell at the TV, calling it a "fucking pussy".

You might feel better.

Or, if you're that salty that you didn't get your virtual +1 point, then fight them with text messages until you feel like you accomplished something.

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