Post your future Roster here!
posted09/18/2008 01:37 PM (UTC)by
About Me

Credit to Cyrax1020

Member Since
06/01/2008 12:46 PM (UTC)
Whats your future roster??

Also if you want post your storyline to show why there in the roster.

Johnny Cage
Sin (My character i'll explain in storyline)
Shao Kahn

Ingame Storyline - Sub-zero and Scorpion are battling it out. Sub-zero is lying on the floor ''This is what i have waited for to kill SUB-ZERO!'' Scorpion pulls of his mask and is ready to Burn Sub-zero to a crisp but Liu Kang runs in the temple and flying kicks Scorpion knocking him to the ground. Liu helps up Sub-zero and Scorpion states ''YOU! I thought you were dead!'' Liu replies ''I was reunited with my soul when Blaze was defeated everybody was, well atleast the survivors'' Scorpion jumps up and pulls out his blade running to Liu but Sub-zero pulls out his Kori Blade impaling him right through the stomach. Scorpion stands defenceless and his body starts to burn up ''NOOO ONE MORE CHANCE PLEASE! LIN KUEI WARRIOR I WILL KILL AHHHHHHHHHH'' Scorpion can't finish because he screams as he vanishes out of the netherealm.

Scorpions is in netherealm and confronted by an unknown warrior who grabs his shoulder ''You want to leave?'' The unknown man asks ''Of course i do!'' Scorpion replies ''Well since i am stuck in the Netherealm forever and i cannot be freed no matter what i will make you a deal'' Unknown man asks ''What is that? Who are you?'' Scorpion asks, ''I am Sin the most powerful warrior that EVER LIVED! Until that Thunder God trapped me here. Anyway i will transfer my powers into you and i will help you escape but giving you my powers you will have to kill The Thunder God and his Companions.'' ''Oh don't worry i was planning on doing that'' Scorpion says. Sin walks along and Scorpion follows him to a cave. ''Stand there and do not move'' Sin states as he walks the spot opposite him and after a few seconds Sin's soul escapes him and and flies to Scorpion. When it enters Scorpion feels great power. ''You can teleport out'' Sin says ''Well then why didn't you?'' Scorpion asks ''I told you there is no way i can escape'' Scorpion teleports to Earthrealm confronting Sub-zero. Sub-zero stands shocked he sends his Ice ball at Scorpion but it has no effect ''WHAT! IT WOULD USUALLY FREEZE YOU!'' ''Well i am stronger then EVER!!!'' Scorpion shouts.

Well i will continue later tell me if i should continue if its crap tell me and i will not continue.
07/27/2008 08:50 AM (UTC)
I want.....

Lei Mai
Robot Smoke

Hit me back with replies! Lates!
07/27/2008 05:55 PM (UTC)
Kung Lao
Hsu Hao
Noob Saibot
Johnny Cage

No this is not a joke.



The end.
07/28/2008 12:07 AM (UTC)
id like to see some of the originall fighters in my roster

sub zero
lui kang
kung lao
johny cage

i think it would b awesome to have the originalls in one more game and then add more chachters to Kombat the originalls
07/30/2008 01:51 AM (UTC)

Scorpion (Come on, Can't have a MK game without him)
Sub Zero (A New One Though)
Kai (Let his story line expand)
Havik (Bigger Role, has alot of potential)
Kitana (She always plays a big role, and so far, no complaints)
Noob Saibot (Enemy of new Sub Zero)
Sonya (She plays good in side plots)
*New Character
*New Character
*New Character
*New Character
*New Character

07/31/2008 01:50 PM (UTC)
Shang Tsung & Scorpion (both sort of in disguise so they have complete new move sets) and the rest all new characters.
07/31/2008 04:04 PM (UTC)
hai i'm anew but i want sayed [ SUB ZEERO & SCORPION FOR EVEAR]
Spoilers: (Highlight to reveal)
07/31/2008 08:28 PM (UTC)
medo1001 Wrote:
hai i'm anew but i want sayed [ SUB ZEERO & SCORPION FOR EVEAR]
Spoilers: (Highlight to reveal)

Welcome to MKO. Um, word of advice though, spell properly and don't use all caps. Thanks!
08/01/2008 12:02 AM (UTC)
Johnny Cage - Depart

