PLS READ!!!Did MKO asked MK TEAM for a possibility of making MK KOLLECTION DISC at the FIGHT NIGHT?
posted10/24/2005 11:10 AM (UTC)by
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08/01/2004 05:22 PM (UTC)
Did they?I submitted exactly that question but i guess they didnt asked them :/

Who here wants MK KOLLECTION DISC?
I think there are many of you who want it.

I'll write what should be in the disc(s) IMO.

Arcade versions of MK 1 , MK 2, MK 3, U MK 3, MK 4 with addons like Goro and Noob in MK 4 ,Noob and Rain in UMK .

Bonus game
ULTIMATE MORTAL KOMBAT TRILOGY that have UMK 3 Arcade engine and characters ofcource.This game will be made from scratch.
They'll take UMK 3 and make cut and paste from MK 1 ,MK 2, so basically we'll haVE 10 fighters from MK 1 + 16 from MK 2 + 27 from UMK 3 and 2 from MK Trilogy wich are Chameleon and Khameleon.That means 55 fighters total.There is 16 characters from mk2 cuz i excluded Shao who is actually the same in mk 3 and he'll be jsut the same as mk 3 but with the spear move and all the kool things he is saing.This is HUGE.All the levels will be there ofcource with all the level fatalities.

MK GOLD can be also included and Mk 4 to be exluded but MKG must be redone from PURE MK 4 engine and then cut and paste the six characters from MK GOLD the 3 new levels and make Belokk playable. ;)))

BTW im listening to KORN - Got the life right now and you can feel greeted.

I also want all the materials behind the scenes,all the trailers and moveis that are made for all the games that we already watched and that we havent seen yeat.Good example is the bio videos from MK DECEPTION.

I want All the character renders,artworks and sketches,including the delited or modifited characters like the barbarian from mk1 that turned into Goro etc etc..I want all the soundtracks of the MKS on the DISCS.

The content in the DVDs will be from mk 1 to mk 7. with MKSM , MKSZ M and MK : SF included (all info moveis pics behind the scenes etc)

Did i forget something?

About Me
The boy kicked out at the world. The world kicked back a lot fuckin' harder.

MK Online Featured User 31/3/2010 12/4/2011
Shinnok-fan64 - s3Kt0r
10/24/2005 11:10 AM (UTC)
tongueyou dont ask for much do utongue
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