Any release of Mortal Kombat, Komplete Edition or otherwise, should come with online compatible versions of MK1, 2, 3, UMK3, and Trilogy with better loading times. That shit shouldn't even be hard to do and wouldn't take up much space. A nice little bonus with each release for those who haven't played the classics in a while or wanted to get back into them.
04/09/2015 02:16 AM (UTC)
TigerStyle Wrote:
Any release of Mortal Kombat, Komplete Edition or otherwise, should come with online compatible versions of MK1, 2, 3, UMK3, and Trilogy with better loading times. That shit shouldn't even be hard to do and wouldn't take up much space. A nice little bonus with each release for those who haven't played the classics in a while or wanted to get back into them.

Hell yes to this! I need the MK Arcade Kollection on my PS4, maybe include Trilogy in there too since that was the version of MK3 i spent the most time with growing up lol
04/09/2015 03:35 AM (UTC)
yes to Ultimate Edition of MKX if it includes Frost, Sareena, Li Mei and Jade would be nice
Blade4693 Wrote:
TigerStyle Wrote:
Any release of Mortal Kombat, Komplete Edition or otherwise, should come with online compatible versions of MK1, 2, 3, UMK3, and Trilogy with better loading times. That shit shouldn't even be hard to do and wouldn't take up much space. A nice little bonus with each release for those who haven't played the classics in a while or wanted to get back into them.

Hell yes to this! I need the MK Arcade Kollection on my PS4, maybe include Trilogy in there too since that was the version of MK3 i spent the most time with growing up lol

I say all three of them due to people preferring certain changes with each revision. Trilogy is also sorta broken but faster so some people prefer Trilogy.

Obviously emulated arcade versions of MK1,2,3,UMK3, and PS1/PC version of Trilogy would be an incredibly low priority (or not one at all), but if they did it once, they could just keep the data and adjust it however they need to and make them bonuses, unlockable or starting for each new MK game.

As far as the other characters go, I think the variation idea is neat, but I'd trade it in a heartbeat for extra characters. It's a good idea to try and shake up match-ups, but I've never been into the competitive scene enough to really care about that. I have the feeling people into that will usually always stick to one or two things anyway.
04/09/2015 11:57 AM (UTC)
newt27 Wrote:
Nardy15 Wrote:
KrayzieCyrax Wrote:
I think this is where the "None of us are programmers for NRS" statement comes in to play.

Saying that you already know the hard work is done because of the model is ignorant. How do you know that the hard work is the model? Yes it takes some work to make them but I'm pretty sure gameplay programming takes ALOT more, especially in MKX.

Would I enjoy it? Yeh, but just because they have a model doesn't mean it's easy to put them in.

But that's the thing.....those characters already have gameplay!! Those NPCs are the very characters that you fight against; so technically they are already gameplay programmed and they would just need the tweaks and variations( like i said).

Goes back to his main point. None of us are programmers for NRS.

Put simply, unless you have a really solid background in creating video games and what goes into that on all dimensions (gameplay, sound, variations, brutalities, fatalities, BALANCE, etc. etc. ). You can see what looks to be a mostly done character. From my knowledge, that puts you in no place to estimate how many man hours would be necessary into bringing that character into someone that is playable. Which means, you cannot make a good estimation as to whether or not it would be economically viable for them to do so.

It's a sound arguments.

That said, almost everyone would like this OTHER than the people who wouldn't want to drop, say, the extra 20 bucks for more characters.

Sigh, it's not about working for's how things are done in general. NRS may have certain styles or habits but there is a basic manner in which the developmental/ programming process works universally with fighters and with several developers in recent time being more open about this ( 2K, Iron Galaxy, Undead Labs); it is known pretty much how it works and what is the most difficult thing.

Creating a 3D model( textures etc) IS the most time consuming, then programming them smoothly into the game is the next big part...the final steps are balancing, tweaking and getting the kinks out. So going back to MY MAIN POINT, the various NPCS that we fight in the story mode are very much close to being finished( not saying they'd be done in a day or even week) and it would seem reasonable and fitting if they were to be put into the game when all is said and done.
04/09/2015 01:05 PM (UTC)
0 no we get it man. Starting you're thread with "Don't you guys think it's almost expected of NRS to release them" is what we're talking about. Then it's "There's no excuse for this not to happen." Trust me, we get YOUR MAIN POINT. We just think the reality of a playable character from what's in story mode is farther off than you think and therefore less likely.

Yes they have models, but that doesn't mean they're anywhere closer to being a finished playable character. Plus hey, they might even have a few models of characters they made but didn't use yet ;)
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04/09/2015 02:53 PM (UTC)
KoldKombat Wrote:
OMG I would flip out like a zinged out monkey if we got all of them as playable!!!grin

They should honestly, run a fan poll for us to choose like a top 3 or 4 we want playable.


They get my votes!

Though I will say, based strictly on Tanya, I think Rain & Fujin have the best chances because they have a completely new look which make me think they will be added. Sindel, Frost, etc pretty much still look the same.

Yeah ! !m totally agree with you mate ! They must be IN ! glasses
04/09/2015 03:01 PM (UTC)
KrayzieCyrax Wrote: no we get it man. Starting you're thread with "Don't you guys think it's almost expected of NRS to release them" is what we're talking about. Then it's "There's no excuse for this not to happen." Trust me, we get YOUR MAIN POINT. We just think the reality of a playable character from what's in story mode is farther off than you think and therefore less likely.

Yes they have models, but that doesn't mean they're anywhere closer to being a finished playable character. Plus hey, they might even have a few models of characters they made but didn't use yet ;)

Yes it's my point and my thread.....and no you don't get it; it's NOT just about having a character model. Then you could make a case for NPC in any game ever.....these characters have models and have 'playable', you can play against them. That alone puts them about 25% closer to any normal NPC. As i've stated before, it DOES in fact indeed mean they are "technically" closer to being complete. It's just a gaming development fact.

I'm not taking about your Li Mei, Bo Rai Cho and Sareena's who have non playing cameos....i mean those ones that you actually go up against and fight in a normal one on one battle.
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