06/05/2015 07:09 AM (UTC)
Warbro666 Wrote:
frabn Wrote:
On more, in a separate post since i'm too lazy to "br" over and over by editing my last post:

4) Hydro
As with Skarlet in MK9, a fan-appreciation nod to rumors of MK past.

Hydromancer - Hydro utilizes water based attacks, very different from Rain. His attacks are offemsive, and he plays similarly to Sub-Zero.
Visual - hands constantly drip water

Steam - a Smoke honorific, like how "Mournful" is Jade for Kitana. Hydro loses most of the water projectiles, replaced with steam-based projectiles, teleports and evasion moves.
Visual - an aura of steam around him

Cyber-ninja - gains some tech based attacks - combination of sektor and cyborg smoke. Retains one or two of his basic water attacks.
Visual - has a "cyber ninja grill" face mask, arms are mechanical. Otherwise still mostly human. Projectiles would be launched from cybernetic arms.

5) Li Mei

Protector (named so out of her mission to rescue her village and take refuge in Earthrealm) - Li mei has many defensive moves, similar to Sonya. Utilizes projectile weapons such as throwing blades. Punishment/retaliation moves.
Visual - wears her bandana

Dancer - series of kick-based attacks/dashes. Leg-based grapple attacks. Swift and deadly slide/dashing and jump attacks.
Visual - no bandana, loose hair, wears knee-high bladed boots, barelegged above the knees.

Vengeful - utilizes bladed gauntlets to deliver punishing attacks. Very close range, highly offensive variation - loses some dash moves from Dancer variation, retains a projectile move. Multi-hit specials and some grapples.
Visual - no bandana, loose hair, wears gauntlets/wristguards that are bladed at the end.

I find it interesting that you despise Tremor for being a ninja yet would readily accept Hydro. Especially adding the "fan appreciation" part, which is clearly why NRS went to the trouble of adding Tremor as DLC

Pretty sure that petition didn't do shit.
About Me

Well, you all got your Tremor now. Can we finally move on?

06/05/2015 08:04 AM (UTC)
Warbro666 Wrote:
frabn Wrote:
On more, in a separate post since i'm too lazy to "br" over and over by editing my last post:

4) Hydro
As with Skarlet in MK9, a fan-appreciation nod to rumors of MK past.

Hydromancer - Hydro utilizes water based attacks, very different from Rain. His attacks are offemsive, and he plays similarly to Sub-Zero.
Visual - hands constantly drip water

Steam - a Smoke honorific, like how "Mournful" is Jade for Kitana. Hydro loses most of the water projectiles, replaced with steam-based projectiles, teleports and evasion moves.
Visual - an aura of steam around him

Cyber-ninja - gains some tech based attacks - combination of sektor and cyborg smoke. Retains one or two of his basic water attacks.
Visual - has a "cyber ninja grill" face mask, arms are mechanical. Otherwise still mostly human. Projectiles would be launched from cybernetic arms.

5) Li Mei

Protector (named so out of her mission to rescue her village and take refuge in Earthrealm) - Li mei has many defensive moves, similar to Sonya. Utilizes projectile weapons such as throwing blades. Punishment/retaliation moves.
Visual - wears her bandana

Dancer - series of kick-based attacks/dashes. Leg-based grapple attacks. Swift and deadly slide/dashing and jump attacks.
Visual - no bandana, loose hair, wears knee-high bladed boots, barelegged above the knees.

Vengeful - utilizes bladed gauntlets to deliver punishing attacks. Very close range, highly offensive variation - loses some dash moves from Dancer variation, retains a projectile move. Multi-hit specials and some grapples.
Visual - no bandana, loose hair, wears gauntlets/wristguards that are bladed at the end.

I find it interesting that you despise Tremor for being a ninja yet would readily accept Hydro. Especially adding the "fan appreciation" part, which is clearly why NRS went to the trouble of adding Tremor as DLC

Seriously? You're going to turn this into a Tremor butthurt boo hoo qq topic? You're so hung up on the fact that I don't care about Tremor that you're stalking me, and turning my contribution to a completely unrelated topic into a butthurt Tremor defense?

For the millionth goddamned time - I don't hate Tremor BECAUSE he's a ninja, I hate Tremor because his legions of fans only love him for the sole fact that he was a ninja in Special Forces. Again - if Tremor was just some big dumb oaf with earthquake powers, no one would have ever given two shits about him, and we never would have heard anything about Special Forces ever again, period.

Besides, the concept of Hydro has been a rumor since MK3. Skarlet was fan service based on nothing more than classic rumors. So too would be Hydro. Tremor is not fan service - the fact that he is making it into MKX is because Boon and Co. are just sick of hearing about him and want everyone to STFU, which is why Rain will probably be the primary story focused character in MKXI.

I have nothing against MK ninjas. 3 of my all-time favorite characters are MK ninjas. I simply hate the inability of this fan base to move past anything ninja related. I've been playing the goddamn game for 20+ years, since I was a kid pumping quarters into the MK arcade machine. It's sad that in all that time, this fan base never evolves - its always "MOAR NINJERZ". THAT is what I hate. Not the character itself, regardless of how boring of a concept it is. Let's see if NRS can make me give a shit about him.
06/06/2015 12:09 AM (UTC)
frabn Wrote:
Warbro666 Wrote:
frabn Wrote:
On more, in a separate post since i'm too lazy to "br" over and over by editing my last post:

4) Hydro
As with Skarlet in MK9, a fan-appreciation nod to rumors of MK past.

