Post who you want for DLC and come up with there variations
posted06/06/2015 05:12 PM (UTC)by
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04/17/2015 12:43 PM (UTC)


Wind staff- Equips wind staff which can be used to setup wind traps around the area (Far,medium,Up close) and gains new normals with the staff

Tornado- Standard classic fujin, can conjure tornadoes with just his hands to extend combos and is more based on combos

Airbender- Can perform combos in the air and air dive gain new normal's that allow for him to control the air with anti-airs


Commander- Standard mk9, all his mk9 moves plus added properties, more focused on grappling
Tarkaten soldier- can call upon soldiers to grab the enemy to extend combos, can be cancelled as a overhead which creates mixups
Spark- Projectile based and can charge up to deal devastating projectiles and gain a damage buff

05/26/2015 09:03 PM (UTC)

Pussy Control - After being severely burned by Kotal Kahn, Rain is super butt hurt and bitter about it, which gives him a special ability where he throws a temper tantrum and gets a temporary damage and defense buff.

Soft and Wet - Gains the water puddle teleport and the jet stream move, a perfect combo ender.

Scandalous - A literal copy and paste of his MK9 self like in the story mode with nothing else added.

Spoilers: (Highlight to reveal)
Lol just a joke not to be taken seriously
05/26/2015 09:28 PM (UTC)
Frost - Uses ground freeze, slide and a special directional leaping leg-throw.

Frozen Knives - Frost creates knives of ice for expanded projectile and kombo possibilities.

Permafrost - Expands Frost's frozen ground abilities, leaving patches of black ice that can trip-up her enemies and drag them towards you. Frost's clothes collect precipitation and form icicles in this variation.

Absolute Zero - Gain's Sub Zero's Frozen clone and Iceball abilities. Frost gains a ninja hood that covers her hair in this variation.
05/26/2015 10:03 PM (UTC)
Sindel, obvs.

Universals would be the fireball, air fireball, scream, and hair grab-n-toss.

BANSHEE: Makes the scream longer-range, a la Royal Storm Kitana, and adds some more acrobatic kick moves.

GORGON: Grappler variation focused on her hair, with more command grabs and throws.

DRAGONESS: Adds low fireball and flight, with flight-based specials.

05/26/2015 10:48 PM (UTC)
Onaga - Now instead of taking over the body of Reptile, in this timeline, the Revenant Jade becomes the vessel for the Dragon King's resurrection after Quan Chi plunder's Shao Kahn's relic chamber before returning to the Netherrealm.

Jade was believed to be lost in a portal accident, but the magic that let mortals travel between the realms gave Onaga an opportunity to escape his ancient embronic prison. The Dragon King (Queen?) is reborn.

Dragon King - Gains the ability to breathe and throw fire, and utilize prehensile wing attacks. This version wears a flaming infernal crown.

Mesopotamian - "The green god" Uses a green halo to enhance its fighting style, includes shadow kick and rising shadow uppercut.

Realmweaver - Onaga's uses a primodial magic to pass through enemy projectiles, and teleport. This variation has glowing Kamidogu symbols on its armor.
About Me

You work with what you got...not what you hope for.

05/26/2015 11:09 PM (UTC)
SJWMegatron Wrote:

Jade was believed to be lost in a portal accident, but the magic that let mortals travel between the realms gave Onaga an opportunity to escape his ancient embronic prison. The Dragon King (Queen?) is reborn.

...portal accident?


Mace- self explanatory. Mace attacks extend the range of certain normals, maybe even a pop up special exclusive to this style.

Chaos- this variation should be as strange as possible. Weird mixup strings, strange specials (exp. Havik rips off his own head and uses it as a projectile), etc. The weirder the better.

Cleric- to be determined.
05/26/2015 11:16 PM (UTC)
This is kind of off topic but that last post made me think of something lol

So I have come very attached to Slasher Jason, and its very unlikely he will be in another MK so maybe just maybe when Havik returns they could kind of make him play like Slasher Jason, or at least if they keep variations and give him his Morning Star in one of them grin
05/26/2015 11:46 PM (UTC)
Enenra - Kunai Throw, Smokescreen Invisibility, and teleport punch/kick

As a child Smoke's parents attempted to sacrifice him in a demonic ritual. This botched ceremony granted him strange, ethereal powers in life. Now undead, he becomes a fully-fledged demon like Noob Saibot before him.