Kano- Depart

Sub-Zero- Return

Scorpion- Return

Sonya- Depart

Raiden- Return

Liu Kang- Undecided

Kung Lao- Return

Reptile- Return

Shang Tsung- Return

Kitana- Return

Mileena- Return

Jax- Depart

Baraka- Depart

Sindel- Return

Stryker- Depart

Cyrax- Depart

Smoke (Cyber)- Depart

Smoke (Human)- Undecided

Sektor- Depart

Nightwolf- Return

Sheeva- Depart

Kabal- Depart

Motaro- Return

Shao Kahn- Depart

Jade- Depart

Ermac- Return

Rain- Return

Noob Saibot - Return

Goro- Return

Kintaro- Depart

Kai- Depart

Shinnok- Return

Reiko- Return

Jarek- Depart

Tanya- Depart

Fujin- Return

Quan Chi- Depart

Bo Rai Cho- Depart

Li Mei- Return

Kenshi- Return

Mavado- Return

Nitara- Return

Hsu Hao- Depart

Frost- Return

Blaze- Undecided

Mokap- Depart

Havik- Return

Shujinko- Return

Hotaru- Return

Ashrah- Return

Dairou- Return

Kobra- Depart

Darrius- Depart

Kira- Depart

Meat- Depart

Onaga- Undecided

Moloch- Depart

Drahmin- Return

Sareena- Return

Khameleon- Depart

Taven- Return

Daegon- Return
08/01/2008 05:16 AM (UTC)
Li Mei
About Me

"I will not hide my tastes or aversions...If you are true, but not in the same truth with me, cleave to your companions; I will seek my own." - Ralph Waldo Emerson

08/02/2008 06:16 PM (UTC)
shang tsung, and the rest be new. just for one game.
08/02/2008 06:41 PM (UTC)
MK 1:
Kano - Gone (We need a knew half cyborg!)
Liu Kang - Some undecided & some want return
Raiden - Maybe return... but will he stay with the light or turn to the dark side?
Johnny Cage - Undecided... maybe give up his movie star life and join the special forces with Sonya
Scorpion - Stay
Sub-Zero - Stay
Sonya Blade - Stay
Goro - Undecided.... wish he change his ways
MK 2:
Kung Lao - Stay
Reptile - Stay
Kitana - Stay
Jax - Gone
Mileena - Undecided
Baraka - Undecided.... want new character with blades unlike Baraka's... a mantis' blade
Shang Tsung - Undecided
Shao Kahn - Gone. Give Reiko the helmet and take his place!
Kintaro - Gone
MK 3:
Cyrax - Depart
Smoke (human) - Stay
Smoke (cyborg)- Depart
Sektor - Return
Sindel - Undecided
Nightwolf - Stay
Stryker - Stay... maybe have him learn to be a Seidan officer when he came to Seido
Kabal - Undecided... maybe change him back to good and give up being Black Dragon
Sheeva- Gone
Motaro - Gone
Jade - Stay
Noob Saibot - Stay
Ermac - Stay
Rain - Stay
MK 4:
Shinnok - Stay
Kai - Stay
Jarek - Gone
Fujin- Stay
Tanya - Gone
Quan Chi - Gone
Reiko - Stay (be emperor)
Meat - Gone
MK 5:
Bo Rai Cho - Stay
Frost - Stay
Drahmin - Stay
Mavado - 1 vote Undecided, 1 vote gone... he needs new moves
Hsu Hao - Gone
Mokap - Gone
Moloch - Gone
Nitara - Stay
Blaze - Gone
Li Mei - Stay
Kenshi - Stay
Sareena - Stay
MK 6:
Ashrah - Stay
Hotaru - Stay
Darrius - Gone
Dairou - Undecided
Kira - Undecided... use the ancient powers of the black dragon like in conquest
Kobra - Stay
Havik - Stay
Shujinko - Gone
Onaga - Gone
MK 7:
Taven - Stay
Daegon - Gone
Chameleon & Khameleon - Gone for good New Characters: Zhao Long: Edenian Knight and now renegade from the future to kill any evil threat in every realm. Possesses an ancient time stone with the power to travel to the past and change time itself. Sasha Cage: Future daughter fo Sonya Blade and Johnny Cage Olympus: Leader of the White Tiger clan. Rival to the Black Dragon and ally to the special Forces. Mantis: Ressurrected and formerly deceased brother of Sonya Blade
08/03/2008 02:38 AM (UTC)
If I made the game for myself:

-Quan Chi
-Liu Kang
-Kung Lao
-Li Mei
-Bo' Rai Cho
-Johnny Cage

If I wanted to make really good profit:

-Noob Saibot
-Shang Tsung
-Shao Kahn

Although now that I think of it, I would rather have an entirely new cast.

