Perfect game to send Baraka packing
posted03/24/2015 05:10 AM (UTC)by
Member Since
01/13/2015 11:18 PM (UTC)
While I am a big fan and he's probably my favourite character of the series, because of his unique and evil look, unique and special moves + story potential, I could live with him not being in any 'main' games other than the Trilogy's and Armageddon's from here on out IF they include him in MKX since it is clear NRS does not want to develop him, which of course their choice.

Still I don't think anyone can deny with the next-gen graphics and possibilities, how awesome a character like Baraka could be. He's in the story as well and would just fit perfectly as the general of Mileena's army, thus playable. I just wish NRS would have the common sense to include him, even if it is for the last time.

Also, how can you not find the name awesome? It sounds strong, dark and fits him to a T. If only..

R.I.P. Baraka

P.S. the tease photo of the achievements is a big FU to Baraka fans in my opinion. Completely unnecessary to use that when you know people are going to think he's in.
03/23/2015 01:11 PM (UTC)
You're a strange person...
03/23/2015 01:16 PM (UTC)
Wow getting personal, classy...
Why is he strange?

Anyway it would be a perfect time to give him and the MK2 mainstays a nice sendoff...if He was playable/DLC.

It's a huge missed opportunity to have Quick Brutalities, Dialogue that can add to a character (See: Reptile), Flashy Fatalities, the Variation system, A whole plot involving Mileena and The Tarkatans and yet not have Baraka in it as a fighter.

And putting him in the Achievements list is a gigantic tease. I didn't see Rain or Fujin or Li Mei in those screenshots.
03/23/2015 01:43 PM (UTC)
I got a feeling hell make it....

take the question mark away on the roster, and remove goro to dlc...the spot is his....even if there is no 3rd row of characters
03/23/2015 01:57 PM (UTC)
peace baraka ill miss u bro
03/23/2015 01:59 PM (UTC)
Baraka, if not a playable character in this game, will be in the next one as playable. He's a staple character, as well as stapled, hehe. Mk2, mkt, mk gold, mkd, mka, mkvsdcu, mk9... Yeah. He ain't going nowhere bub.
03/23/2015 02:02 PM (UTC)
Couldn't agree more, I think he's tailor-made for MKX, when the game was announced I remember thinking Baraka would be sick for this game, his fatalitys and brutalitys would be awesome, but sadly he won't be in the roster, maybe DLC? I hope so..

Always thought aswell how could you get 3 variations out of Baraka? I mean he's only got his blades really, any ideas? grin
03/23/2015 02:15 PM (UTC)
- Blades variation: blades extended, which would cause the most damage of the variations. He would be susceptible to getting grabbed since his reach is longer. This one would have combos that include the blades, eye gauges and stuff. The blades glowing is the indicator.

- Spikes variation: Big blades are in his arms and cannot be used unless it's a standard move. The focus is on the smaller blades in his arms though. Maybe they can add some to his legs or have some spikes on his shoes or pads / shin shield. The added spikes is the indicator.

- Monster variation: blades out, his eyes are glowing red / orange, he's a bit quicker and will be more of a grappling freak, who can grab his characters more easily and use his teeth to bite and such. Think Blanka moves in SF. Maybe spikes on his belt so he can grind people's faces in it or use his head to cause more damage. The eyes would be the indicator.

Moves across all variations: slice em up (MK2 staple), blade projectile high and low, diagonally, backslash blade and spinning blades (like Goro in mk1 turning while moving forward, only then with blades :)

I came with most of this before Mileena's variations were known so the biting and stuff is already taken by her now. Glad they did use this for a Tarkatan, just made too much sense. The monster variation still could work though, with the added speed, just a raging Tarkatan!!
Berserker: You give him specific additional combos that deal with his blades much like Mileena and her sais. Normal Look

Blood Lust: Then You can give him a blood rage mechanic where he does more damage when he hits low health. Bonus if you make those eyes have a creepy glow.

Bladed: Where his blades have a slightly extended range so you pair that with the run mechanic than it'll make Zoners a little cautious in throwing out projectiles mindlessly. And if he has armor on that for the enhanced version it would make people think twice. His blades are permanently out for use.

