Possible way of Nightwolf bringing back the Earthrealm warriors?
posted12/21/2014 08:23 PM (UTC)by
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01/23/2004 01:55 AM (UTC)
I don't know about the rest of you guys, but Nightwolf hasgrown on me in MK9. He was a complete badass taking on the likes of Noob Saibot, and being the guy who took out Sindel in a self sacrifice after she wiped out most of the Earth defenders.

So we all know that Nightwolf and the rest of the Earthrealm warriors are possessed by Quan Chi, but if we remember Nightwolfs Deception bio, he possesses Shaman abilities to use magic. In Deception he used incantations for his Sin-Eater ability and his spirits protect him. Being one of the most capable of Earthrealm's warriors, what if Nightwolf is able to break Quan Chi's hold over his soul, consume the sins of his allies so that they're released from the Netherealm and brought into the heavens with the Elder Gods?

What do you think?
12/18/2014 05:59 PM (UTC)
Grizzle Wrote:
I don't know about the rest of you guys, but Nightwolf hasgrown on me in MK9. He was a complete badass taking on the likes of Noob Saibot, and being the guy who took out Sindel in a self sacrifice after she wiped out most of the Earth defenders.

So we all know that Nightwolf and the rest of the Earthrealm warriors are possessed by Quan Chi, but if we remember Nightwolfs Deception bio, he possesses Shaman abilities to use magic. In Deception he used incantations for his Sin-Eater ability and his spirits protect him. Being one of the most capable of Earthrealm's warriors, what if Nightwolf is able to break Quan Chi's hold over his soul, consume the sins of his allies so that they're released from the Netherealm and brought into the heavens with the Elder Gods?

What do you think?

I think on one hand this could work as a way of resurrecting the other heroes, but on the other, I'd rather enough of the heroes stay dead, for a while at least. Or undead, as in, not returning from the dead exactly how they were prior to dying.

Regardless, Nightwolf returning would be nice, and unexpected.
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12/18/2014 06:05 PM (UTC)
Yes I hope he does return and help guide souls to heaven.smile
12/18/2014 08:07 PM (UTC)
It could be one of the many ways the heroes have to return to life.

Seriously anyone thinking that all of them are wiped forever is fooling himself. Chances are we even see them all if not in MKX, in future games.
12/18/2014 09:08 PM (UTC)
It's so disappointing how underrated Nightwolf is. He's a historian, a shaman, he's got some great moves by his side and that killer voice.

Ancestors give me strength!

He just gets tossed to the side and it's a shame that he does because they could do so much with him. Unfortunately, he's not that important.

"Oh but he got rid of Sindel, that was kinda cool."

Yeah, ONE thing he did. He needs to do more, and if its due to saving the heroes or whatever, that'd be great.
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12/18/2014 09:11 PM (UTC)
If Kotal isn't replacement for Nightwolf, I'm sure they'll make him awesome!
12/18/2014 09:49 PM (UTC)
Grizzle Wrote:
what if Nightwolf is able to break Quan Chi's hold over his soul

What do you think?

If he was able to do that, Nightwolf would probably be the only character of the bunch that could believably save the others.

But the big question is how. Nightwolf seems to be as much under Quan Chi's control as say, Jax and Stryker. Maybe the spirits will help him. That'd be great.

...But personally, I'm looking forward to seeing an evil Nightwolf using the powers of dark, evil spirits. Ritual sacrifice fatality, anyone? grin
12/18/2014 10:00 PM (UTC)
Nightwolf has been one of my faves since MK3. NRS did a great job with him in MK9 and I would like for him to return in MKX.

I just don't get why he sacrificed himself after the damage had been done? Nightwolf could have bestowed his Ascension upon Sindel by surprise.

Hope he does return or maybe another Shaman warrior will step up.
12/19/2014 12:22 AM (UTC)
Raiden did trust in Nightwolf to lead the team when he and Liu Kang (he could have left Liu Kang seeing he's the most powerful Earthrealm warrior, but NO lets bring him to witness the Elder Gods as incompetent and insensitive morons to Raiden's pleas to assist them though the Elder Gods in reality CAN'T interfere with the realms for reasons that NOT include being dickish), but even then Nightwolf is a TERRIBLE tactician. He just says "Attack" towards a powerful Sindel and they all run one-by-one to get their asses kicked. Shouldn't they all use their powers strategically and take Sindel from all sides? Stryker rolls a sound grenade to deafen Sindel's hearing for a second, Sub-Zero can shoot ice at Sindel's feet, trapping her, Kabal can use his speed to zip around, inflicting injuries to her head and body with his hookswords, Smoke can throw a smoke bomb to further blind Sindel's eyesight, have Johnny Cage and Sonya shoot their energy balls and plasma beams from behind, Kitana can lift Sindel in the air with her fans and Jade strikes Sindel's head with the bo staff, causing Sindel to smack against the wall and have Nightwolf finally walk up to Sindel, decapitate her head while she's done on the ground disoriented, and the fight is over. Too complicated Vogel?
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... here's your Subzero, now plain zero.

