Personal perspective on a MK: monks 2
posted10/04/2005 04:02 PM (UTC)by
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03/22/2004 09:19 AM (UTC)
It's been mentioned before, but I thought since this is a fdiscussion forum, I would try to start up a discussion on what we'd like to see if they were to sequel this game. We too often deflate into nothing but rumor arguments and kode hunting. Other threads on this have been pushed out of relevance.

- inprove the graphics, but keep the engine for ease of a timely release
- drastically improve the focus on storytelling
- improve the dialogue..I know it isn't an MK high point, but if they like i'll write it heh. Any college level fiction writer could manage better.

Those are the major points that needed to be fixed.

From there, I think they should progress a Mortal Kombat: Shaolin Monks 2
into MKIII from the end of MKII just as this one was I into II end to end.

I've read the arguments that the classics should be left as they are- good. But I feel if we don't take what we love and preserve it in revised, although hopefully more >accurate< versions, then the past we loved will just become distant memories. Personally I find the dulled responsiveness of the old games hard to play now. I'm too used to the new stuff.

My vision puts the players fighting through the ravaged locales of Earth. We saw our favorite parts of Outworld; we could move on to relive areas like the subway, throwing extermination squads into the passing train to derail it and unlock secret areas. It would be a warzone and if they concentrated, there could be a vast opportunity to clarify what went on during this game.

Characters: Personally, I liked the taste of sub-zero and scorpion. This unliekly duo would make sense from the slant of scorpion's (perceivably cannon) ending of protecting the younger subby.

scorp's refusal to side with kahn gives him an interesting conflict, and he's just too damn cool to turn down playing as.

sub has all kinds of sub plots running in this game. He is hunted by the lin kuei (sp) and his old friend smoke.

They could cross paths many times with the earth realm warriors, but allow the main plot points to be assisted more than focused on and destroyed by this retelling.

Now i know a lot of people don't like ninjas and find them boring. Me, I find the earthrealm warriors to be mostly dull and flat characters (save for kung lao and johnny cage.) But if Boon and company decide to keep the same cast, or let you choose Sonya or gulp..Stryker, then I'd support that also.

Flame if you like, I know how favored that is around here. If not, feel free to shoot back some thoughts on what you'd love to see them explore in a possible sequel.
09/27/2005 02:21 PM (UTC)
I'd like to see an MK3 themed offshoot game like Monks myself, but I've been saying that because of the huge number of characters with so many different threads of story happening seperate from each other, it should be an RPG with the POV jumping to different characters repeatedly.

Like imagine one moment, you're Stryker, lost in the chaos of the opening moments until Raiden shows up to lead you out of the city like Tidus and Auron at the beginning of FFX, the next moment, you're Sub-Zero and Smoke, escaping from the Lin Kuei only for a tragic "Keep going, I'll hold them off!" moment at the end of the scene, et cetera. You could even play as villain parties. Say, Reptile, Jade, Rain, and Mileena hunting for Kitana.

That's the real advantage of an RPG. Multiple characters under the control of a single player, which is what an MK3 game would need to tell the whole story.
About Me

To know the light, you must have seen the darkness

09/27/2005 02:42 PM (UTC)
I like that idea. It's true there is too much going on at this time to put it into two, or even a handful of characters. I think this is well reflected in the failure of monk's storytelling where we mearly hear about a major event, and others are cut out completely.

This will end up being a bit frustrating since once you play as your favorite character, they are stripped from you, but I suppose afterwards you can unlock all of them for any area...such as watching Stryker patrol traffic.

I'd definitely like to be able to play as the outworlders too. Level objectives such as killing humans and disabling defenses.
09/27/2005 03:03 PM (UTC)
Well as I understand it, every single hero would eventually have to meet up at Nightwolf's reservation, the one safe place on Earth, and form a giant party to go take down Kahn.

Granted, once they get back into the city they'd split up again and you'd get Sonya vs. Kano on the roof, Kitana going after Sindel, Liu and Kung Lao heading straight for Shao Kahn, etc. But still, the story would jump back and forth from character to character so you'd never really play as anyone only once. They could even put the lesser characters back to work like, say, have Kabal, Stryker, and Nightwolf go on a mission to destroy the Soul Chamber. Or Kitana, Rain, and Jade (once the latter two have turned good) hunt down the orb that binds Edenia to Outworld.