Wraith - greatly expands his teleport ability and instantly change stage positioning during combos. This variation's ninja mask is replaced with a "Death mask".

Doppelgänger - Your Enenra brethren appear to help you perform special tagteam abilities, including Bogeyman Grab and Tombstoner.

Black Hole - Special attacks that push and pull your opponent into a spacial void. His smoke exhaust is replaced with a visual distortion, making smoke appear blurry when standing still.
05/27/2015 02:29 PM (UTC)
Bo Rai Cho

Sensei: Gains his own take on the Shaolin monks' moves including Liu Kang's Windmill punches and kicks along with the Kungs' dive kicks. Mostly adds new kombos. Wears a black sash. Brutality involves dive kicking the head into gibs.

Drunken Master: Gains moves based on drinking, including his vomit as well as fire breathing. Can also cancel combos with a quick sip to deceive the opponent. Gains a flask at his hip. His brutality here lets him burn his opponent's face off.

Acrofatic (Thanks TvTropes:) Throws his weight around and gains sumo inspired kombos. He can also gain temporary armor. Moves include a roll, a bounce, and the belly flop. Represented by him wearing a sash over his belly. His brutality is a recreation of his MKDA fatality without the first bounce.

Earthquake and Monkey Flips are his universal moves.
05/27/2015 05:54 PM (UTC)
Reiko sleep

1) Shao Kahn?
-gains Kahn's hammer, and replications of Kahn's moves, like shoulder charge and projectile

2) Outworld General
-gains spiked gauntlets and special moves/combos associated with spiked gauntlets

3) Brotherhood Assassin
-gains throwing stars, flip kick, vertical teleport, shadow grab

thats the best I could think of, im sure NRS could improve on it though


1) Sektor's moves

2) Cyrax's moves

3) Cyber Smoke's moves

About Me

Well, you all got your Tremor now. Can we finally move on?

05/27/2015 06:31 PM (UTC)
Sparta* Wrote:
Reiko sleep

1) Shao Kahn?
-gains Kahn's hammer, and replications of Kahn's moves, like shoulder charge and projectile

2) Outworld General
-gains spiked gauntlets and special moves/combos associated with spiked gauntlets

3) Brotherhood Assassin
-gains throwing stars, flip kick, vertical teleport, shadow grab

Nice, you took the same idea I had. I'll provide my take on it:

1) Reiko

Usurper - gains Shao Kahn's hammer as a weapon + 3 - 4 special moves.
Visual aspect - wears Shao Kahn's helm, or shoulders.

General - grants "Command" abilities that increase his strength or damage resistance. Gains special moves that involve calling in support from troops.
Visual aspect - gains glowing emblem symbolizing the Kahnum on his loincloth

Duplicitous - throwback to his MK4 playstyle - gains shuriken, flip kick, and smoke bombs. Also gains concealment/teleport moves.
Visual aspect - glowing Brotherhood symbol on his back, OR eyes glow yellow instead of blue, with glowing yellow brotherhood tattoos on arms.

2) Ashrah
I know she was basically the inexplicable Sareena replacement in MKD with basically the same story (a netherrealm demon who took female human form and attempted to redeem herself), but she had some potential.

Redeemed - utilizes Kris blade as a weapon - has 3 - 4 specific blade specials
Visual aspect - eyes have golden glow, or kris blade his golden glowing runes on it

Condemned - No kris blade - various offensive and situational projectile moves.
Visual aspect - eye have green glow, hands "burn" with green energy.

Demoness - Vicious hand-to-hand attacks - highly offensive variation with distance-closing attacks and multi-hit specials.
Visual effect - Eyes glow red, grey skin, black forearms with glowing red veins, clawed hands which are the source of her attacks. (most significant visual differentiation).

3) Sareena
"We can't have Ashrah and Sareena in the same game!" Sure we can.

