Post MK9 Events, In The Eyes Of The Fans
posted01/21/2013 12:49 AM (UTC)by
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11/23/2010 09:35 PM (UTC)
Okay, let's play a little game. If you've ever seen the "Twitten By" bit on the Comedy Central show Tosh.0, this bears much resembalence to that bit. We will each post 1-4 sentences based on the Mortal Kombat series (beginning with the end of MK9) and create our own story. (Please try to keepp this at least possibly canon, like the below Sub-Zero appearance, I covered foor it, but that couldn't just happen like that.)I guess I'll start us off-

Quan Chi had been anticipating the end of Earth's heroes. He had spoken with Shinnok, ready to place him under their control. His magic was drained, so he needed the power of Shinnok to attempt to control them all.
07/24/2012 01:46 AM (UTC)
So is this is like a big chain story topic? If so: very nice, I shall proceed. I would give a frank suggestion to rename the topic title to something like Post-MK9 Events – Fans ́ Vision to make it less vague, as it's vague now.
legoslayer10 Wrote:
Quan Chi had been anticipating the end of Earth's heroes. He had spoken with Shinnok, ready to place him under their control. His magic was drained, so he needed the power of Shinnok to attempt to control them all.

Shinnok's subconscious told that it won't be safe to bestow great forces for a demon like Quan Chi, making Shinnok more wary and distant. He invited his most trustworthy assassins to the Spire for a briefing of a mysterious espionage mission to the foreign realms. [Continue...]
07/24/2012 07:54 AM (UTC)
I like it let me continue it
07/24/2012 08:31 AM (UTC)
Zmoke Wrote:
So is this is like a big chain story topic? If so: very nice, I shall proceed. I would give a frank suggestion to rename the topic title to something like Post-MK9 Events – Fans ́ Vision to make it less vague, as it's vague now.
legoslayer10 Wrote:
Quan Chi had been anticipating the end of Earth's heroes. He had spoken with Shinnok, ready to place him under their control. His magic was drained, so he needed the power of Shinnok to attempt to control them all.

Shinnok's subconscious told that it won't be safe to bestow great forces for a demon like Quan Chi, making Shinnok more wary and distant. He invited his most trustworthy assassins to the Spire for a briefing of a mysterious espionage mission to the foreign realms. [Continue...]

Each assassin was given a specific task which they were to carry out. Reiko was assigned to outworld where he would gain rule and rally the fighters under shinnoks name, meanwhile Tanya was assigned with a tougher plan. She would seek out the earthrrealm hero on the kamidogu quest and help him retrieve the kamidogu. Once they had them she would bring them all to shinnok and kill Shujinko.
07/28/2012 01:56 AM (UTC)
Zmoke Wrote:
So is this is like a big chain story topic? If so: very nice, I shall proceed. I would give a frank suggestion to rename the topic title to something like Post-MK9 Events – Fans ́ Vision to make it less vague, as it's vague now.
legoslayer10 Wrote:
Quan Chi had been anticipating the end of Earth's heroes. He had spoken with Shinnok, ready to place him under their control. His magic was drained, so he needed the power of Shinnok to attempt to control them all.

Shinnok's subconscious told that it won't be safe to bestow great forces for a demon like Quan Chi, making Shinnok more wary and distant. He invited his most trustworthy assassins to the Spire for a briefing of a mysterious espionage mission to the foreign realms. [Continue...]
Yes, yes this is a chain story topic, so thank you. I thought it would be hated. To continue the story-

Tanya encountered the warrior dubbed Shujinko on a quest in Seido. He was imprisoned in a cage in the realms main center for a small crime he commit in Outworld years ago, so she assassinated the guards and told the warrior she would help him on his quest for the Kamidogu. She had revealed she already had the Order Kamidogu, and told him she knew how to get to Edenia and could take him there. Shujinko had requested she taught him how to fight, as he would be unfamiliar with the upcoming battles. But Damashi had gotten word, and requested Tanya had not tutored Shujinko, but that she was a traitor willing to decieve him.
07/28/2012 05:49 AM (UTC)
legoslayer10 Wrote:
Zmoke Wrote:
So is this is like a big chain story topic? If so: very nice, I shall proceed. I would give a frank suggestion to rename the topic title to something like Post-MK9 Events – Fans ́ Vision to make it less vague, as it's vague now.
legoslayer10 Wrote:
Quan Chi had been anticipating the end of Earth's heroes. He had spoken with Shinnok, ready to place him under their control. His magic was drained, so he needed the power of Shinnok to attempt to control them all.