It would be cool to have character-specific mini-games that you can access any time you like, though, sort of like the Gold Saucer's arcade in Final Fantasy VII.
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09/27/2005 03:53 PM (UTC)
To me, the MK story is too complex, and part of the reason why it had to be "dumbed down" a bit for MKSM was because everything had to be from Liu Kang and Kung Lao's point of view. This is why Kung Lao was responsible Sub-Zero's scar (though this didn't contradict anything before it), why Shang Tsung turned himself young, etc.

If there is a sequel, there should be a level where you play as Tsung, a level where you play as Raiden, a level where you play as Liu Kang, etc. so that each element of the game can be represented accurately and the story wouldn't have to change to accomodate the player. Instead, the players would be changed to accomodate the story.
09/28/2005 01:27 AM (UTC)
RazorsEdge701 you should work for Midway. That would be the best game ever!
09/28/2005 04:26 PM (UTC)
I know, believe me. Somehow, though, I doubt they're hiring.
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09/28/2005 04:37 PM (UTC)
just a smartass question.. if its a personal perspective, y u putting it in a thread, kinda defeats the purpose of it being personal aye :P

09/28/2005 05:31 PM (UTC)
I believe by "personal", he just meant "my opinion" as opposed to stating a fact.
09/29/2005 01:11 AM (UTC)
dude... brilliant but they have to make a good ol "arcade" game b4 that
09/29/2005 01:56 AM (UTC)
how about instead of Mk shaolin monks 2, name it MK Ninjas

it could be about sub-zero, scorpion, noob saibot, cyrax and sektor and smoke
About Me

To know the light, you must have seen the darkness

09/29/2005 02:45 AM (UTC)
that's what would make me happiest to focus on.

MK ninjas just sounded less like a sequel heh
09/29/2005 02:48 AM (UTC)
I feel that the next adventure game that takes us back to a classic Mortal Kombat game should not follow the point of view from only two characters. Instead, I would like the story to be told in chapters. For example, through part of the game you would play as Liu Kang and see the events of MK3 from his view. As Liu Kang you would run into different characters and see how they are from Liu Kang's perspective.

After you play through the game as Liu Kang you would unlock another character, let's say Sub-Zero. From there, you would see the events of Mortal Kombat 3 from Sub-Zero's view and run into characters through his perspective. While playing the game as Liu Kang you would have a fight and Sub-Zero would be on your side. For Sub-Zero's story you would enter that same fight but only as Sub-Zero and see how that fight affects Sub-Zero in a different way than Liu Kang.

I think it would be pretty neat to have up to five or even six playable characters and each have their own stories and each run into specific characters that you would not find in any other character's chapter. I doubt that Kitana would encounter Smoke in MK3, so only Sub-Zero would run into Smoke.

And for Versus mode, every character featured in the game should be playable. I thought it was a let down in Shaolin Monks when I run into Jax, and I fought on his side, but I wasn't able to control him.
10/01/2005 09:10 AM (UTC)
The game is great, but very short and limited. I say for the next release, do everything like it has been done, only much more. Give us more playable characters, more unlockable moves (I maxed out everything before my fight with Reptile and that left all the experience I gained for the remaining 3/4 of the game useless!), and multiple storylines depending on the characters (It was weak playing with Scorpion and have the dialogue being for Liu Kang). Also, give a 1 player VS. mode. Just my opinions. Thanks Midway for finally releasing a good action/adventure MK game and though the game is great, it could just be soooo much more.grin
10/01/2005 07:18 PM (UTC)
you know what would be the best Shaolin Monks 2....Where you can pretty much be anyone in Mortal Kombat. You have a Trilogy sized selection. You take the backgrounds of each character and line them up with each other to form pairs and then you write a story line you can play through like SM.
It would be one bigass MK game but talk about infinate hours of Kombating.

I would love to run through a game like that as Cyrax. Hes my favorite.
10/04/2005 03:11 PM (UTC)
In my opinion the MK3 storyline was the best and it would be perfect to see a MK3 adventure through the 8 chosen warriors eyes.Kombat's statement was good.Imagine an empty earth with extermination squads looking for the 8 last survivors.If this idea could be worked correctly by Boon it could turn out a really good game.Another idea could be a deadlly alliance2 where you could have the role of Tsung and Quan chi.After all they were the winners of that game.
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Currently working on: MKD & MKA - The One Ring Theory
10/04/2005 04:02 PM (UTC)
What's needed is a game that keeps the story as it is, even if it is from a specific characters viewpoint. Nothign should be changed and everything essential added so there are no holes in the story.

RazorsEdge701's idea would be perfect for such a retelling as it could progress from MK1 all the way up to present day MKD.
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