Prima Games have been a constant of the Mortal Kombat release cycle, printing official strategy guides from the misty days of the arcade, right through to the last game: Mortal Kombat (2011).

Sadly, the tradition of official printed strategy guides looks like it will break with the release of Mortal Kombat X. Prima Games has confirmed they do not have the rights to print a guide for the latest title, but "certainly would if we could."

Prima's 2011 strategy guide was marred by errors, but the publisher offered a make good to customers in the form of unique correction cards for each character -- themselves a collectible item.

Past Prima guides have included character bios, artwork and trivia, along with the usual content of combos, strategies and secret inputs. It's a double blow for collectors of printed material - some fans disappointed by Warner Brothers' decision to omit an Art Book from this game's Kollector's Editions.

More Than a Kompanion: Klassic Prima Guides [via Amazon].

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