04/06/2015 03:22 PM (UTC)
jrss2886 Wrote:
Windice Wrote:
KrayzieCyrax Wrote:
"Go back and read what was written. Basically if nrs pooped something out and put the mk label on it you would love it. Go back and play special forces and say omg that game is amazing I'm just glad another mk game came out. It's so good. That's how you guys are fools. Nrs is a gaming company that had my respect and others the most." - Windice

Seriously, adorable.

I think it's funny how u ignore so much of what mk use to be. If no one said anything the game would still be 3d. Mk games will never get better with people like u.

Awwww the upset person is mad others don't agree...how adorable...yes everyone let us all go do what uncle windice wants grab our pitchforks and march to the NRS studios and complain about a game that hasn't even dropped yet

U are literally ignoring the whole point of let people say what they want. I am not forcing u to like or dislike anything. What I am saying is people are not going to like the game and they will let nrs know why yet u tell them to shut up.
04/06/2015 03:24 PM (UTC)
jrss2886 Wrote:
Windice Wrote:
jrss2886 Wrote:
Lmao holy shit...I clearly stated nothing is ever perfect then the individual says I think their games are perfect...and this person is telling us to go read? Troll on

What I was saying is by saying yea the game has fault but shut up about them. U are acting like it's perfect.

Oh yes I'm acting like it's perfect when I clearly stated nothing is ever perfect...got it

Yet u refuse to say why the games not perfect.
04/06/2015 03:27 PM (UTC)
Windice Wrote:
cornholio Wrote:
Windice Wrote:
cornholio Wrote:
Windice Wrote:
KrayzieCyrax Wrote:
Windice Wrote:
shaokahn67 Wrote:
Ok guys, ive been on this forum for a long time, but I dont often post. However, what i've read here in the last day or two compels me to offer a response. So here goes.
Video games, like movies, writing and music are an art form. By its very nature, all art is subjective.
Unfortunately, to many, its not that simple where MK is confirmed. This is a franchise with over 2 decades of games and other media behind it. The passion with which many of us talk about Mortal Kombat is similar in many ways to how we talk about our favourite sports team. Its not so only a passion, it borders on obsession for some of us. This is not entirely healthy but at the same time it is understandable.
Without going into specifics, i get why many people are angry now. Your favourite characters didnt make the cut. The new characters are too similar to the old. The story didnt pan out as you wanted it to. I get it, i really do.
But please, lets try and keep some perspective here.
This is just a fucking video game!!!
I wanted Havik, I wanted Reiko, hell I even wanted to see Hotaru given another shot, but you know what, it didnt happen, it may never happen.
Buying a video game is a gamble. It may be everything you wanted, it may horribly disappoint you. Frankly, thats the risk you take.
Spoilers abound on the forum now. I know how the story plays out and i know who the final boss is. I wont say here who it is, but again, its the chance you take.
I remember being totally underwhelmed and a bit disgusted when MK Armageddon came out and blaze was the last boss. Did i whine and complain? No. Did i rant and rave about how Ed Boon and the developers lied and betrayed us? No i didnt.
They are just people, they make mistakes. For all i was let down by armageddon, theres still a lot about that game i enjoy. In time, im sure you will all find something to enjoy about MKX.
So everyone please, just take a step back, calm down and see what happens when the game actually comes out. Perhaps you could wait and pick up the game of the year edition on the cheap in 18 months time if MKX disgusts you so much.
Criticism is never a bad thing. I work as a journalist and its a big part of my job. But blindly condemning and hating on a game you haven't even played yet is just ludicrous.
Im sorry for the long post and i am ready for the inevitable flack i will get from those who disagree. But please consider what i have said here.

No one is just hating on the game. We are judging the story and the roster that came with it which was a poor choice. Nrs did lie about several things which of course gets people more upset.

Nah, people are just hating.

There's fans that enjoy the game no matter and just want to enjoy a new Mortal Kombat, with whatever it involves, while praising NRS for just giving us a new MK.