Shinnok's subconscious told that it won't be safe to bestow great forces for a demon like Quan Chi, making Shinnok more wary and distant. He invited his most trustworthy assassins to the Spire for a briefing of a mysterious espionage mission to the foreign realms. [Continue...]
Yes, yes this is a chain story topic, so thank you. I thought it would be hated. To continue the story-

Tanya encountered the warrior dubbed Shujinko on a quest in Seido. He was imprisoned in a cage in the realms main center for a small crime he commit in Outworld years ago, so she assassinated the guards and told the warrior she would help him on his quest for the Kamidogu. She had revealed she already had the Order Kamidogu, and told him she knew how to get to Edenia and could take him there. Shujinko had requested she taught him how to fight, as he would be unfamiliar with the upcoming battles. But Damashi had gotten word, and requested Tanya had not tutored Shujinko, but that she was a traitor willing to decieve him.

Shujinko acted strangely to the news, and was very suspicious of Tanya's actions leading him to attack her. Tanya did not want to risk her mission, but it was the mission or her life. The two fought hard, with Tanya gaining the upper hand and killing Shujinko. As Shujinko spoke his final words Tanya had no mercy and snapped his neck. Upon Shujinko's death an Edenian who had history with Tanya was awoken in outworld. Damashi had taken control of one of Raiden's own fighters in the Mortal Realm. Jade was now the one-being's vessel. Unaware of why she had been brought back to life, Jade had one mission. Assassinate Tanya.
07/28/2012 06:48 AM (UTC)
Scar_Subby Wrote:
legoslayer10 Wrote:
Zmoke Wrote:
So is this is like a big chain story topic? If so: very nice, I shall proceed. I would give a frank suggestion to rename the topic title to something like Post-MK9 Events – Fans ́ Vision to make it less vague, as it's vague now.
legoslayer10 Wrote:
Quan Chi had been anticipating the end of Earth's heroes. He had spoken with Shinnok, ready to place him under their control. His magic was drained, so he needed the power of Shinnok to attempt to control them all.

Shinnok's subconscious told that it won't be safe to bestow great forces for a demon like Quan Chi, making Shinnok more wary and distant. He invited his most trustworthy assassins to the Spire for a briefing of a mysterious espionage mission to the foreign realms. [Continue...]
Yes, yes this is a chain story topic, so thank you. I thought it would be hated. To continue the story-

Tanya encountered the warrior dubbed Shujinko on a quest in Seido. He was imprisoned in a cage in the realms main center for a small crime he commit in Outworld years ago, so she assassinated the guards and told the warrior she would help him on his quest for the Kamidogu. She had revealed she already had the Order Kamidogu, and told him she knew how to get to Edenia and could take him there. Shujinko had requested she taught him how to fight, as he would be unfamiliar with the upcoming battles. But Damashi had gotten word, and requested Tanya had not tutored Shujinko, but that she was a traitor willing to decieve him.

Shujinko acted strangely to the news, and was very suspicious of Tanya's actions leading him to attack her. Tanya did not want to risk her mission, but it was the mission or her life. The two fought hard, with Tanya gaining the upper hand and killing Shujinko. As Shujinko spoke his final words Tanya had no mercy and snapped his neck. Upon Shujinko's death an Edenian who had history with Tanya was awoken in outworld. Damashi had taken control of one of Raiden's own fighters in the Mortal Realm. Jade was now the one-being's vessel. Unaware of why she had been brought back to life, Jade had one mission. Assassinate Tanya.