Huntress - utilizes twin blade weapons - series of teleport attacks and weapon based specials.
Visual differentiation - wields signature twin blades

Spy - Some new non-magic projectile attacks (such as kunai) and concealment abilities. Defensive/escape dash moves. Fast, high-hit, moderate damage combos.
Visual Differentiation - no blades, pale white skin

Enchantress - heavily energy/projectile attack based - stun/mind control abilities and teleports. Highly offensive. Mix of Shinnok and Ermac.
Visual differntiation - Eyes glow pink, no sleeves on her outfit - has runes/tattoos that glow pink. Projectiles are also this color.

05/27/2015 07:12 PM (UTC)
Blade4693 Wrote:
This is kind of off topic but that last post made me think of something lol

So I have come very attached to Slasher Jason, and its very unlikely he will be in another MK so maybe just maybe when Havik returns they could kind of make him play like Slasher Jason, or at least if they keep variations and give him his Morning Star in one of them grin

I was thinking the same thing but for Drahmin. Between the undead/ evil masked character and the club arm, it seems like it could be an easy transition.
About Me

Well, you all got your Tremor now. Can we finally move on?

05/27/2015 07:21 PM (UTC)
On more, in a separate post since i'm too lazy to "br" over and over by editing my last post:

4) Hydro
As with Skarlet in MK9, a fan-appreciation nod to rumors of MK past.

Hydromancer - Hydro utilizes water based attacks, very different from Rain. His attacks are offemsive, and he plays similarly to Sub-Zero.
Visual - hands constantly drip water

Steam - a Smoke honorific, like how "Mournful" is Jade for Kitana. Hydro loses most of the water projectiles, replaced with steam-based projectiles, teleports and evasion moves.
Visual - an aura of steam around him

Cyber-ninja - gains some tech based attacks - combination of sektor and cyborg smoke. Retains one or two of his basic water attacks.
Visual - has a "cyber ninja grill" face mask, arms are mechanical. Otherwise still mostly human. Projectiles would be launched from cybernetic arms.

5) Li Mei

Protector (named so out of her mission to rescue her village and take refuge in Earthrealm) - Li mei has many defensive moves, similar to Sonya. Utilizes projectile weapons such as throwing blades. Punishment/retaliation moves.
Visual - wears her bandana

Dancer - series of kick-based attacks/dashes. Leg-based grapple attacks. Swift and deadly slide/dashing and jump attacks.
Visual - no bandana, loose hair, wears knee-high bladed boots, barelegged above the knees.

Vengeful - utilizes bladed gauntlets to deliver punishing attacks. Very close range, highly offensive variation - loses some dash moves from Dancer variation, retains a projectile move. Multi-hit specials and some grapples.
Visual - no bandana, loose hair, wears gauntlets/wristguards that are bladed at the end.
05/27/2015 08:41 PM (UTC)
SpellcraftQuill, I was going to post about Bo' Rai Cho but your ideas are pretty close to mine and very spot on. I might have included some stuff with his bo staff, though.
05/27/2015 09:02 PM (UTC)
Li Mei

Basic Specials- Carnival Kick, Flip Kick, Nova Blast, Flying Punches,

Acrobatic- Gains Grapple and Acrobatic moves. In one grapple she uses her leg to move the opponent to the other side (like her DA grab). She gets a grab where she flips over the opponent and leaves them stunned. And for the last grapple, she knees them and then grabs them with her legs and flips them. She wears a bandana.

Supernova- In this variation, she uses her sparkle powers like Jubilee from X-Men. The visual que is that her hands are sparky. Li Mei gains extra combos using her fireworks. She can place landmines and she has an anti-air blast. Her nova blast can now be done in air.

Villager- Li Mei gains her Kun-Lan Dao sword from Deception. She uses it similarly to Wonder Woman in Injustice but without the Shield. She gains extra combos and specials utilizing the sword. She also gets an assist from one of her villagers, like Quan Chi and Scorpion.


Basic Specials- Tornado, Air Grab, Funnel

Wind Staff- Fujin gains his windstaff in battle. He has extra range and combos and specials with the staff.

