Projectiles Canceling Out
posted04/25/2010 10:36 AM (UTC)by
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05/14/2008 12:00 AM (UTC)
In most fighters when both players use a projectile, the projectiles hit each other and cancel each other out. MK is different. Instead of the projectiles canceling out they just cut through each other and hit both opponents. I was wondering what the community's thoughts are on the subject. Should MK stay the same, or should it copy the other fighters such as Street Fighter and BlazBlue?

I honestly don't know what they should do. The cancel out works, but I like how MK is different than the others. I do think if they did cancel out then critics and pro gamers would come closer to liking MK, but at the same time it loses one of the staples of the series. So tell me what you think.
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You will die mortal. TOASTY Speed Metal will never die.

04/25/2010 03:51 AM (UTC)
I've always been on the fence about this, because I too like Mortal Kombat's individuality. But It would interesting to see SOME, if they made sense (Sub-Zero's Ice and Reptile's acid spit, Scorpion's spear and Kung Lao's hat, ect). But having the trade offs are cool. It's like you have more options than just dodging or blocking the projectile, you can throw your own and get a hit on your opponent. So I'm not really sure, I wouldn't mid if they just kept it the way it was.
04/25/2010 04:06 AM (UTC)
I never played Street Fighter or Blazblue, so I'm not familiar with the projectile cancel out that they have.

I don't think that there should be cancel out, especially with the projectiles that some of the fighters have.

Example, assuming that the projectile moves don't change much from Armageddon, there's no way in hell you would be able cancel out Sareena's little knife throw in time, and Sareena in return can just quickly cancel out mostly everyone's projectile with hers. Also, not all projectile's are just straight forward (Ashrah, Kai, Hotaru, Shang Tsung, Tanya, Nitara, etc.) and would be impossible to cancel out, kinda making unfair.
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04/25/2010 04:22 AM (UTC)
Boon has talked much of wanting to impliment features such as this. I would bet on something in the future.
04/25/2010 08:19 AM (UTC)
they could use a toggle in options for cancel outs to be turned on or off. i rather it remain the way it is but having the options to make small changes such as stated is and would be a luxury feature i could be happy with.
04/25/2010 10:36 AM (UTC)
I think the more realistic move would be to have the projectiles collide and make for a more strategic battle (like Voldemort vs Harry Potter when the powers of their wands collided)...An example of a small aggrivating move would be when you have Sub-Zero vs. Sub-Zero and you both freeze each other at the same time, then you have to wait for both of you to un-freeze. I definetally think the pace would be much faster if the projecticles cancelled out each other....BUT-BUT-BUT it would also have to depend on who's throwing what. I feel that if someone's throwing a fireball while someone's throwing ice, the fire should cut through the ice; desintigrating it completely and following through to the opponent. And same goes for if you got Kano throwing a knife at a ball of powerful plasmic magic, maybe the magic would melt the knife before follwing through to the opponent. But something like knife-on-knife, or magic-on-magic should cancel out.

I DON'T see it getting as sophisticated as all of this...lolol...But it's a good creative idea...hahaha

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