09/11/2008 10:05 PM (UTC)
1.kano i like aussies baddies who rip pepoles hearts out
2sonya she is sexy
3.kobra give him a second chance guys and get his own recruits
4. my char rex beshel a german black dragon recruit looks like yamasaki from kof
5. kira see sonya
6. my char victor skullchrusher markus an african-british bouncer turned muscle type black dragon member and kiras body guard
7. my char alex gortyn an russian bouncer turned kobras body guard and black dragon member
8.darruis new genral of sedinia
9.scorpion wants to kill quan chi and resuce his son
10.kintaro bodyguard of taven
11. my char shelia a new zeland woman black dragon recruit recruited at a new zeland rest stop in christchurch by kobra
12. reptile new zatteran genral
13. mavodo new red dragon leader
14.jax new telenukin leader
15.goro body guard of bo rai cho and teacher of students in dojo
16.rain traitor of endinea
17.sheeva body guard of sindel
18.moloch body gurad of daegon
19. nikki1st female cyborg of telenukin clan
20.tajia2nd female cyborg of teleukin clan
21. rubyor frost there can only be one 3rd female cyborg of the teleukin clan so votesmilesmile
About Me

Turn on your light and they'll see you. Make a sound and they'll hear you. If you think it's scary being lost...

Just wait till you're found

09/12/2008 12:10 AM (UTC)
This my roster for an idea I'm working on called Mortal Kombat: Silent Nightmares

Returning characters:

Li Mei
Shang Tsung
Quan Chi
Noob Saibot

New characters:

Caitlin (Evil chick who works for Quan Chi)
Yuki (Kendo student who joins the fight to save the relams)
Alessa (Nitara's older sister)
Skarlet (Seeks to destroy Ermac. Also one of Quan Chi's newest assassins)
Tuomas (Songwriter from Orderrelam)
Hornbuckle (One of Onaga's holy men. Seeks to resurrect Onaga by using Shang Tsung as a sacrifice)
Claes (A new warrior of the forces of Light)
Petrushka (Taven's childhood friend)
Triela (Havik's assistant)
Kaori (A friend of Mileena's)
Hiro (A Shokan who wishes to stop the fighting between the Centaurs and the Shokan)
Kagura (A female Tarkatan who hates fighting and will only do so if needed)
Hermione (One of Quan Chi's newest assassins)
Kisa (Kano's daughter)
Lyndis ( A Centaur who's goal is the same as Hiro)
Jing Mei (Li Mei's twin sister)
Waverly ( A Shrine Maiden from Outworld)
Nyu (She was turned into a cyborg by docters to save her life)
Calleigh (Caitlin's twin sister. Also works for Quan Chi)
09/12/2008 12:55 AM (UTC)
1) Scorpion
2) Sub-Zero
3) Kitana
4) Mileena
5) Kai
6) Fujin
7) Sareena
8- Kenshi
9) Li Mei
10) Nitara
11) Drahmin
12) Ashrah
13) Havik
14) Hotaru
15) Dairou

- Ten new characters

1) Raiden
2) Noob Saibot
3) Ermac
09/12/2008 12:52 PM (UTC)

Sub Boss
-Goro/Kintaro {Facing Both in the same Battle}

Final Boss
-Shang Tsung/Shao Kahn {Facing Both in the final Battle}

09/12/2008 05:16 PM (UTC)
1.)Shang Tsung
8.)Quan Chi
10.)Moloch or maybe Drahmin
About Me
09/12/2008 05:34 PM (UTC)
My Roster:

- Scorpion
- Sub-Zero
- Nitara
- Mavado
- Reiko
- Kitana
- Ermac
- Havik
- Hotaru
- Cyrax
- Drahmin
- Dairou
- Frost
- Kai
- Kira