Then there's fans that constantly criticize that decisions are "poor" and "lazy" and "NRS lied to us" based off of their own personal wants/way the game should be made.

I think because 99% of us are not video game developers, we (not me) expect certain things however we have no knowledge of the developing process. It's easy to look at what's released and say they could've/should've done this, when you really have no idea the process that comes with it. That's why I hate when you people say "NRS lied to us"

I completely agree OP, I think people just like to complain for a living.

Do u want me to list all the lies to u. There is a reason they usually give answers that don't really answer anything. It's to not come off as lies. The choices they made are poor and it's obvious they added characters like kitana to sell the game. The people who always enjoy the game are fools. There needs to be criticism for the games to get better and before u say I just want characters I like to be in kitana is one of my favorites

How are we fools for enjoying MKX. That is just an opinion because I think you are a fool for believing everything NRS says. I never fully believe in anything they say because they've always kept secrets from us. We all know this

Go back and read what was written. Basically if nrs pooped something out and put the mk label on it you would love it. Go back and play special forces and say omg that game is amazing I'm just glad another mk game came out. It's so good. That's how you guys are fools. Nrs is a gaming company that had my respect and others the most.

I never played MK:SF because I know it's not that good. I know the story from it but I never played it myself. I read what you said, im just saying we either get over it and enjoy the experience of having another MK fighting game, or we move on with our lives and find other things of interest. This isn't the only video game around and we are all human im sure NRS did the best they could've done with this game. Shit i can't wait to discover all the secrets in it grinwink

This I know but people should still tell nrs what is wrong so they can focus on that part the next time. Time management is important. With that in mind they should of put some things first before others.

I agree with you right there. People, mainly us hardcore fans, should always voice our opinions. However we shouldn't do it in a such a rude way as many of us do. If I were Boon and I read all the hate comments from my "fans" I would straight up say "fuck you guys, you'll never be satisfied anyways."

MAYBE that's why this roster is leaning more towards the casual fans, they don't talk so much disrespectful shit.
04/06/2015 03:29 PM (UTC)
cornholio Wrote:
Windice Wrote:
cornholio Wrote:
Windice Wrote:
cornholio Wrote:
Windice Wrote:
KrayzieCyrax Wrote:
Windice Wrote:
shaokahn67 Wrote:
Ok guys, ive been on this forum for a long time, but I dont often post. However, what i've read here in the last day or two compels me to offer a response. So here goes.
Video games, like movies, writing and music are an art form. By its very nature, all art is subjective.
Unfortunately, to many, its not that simple where MK is confirmed. This is a franchise with over 2 decades of games and other media behind it. The passion with which many of us talk about Mortal Kombat is similar in many ways to how we talk about our favourite sports team. Its not so only a passion, it borders on obsession for some of us. This is not entirely healthy but at the same time it is understandable.
Without going into specifics, i get why many people are angry now. Your favourite characters didnt make the cut. The new characters are too similar to the old. The story didnt pan out as you wanted it to. I get it, i really do.
But please, lets try and keep some perspective here.
This is just a fucking video game!!!
I wanted Havik, I wanted Reiko, hell I even wanted to see Hotaru given another shot, but you know what, it didnt happen, it may never happen.
Buying a video game is a gamble. It may be everything you wanted, it may horribly disappoint you. Frankly, thats the risk you take.
Spoilers abound on the forum now. I know how the story plays out and i know who the final boss is. I wont say here who it is, but again, its the chance you take.
I remember being totally underwhelmed and a bit disgusted when MK Armageddon came out and blaze was the last boss. Did i whine and complain? No. Did i rant and rave about how Ed Boon and the developers lied and betrayed us? No i didnt.
They are just people, they make mistakes. For all i was let down by armageddon, theres still a lot about that game i enjoy. In time, im sure you will all find something to enjoy about MKX.
So everyone please, just take a step back, calm down and see what happens when the game actually comes out. Perhaps you could wait and pick up the game of the year edition on the cheap in 18 months time if MKX disgusts you so much.
Criticism is never a bad thing. I work as a journalist and its a big part of my job. But blindly condemning and hating on a game you haven't even played yet is just ludicrous.
Im sorry for the long post and i am ready for the inevitable flack i will get from those who disagree. But please consider what i have said here.