God of Wind- Gains the ability to fly. Also has the Wind Kick (Kick from air), and the Cyclone (Fujin spins rapidly and sucks the opponent in.) The visual que is his glowing headband.

Crossbow- Gains the cross bow. The crossbow can shoot arrows and can be used as a weapon itself. Can shoot airborne also.


Basic Specials- Water Blast, Roundhouse Kick, Geyser Kick, Water Bubble.

Aquatic- Gains Mystic Vapors and Puddle (The opponent falls through and reappears in air.) Also has the Aqua Kick( Rain blasts water at the ground and propels himself at the opponent). For the visual que he is covered in water and looks slippery.

Typhoon- Rain can summon a storm cloud that will shock the opponent or rain causing the opponent to slip. Rain also gets his Lightning Blast. For the visual que, he will have fog around him.

Demigod- Rain gains his daggers from Armageddon. He gains Dagger Spin, Dagger throw and extra combos. The visual que is the daggers.
05/27/2015 09:29 PM (UTC)
PaletteSwap40000 Wrote:
Blade4693 Wrote:
This is kind of off topic but that last post made me think of something lol

So I have come very attached to Slasher Jason, and its very unlikely he will be in another MK so maybe just maybe when Havik returns they could kind of make him play like Slasher Jason, or at least if they keep variations and give him his Morning Star in one of them grin

I was thinking the same thing but for Drahmin. Between the undead/ evil masked character and the club arm, it seems like it could be an easy transition.

I would 100% welcome this as well, it almost seems like a no brainer to me. It would work so good, but I don't think Ed and pals are too fond of poor ol Drahmin :/
05/27/2015 09:41 PM (UTC)

Universal: Green Net, Detonator (Far and Close), Teleport, Reverse Kick

Special Forces: Gains pulse blade attacks and combos. Ground detonators replaced with straight moving bombs that pop up like the EX bombs in MK9. Reverse Kick replaced with Spin Kicks from Deadly Alliance.

Trapper: Gains aerial and diagonal (up, or down while in the air) nets. Gains Air Grab. Nets come out a lot quicker, shooting from his hand or wrist (think Human Cyrax) rather than his chest.

Slice and Dice: Gains Buzzsaw and combos that utilize the saw blade in his hand. Buzzsaw can reflect projectiles. Can shoot a buzzsaw along the ground that works like Kabal's, except not from behind.

I am not a game designer.
05/28/2015 09:56 PM (UTC)
Overall special moves: bombs, nets
Lin Kuei: gives him new human based moves. Appearance: you can see his human face
Tekunim: just replaces all of cyrax's moves for sektors. Appearance: flamethrowers on his wrists
Bussaw: gives him bussaw based attacks. Don't know what the appearance should be.
05/29/2015 04:05 PM (UTC)

Common moves: Smoke Ball, Tele-Punch and Air Throw

Swift Variation: Utilizes the swiftness of smoke to set-up opponents or to escape corners. Gains Smoke-Port and additional combos with teleportation. Appearance: Normal

Smog Variation: Emphasizes damage by extending combos through the use of multiple abilities. Gains Smoke Bomb, Smog Smother and Choked Out. Appearance: Smoke is enveloped by dark colored..smoke

Stealthful Variation: Gains Invisibility and Smoke Away and Towards to trap opponents and to catch them off guard. Appearance: Smoke is emanating from him.

Any comments? smile wink
About Me

05/29/2015 05:00 PM (UTC)

Scarlet assassin: In this variation she would use more killer moves, just like a ninja!

Bloodbending:She would control the opponent with their blood, like telekinesis,In addition to having their basic movements!