-Mileena (Finally succumbing to insanity, a scizophrenic nutcase.)
-Jenifer (Sub-Zero's lost sister, looking for her brothers.)
-Themus (Gargoyle agent of Vaternus, former agent of Kahn, and investigating a lead on Kahn's return.)
-Jafreg (Cybernetically enhanced Chaosrealmer, setting up Outworld for invasion.)
-Oz (Shao Kahn's ghost possessing a human, trying to regain the throne)
-Drahmin (Oni now human, trying to reestablish standing as a warlord and fulfilling a dream.)
-Scorpion (Finally trying to rectify the wrongs he committed as a jackass (As explained as semi-amnesia.)
-Sub-Zero (Depressed over failing so many, rescued by Scorpion and trying to forget losses.)
-Onaga (Finally human, taking the throne once and for all.)
-Kano (Human dragon hybrid, trying to cure dragon genes.)
-Kabal (Current BD master, spreading a new message.)
-Stryker (New OIA recruit, securing Outworld from intruders.)
-Rahaug (Victim of the Datusha, trying to reverse-engineer his curse.)
-Noob Saibot (Beginning ambitions as a cyborg army overlord, taking his plans to Outworld.)
-Cyva (Cyborg Sareena, looking for her true identity.)
-Metos (Failed Flesh Pits experiment, reborn as a Chaos liquid-metal being.)
-Terrina (Seidan Earth-mover, Trying to understand Dairou's interest in the realm.)
-Fujin (Defender of Earth, investigating rumors of a deadly threat.)
-Jade (Captain of Edenian guard, fighting to maintatin changes.)
-Axelle (Tarkatan pacifist, trying to overcome rejection.)
-Delaask (Outworld warlord, fighting for its sake.)
-Rain (Amnesiac hermit, trying to understand gap in memory.)

-Enigma (Unknown.)
09/12/2008 10:52 PM (UTC)
- Sub-Zero
- Kenshi
- Sareena
- Noob Saibot
- Kitana
- Fujin
- Shao Kahn
- Kung Lao
- Nitara
- Shang Tsung
- Havik
- Hotaru
- Kabal
- Sektor
- Scorpion
About 10-12 new
End Boss: Raiden
About Me
The Ultimate Mortal Kombat Experience
- Lead Graphic Designer - Mortal Kombat Online -





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09/13/2008 09:36 AM (UTC)
I like the idea of 10-15 coming back in some form or another so....

1. Raiden - Comes back prohibited somehow.

a.) I personally peddle the idea of him coming back as a "Human". Whether he's able to finish the mission he's on right now or not, I think punishment from the Elders for crimes committed against some kind of Deity law, creed, or code of ethics // responsibility would be suitable. Being ruthless has a price, and I think he should pay it.

b.) I think -Brad- mentioned Raiden coming back, but being jailed in another thread. That sort of thing could work too.

2. Kung Lao - Replace Bo Rai Cho with Kung Lao as the Master on MKs scene. He'd make a perfect sensei so long as they age him, and omit Liu Kang completely. He'd be more mature and alot more wise, and all of these things would make him thee most fierce, most feared, and most respected Master MK needs to see by now.

Rename him like, "Shaolin Master Lao" or something, age him bout...eehh 20 or so yrs, change his look about as much as they did in MKDA, and we're good to go.

3. Kitana - I'd either like to see more of the "assassin" from her history shine through, or I'd like to see her in a position of power. "Queen Kitana". Or both, what the hell, eh? She can be presented far more feirce a fighter than she has been in the past without jeopardizing her integrity.

4. Kai - Give him like, a Kung Lao loner complex, soul searching and all that, but at the same time, a Liu Kang "with great power comes great responsibility" complex as well. I think he should kind of equate to an equal mix between Liu Kang and Kung Lao since he's been being trained by them, and guided by Raiden and Fujin all this time. He should be like a disconnected hero, or a sleeper cell only on the side of "The Greater Good".

I like the Oracle, or Prophet possibility for Kai. Makes him humble, and really dangerous at the same time. Dreams and Visions on should motivate him alot. Not like a "Jesus" character, but more like a "follower of a righteous path, with an ultimate decision to make, and damning consequences for those choices he must make". These things should plague him. He wouldn't have followers or anything silly like that. Instead, he'd probably isolate himself from groups alot out of precautionary issues.