Tbh his moveset is a non issue because I will readily admit Mileena didn't have much in MK9 And look at her gameplay now. Shit's amazing.
03/23/2015 03:28 PM (UTC)
Was the achievement photo confirmed to be an NPC Baraka?

I was still under the assumption that was still a topic of debate.
03/23/2015 03:34 PM (UTC)
Shit I wouldn't want him in this game if they are going to kill him off for good lol I love Baraka, and I would love him in, but I don't think im ready to see NRS lay him to rest just yet.

How about we have him in, but don't kill him off :)
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Shao Kahn did nothing wrong

03/23/2015 03:35 PM (UTC)
Nothing has been confirmed nor denied. It's still up in the air at this point, but I'm betting he's not playable.
03/23/2015 03:41 PM (UTC)
I'm going with my gut and say he's playable.
I mean just look at how awesome his design is! No way they'd put that much effort into a cameo.
03/23/2015 03:53 PM (UTC)
He will be playable, he didnt die and is mileenas allie.
Goro will be removed from the main roster, and be DLC where the question mark is....If that piece of shit liu kang is in, it still leaves room for baraka...

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Well, you all got your Tremor now. Can we finally move on?

03/23/2015 05:50 PM (UTC)
Baraka lost any and all appeal to me when MK: Deception turned "Baraka" into "Baraki" - ALL the Tarkatan are identical, they all have blade arms, they are all bald Barakas. That completely destroyed his individuality as a character and forever made him a "meh" character to me.

Much like Jade, Stryker and Smoke, Baraka is a cannon fodder character in this new series of MK...he has an iconic status but there's little to be done with him. He can be dispatched and I wouldn't miss him.
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03/23/2015 05:58 PM (UTC)
If I remember correctly. Baraka's track record for mk title inclusions isn't half bad.

MKD *in*
MKA *in*
MKvsDCU *in*
MK9 *in*

He got some time to shine. Not much but more then the likes of Shinnok who we haven't seen in playable state since 2006. That's 9 years.

Baraka at least got some leeway.
About Me

Shao Kahn did nothing wrong

03/23/2015 06:06 PM (UTC)
frabn Wrote:
Baraka lost any and all appeal to me when MK: Deception turned "Baraka" into "Baraki" - ALL the Tarkatan are identical, they all have blade arms, they are all bald Barakas. That completely destroyed his individuality as a character and forever made him a "meh" character to me.

Much like Jade, Stryker and Smoke, Baraka is a cannon fodder character in this new series of MK...he has an iconic status but there's little to be done with him. He can be dispatched and I wouldn't miss him.

Did you play the last game? They have made the Tarkatans all their own individual look and Baraka HAS stood out amongst his peers. Hell even in Deception he was the only one that looked different with the head spikes and the armor. NRS has gotten a bit lazy with the in game models, sure, but Baraka's arcade ending showcases many types of Tarkatans of all shapes and sizes. Even genders.
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Well, you all got your Tremor now. Can we finally move on?

03/24/2015 04:45 AM (UTC)
[Killswitch] Wrote:

Did you play the last game?

i'll resist the temptation to tear you a new one to pause and ask if this is supposed to be a serious question, or if you're being a sarcastic a-hole (honestly just asking).

Yes, I have played the last game. Since midnight release in April 2011, and I have played it thoroughly as recenlty as this past Saturday, and have played regularly, every week, since it released. I've been a diehard MKer since I first started pumping quarters into the MK1 arcade machine 20+ years ago.

That being said...Deception ruined my perception of Baraka and MK9 did little to change it (despite the great storytelling and the inclusion of different Baraki on the challenge tower). He's still a highly expendable character that, other than being a bad ass lackey, is still just a lackey overall. Mileena's only part Tarkatan and far more badass, so I wouldn't miss Baraka at all.

No denying he's a classic and one of the most original characters to come out of MK2, he's just not sustainable.
03/24/2015 04:50 AM (UTC)
I really don't think you want to tear a moderator a new one
About Me

Shao Kahn did nothing wrong

03/24/2015 05:10 AM (UTC)
It wasn't made to be an insult I assure you and if it came out that way then that's my bad. I respect your opinion. Just wanted to show NRS are really trying nowadays to differentiate the Tarkatan race and I think its really cool.

Hopefully get to see some different Tarkatans in the future as playable characters.
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