12/19/2014 01:18 AM (UTC)
As my second favorite character, I would really want him back in MKX. The main reason to have him back is so that he can purify souls once they are beaten. Of course, that could happen during at any time after MKX but I would be surprised if NRS avoided this believable solution entirely as a means to bring back some of the dead roster.
12/19/2014 01:48 AM (UTC)
Icebaby Wrote:
"Oh but he got rid of Sindel, that was kinda cool."

Yeah, ONE thing he did. He needs to do more, and if its due to saving the heroes or whatever, that'd be great.

To be fair, he also absorbed the sins of his people to anchor Onaga's soul to the Netherrealm once his physical form was defeated. It didn't last long, but it was a significant contribution on Nightwolf's part.
12/19/2014 01:51 AM (UTC)
Nightwolf is one of my favorites also, but I think the dead earthrealm warriors should stay dead for this game.
12/19/2014 05:04 AM (UTC)
Nightwolf has always been one of my favorite characters! I always thought he was just cool and bad ass with the warpaint and his spiritual abilities. But yes, it wasn't until MK9 where i think Nightwolf was actually justified. Practically Raiden's 2nd in command. And the epic battle where all the heroes died at Sindel's hand single handedly. He was the only one left at that time and he his sacrifice was one of the most epic scenes in MK9.

Now as far as Nightwolf coming back, I for one wouldn't argue his return if he is somehow in the game, but bringing him back would IMO diminish his sacrifice.

But you're theory is definitely an interesting one. I would like to see him save pretty much only be able to save his soul and be a spiritual guidance/mentor. And if questioned by Raiden about the others, He could explain their souls have been save and ascended into the Heavens. But bc of his strong spititual connection Nightwolf is an Ethereal Entity!
12/19/2014 05:35 AM (UTC)
Stahlgeist Wrote:
Icebaby Wrote:
"Oh but he got rid of Sindel, that was kinda cool."

Yeah, ONE thing he did. He needs to do more, and if its due to saving the heroes or whatever, that'd be great.

To be fair, he also absorbed the sins of his people to anchor Onaga's soul to the Netherrealm once his physical form was defeated. It didn't last long, but it was a significant contribution on Nightwolf's part.

Two things.

It's significant enough but sadly it's not going to get paid attention to with who ever is in charge with the writing. They can easily make Nightwolf be a very powerful figure in the series but unfortunately he'll never be because like I said, he's severely underrated.

Shamans are not weak people, the media that I've seen shamans in are always wicked and awesome. Such as Alti in Xena. This woman... it's hard to explain everything that she's done because she's done too much. She wouldn't even die easily, that's how wickedly powerful they made her shaman abilities like. Yeah she's evil but still, she was a shaman, a very powerful one at that.

Nightwolf can easily be this powerful figure but chances of him actually becoming this character... I doubt it. I really do. As much as I like him, as much as I thought he was a really cool character in 2011, I doubt he'll ever get more attention thrown on him. Which is shameful because they made his character be very interesting. Hell he's a historian for heaven's sake, that's something!

It's just sad that he's underrated.
12/19/2014 08:12 AM (UTC)
If Nightwolf were to come back, how about instead of the boring heroes like Liu Kang or Raiden saving the souls of the dead heroes, it's a combined trio of Nightwolf, Kenshi, and Ermac, the latter that can beat up five warriors at the same time in Liu Kang's Deception ending? Just imagine how badass this team would be...
12/19/2014 09:59 AM (UTC)
Icebaby Wrote:
It's so disappointing how underrated Nightwolf is. He's a historian, a shaman, he's got some great moves by his side and that killer voice.

Ancestors give me strength!

He just gets tossed to the side and it's a shame that he does because they could do so much with him. Unfortunately, he's not that important.

