Posibility of an E3 announcement?
posted01/22/2010 06:40 PM (UTC)by
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10/12/2006 10:35 AM (UTC)
I have not been on any game sites besides this one for awhile so I thought to check out IGN.com to see what was going on with any kind of random news. I come across an early list of a jam packed E3 line-up of companies...WB Interactive Entertainment is on the list. Its not much for news but I thought I would put this out there for people to speculate and think on. After seeing Ed Boons PS3 gamer ID image in german I was thinking an announcement at Gamescom but it may be possible an E3 teaser or announcement could arise with WBIE on the E3 list. What does the rest of the fan base think?

Edit: heres the addy for the article...http://ps3.ign.com/articles/106/1061998p1.html
Adam Ronin
01/21/2010 06:28 PM (UTC)
Yeah man, I think E3 will be the LATEST we get something. I would bet my testicles we get a trailer or even demo footage from it
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01/21/2010 06:38 PM (UTC)
Thanks for the heads up!

As for the news, I would think about this way:

Traditionally, MK games have come out in or around October. Assuming that happens again this year, which could be a stretch but who knows, I would guess something like this goes down:

February/March: First screen shot or two begin to emerge. The April issue of a magazine will run an image and remind everyone that the MK team still exists.

April: First magazine cover (May issue): We see the first 5 or 6 characters that will be in the game. We'll see several screens shots, but more than likely we'll only see three or four backgrounds at the most.

May: Bigger reveal at E3: At least 10 main characters shown off. More backgrounds, videos in playable form, more info on the fighting system and maybe info on one of the extra modes. One fatality shown.

June to October: After E3, everything will slowly drain out. You'll see news on a character here, a background there, a new fatality will surface etc. By the time the game is on shelves, all of the characters and at least 90% of the backgrounds will already be known.

That's just my guess grin
01/21/2010 06:59 PM (UTC)
Baraka407 Wrote:
Thanks for the heads up!

As for the news, I would think about this way:

Traditionally, MK games have come out in or around October. Assuming that happens again this year, which could be a stretch but who knows, I would guess something like this goes down:

February/March: First screen shot or two begin to emerge. The April issue of a magazine will run an image and remind everyone that the MK team still exists.

April: First magazine cover (May issue): We see the first 5 or 6 characters that will be in the game. We'll see several screens shots, but more than likely we'll only see three or four backgrounds at the most.

May: Bigger reveal at E3: At least 10 main characters shown off. More backgrounds, videos in playable form, more info on the fighting system and maybe info on one of the extra modes. One fatality shown.

June to October: After E3, everything will slowly drain out. You'll see news on a character here, a background there, a new fatality will surface etc. By the time the game is on shelves, all of the characters and at least 90% of the backgrounds will already be known.

That's just my guess grin

that is pretty close to what i was thinking give or take....i think we will just keep getting tidbits from twitter and social networking sites until about april they will probably be having a magazine spot but nothing too big and will be something on the lines of renders of scorpion and sub-zero or just articles of concrete release or announcement dates. than from there they will probably show arenas and stuff one by one but they won't be in game shots they will be scetches or rendered art more than likely. that will probably go on until E3 or whichever game expo they plan to do the teaser or big reveal trailer. i am starting to think that we might get surprised with an early release...i would think an October or November release myself but with a new company things might be different now...who knows right. than again you also have to think it may not even be in the WBs lineup for E3...it could be the big reveal for the new Batman:AA sequel. we shall see but still this is good stuff to ponder on.
01/22/2010 12:25 AM (UTC)
do anyone know when is E3?
About Me

01/22/2010 03:49 AM (UTC)
It's in May.

But i'm thinking that they will announce something before E3.
01/22/2010 04:06 AM (UTC)
i hope so shit i'm getting tired of waiting let us know something damn.
01/22/2010 04:43 AM (UTC)
Grimm Wrote:
It's in May.

But i'm thinking that they will announce something before E3.

its in june not may...it says so in the url i posted in my first post.
01/22/2010 05:10 AM (UTC)
I guarantee they'll do something for E3. Even if its a teaser or something.

The game is suppose to be out this year so I'm sure we'll get some info.
About Me

01/22/2010 01:52 PM (UTC)
LycaniLLusion Wrote:
Grimm Wrote:
It's in May.

But i'm thinking that they will announce something before E3.

its in june not may...it says so in the url i posted in my first post.

My mistake. Thank you for correcting me.

None-the-less though, I still feel that they will announce something before E3.
01/22/2010 06:40 PM (UTC)
Grimm Wrote:
LycaniLLusion Wrote:
Grimm Wrote:
It's in May.

But i'm thinking that they will announce something before E3.

its in june not may...it says so in the url i posted in my first post.

My mistake. Thank you for correcting me.

None-the-less though, I still feel that they will announce something before E3.

here is to hoping...i would not even mind a surprise early release or even a demo. only time will tell i guess. Also,if any mods want to close this its cool...i think it served its purpose...give it a week or so if yas want but other than that i am done with this thread lol.
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