Memories began to flood jade's mind and she could not tell which were hers, it was as if some unguided force was controlling her and merging its thoughts with her. She saw the course of history unfold and all the wars and Mortal Kombat tournaments and all the treachery and decipt the one being witnessed, she even began to hate and despise the Elder Gods for letting so much terror rain down upon the world. Her rage continued when she remebered all of Tanya's treachery, the one-being was urgning her to kill, so she began to search. She soon learned that Tanya was working for the Fallen Elder God Shinnok, another pawn corrupted by the one being bent on self fulfillment. She vowed to kill Tanya and Shinnok so she and the One Being could live together. She began her hunt for Tanya if she was correct then Shinnoks little pet would be at their homeworld.
07/28/2012 07:03 AM (UTC)
Raiden's own supernatural essence began to control him upon the discovery of Jade. He went through time using his mysterious amulet and brought back a warrior master, not seen in 500 years. The former champion of Mortal Kombat, the Great Kung Lao. Raiden explained his latest mishap and the current situation. Somewhat angry at the loss of his bloodline, GKL swore he would slay the sorcerer Quan Chi. But first, he had to do what he came to the future to do- defeat Jade and the One Being.
07/30/2012 03:43 AM (UTC)
legoslayer10 Wrote:
Raiden's own supernatural essence began to control him upon the discovery of Jade. He went through time using his mysterious amulet and brought back a warrior master, not seen in 500 years. The former champion of Mortal Kombat, the Great Kung Lao. Raiden explained his latest mishap and the current situation. Somewhat angry at the loss of his bloodline, GKL swore he would slay the sorcerer Quan Chi. But first, he had to do what he came to the future to do- defeat Jade and the One Being.

The Great Kung Lao along with Raiden searched out and found Jade. The Great Kung Lao knocked Jade to the ground knocking her into her senses. Jade told the two that someone was trying to control her, and that they must watch her at all times. However, with Raiden's forces weakened it could only be beneficial for them to let her join their team. With Sonya MIA and Johnny in Seido Earth's forces are at their weakest, and Raiden needs Jade to help in the war with Shinnok. Raiden agrees and he along with The Great Kung Lao and Jade set off to find Sonya to join their team.