"Oh but he got rid of Sindel, that was kinda cool."

Yeah, ONE thing he did. He needs to do more, and if its due to saving the heroes or whatever, that'd be great.

And he trapped Onaga's soul to the Netherealm after journeying there.

And he was named second in command by Haokah, as he calls him.

And he buttpluged between Kuai Liang and Bi Han to kick the latter into the soulnado in an unnecessary cinematic scene.

Let him stay dead for the next 20 years. He's so boooooring furious

ok, I'm calm grin
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12/19/2014 02:37 PM (UTC)
If any one of the dead earthrealm Characters would return I'd want it to be Nightwolf. I always thought his move set was was bland but his story and his importance get better every game. Now Netherrealm just needs to work on making him less bland as a fighter and maybe overhaul his wardrobe.

I highly doubt he will be a fighter in the next game. Maybe DLC. I do strongly believe he will play a role in the comic book. If Scorpion is sent to track Raiden who better an Ally then the best tracker in the MK series than Nightwolf? Sure he's undead but If I was Quan Chi that's who I'd partner with Scorpion to find my biggest threat. Nightwolf to track the enemy and Scorpion to at least wound or slow Raiden down cuz Scorpions not winning that fight.
12/19/2014 03:07 PM (UTC)
colt1107 Wrote:
If any one of the dead earthrealm Characters would return I'd want it to be Nightwolf. I always thought his move set was was bland but his story and his importance get better every game. Now Netherrealm just needs to work on making him less bland as a fighter and maybe overhaul his wardrobe.

What? He had a great move-set and his main/alt wardrobe are awesome and suited him.

If he was to return, they can give him a variation with the ability to summon wolves.
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12/19/2014 03:43 PM (UTC)
DarkenedSoul Wrote:
colt1107 Wrote:
If any one of the dead earthrealm Characters would return I'd want it to be Nightwolf. I always thought his move set was was bland but his story and his importance get better every game. Now Netherrealm just needs to work on making him less bland as a fighter and maybe overhaul his wardrobe.

What? He had a great move-set and his main/alt wardrobe are awesome and suited him.

If he was to return, they can give him a variation with the ability to summon wolves.

All a matter of opinion bro. I thought his move set was pretty weak. I wanted to see more even when they first revealed him. The way they are handling MKX I know if he was in he would have a better look and a more impressive move set. One that might even include spirit animals like the wolf.
12/19/2014 07:00 PM (UTC)
Well, I have a hunch that the dead heroes will not be saved all at once, and if NRS has any story telling talent left, it is better to spread out this "save former heroes from evil's clutch" mission to several characters...And most importantly, I would HATE for NRS to resurrect these guys and have NO effect or so ever on these characters from their time spent in Hell and doing all these orders of Quan Chi.

Somehow I have a hunch that Kuai Liang is going to be brought back by Sareena. I know, I know, she is not even announced yet, but I feel she is the PERFECT candidate in all this. Plus, I believe she will be essential in turning Scorpion against Quan Chi, I bet she knows something about Shirai Ryu massacre and Quan Chi being behind it.

The way I see it, Sareena, who wants revenge against Quan Chi and Shinnok for her torture time after helping out Bi-Han in MK Mythologies, wants to break Quan Chi's spell on Kuai Liang as he might be the only one who can defeat the sorcerer (maybe she even mistook him for Bi-Han) and decides that she needs allies and meets Scorpion and tells him the truth about his clan. Scorpion does not believe at first,maybe even fights her off, but we can see he is starting to have doubts as the story goes on, that something is amiss here.

Eventually, I foresee something like Scorpion and Sareena defeating Sub-Zero and whoever is there (Smoke probably?), and while Sareena is bringing Kuai Liang back with some kind of magic, Scorpion is fighting off whoever is trying to stop them? I think it is kinda bittersweet that Scorpion will have some part in Kuai Liang's revival.

Then I believe, Scorpion will go with his own path to avenge his clan and destroy Quan Chi, while Sub-Zero and Sareena will try to bring other heroes back from their zombie like state of mind, starting with Smoke I suppose, he is Sub's best friend after all. Plus, Sareena is a demon as well, so she will have some integral part in helping Smoke realize who he is (Enenra demon). All kinds of possibilities.

