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posted11/27/2008 08:26 PM (UTC)by
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Ghostdragon - Fan Submission Director ghostdragon@mortalkombatonline.com
Mortal Kombat Online - The Ultimate Mortal Kombat Experience

"Tis true my form is something odd, But blaming me is blaming God. Could I create myself anew, I would not fail in pleasing you. If I could reach from pole to pole, Or grasp the ocean with a span, I would be measured by the soul, The mind's the standard of the man."
-Isaac Watts
Member Since
02/17/2003 08:46 PM (UTC)
11/27/2008 08:26 PM (UTC)
NAME: Mila (pronouced: Meela)



ALLIES: Jax, Sonya

FOES: Kira, Kabal, Cobra

ABILITIES: Mila is a superb fighter. She relies mostly on hand to hand combat, but she also utilizes a few hi-tech gadgets to even the odds against those opponents who may possess projectile attacks.

Laser Beam - Mila Fires a beam of concussive force from wrist gauntlets that must he charged in game by pressing and holding the required button. Once charged you can fire as many blasts as you like until your charge meter runs out.

Trapped - Mila utilizes a sniper like rifle to fire an electric net at her opponent that traps him or her within. This allows Mila to get in a free hit, or unleash a devastating combo.

Butterfly Twist Kick - Mila runs at her opponent and propels herself into mid air, performing a 360 twist that delivers several kicks to the face.
Demonstation of the Butterfly Twist

Punching Bag: Mila shows off her boxing skills by unleashing a series of brutal punches that end with a powerful knee to the face. This sends the opponent staggering backward holding their nose in agony.

ClothesLine - Mila's Signature Grab. She grabs the opponent by the wrist or hand with her left arm and pulls them in hard. She extends her right arm and her opponent crashes into it violently, sending he or she falling head over heels onto their belly.

Nut Cracker: Desperate times call for desperate measures. Mila performs her second grab move by gripping her opponent by the shoulders and lunging forward, sending her knee between his or her thighs. The opponent falls over in a heap, clutching his for her groin in pain.

Human Wall: Mila uses her opponents body as a wall to kick off and propel herself into a back-flip. She extends her leg in mid flip and the heel of her boot hits the opponent in the chin and causes them to stagger.

Fatality: Starts off as a brutality. Mila begins beating her opponent to a pulp with various punches, kicks, and uppercuts. She then kicks her enemies legs out from behind, forcing them to fall to their knees completely disoriented. She goes in for the kill by removing a m9 Bayonet Military knife from a sheath strapped around her thigh and slits her enemies throat from ear to ear, from behind.

Story: Mila has been a soldier of the United States Special Forces Unit for a little over 3 years, and recently proven herself worthy of promotion after defeating and capturing the terrorist arms provider, Kira. Lieutenant Sonya Blade hand picked Mila to join the Outworld Investigation Agency after a good word was put in on her behalf by Major Jackson "Jax" Briggs, with whom Mila shares a love-hate, on again - off again relationship. The Elder gods sensing much untapped potential in the young OIA agent, choose her as one of the new Earthrealm invitees who will fight in the ancient Mortal Kombat tournament to defend her realm against invasion.

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