08/04/2012 03:29 AM (UTC)
The team treked through the realms, searching for warriors to help them defeat Shinnok and his armada. they came across a few good warriors, a monk named Kai, a chaos cleric called Havik, and a mysterious woman named Tanya. Jade had not known about Tanya joining the team, as she searched the realm of Chaos alone, and when she discovered the traitorous Tanya had been welcomed, whe instantly revealed Tanya's intention. The squadron of warriors had trusted Jade over Tanya, and turned on her. The powerful force of warriors was unmatchable to Tanya, and they defeated her. Jade, in a rage, was once more possessed by the One Being and performed a Fatality on Tanya. The Great Kung Lao had to once more beat it out of her. On Tanya's corpse, GKL found a mysterious artifact spoken of in legends, a Kamidogu.
About Me
I know what I have given you. I do not know what you have received.
08/05/2012 08:54 PM (UTC)
In Outworld, the warrior Ermac was in constant war with the many souls that he was comprised of. As he was wandering, he met a blind warrior whom like him had telekinetic abilities. The soul of King Jerrod, former ruler of Edenia, had comeout and recognized Kenshi. He saw in him the line of psychic warrior kings. Jerrod controlled the souls and Ermac was once again back to normal.
08/06/2012 12:14 AM (UTC)
Sonya had went off on her own after Shao Kahn's invasion. However, she never knew that Shinnok had planned to overtake the realms. She turned her bike around and headed back to find and assist Raiden. On her way to the rendevous she came across the Lin Kuei warriors Sektor and Cyrax. They were aiding Shinnok in the war. Shinnok had sent them to eliminate any forces Raiden had left and Sonya was at the top of that list. They attacked her and she fought the two of them off as long as she could. She knocked Cyrax away, and Sektor began to attack. He grabbed her by the throat and held her in the air. Sektor then said that the Lin Kuei could always used new recruits. Perhaps she should undertake the automation process. Then Sektor's hand was frozen over. It was Kuai Liang in an ancient armor. Sonya knocked Sektor off of her and then Cyrax began to attack. Sub-Zero froze Cyrax from the waste down and Sektor, knowing he was outnumbered, fled the scene. Sonya reset Cyrax and the three set off to find Raiden.
08/06/2012 12:24 AM (UTC)
Kuai Liang had mentioned a recent plight in Earthrealm involving mysterious, undead creatures. Concerning his armor, Sonya spoke of how he achieved it, and how he had a physical manifestation. "My soul had found it's way out of the void, into the body of my ancestor. This, was his ceremonial armor. That wretched metal suit was nothing. I feel much better about this suit. This form, it is fully cryomancer. i am now a full form of my father's heritage."
08/06/2012 02:14 AM (UTC)
In the netherrealm Shinnok and Quan Chi ordered their warriors to specific realms. Another proven servant in Rain was sent along with Kitana and Sindel to take Edenia. Reiko would take Smoke and Nitara to take Outworld. Ashrah was sent with Stryker to take Seido. Scorpion was sent with Nightwolf and Kabal to take Chaosrealm. While Sareena would lead Jax and Kung Lao into Earth. Each of the leaders took their own legion of Netherrealm forces and invaded their respective realms. While Shinnok and Quan Chi would take the heavens. The war had begun. It was up to Raiden to gather his forces and fight back.
08/06/2012 03:11 PM (UTC)
The Great Kung Lao and Raiden had finished their search for warriors to help protect the realms from the incoming invasion. Taven, Kenshi, Havik, Kai, Raiden, the Great Kung Lao, Jade, Bo Rai Cho, the new Kuai Liang, Sonya, and a mysterious warrior Khameleon found roaming Outworld all bagan to protect the realms from the forces of evil. Kenshi lead the Forces of Raiden through Earthrealm to a mysterious cave that was said to hold a mysterious artifact. The artifact was absent, but plenty of zombies and demons were there, including two oni, one holding a large ball and the other an iron club. Kenshi, Raiden and the fellow monks easily outmatched the idiotic brutes.
About Me


09/23/2012 04:43 PM (UTC)
Raiden had left the Monks and had teleported to where he accidentally killed Liu Kang. Raiden had tryed ressurecting him, which just turned him into a undead corpse. Raiden began to realize that it was better than just having the Mortal Kombat champion dead. Raiden had then teleported back to where he was.
10/08/2012 04:47 AM (UTC)
In Seido, Damashi desperately hunted for a new champion to hunt the Kamidogu down. He came across a man who lead a Resistance movement in the realm, and possessed his body with his internal essence.
The warrior Darrius and Damashi had become the same mind, knowing everything the other knew. Darrius was a zombified version of his warrior self, until he learned that Damashi was really a feared ruler who seeked to control all. In Earthrealm, Shinnok apeared to the body of Liu Kang and bound him to the Netherrealm with red diamond chains that came from the depths of hell. Liu was under the influence of evil as his soul was down in a deep plane in the Netherrealm for betraying Raiden instead of helping. The army of warriors had conquered that they had secured earthrealm, and decided to move on to Edenia, where they knew they had allies.
12/31/2012 07:57 AM (UTC)
(I just can't let this thing totally die! Double post for bumb!)
With Liu Kang's zombie roaming Eathrealm slaying innocents by the will of Shinnok, many died. Raiden and GKL recieved word and told their squads to continue without them. They made their way to him and eventually found the corpse terrorizing the men and students behind the village wall.
About Me
I know what I have given you. I do not know what you have received.
01/08/2013 02:42 AM (UTC)
Ermac was freed and now was controlled by the former King of Edenia, Jerrod. After Khan's defeat, he had worked with Rayden to rebuild Edenia and restore relations with Outworld and it's new ruler, Mileena.