No one is just hating on the game. We are judging the story and the roster that came with it which was a poor choice. Nrs did lie about several things which of course gets people more upset.

Nah, people are just hating.

There's fans that enjoy the game no matter and just want to enjoy a new Mortal Kombat, with whatever it involves, while praising NRS for just giving us a new MK.

Then there's fans that constantly criticize that decisions are "poor" and "lazy" and "NRS lied to us" based off of their own personal wants/way the game should be made.

I think because 99% of us are not video game developers, we (not me) expect certain things however we have no knowledge of the developing process. It's easy to look at what's released and say they could've/should've done this, when you really have no idea the process that comes with it. That's why I hate when you people say "NRS lied to us"

I completely agree OP, I think people just like to complain for a living.

Do u want me to list all the lies to u. There is a reason they usually give answers that don't really answer anything. It's to not come off as lies. The choices they made are poor and it's obvious they added characters like kitana to sell the game. The people who always enjoy the game are fools. There needs to be criticism for the games to get better and before u say I just want characters I like to be in kitana is one of my favorites

How are we fools for enjoying MKX. That is just an opinion because I think you are a fool for believing everything NRS says. I never fully believe in anything they say because they've always kept secrets from us. We all know this

Go back and read what was written. Basically if nrs pooped something out and put the mk label on it you would love it. Go back and play special forces and say omg that game is amazing I'm just glad another mk game came out. It's so good. That's how you guys are fools. Nrs is a gaming company that had my respect and others the most.

I never played MK:SF because I know it's not that good. I know the story from it but I never played it myself. I read what you said, im just saying we either get over it and enjoy the experience of having another MK fighting game, or we move on with our lives and find other things of interest. This isn't the only video game around and we are all human im sure NRS did the best they could've done with this game. Shit i can't wait to discover all the secrets in it grinwink

This I know but people should still tell nrs what is wrong so they can focus on that part the next time. Time management is important. With that in mind they should of put some things first before others.

I agree with you right there. People, mainly us hardcore fans, should always voice our opinions. However we shouldn't do it in a such a rude way as many of us do. If I were Boon and I read all the hate comments from my "fans" I would straight up say "fuck you guys, you'll never be satisfied anyways."

MAYBE that's why this roster is leaning more towards the casual fans, they don't talk so much disrespectful shit.
I totally agree. I'm not one of those people who are like no smoke no buy yet the people here are treating me like one just cus I'm admitting to the games faults.
04/06/2015 03:30 PM (UTC)
I don't think they need to work on much because I think what most people want and complain about is "MOREEEEE, I WANT MOREEEEEE"

Gameplay looks amazing and fluid, I have about 5 characters I always want to main...not sure what else I need! It's perfect =)
04/06/2015 03:31 PM (UTC)
Windice Wrote:
jrss2886 Wrote:
Windice Wrote:
jrss2886 Wrote:
Lmao holy shit...I clearly stated nothing is ever perfect then the individual says I think their games are perfect...and this person is telling us to go read? Troll on

What I was saying is by saying yea the game has fault but shut up about them. U are acting like it's perfect.

Oh yes I'm acting like it's perfect when I clearly stated nothing is ever perfect...got it

Yet u refuse to say why the games not perfect.