Also, I wouldn't go telepathy with Kai even though I like the whole oracle, and visions thing for him. So as far as his "powers" I'd run with the element "Earth" for Kai. He looks like it anyway, and I think it'd fit perfectly if they did it right.

5. Sub-Zero - A new one maybe? If this current, "younger brother" Sub-Zero is used, I'd show how powerful a GrandMaster of Cryomancy really is. In his story and all that, we should see his underlings to some effect. Kinda like we got to, in MKA.

Overall though, I think I like Sub-Zero more when he's on his own missions, for his own purposes that we have to investigate a bit in order to really figure out what's going on. I think as a homage to the previous Sub-Zero(now Noob Saibot), I would appreciate seeing him go on a mission that makes him look like he's got "ninja assassin" intentions, like his older brother actually did.

It'd probably tarnish his "good guy" persona at first, but who knows? We could see him tracking down and finally killing someone like Shang Tsung, who could have morphed, and be disguised as some typically "good" character like Johnny Cage, Sonya, Nightwolf, or Jax.

Anyway, something that mixes things up for Sub-Zero please. He's getting boring.

6. Sareena - I just like her. She's like a good mix between Sindel and Sonya, but has her own thing going on. She needs more time with us players, and definitely more time on the development table .

7. Nitara - Ditto Sareena basically. Except she's more like a balance between Mileena and Jade.

8. Ermac - What's he doing now that he's free? Expand on his telepathy, and or usefulness of the many souls within him.

9. Fujin - Beef up his importance. He pretty much needs to overshadow Raiden for a couple games here. Show alot more of his personality, influence on other characters, and the Mortal Kombat contest since he's supposed to be the main protector god now. Show the power of a god of wind on a more grand scale. Yea, "make him feel more important".

10. Scorpion - Completely new objectives after killing Quan Chi. Make him the unwanted guardian of something or someone...Or maybe even like an angel of death or purgatory or something. It's about what he represents anyway. Scorpion desperately needs more purpose than just the flagship character now. Right now.

11. Sektor - "Braniac" to a lessor degree. Go with a war between his nanobot forces, and the USSpecial Forces. What might be interesting is if they get ahold of Kano and finish more of the job that has been done to his face already. Fits the bill, but they'd have to catch him first.

12. Shang Tsung - If he comes back, I want something dramatic from him.

a.) I want his ass kicked thoroughly. I'm talkin', really drag this character through the mud. Really let us see him suffer on the lowest of levels with the rats. Shang Tsung already needs to fight for his life, so I feel like he should be alot like Lestat in "Interview with a Vampire". The way he struggles for every once of life he gets. Burned, killed over and over, starved, beaten on, stabbed, really gruesome stuff.

b.) OR, they could have him effected in the opposite way that Raiden was when their souls intertwined in the EtherRealm. We'd probably see him be rejected from the greater "bad guy" groups, and maybe even attempt some sort of redemption with the known "good guy" characters.

I figure either way he'd suffer the way I'm talking about because every group would reject him. Aheh, and if Scorpion is made into some sort of "angel of purgatory", Shang Tsung would be fresh meat for Scorpion.

13. Shinnok - Reinvent him as the Elder God tier Evil. He's the god of Despair for crying out loud. As it stands he's just despicable.

The way I'd take Shinnok, is to make him unbearably strict to a self enforced law. The evil that supersedes Shao Khan's, is that of an over abundance of a mix between Shang Tsung (snake), Quan Chi (spider), and Shao Kahn (gorilla).

He should be calm most of the times, but terrifying at all times. In his story, his "power" wouldn't be mystical orbs of energy or anything like that. He'd be "Suggestion and Influence". What that means for any one who opposed him, is things like:

Hallucinations: false boils of flesh eating bug mounds about the skin, false disembodiment, false plague in general, false "you're on fire", or your limbs are that of some grotesque creature. Think of what a newly realized Freddie Krueger would be like and you'd be on the right track.