Hydromancer - Hydro utilizes water based attacks, very different from Rain. His attacks are offemsive, and he plays similarly to Sub-Zero.
Visual - hands constantly drip water

Steam - a Smoke honorific, like how "Mournful" is Jade for Kitana. Hydro loses most of the water projectiles, replaced with steam-based projectiles, teleports and evasion moves.
Visual - an aura of steam around him

Cyber-ninja - gains some tech based attacks - combination of sektor and cyborg smoke. Retains one or two of his basic water attacks.
Visual - has a "cyber ninja grill" face mask, arms are mechanical. Otherwise still mostly human. Projectiles would be launched from cybernetic arms.

5) Li Mei

Protector (named so out of her mission to rescue her village and take refuge in Earthrealm) - Li mei has many defensive moves, similar to Sonya. Utilizes projectile weapons such as throwing blades. Punishment/retaliation moves.
Visual - wears her bandana

Dancer - series of kick-based attacks/dashes. Leg-based grapple attacks. Swift and deadly slide/dashing and jump attacks.
Visual - no bandana, loose hair, wears knee-high bladed boots, barelegged above the knees.

Vengeful - utilizes bladed gauntlets to deliver punishing attacks. Very close range, highly offensive variation - loses some dash moves from Dancer variation, retains a projectile move. Multi-hit specials and some grapples.
Visual - no bandana, loose hair, wears gauntlets/wristguards that are bladed at the end.

I find it interesting that you despise Tremor for being a ninja yet would readily accept Hydro. Especially adding the "fan appreciation" part, which is clearly why NRS went to the trouble of adding Tremor as DLC

Seriously? You're going to turn this into a Tremor butthurt boo hoo qq topic? You're so hung up on the fact that I don't care about Tremor that you're stalking me, and turning my contribution to a completely unrelated topic into a butthurt Tremor defense?

For the millionth goddamned time - I don't hate Tremor BECAUSE he's a ninja, I hate Tremor because his legions of fans only love him for the sole fact that he was a ninja in Special Forces. Again - if Tremor was just some big dumb oaf with earthquake powers, no one would have ever given two shits about him, and we never would have heard anything about Special Forces ever again, period.

Besides, the concept of Hydro has been a rumor since MK3. Skarlet was fan service based on nothing more than classic rumors. So too would be Hydro. Tremor is not fan service - the fact that he is making it into MKX is because Boon and Co. are just sick of hearing about him and want everyone to STFU, which is why Rain will probably be the primary story focused character in MKXI.

I have nothing against MK ninjas. 3 of my all-time favorite characters are MK ninjas. I simply hate the inability of this fan base to move past anything ninja related. I've been playing the goddamn game for 20+ years, since I was a kid pumping quarters into the MK arcade machine. It's sad that in all that time, this fan base never evolves - its always "MOAR NINJERZ". THAT is what I hate. Not the character itself, regardless of how boring of a concept it is. Let's see if NRS can make me give a shit about him.

Calm down, geez. I was merely curious as to why you would support one lame character and shit all over another. I'm not stalking you, I read the forums, it's not hard to come across your crazy rants, your damn sig even says Tremor sucks. I just think it's weird that you're cool with a weak character like Hydro and can't accept Tremor, despite the fact they've made a big effort to make him unique of his Special Forces appearance.
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Twilight Muthafuckin' Sparkle

Sig by TheCypher
06/06/2015 01:38 AM (UTC)
I hope for future games Variations are limited to two for the sake of specials being more universal or less chance to gut a character with a super specific variation. This would also help with character identity and gives them a more focused foundation, like Sub-Zero feels like he should be a more defensive character, so give him ice weapons universally (but for specific strings and shit and feel free to change their properties) and allow him to either shield or clone for defensive specials at base level.

That said, I'll do 3 anyway.


Universal Specials - Lightning Strike (choose where it strikes by moving the pad), Super Roundhouse and new move Rain Falls, a physical attack where Rain dissipates and appears above with a different attack depending on the button pressed (including a damn elbow drop). EX - Causes ground bounce

Lightning Storm

The Wave - which pushes opponents back with a small crashing wave from above if close and trips opponent when hitting from a distance. EX (Tidal Wave) - same, but adds a wave from behind lifting the opponent for extended combo opportunity. (this move adds a "drenched" status to opponent which adds extra damage to lightning strike along with slightly extended stun time)

Slippery - Coats self in protective water dampening damage from attacks. EX (Very Slippery) - Also causes combos to drop (you may block after being hit).

(Using Slippery or it's EX when calling a lightning strike to your own position will create an area damaging lightning storm and grants an electric aura that causes a small boost in damage)

I give up. That's a well rounded character right there in my opinion.

Klingon Warrior guest
V1 Hand to hand kombat, with some attacks using their dagger with the 2 side blades that spring out.

V2 Batleth style.

V3 The sword thing, uh Mekleth?

Fatalities could be diagonal torso slice, from Worf fighting Holodeck monsters.
Impaling/stabbings are also kommon...

Highlander guest
V1 Connor

V2 Duncan

V3? The series had various styles, like the Spanish circle style sword/dagger duel.

Quickening would be visually spectacular if it was different for each stage, interacting, instead of multiple Fatalities.

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