Are fucking retarded? I said nothing is ever perfect, why would I act like this game is
04/06/2015 03:33 PM (UTC)
Windice Wrote:
cornholio Wrote:
Windice Wrote:
cornholio Wrote:
Windice Wrote:
cornholio Wrote:
Windice Wrote:
KrayzieCyrax Wrote:
Windice Wrote:
shaokahn67 Wrote:
Ok guys, ive been on this forum for a long time, but I dont often post. However, what i've read here in the last day or two compels me to offer a response. So here goes.
Video games, like movies, writing and music are an art form. By its very nature, all art is subjective.
Unfortunately, to many, its not that simple where MK is confirmed. This is a franchise with over 2 decades of games and other media behind it. The passion with which many of us talk about Mortal Kombat is similar in many ways to how we talk about our favourite sports team. Its not so only a passion, it borders on obsession for some of us. This is not entirely healthy but at the same time it is understandable.
Without going into specifics, i get why many people are angry now. Your favourite characters didnt make the cut. The new characters are too similar to the old. The story didnt pan out as you wanted it to. I get it, i really do.
But please, lets try and keep some perspective here.
This is just a fucking video game!!!
I wanted Havik, I wanted Reiko, hell I even wanted to see Hotaru given another shot, but you know what, it didnt happen, it may never happen.
Buying a video game is a gamble. It may be everything you wanted, it may horribly disappoint you. Frankly, thats the risk you take.
Spoilers abound on the forum now. I know how the story plays out and i know who the final boss is. I wont say here who it is, but again, its the chance you take.
I remember being totally underwhelmed and a bit disgusted when MK Armageddon came out and blaze was the last boss. Did i whine and complain? No. Did i rant and rave about how Ed Boon and the developers lied and betrayed us? No i didnt.
They are just people, they make mistakes. For all i was let down by armageddon, theres still a lot about that game i enjoy. In time, im sure you will all find something to enjoy about MKX.
So everyone please, just take a step back, calm down and see what happens when the game actually comes out. Perhaps you could wait and pick up the game of the year edition on the cheap in 18 months time if MKX disgusts you so much.
Criticism is never a bad thing. I work as a journalist and its a big part of my job. But blindly condemning and hating on a game you haven't even played yet is just ludicrous.
Im sorry for the long post and i am ready for the inevitable flack i will get from those who disagree. But please consider what i have said here.

No one is just hating on the game. We are judging the story and the roster that came with it which was a poor choice. Nrs did lie about several things which of course gets people more upset.

Nah, people are just hating.

There's fans that enjoy the game no matter and just want to enjoy a new Mortal Kombat, with whatever it involves, while praising NRS for just giving us a new MK.

Then there's fans that constantly criticize that decisions are "poor" and "lazy" and "NRS lied to us" based off of their own personal wants/way the game should be made.

I think because 99% of us are not video game developers, we (not me) expect certain things however we have no knowledge of the developing process. It's easy to look at what's released and say they could've/should've done this, when you really have no idea the process that comes with it. That's why I hate when you people say "NRS lied to us"

I completely agree OP, I think people just like to complain for a living.

Do u want me to list all the lies to u. There is a reason they usually give answers that don't really answer anything. It's to not come off as lies. The choices they made are poor and it's obvious they added characters like kitana to sell the game. The people who always enjoy the game are fools. There needs to be criticism for the games to get better and before u say I just want characters I like to be in kitana is one of my favorites

How are we fools for enjoying MKX. That is just an opinion because I think you are a fool for believing everything NRS says. I never fully believe in anything they say because they've always kept secrets from us. We all know this

Go back and read what was written. Basically if nrs pooped something out and put the mk label on it you would love it. Go back and play special forces and say omg that game is amazing I'm just glad another mk game came out. It's so good. That's how you guys are fools. Nrs is a gaming company that had my respect and others the most.

I never played MK:SF because I know it's not that good. I know the story from it but I never played it myself. I read what you said, im just saying we either get over it and enjoy the experience of having another MK fighting game, or we move on with our lives and find other things of interest. This isn't the only video game around and we are all human im sure NRS did the best they could've done with this game. Shit i can't wait to discover all the secrets in it grinwink

This I know but people should still tell nrs what is wrong so they can focus on that part the next time. Time management is important. With that in mind they should of put some things first before others.

I agree with you right there. People, mainly us hardcore fans, should always voice our opinions. However we shouldn't do it in a such a rude way as many of us do. If I were Boon and I read all the hate comments from my "fans" I would straight up say "fuck you guys, you'll never be satisfied anyways."