Mind or Body Control: kinda like Star Wars' "Force". Also, massive depression spells. "Blank mind" spells. Um....Hexes and Curses that actually effect a persons good or bad fortune anytime after they are bestowed upon you. Could work immediately, or like time bombs. Body snatching and soul stealing if he felt like it.

and THEN, in game he'd take some of these powers with him, and also incorporate a much more potent example of Necromancy than Shao Kahn, Quan Chi and Shang Tsung are capable of. Corpses of any kind, skeletons of any kind, spirit commands, and any magic or elemental deflection and or redirection.

Point is, Shinnok should be terrifying. He should be greater than, or equal to someone like Darkseid or even Paralax from DC. OR Galactus, or Thanos from Marvel.

14. Havik - Waaay more "crazy as hell" than they think they should make Havik, they should make him that crazy.

15. Drahmin - Give it another shot and expose more of his past. Also, if he's a tormentor now, I'd expect him to be much more visceral, brutal, and "primal savagery" than we have seen him before.

5 to 10 new characters-

a.) Retire Jax and Sonya, or just make them a part of a command center. Recruit someone new. That's how it works anyway. Just make sure they're really cool in design and in special moves, and provide a good story for them.

b.) Make up a different intelligent monster, or monster group.

c.) Other elemental characters. Stay away from fire characters...seen it too much lately.

d.) Other specialists.

e.) Different types of characters from other realms

f.) Humans with different backgrounds and motives to be in Mortal Kombat.

g.) up to four more Completely new to Mortal Kombat characters....

Secret Characters -

Pick yur three:

1. Noob Saibot
2. Dairou
3. Nightwolf or one of his relative tribesmen
4. Hotaru or one of his guardsmen
5. Baraka or one of his Takatan successors


Shang Tsung and a new monster character.


09/13/2008 03:56 PM (UTC)
ThePredator151 Wrote:
b.) I think -Brad- mentioned Raiden coming back, but being jailed in another thread. That sort of thing could work too.

I threw that out there for a different change haha.

I’d actually like to see Raiden get reformed, but not before the “Dark” Raiden becomes complete somehow. If stopped now, it’s an uncompleted idea (as a mortal kombat fan, that would bug me all kinds of ways). I read some of your concepts on where Raiden could go and they’re pretty cool, basically being stripped of his immortality and fighting his way back up to the top. I could see that being awesome for either Raiden or Scorpion. I just want to see something done with dark Raiden. The most obvious is the boss, but afterwards, turning him back to his old ways could be something like he goes too far, does something that hurts his cause and makes him take a step back to rethink his approach.
09/15/2008 09:07 PM (UTC)
1. Cyrax
2. Sektor
3. Sindel
4. Nitara
5. Kung Lao
6. Sareena
4. Mileena
6. Li Mei
7. Chameleon
8. Shinnok
9. Kai
10. Fujin
11. Kintaro

There's alot others but I think they need to give these characters more stuff.

The Story should have something to do with a quest. Reveal ALL the Elder gods for once? A boss should be a character thats scary and all time evil. (no more big guys.)
It would be cool to have Kung Lao team up with Kitana (I didn't put her on my list though) They'd make a great team and i'm sick of Ktana and Lui Kang. (He's dead now it's not gonna happen) They need someone else in the spot light. (I'm not suggesting Kung and Kitana getting together but still) It would be cool to put Nitara and Cyrax back in the light. (They'd make a good team.) Sareena needs more story. (She'd make a good team with Subby) AND BRING BACK SEKTOR. They could make him way better and give him a good story for once. He had one objective in MK3 and he appeared in MKA and that's it.

As much as i love Sub-Zero and Scorpion, they need to scoot over and give someone else a chance.
09/15/2008 10:57 PM (UTC)
for me the roster will be 25 playable chars(don't know if the 26th will be unplayable boss/sub boss tough)
and will have 15 new comers with just three or four of them "good" and all the rest as "Evil".
the returning ones will be

2)sub zero
5)Cage(i hope due to his absence in MK vs DCU)
6)quan chi
10)shinnok/or evil version of rayden,or maybe a merged version of them

new characters will replace surely noob saibot and reptile for abilities and role,with just some difference

chars like nightwolf,stryker,mokap,daegon,hsu hao,kung gay...ehm lao,liu kang,and even the trio jade,mileena and kitana won't come back,not for hate toword them but just because all of them seems a little out of role.
same for Cage,but i put him in due to the large dissapintening due to his departure from MK vs DCU
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