Online Matchmaking: in desperate need of improvement???
posted04/30/2015 01:52 PM (UTC)by
Member Since
04/30/2015 10:55 AM (UTC)
Hey all,

What is your experience with the Online Matchmaking? Mine is terrible.

Let me first make two disclaimers here:
- I have played maybe around 20+ online matches, so not very many
- I am not a pro-level player, but not the worst either: can beat any tower with any character without losing a single match, and am possibly one of the best players within my MKX online friends on PS4, which is a group of maybe a dozen people in total.

But here is my experience:
- only *twice* have I been matched online with odds of winning between 35-55% which resulted in decent. fun matches
- all other times I was matched with winning odds of 15% or lower! This generally resulted in me being obliterated so badly didn't even have the chance to try anything and learn from it.. not to mention it really wasn't fun...
- this is particularly bad in King of the Hill (KoH) mode, were obvioulsy a really good player just sits there for a couple of hours, and more avreage players like myself get throw in into existing KoH sessions

So here are some questions:
- why is the matchmaking consistently giving me such poor odds? It also means the matches were way too easy for those who won.
- I cannot imagine it being so hard for the developers to set a threshold of, say, +/- 20% around 50% winning odds, that would cluster people around others of vaguely similar skill, and match them with better players as they improve....
- in the case of KoH matches, if all current sessions have good players on top, then why not start a new one with the incoming average palyers to even the odds? I suspect the bottleneck here is server capacity? ...

PLEASE share your thoughts here in the hope we can get a proper response, or better yet, ACTION from NetherRealm asap!

Thanks folks!
04/30/2015 01:52 PM (UTC)
Today will be my first day online so I haven't experienced it yet myself, but that's odd they don't have a option to fight players of similar skill level, IIRC MK Arcade Kollection even had that.
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