Blood: In this variation their movements would be faster, but would take less damage
05/30/2015 08:59 PM (UTC)
Crasy Taco Lady :

Taco madness :
includes many in air moves . like taco jam , flying taco and taco sauce .

taco jam : she grabs oponent in mid air and slams taco down theyr throats while they scream!

flying taco : she throws flaming hot tacos at the opponent in mid air .

taco sauce: she grabs the opponent mid air and forces super hot taco sauce down theyr throat .

nacho nightmare : is a variation where she mainly gains some ground nacho specific moves+ a specific throw. nacho hell. flying golden nacho
and evil nacho .

nacho hell : she grabs her opponent with one hand . and has spiky nacho platter in the other one . she slams it in the opponents face and they go flying .
flying golden nacho: she throws a huge platter of golden nachoes on the opponent . if hit correctly opponents will be full of nacho sauce .

evil nacho : she throws small very sharp nacho chips at the opponent at a fast pace .

taco stand : (undefined yet)
05/31/2015 04:57 AM (UTC)
Ninja_Mime Wrote:
SpellcraftQuill, I was going to post about Bo' Rai Cho but your ideas are pretty close to mine and very spot on. I might have included some stuff with his bo staff, though.

You're mimicking me lol. I didn't include the staff since there's already a lot of staff users and I think that he'd be more like Kung Jin.
About Me

Save a life; Kill a necromorph

05/31/2015 05:27 AM (UTC)
steffuz Wrote:
Crasy Taco Lady :

Taco madness :
includes many in air moves . like taco jam , flying taco and taco sauce .

taco jam : she grabs oponent in mid air and slams taco down theyr throats while they scream!

flying taco : she throws flaming hot tacos at the opponent in mid air .

taco sauce: she grabs the opponent mid air and forces super hot taco sauce down theyr throat .

nacho nightmare : is a variation where she mainly gains some ground nacho specific moves+ a specific throw. nacho hell. flying golden nacho
and evil nacho .

nacho hell : she grabs her opponent with one hand . and has spiky nacho platter in the other one . she slams it in the opponents face and they go flying .
flying golden nacho: she throws a huge platter of golden nachoes on the opponent . if hit correctly opponents will be full of nacho sauce .

evil nacho : she throws small very sharp nacho chips at the opponent at a fast pace .

taco stand : (undefined yet)

Deadpool will approve of her. it would be funny in her ending that deadpool makes an appearance and buys her tacos.
About Me

Save a life; Kill a necromorph

06/05/2015 03:40 AM (UTC)
Bi Han:

Shadow Fist: Retaining some abilities as his time as Noob Saibot, Based on the Real World martial art,Lo Ban Pai . Using Shadow Effect to enhance Speed and Teleports.

Angry Monkey Fist: a more of a rush down play style

Lin Kuei: Focusing more on his ice abilities

06/05/2015 05:25 AM (UTC)
frabn Wrote:
On more, in a separate post since i'm too lazy to "br" over and over by editing my last post:

4) Hydro
As with Skarlet in MK9, a fan-appreciation nod to rumors of MK past.

Hydromancer - Hydro utilizes water based attacks, very different from Rain. His attacks are offemsive, and he plays similarly to Sub-Zero.
Visual - hands constantly drip water

Steam - a Smoke honorific, like how "Mournful" is Jade for Kitana. Hydro loses most of the water projectiles, replaced with steam-based projectiles, teleports and evasion moves.
Visual - an aura of steam around him

Cyber-ninja - gains some tech based attacks - combination of sektor and cyborg smoke. Retains one or two of his basic water attacks.
Visual - has a "cyber ninja grill" face mask, arms are mechanical. Otherwise still mostly human. Projectiles would be launched from cybernetic arms.

5) Li Mei

Protector (named so out of her mission to rescue her village and take refuge in Earthrealm) - Li mei has many defensive moves, similar to Sonya. Utilizes projectile weapons such as throwing blades. Punishment/retaliation moves.
Visual - wears her bandana

Dancer - series of kick-based attacks/dashes. Leg-based grapple attacks. Swift and deadly slide/dashing and jump attacks.
Visual - no bandana, loose hair, wears knee-high bladed boots, barelegged above the knees.

Vengeful - utilizes bladed gauntlets to deliver punishing attacks. Very close range, highly offensive variation - loses some dash moves from Dancer variation, retains a projectile move. Multi-hit specials and some grapples.
Visual - no bandana, loose hair, wears gauntlets/wristguards that are bladed at the end.

I find it interesting that you despise Tremor for being a ninja yet would readily accept Hydro. Especially adding the "fan appreciation" part, which is clearly why NRS went to the trouble of adding Tremor as DLC
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