MAYBE that's why this roster is leaning more towards the casual fans, they don't talk so much disrespectful shit.
I totally agree. I'm not one of those people who are like no smoke no buy yet the people here are treating me like one just cus I'm admitting to the games faults.

Yeah you don't seem like one of those bro don't worry, we all friends here haha tongue
04/06/2015 03:34 PM (UTC)
jrss2886 Wrote:
Windice Wrote:
jrss2886 Wrote:
Windice Wrote:
jrss2886 Wrote:
Lmao holy shit...I clearly stated nothing is ever perfect then the individual says I think their games are perfect...and this person is telling us to go read? Troll on

What I was saying is by saying yea the game has fault but shut up about them. U are acting like it's perfect.

Oh yes I'm acting like it's perfect when I clearly stated nothing is ever perfect...got it

Yet u refuse to say why the games not perfect.

Are fucking retarded? I said nothing is ever perfect, why would I act like this game is

U still have yet to say why the game is not perfect.
04/06/2015 03:35 PM (UTC)

(I don't wanna keep adding original because it's so long)

See now I feel like it's the casual gamers that voice it in a rude way, while the hardcore fans are like "I'm with you Boon on whatever you do"

I think there's just so many different types of fans you can't even tell who's who, it's all in their personality. Even a hardcore fan that loves the game for its combat isn't going to say "Ed you lied, this game is horrible, I'm not buying it, f*** you" their gonna put the disc in, find their main and kill people. That's MK.
04/06/2015 06:11 PM (UTC)
jrss2886 Wrote:
People lie everyday get over it..either buy the game or don't there's more to the game than story mode...if you don't like certain characters just don't use them...you won't like everything about a game nothing is ever perfect...if you feel they lied to you then that's your fault for thinking they wouldn't lie...I saw someone say they're catering more to tournament players...you didn't figure that out with the three variations? Like you won't always get what you want I would hope you're old enough to realize that...and if you're one of those individuals that says "I'm done with mortal kombat" fine, I'm pretty sure someone will come take your place

Well said
About Me

Credit to Minion for my awesome sig!

04/06/2015 06:14 PM (UTC)
Well technically Ed didn't lie about the length. Because it's been proven already that MKX's story is longer far as cutscenes go. It's less chapters than MK9 but it is technically longer whether by a few minutes or not it's still "longer". And I do agree with your overall post dude, they make mistakes just like we do. Who knows how we would handle the game if we were in their shoes. I say cut them some slack but still give your opinions on what you don't like. As a consumer people have the right to complain and voice their opinion. However saying things like fuck Ed Boon and company or Ed should be fired and company is truly over and crossing the line.
04/06/2015 06:27 PM (UTC)
NostalgiaGod Wrote:
Well technically Ed didn't lie about the length. Because it's been proven already that MKX's story is longer far as cutscenes go. It's less chapters than MK9 but it is technically longer whether by a few minutes or not it's still "longer". And I do agree with your overall post dude, they make mistakes just like we do. Who knows how we would handle the game if we were in their shoes. I say cut them some slack but still give your opinions on what you don't like. As a consumer people have the right to complain and voice their opinion. However saying things like fuck Ed Boon and company or Ed should be fired and company is truly over and crossing the line.

About Me


04/06/2015 07:16 PM (UTC)
Windice is one of the saltiest new users on the boards, been salty for awhile now.
About Me


04/06/2015 07:20 PM (UTC)
Windice is one of the saltiest new users on the boards, been salty for awhile now.
04/06/2015 07:22 PM (UTC)
Joe-Von-Zombie Wrote:
Windice is one of the saltiest new users on the boards, been salty for awhile now.

He's just not a true MK fan is all.

Great sig by the way! I'm a green lantern fan myself.
04/06/2015 07:24 PM (UTC)
Joe-Von-Zombie Wrote:
Windice is one of the saltiest new users on the boards, been salty for awhile now.

