Pls get as far away as possible from mk vs. dc
posted11/14/2009 03:20 AM (UTC)by
Member Since
11/08/2009 07:31 AM (UTC)
I love MK games I've been playing them since the first MK on Classic nintendo years ago. I bought mk vs. dc because I loved these games, but I am sorry to say to me mk vs. dc, for lack of a better word, stunk horribly. I loved the freedom of the game to explore the world like in Deadly Alliance, Deception or Sholin Monks. Armageddon was decent but after that. Pls make more games with the freedom to explore the MK universe, not just on a straight planned out path, I mean explore, move around find new things, goto other MK worlds, Talk to other MK characters, interact with them.
Just to name a few things I'd like to see.

mk vs. dc - All it was was cut scenes(Movies) and fighting, there was basically nothing to do, no real game to it, I completed it for mk side and dc side in like 2 hours.

Maybe not everyone shares my opinion of mk vs. dc and that is fine, everyone is entitled to there own opinion, if you liked it then I'm happy for you, for me I didn't like it.

Pls Make MK good again.
Thanks, JLT123
11/08/2009 07:33 AM (UTC)
Sorry Posted twice, accidentally
11/08/2009 02:36 PM (UTC)
Basically you wanted a MK Vs DCU: Konquest/Fable/Mass Effect etc. On top of the fighting game.

Oooo... I could play as Mileena and meet up with Harley Quinn in Gotham and it would be awesome...

But the whole point of the first MK next gen was always going to focus on the fighting rather than the garnish seen in Decpetion and Armageddon.

Props to you for not mentioning the neutering of the MK characters in MK Vs DC, though.
11/08/2009 11:24 PM (UTC)
yeah focusing on the fighting should always be the main part but i have to agree that its a shitty game because there is nothing to do. i got bored with that game real fast but i still played it for something to do.

the story was cool but way to short. and arcade gets boring fast, it basicaly made me just want to get through it so i could see the endings
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11/09/2009 05:16 AM (UTC)
Here's a clever idea, why not blend the Kombat and Konquest engines together so that they can do more with less work? The kind of movement and fighting system (with major additions, of course) seen in games like Wretlemania 2000, WWF No Mercy, Def Jam: Vendetta and Def Jam: Fight for NY would be ideal for this kind of situation.

The great thing about those games is that with the same control scheme you use in match(Kombat), you can wander around backstage (the kind of wandering you would do in Konquest) and also move around the ring with more flexibility and better situational awareness, not to mention better environmental interaction.

That same fighting engine, with greater speed, a lot more depth, more airborne focus and the addition of magical special moves and teleports would be an awesome innovation in a sea of run of the mill fighters. Not to knock any other fighters, but this would really add something new to the genre.

The main benefit of Kombat and Knoquest running off the same engine is you get a lot more mileage from one system. Anything you add to one benefits the other rather than detracting from it. This way the characters that you create for Kombat can be used to run through Konquest challenges or just explore the Konquest world. Tie it all together, man.

Typically, in most fighting games, the camera is tied into a position that assumes there are two fighters, one on one side of the screen and vice versa. The camera rotates when either opponent sidesteps and zooms in or out to reflect the relative distance of the fighters. There is no other option than the "two fighters facing each other" scenario.

Another benefit of this system is that in freeing kombat from the typical, one guy on one side of the screen and one guy on the other, glorified 2D approach is that it opens the option of having more than two fighters per match and with it, infinite match types. This would include free for all, team matches, all out battles and more. For instance, in one match type, two or more players could face off against wave after wave of attackers and or each other, either trying to best each other and defeat more enemies than the other guy or simply cooperate to defeat the attacking hordes.

11/09/2009 05:35 AM (UTC)
JLT123 Wrote:
mk vs. dc - All it was was cut scenes(Movies) and fighting, there was basically nothing to do, no real game to it, I completed it for mk side and dc side in like 2 hours.

Is that even possible?
11/10/2009 04:09 PM (UTC)
I didn't mean playing every character on the MK and DC side in 2 hours, and 2 hours might not be exactly correct. But the story line is basically the same no matter what character you play on the MK side or DC side.

Basically, what I'm saying is that all the game was, was cutscenes(movies) and fighting. I like the fighting part but after a little while it gets old. I liked konquest, It gave you the freedom to move around and do stuff.
The graphics were great in the game also.

But like I said, others might like it and that is fine, I don't mean to offend anyone. I just didn't really care for it.

In the next game they need to make scorpion use both swords at the same time, I can't remember if he had 2 in MK vs DC but I seem to remember him having 2 swords on his back.
11/14/2009 03:20 AM (UTC)
so basically, llike how the DBZ series turned out, it went from limited space [Budukai] Free-Roam exploring and 360 combat [Tenkaichi], you would like MK to have the same sense?
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