Project Natal and MK
posted12/22/2009 02:29 AM (UTC)by
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12/13/2009 04:11 AM (UTC)
Hey everyone I'm not new here because of the foolish things I did on this site but I hope you all forgive me...sad

Anyways I've been thinking about Project Natal and the next MK installment.Theres a shit load of features that can work very well with Natal and MK.

I dont know too much how this would work out with one controller(the wii features remote and nunchuck)so the fighting would probably be the same fighting engine as MK vs DCU.

There are plenty of things Natal can do with this.For example:Test your might
hmmm....the only thing I can really think of is mashing multiple buttons and the strike the controller down as if breaking the wood etc.Cant really think of anything about test your sight which was a stupid game IMO.OMG this idea just popped out of my ass,it may seem strange but a stellar idea.Dont have an name for it but I guess ill call it''Dash for the Soul Saving Orb or Whatever the Fuck'' lol.Two opponents (I'll say Chi and Tsung) are running through a stage(Living Forrest)tripping over shit such as tree vines trying to pull you down but you have to jump with the controller to avoid falling.Plus you could also try to punch of kick your opponent down into the hazard.You also have to sprint with the controller to run fast.Holy Shit!!! What about a game called Decapitation Disk where two opponents stand about 20 yards apart and you have to throw the controller like a frisby to detach the head.

My main concern about Natal and Mortal Kombat are the fatalities.Weapon fatalities would work best with Natal.Imagine pulling out a sword and slicing anyway you want at the opponent.For example:Vertical torso,decap,leg reduction,arm reduction,face cut clean off,I literally mean cutting any limb of that you desire.Mabey if you were to perform sub zeros spnie rip you would have to do a certain movement or something...

Thanks for reading I'll get back on this... Back Again!....(cricket chirp) I was thinking,what if the MK team changed their ways of executing fatalities like instead of doing Forward,Down,Forward,HP(no brainer Sub Zero fatality)you have to actually to press ^^UP^^^ and mimick the the spine rip movement same as if Scorpion removed his mask with the controller. Your brilliant ideas are welcome....
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Winter is Coming A Lanister always pays his debts You know nothing Jon Snow! We do not sow! Valar Morghulis

12/18/2009 04:47 PM (UTC)
First and foremost, could u explain to me wat project natal is?
12/22/2009 02:29 AM (UTC)
I think mortal kombat being a part of Natal would be a very bad idea from a buisness, and gameplay standpoint.

Just by having MK9 using Natal singles out ps3 users. Secondly, the technology is still new so there is a good chance that MK being the guinie pig would result in a bad game. Also Natal and wii motion seem like a bad fit for fighters. Fighting games require perfect timing, responsiveness, and execution, and by using the motion gimick you lose some of that accuracy.

I think Natal is terrible for fighting games, and I don't want to see it near MK.

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