Really??? U must be getting me confused with someone else. My last post before this thread was the krypt is awesome but I'm salty right? Oh yea I'm super salty my favorite made it in. So very very salty. Wtf I'm not a true mk fan cus I'm not blind???????? I'm not a true mk fan yet I think jason and predator are a waste? I'm not a true mk fan but I've been playing from the start? I'm not a true mk fan but I talk bad about how people like max jump on a game just cus its popular and they talk trash. Who the fuck are u exactly?
About Me

04/06/2015 07:41 PM (UTC)
Whenever somebody uses "hating" non-ironically or worse, as part of an argument, that's sign to tune out.
KrayzieCyrax Wrote:
Joe-Von-Zombie Wrote:
Windice is one of the saltiest new users on the boards, been salty for awhile now.

He's just not a true MK fan is all.

Here we go with that bs again.
04/06/2015 07:45 PM (UTC)
Windice Wrote:
Joe-Von-Zombie Wrote:
Windice is one of the saltiest new users on the boards, been salty for awhile now.

Really??? U must be getting me confused with someone else. My last post before this thread was the krypt is awesome but I'm salty right? Oh yea I'm super salty my favorite made it in. So very very salty.

Wtf I'm not a true mk fan cus I'm not blind???????? I'm not a true mk fan yet I think jason and predator are a waste? I'm not a true mk fan but I've been playing from the start? I'm not a true mk fan but I talk bad about how people like max jump on a game just cus its popular and they talk trash. Who the fuck are u exactly?

Yes to all
04/06/2015 08:03 PM (UTC)
KrayzieCyrax Wrote:
Windice Wrote:
Joe-Von-Zombie Wrote:
Windice is one of the saltiest new users on the boards, been salty for awhile now.

Really??? U must be getting me confused with someone else. My last post before this thread was the krypt is awesome but I'm salty right? Oh yea I'm super salty my favorite made it in. So very very salty.

Wtf I'm not a true mk fan cus I'm not blind???????? I'm not a true mk fan yet I think jason and predator are a waste? I'm not a true mk fan but I've been playing from the start? I'm not a true mk fan but I talk bad about how people like max jump on a game just cus its popular and they talk trash. Who the fuck are u exactly?

Yes to all

Ok to prove you are not just a total troll find a comment I made about how this whole game sucks and is crap or how Ed boon should be replaced or anything like that. U guys have to be some of the worse mk fans. U can not take criticism and because of that u attack who ever gives it.
04/06/2015 08:26 PM (UTC)
Windice Wrote:
KrayzieCyrax Wrote:
Windice Wrote:
Joe-Von-Zombie Wrote:
Windice is one of the saltiest new users on the boards, been salty for awhile now.

Really??? U must be getting me confused with someone else. My last post before this thread was the krypt is awesome but I'm salty right? Oh yea I'm super salty my favorite made it in. So very very salty.

Wtf I'm not a true mk fan cus I'm not blind???????? I'm not a true mk fan yet I think jason and predator are a waste? I'm not a true mk fan but I've been playing from the start? I'm not a true mk fan but I talk bad about how people like max jump on a game just cus its popular and they talk trash. Who the fuck are u exactly?

Yes to all

Ok to prove you are not just a total troll find a comment I made about how this whole game sucks and is crap or how Ed boon should be replaced or anything like that. U guys have to be some of the worse mk fans. U can not take criticism and because of that u attack who ever gives it.

"The people who always enjoy the game are fools."

Refer to page 1.

It was this initial statement that gained my opposition for you. You we're never "Attacked" until you made that dbag remark. I mean seriously, people who always enjoy MK no matter what are fools? You're just irrational that's all, so I had to mess with you a little bit =)

We're wasting forum space here tho, so I'll settle down. Sorry OP!
04/06/2015 08:37 PM (UTC)
your taking it the wrong way. What I meant was the people who will always praise the game with out pointing out the flaws are good. If you read the rest of the post about the special forces you would have got that.
About Me

If you're a dick to me, I'll be a dick to you. It just so happens that I'm good at being one.