Ermac had asked Rayden what had happened to his wife and child. Rayden had explained Sindel was controlled by Khan and murdered most of his allies including her own daughter. Rayden then said they are controlled by Quan Chi now. Rayden had given him their bodies back and they were given a proper Edenian burial. Ermac was joyed to have Edenia back, but was depressed without a family.

My own canon bit on Liu Kang (how I thought of Liu Kang and the inspiration from that guy who leaked the MK 10 Story Plot): Liu Kang was stuck in a limbo. He saw Quan Chi and Shinnok in the Netherealm and Quan Chi was controlling him. Shinnok ordered him to stop and Shinnok could use a Champion as a spy. Rayden, during this time, tried to resurrect him. After Shinnok said specific words, Liu Kang was back amongst the living pummeling Rayden with his fists and going back to the Wu Shi Academy. He found his old friend, Kai, to replace him as the teacher as he became a recluse. Not even the company of people like Johnny Cage and Sonya could keep a burned, broken Champion happy. He wanted nothing to do with Rayden, just to be left alone.
01/20/2013 04:28 AM (UTC)
Venkman28 Wrote:
Ermac was freed and now was controlled by the former King of Edenia, Jerrod. After Khan's defeat, he had worked with Rayden to rebuild Edenia and restore relations with Outworld and it's new ruler, Mileena.

Ermac had asked Rayden what had happened to his wife and child. Rayden had explained Sindel was controlled by Khan and murdered most of his allies including her own daughter. Rayden then said they are controlled by Quan Chi now. Rayden had given him their bodies back and they were given a proper Edenian burial. Ermac was joyed to have Edenia back, but was depressed without a family.

My own canon bit on Liu Kang (how I thought of Liu Kang and the inspiration from that guy who leaked the MK 10 Story Plot): Liu Kang was stuck in a limbo. He saw Quan Chi and Shinnok in the Netherealm and Quan Chi was controlling him. Shinnok ordered him to stop and Shinnok could use a Champion as a spy. Rayden, during this time, tried to resurrect him. After Shinnok said specific words, Liu Kang was back amongst the living pummeling Rayden with his fists and going back to the Wu Shi Academy. He found his old friend, Kai, to replace him as the teacher as he became a recluse. Not even the company of people like Johnny Cage and Sonya could keep a burned, broken Champion happy. He wanted nothing to do with Rayden, just to be left alone.
(OUT OF STORY POST) Whoa, wait, what? Who leaked the MK10 story? If you're referring to my post earlier, it was just that of an interesting story topic to try to interest players.
About Me
I know what I have given you. I do not know what you have received.
01/20/2013 10:15 PM (UTC)
The leak came from a post a while back where supposedly some NRS employee leaked the plot. I thought it would be a neat idea for Liu to be neutral.
01/20/2013 11:16 PM (UTC)
Personally, I hope that even though they've revealed Jerrod is inside Ermac, that Ermac doesn't just flat-out BECOME Jerrod and start acting like Sindel and Kitana are his family, y'know. There's still a thousand other minds inside that body who had a thousand lives of their own, and if Ermac starts caring about Edenia and wanting to protect it, that makes perfect sense, but he still better call himself "we" and acknowledge that he's not just ONE guy with only one personality, who only cares about ONE old life, and expects Sindel and Kitana to treat him like he's the same person.
01/21/2013 12:49 AM (UTC)

(Back to Story)

Raiden and his elite squadron of warriors decided to prevent a prolonging war and headed straight to the Void to battle Shinnok and Quan Chi there.
Upon arrival, Shinnok had been fighting the Elder God of Fire in a power struggle to try to get to the next. Raiden looked back, and noticed that, due to their mortality, his allies were left behind, fighting off various swarms of demons while they ooked on into the Void. Raiden would have to battle Shinnok and Quan-Chi alone.
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