Well,for the rest of the heroes, I have a theory that Liu Kang will be a dead man walking as well, and somehow I can see him finishing off Raiden for all his MK9 fuck ups, which will potentially create an epic fight between Johnny Cage and Liu Kang after that (I just hope that Johnny is going to lead for once and be protagonist,MK Armageddon dropped a ball on this), where the monk will be defeated and maybe brought back.

Kung Lao,Jax, Stryker,Nightwolf and Kabal might join this Johnny Cage vs Liu Kang fight, but they are gonna be against other newly recruited heroes like Cassie Cage, Kenshi, Cyrax, maybe even Kai if they introduce him and whoever is there. I would particularly would love for Cassie to against Jax, her mom's dead CO.

Now, Edenian party might be rescued by Earth heroes as well, but that is so boring as fuck. I would LOVE for some Outworld faction to rescue them. Maybe Ermac (since Kahn is no longer and there is no control over him,plus he has King Jerrod in him) and Mileena (since she does not want to bow to Kotal Kahn because she is Shao Kahn's daughter and must be the next ruler of Outworld and naturally allies herself with Earthrealm against Kotal Kahn and Shinnok, who wants Outworld for his own) are the ones for the rescue. Mileena might be a little hesitant in helping her hated twin sister to be revived, but it is going to be so ironic and bittersweet like in Sub's above mentioned resurrection with Scorpion helping out.

Having said that, I would HATE for Ermac to be King of Edenia alongside Sindel in the future, because I think Ermac should have other purposes in next storylines, think about it as one of his last duties to bring back Kitana and Sindel before he wanders off, but after they are back, he will sought out his new destiny, because he is the being of many souls.

Well,even Jade's MK9 ending can still happen and that mysterious woman helps Jade to awaken from Quan Chi's spell and help Ermac to bring back Kitana and Sindel.

Well, that is my take to what LOGICALLY can happen in the next game given all the MK9 info and MKX news, but that's just me...
12/19/2014 07:42 PM (UTC)
Noobsmoke92 Wrote:
Well, I have a hunch that the dead heroes will not be saved all at once, and if NRS has any story telling talent left, it is better to spread out this "save former heroes from evil's clutch" mission to several characters...And most importantly, I would HATE for NRS to resurrect these guys and have NO effect or so ever on these characters from their time spent in Hell and doing all these orders of Quan Chi.

Somehow I have a hunch that Kuai Liang is going to be brought back by Sareena. I know, I know, she is not even announced yet, but I feel she is the PERFECT candidate in all this. Plus, I believe she will be essential in turning Scorpion against Quan Chi, I bet she knows something about Shirai Ryu massacre and Quan Chi being behind it.

The way I see it, Sareena, who wants revenge against Quan Chi and Shinnok for her torture time after helping out Bi-Han in MK Mythologies, wants to break Quan Chi's spell on Kuai Liang as he might be the only one who can defeat the sorcerer (maybe she even mistook him for Bi-Han) and decides that she needs allies and meets Scorpion and tells him the truth about his clan. Scorpion does not believe at first,maybe even fights her off, but we can see he is starting to have doubts as the story goes on, that something is amiss here.

Eventually, I foresee something like Scorpion and Sareena defeating Sub-Zero and whoever is there (Smoke probably?), and while Sareena is bringing Kuai Liang back with some kind of magic, Scorpion is fighting off whoever is trying to stop them? I think it is kinda bittersweet that Scorpion will have some part in Kuai Liang's revival.

Then I believe, Scorpion will go with his own path to avenge his clan and destroy Quan Chi, while Sub-Zero and Sareena will try to bring other heroes back from their zombie like state of mind, starting with Smoke I suppose, he is Sub's best friend after all. Plus, Sareena is a demon as well, so she will have some integral part in helping Smoke realize who he is (Enenra demon). All kinds of possibilities.

Well,for the rest of the heroes, I have a theory that Liu Kang will be a dead man walking as well, and somehow I can see him finishing off Raiden for all his MK9 fuck ups, which will potentially create an epic fight between Johnny Cage and Liu Kang after that (I just hope that Johnny is going to lead for once and be protagonist,MK Armageddon dropped a ball on this), where the monk will be defeated and maybe brought back.

Kung Lao,Jax, Stryker,Nightwolf and Kabal might join this Johnny Cage vs Liu Kang fight, but they are gonna be against other newly recruited heroes like Cassie Cage, Kenshi, Cyrax, maybe even Kai if they introduce him and whoever is there. I would particularly would love for Cassie to against Jax, her mom's dead CO.