04/06/2015 08:44 PM (UTC)
Windice Wrote:
jrss2886 Wrote:
Windice Wrote:
jrss2886 Wrote:
Windice Wrote:
jrss2886 Wrote:
Lmao holy shit...I clearly stated nothing is ever perfect then the individual says I think their games are perfect...and this person is telling us to go read? Troll on

What I was saying is by saying yea the game has fault but shut up about them. U are acting like it's perfect.

Oh yes I'm acting like it's perfect when I clearly stated nothing is ever perfect...got it

Yet u refuse to say why the games not perfect.

Are fucking retarded? I said nothing is ever perfect, why would I act like this game is

U still have yet to say why the game is not perfect.
here, I'll help him:

The game doesn't have infinite randomly generated stage modes. Sucks that we only have 13. I want an obscene ammount of stages that in no way should've wasted time in the development of this game

The game doesn't have the MK:A roster with the addition of MKX characters and Skarlet on day 1. All with 3 variations that play very differently from each others and all unique.

The game doesn't have an infinite ammount of alternative costumes for all characters. Why should Kitana have 5 and Ermac only 1? Bullshit.

The game's story mode isn't what I wanted of it. They should've made it EXACTLY how I wanted. Where's my playable fan faction huh Ed Boon?

Is this enough?

Or you want more ridiculous opinions to justify your stupidity and lack of understanding about the game and how there is just no way they could've offered what you ask of them based on the limited ammount of development time the game had?
04/06/2015 09:18 PM (UTC)
Zephyrus Wrote:
Windice Wrote:
jrss2886 Wrote:
Windice Wrote:
jrss2886 Wrote:
Windice Wrote:
jrss2886 Wrote:
Lmao holy shit...I clearly stated nothing is ever perfect then the individual says I think their games are perfect...and this person is telling us to go read? Troll on

What I was saying is by saying yea the game has fault but shut up about them. U are acting like it's perfect.

Oh yes I'm acting like it's perfect when I clearly stated nothing is ever perfect...got it

Yet u refuse to say why the games not perfect.

Are fucking retarded? I said nothing is ever perfect, why would I act like this game is

U still have yet to say why the game is not perfect.
here, I'll help him:

The game doesn't have infinite randomly generated stage modes. Sucks that we only have 13. I want an obscene ammount of stages that in no way should've wasted time in the development of this game

The game doesn't have the MK:A roster with the addition of MKX characters and Skarlet on day 1. All with 3 variations that play very differently from each others and all unique.

The game doesn't have an infinite ammount of alternative costumes for all characters. Why should Kitana have 5 and Ermac only 1? Bullshit.

The game's story mode isn't what I wanted of it. They should've made it EXACTLY how I wanted. Where's my playable fan faction huh Ed Boon?

Is this enough?

Or you want more ridiculous opinions to justify your stupidity and lack of understanding about the game and how there is just no way they could've offered what you ask of them based on the limited ammount of development time the game had?

I think you don't understand what the conversation was about. Also how do u know kitana has 5 alts? Nvm just seen them and they look amazing.
04/06/2015 10:06 PM (UTC)
KrayzieCyrax Wrote:
I don't think they need to work on much because I think what most people want and complain about is "MOREEEEE, I WANT MOREEEEEE"

Gameplay looks amazing and fluid, I have about 5 characters I always want to main...not sure what else I need! It's perfect =)

This. I don't know why people are saying a B+ is a failing grade. The game isn't perfect, but it's well above satisfactory. I'm sure when when MKXV comes out people are going to complain about how the roster and story are shit compared to MKX.

I have gotten used to being called a "NRS cocksucker" because having fewer stages isn't a big deal to me. The nitpicks people are condemning the game for are now just plain funny. It makes me wonder how they would have acted during the trilogy era.

"Sheeva is just a lazy Goro clone whose only there to be the token four arm girl. Shao Kahn as the boss? Again? Why can't this series just fucking move on? Cyborgs are the stupidest thing ever. Johnny Cage DIED. Why the fuck is he playable? Oh yeah, to sell the game. Bi-han is the real Sub-Zero. This family crap is a waste of space they could have spent on other MK characters like Hornbuckle or Blaze. What a shit game."
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