Now, Edenian party might be rescued by Earth heroes as well, but that is so boring as fuck. I would LOVE for some Outworld faction to rescue them. Maybe Ermac (since Kahn is no longer and there is no control over him,plus he has King Jerrod in him) and Mileena (since she does not want to bow to Kotal Kahn because she is Shao Kahn's daughter and must be the next ruler of Outworld and naturally allies herself with Earthrealm against Kotal Kahn and Shinnok, who wants Outworld for his own) are the ones for the rescue. Mileena might be a little hesitant in helping her hated twin sister to be revived, but it is going to be so ironic and bittersweet like in Sub's above mentioned resurrection with Scorpion helping out.

Having said that, I would HATE for Ermac to be King of Edenia alongside Sindel in the future, because I think Ermac should have other purposes in next storylines, think about it as one of his last duties to bring back Kitana and Sindel before he wanders off, but after they are back, he will sought out his new destiny, because he is the being of many souls.

Well,even Jade's MK9 ending can still happen and that mysterious woman helps Jade to awaken from Quan Chi's spell and help Ermac to bring back Kitana and Sindel.

Well, that is my take to what LOGICALLY can happen in the next game given all the MK9 info and MKX news, but that's just me...

I like that spin you put on the plot, if Sareena is in the Nethrealm she could help out Kuai Liang and break Quan Chi's hold over him, but I feel that Quan Chi would quickly be aware of that once he senses Sub-Zero is not under his control and all of hell would be barreling down on the heroes.

The theory about Nightwolf though, he wouldn't be joining the rest of the heroes if their souls were cleansed, the Sin-Eater ability gives Nightwolf the power to absorb all the evils contained in his allies which would keep him bound to the Netherealm, this would be a huge sacrifice but Nightwolf would be saving all of his allies. I think it would be so badass if the plot line told two linear stories. What Raiden was doing after the events of MK9, and the other events are a prison break sequence in the Netherealm where the good guys break out and head back to Earth only to find Raiden's changes are not what they wanted.

You would see a reluctant Johnny Cage and Sonya have to fight their old former allies and it would be a civil war type of plot between the good guys. I hope this storyline is long and could be told as separate sagas that combined form the bigger picture.

I'm so hyped for more plot points to be revealed. And if Nightwolf is revealed that would be dope.
12/19/2014 10:23 PM (UTC)
Smoke realize who he is (Enenra demon).

Why do people keep making that mistake? He's not an enenra demon. He's just an enenra, creature of vapor and smoke. Just like Sub-Zero is a cryomancer.

He was sacrificed to a demon by a band of obscure worshipers, but his enenra powers kicked in and saved him.

It's really the 100th time someone says that Smoke is a demon.
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... here's your Subzero, now plain zero.

12/20/2014 01:01 AM (UTC)
Let evil win back some souls from the Netherrealm! The dead Earthrealm roster should be split between good and evil alike.

My best example is Kano obtaining and then swaying Kabal to rejoin the Black Dragon. If anyone could coax Quan Chi or Shinnok to relinquish the soul of Kabal, it would be him. Being a criminal and all, I would think Kano have mastered the art of blackmail.

Am I wrong in assuming that Kano has a massive ego? Kano would beat Quan Chi until he got what he wanted, which is to torment those who crossed him before. Why give up the opportunity to turn Jax, Sub Zero or Stryker into his personal mindless slaves? Surely Kano's fear of Quan Chi or Shinnok would not be a barrier to the him and his Black Dragon forces. WIll NRS please give Kano have some satisfying revenge or endearment? He can be more then a punching bag without a strong personality.
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I will rock you.

12/20/2014 01:30 AM (UTC)
I wonder if he comes back as half a wolf after Quan Chi takes control of his soul and he has biting abilities. It may be the reason why Nitara isn't in the game because they may have given her moves to him.wink
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"Life, for all it's anguish, is ours Miss Ives. It belongs to no other." - Ferdinand Lyle

12/21/2014 01:57 PM (UTC)
I always had a penchant for Nightwolf. I am quarter-blood, after all, lol, and he was my favorite in DoTR.

But honestly? When he sacrificed himself into that light, I first thought he was going to be exalted or something. I was very upset when I saw him within the clutches of Quan Chi.

So yeah, I really like that idea. If anyone would be capable of magic powerful enough to combat sorcerers, free souls, [and ENTOMB THE DRAGON KING], it's Nightwolf.
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